The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, September 08, 1905, Image 8

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Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable.
Almost everjbody who rends the news
papers is sure to know ol tJie wonderful
cures innue ny ur.
Kilmer's Swamp
Hoot, the irrent kid-
l. ticv. liver and blnd-
- der remedy.
fu It 5k thegrcnltned-
I icnl triumph of the
nineteenth century ;
discovered nfter years
of scientific research
by Dr. Kilmer, the
ottiinptit khluev and
bladder specialist, and is wonderfully
successful in promptly curing ln nck.
uric acid, catarrh of the bladder and
Hright's Disease, which is the worst
form of kidney trouble.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec
ommended for everything but if you have
kidney, liver or bladder trouble it will be
found just the remedy you need. It has
been tested in so many ways, in hospital
work and in private practice, and has
proved so successful in every case that a
special arrangement has been made by
which all readers of this paper, who have
not already tried it, may have a sample
bottle sent free by mail, also a book tell
ing more about Swamp-Koot, and how to
fimloutifyouhave kidney or bladder trou
ble. When writing mention reading this
generous offer in this paper and send your
address to Dr. Kilmer
& Co., Binghaniton,
N. Y. The regular
lifty-cent and onc
fbillfir fiizc bottles are
Ilotne of fiwarnp-Tloot.
sold by nil good druggists. Don't make
any mistako, but remember the name,
Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Koot,
and the address, liitighaniton, N. Y., on
every bottle.
Needed in Every Home
A Dictionary of ENGLISH.
Blograpky. Geography, Fiction. tc.
New Plates Throughout
25,000 New Words
Fhrasaa and Definition
Prepared under llio direct, super
vision Of W. T. HARRIS, Ph.D., LL.D.,
United States Commissioner of Edu
cation, assisted, by a largo corps of com
petent specialist and editors.
Rich Bindings 2364 Quarto Pagea
SQOO Illustration
B2T"27ui International teas first issued
in 1890, succeeding the "Unabridged."
The JNew and Enlarged Edition of the
lnltmattonal teas issued tn October,
1040. Oel the latest and best.
Wo also imblfah
Webster's Collegiate Dictionary
with Glossary of Scottish Words and Phrnses
1100rc. 11M lUmtfitloiu. Bit 7il0xS M IncW
"Flrgkclms In qimllty. oceond-clnM In size."
Specimen paces, etc. of both
boo lea sent oil application.
Springfield, Mass.
DeWItfs Salve
For PHea Burns, Sores.
flloTYells Street
816 Well Street,
MxiiTNETTK, Wis., Sept 25, 1303.
I was all run down from nervous
ness and overwork and had to resign
my position and take n rest. I
found that I was not gaining tny
strength, and health as fast as I
could wish, and as yoor Wino of
Cardoi waa rcconunendod as such a
good medicine for the ills of our
ex, I bought a bottle and began
using it. I was satisfied with tho
results from the use of the first
bottle, and took three more and then
found 1 was restored to good health
and strength and able to take up
my work with renewed vigor. I
consider it a fine tonic and excellent
for worn-out, nervous condition,
and am pleased to endoreo it.
atfr, JTorth Wlaouuta Hollaed Society.
Secure a $1.00 bottle of Wine of
Cardui and a 25c. package of
Ttedford's Black-Draught today.
5 TO
The Nebraska Advertiser
Twenty persona from Nemaha went
o Lincoln on tho excursion Tuesduy
Will F. Sandors came In from Do
Witt Tuesduy to attend tho wedding of
liis sister. Ho will return today.
Mrs. W- II. Barker went to Shubort
Wednesday afternoon to see her sister,
Mrs. CharlcB Bacon, who is very sick,
Mrs. Theo. Hill drove down to Snu
bert Sunday and visited a few hours
with her son, M. T. Hill, bringing her
granddon, Bertie, back with her.
It. E. liucher wont to Denver Mon
day to meet bis wife and children, who
uivo boon visiting in Colorado for
several weeks. Id some way 13 ob
missed his wife at Denver and sho came
on homo with the children, arriving
lero Wednesday nftornoon
Tho Old Settlers' picnic at Nemaha,
ust Thursday, was mi unqualified sum
cess, it is estimated mat at leasi
0,000 persona attended. The crowd
was royally entertained and Nomaha
added fresh laurels to her reputation
for hospitality. Auburn Herald.
Elmer Allen, cashier of tho Hank of
Nemaha, and Karl Gilbert were in tho
city Tuesday. They were Inspecting
v irious private gusolone lighting plants
with a view to installing a system in
the new buildings that are being erect"
od in Nemaha. Auburn Herald.
The politicians of Nebraska were
recently interested In tho statement
that Church Howe, consul general to
Belgium and formerly of Nemaha
county, Nebraska, had held a coo
leronco wlt'i King Leopold This an
nouncumont has been met Willi one
that ex-iloutenant Governor Tom Mas
jors, of Nemaha county, has further
distinguished himself by raiding a forest
of corn uu his farm, the stalks of which
are from fifteen to slxteeu feet high
and the ears ten feet above the ground
Samples of corn have been cut and
shipped by interested collectors to New
York city, U. S. A., Holdrege, Neb.
and to other places. Mr. Majors is
said to have raised the finest and largs
est corn on the American continent.
Lincoln Journal.
Hunters can now kill prairlo chick
ens iu Nebraska without fear of the
descent of a game warden and a fine ot
five dollars or more per chicken, the
open season commencing Sept l.
Under tue new law tne open season
for uralrle chickens opens one mouth
earlier than formerly but each huntei
Is limited to ten chickens a day during
September. The opeu season last
until November iiOth.
For waterfowl, including ducks and
geese, and snipe the open season beginn
on tbe.Bame date, September 1st, and
lasts until April 15 for water fowl
while the shooting of sulpe is localized
for one month longer, oi until May
15th. The quail open season lasts but
fifteen days, from November 15th to
November 30th, uud the killing ol
doves and plover can be lawfully done
only during the months of July and
All species of fish muy be legally
caught from April 1st to November
15ih, except bass under eight Inches
iu length on which the opeu season is
shortened fifteen days or until Octo
ber IiOth. Trout may bo caught any
time from April 1st to October 1st
Tho new law varies iu some degree
from the one formerly in force and
tho game wardens are endeavoring to
strictly enforce all of its provisions
Hunters all over the state are busily
engaged iu becoming familiar with
the present laws bo us to avoid auy
violation of It and a probable visit
from a warden entailing perhaps
euojgh of a fine to make the hunting
trip somewhat expensive,
Dying of Famlno
is, in its torments, like dying of con
sumption. The progress of cousumpn
tion, from the beginning to the very
end. Is a long torture, both to victim
and friends. "When I had consump-.
tioa in its first stage," writes Wm.
Myers, of Coarloss, Md., ''after trying
different medicines and a good doctor,
in vain, I at last took Dr. Ring's New
Discovery, which quickly and perfectly
cured we." Prompt 'relief and sure
cure for conghs, colds, soro throat
bronchitis, etc. Positively prevonte
pneumonia. Guaranteed at Keoling'e
drugstore, price 00c and $1.00 a bottle
Trial bottle free.
Sunday school
Tho following is the program of tho
district Sunday school convention to
be held at Nomaha next Sunday:
10 A. M.
Invocation Kev. G. W. Ayers.
AddresB of Woleome W. W, Sanders
Hesponso Hev. G. W. Ayers,
Song, By Four Girls, IIowo.
Paper Tho Teachers Responsibility,
Marion Seid, Nemaha.
Discussion, led by L. C. Lester,
Recitation Miss Daisy Clark.
Paper Keeping Boys in Sunday
School Compulsory or Otherwise, J. D.
Christy, Brownville.
Discussion, led by Miss Catherine
Hughes, IIowo.
Paper Tho Election of Teachers
and Officers, Mrs Ashby, Howe.
Discussion, led by Mrs Cummlngs,
Music Champion Sunday School.
Basket dinner.
l :30 p. m.
Invocatlou Ftov. J. V. Sapp.
Sanitation atid Decoration Supt.
Geo. D. Carrlngtou.
Our Sunday School What It Was;
What It Is Now; Whut Wo Want It
to Be superintendents or bunuay
schools of Howe, Champion, Nemaha
and Brownville
Solo Mrs. Elmer E. Allen, Ne
System and Discipline In tho Sunday
School Kev. J, W. Sapp. Nemaha.
Discusslou, led by D. S. Welmer,
Recitation Miss Inez Lohr, Howe
Amuiements for Christian Young
People F. W. Harford, Nemahu.
Discussion, led by Miss Stella Wash
burn, Nemaha.
Decision Day in Sunday School Dr
W. W. Keeling, Nemaha.
Solo Miss Dora Chirk, Nemaha.
Pper Obligation to Sunday School
Mrs. Cummlngs, IIowo.
The members of the Sunday schools
are requested to wear badges as fols
Nemaha Red.'
Brownville Blue.
Howe Pink.
Champion -Yellow.
No SocrortAbout It
It Is no secret, that for Cuts, Burns
Ulcers, ForerSores, Sore Ejes, Bolls
tc , nothing Is so effectivo as Bucklen's
Arnica Salve. "It didn't take long to
eurea bad sore I had, and it is all O. K,
for soro eyes," writes D. L. Gregory, of
Hope, Tex. 25c at Keellng'a drug
We will send tho Advertiser, tho
weekly Lincoln State Journal, and
the Iowa Homestead, all one year for
only $1.60.
Remember that W.W.Sanders writes
insurance. He is agent for several
lirst class companies, both mutual and
old line. His rates are as low as any.
Give him u call.
Hugo Task
It was a huge tusk to undertake the
cure of such a bad case of kidney di
sease, as that of O. P. Collier, of Chero
kee, la., bite Cleutric Bitters did itllo
writes: "My kidneys wore so far gone
I could not alt on a chair without a
cushion; and suffered from dreadful
backache, headache, and dobresslon.
In Electric Hitter, however, 1 found a
cure, and by them was restored to per
fect health. I recommend this great
tonic medicine to all with weak kids
neys, liver or stomach . Guaranteed by
W W. Keeling druggist; price 50c.
Nemaha, Nebr,
St. .Toneph
TCaiiHUH City
St.3uouiH and all
PointH ISatit and
Helen a
Suit Luke City
San ITrnoiwo o
A.nd 11 PointN
No. 07 -Possongor, dally exccptSun
day, for Tecum sell, llout.rlco,
Holdrcgo and all points west fl:4$ a m
No. 98 I'assongor, dally oxceptHun
day, for Nebraska City, Chicago
and all points north and cast 1:00 p m
No, lit Local freight, dally oxcopt
Sundav, (or Atchison and Inter
mediate stations , G:lf p m
No. 112 Local freight, dally except
Monday, for Nenraska Chy and
in tor mod into stations 1 :40 a n
For the happy termination of the
war between Russia and Japan moro
credit Is duo President Roosovelt than
to anyone else, unless it be that mist
enshrouded individual, thy mikado.
The United States several years agot
fatously following the wilbo'-tlio-wiBp
of "manifest destiny," ombarked upon
a career of "world power" by sotting
out to tax, without representation, and
govern, without their consent, n weak
and defoncoless but bitterly protesting
people that made Its home in a jungle
of islands on the southeast coust of
Asia. The outcomo of that "world
power" venture has been far from a
happy one. From it we have gained
neither honors, nor satisfaction or dol
lars, and because of It we have been
sent to apologize and gloss over certain
of the fundamental preceptB to main
tain which our nation took its place
among the nations of tho earth.
President Roosevelt be his tho glory
has shown us as a "world power" in
a worthier and truer light. IIo has
shown us as a power making for peace
aud righteousness in the world. He
has won for us tho rightful crodit,
which can never be denied us, for
bringing to a just and righteous and
happy end, while a million soldiers
wero facing ono anothor ready for the
shock of battlo, a momentous and hiss
toric war.
It was Roosevelt who wrung from
tho embattled powers tho consent to
treat for peace; It was he brought tho
envoys together; it was in token of
trust iu him that those envoys met on
American soil ; it was ho who, not once
but several times, interposed in person,
to prevent, by nis splendid audacity,
the conference fiom failing.
Whatever may bo tho honest differs
ences of opinion rogarding Roosevelt's
capacity as a statesman, to deal with
certain domestic problems, there can
be nothing but unanimity in the state
ment that, by this brilliant exploit iu
the Held of world politics, he has shed
luster on the name of the United
States. Omaha World Herald.
In the District Court of Nemaha County,
State of Nebraska.
In tho mattor ol the petition of Wlllard F.
Heaslov: administrator of tho estate of Ell
Kolthley, deceased, for licenso to sell real
Wlllard F. Heasloy, administrator,
Lowls Kclthloy, David Nowton
Keltliiey, tsnran uoiuiron. in-
liltba Hamilton. .
, joim Jieun-
ley, Thornton Klthley, .Mary
Hfi.aslov. Aueusta Kelthley,
Viola Vonetto Wolf, and Uz
ln Wnril. Defendants.
Order to show cause why licenso should not
bo trranted to sell real es.ate.
Now on this 20th day of August, A. D. 1905,
this cause comes on for hearing upon the
petition, under oath, of Wlllard F. Heasloy,
administrator of tho estate of El Kolthley,
deceased, prnyliiR for licenso to sell tho fol
lowing described real estate ol snld Ell
Kelthlev. deceased, to.wlt: Tho west half
(w. M) of tto southwest quarter (. w. V) of
tho southeast Tauartor (s. e. i) of section
twenty-seven (27). township four (4), north of
ranee sixteen it easi, in uiiiaiiu county,
Nebraska, or a snfllclout amount thereof to
bring tho sum of 899.75, with intorest thereon
from tho 13th day of March, A. D., 1905, for
tho payment ot ueuis nuoweo hkiiiiihi bnui
imIiim. mid all allowances and costs of ad
ministration, for tho reason that there lg not
suluclont amount oi personal prnpony in too
possession of saw winani v. Jieasioy, ad
ministrator, belonging to snld estate, to pay
said ilobts, allowances and o st.
It istheroforoordcred thitt tho nbovo named
dnfondents.and all norsons lnterestad In said
estate, appear before me, In tno district conrt
room In tho city of Auburn, In said county of
Netunha. on the 10th day of October, A. D.,
1905, at this hour of 1 p. m to show cause, If
any there be, why a licenso siiouiu not Do
granted to s dd Wlllard F. Heasloy, admin
istrator, to sell so much of tho abovo de
scribed real estate as shall bo necessary to
pay said debts aud oxponses.
It Is further ordered that a cony ol this ol
der bo served upon nil persons Interested iu
sold estate by causing the euine to bo pub.
Hshod onco each week tor ronr consecutive
weoks In tho Nebraska Advertiser, a news
paper printeu ana puousneu in saiu county
of Nemaha.
Signed W. H. KKLLTGAIt,
.luugeni mrsi juuiciai uitsirici.
Attornoys for said administrator.
Order of Hearing arid Notice on
Petition for Sottloraont of Account
In tho county court of Npmaha county, Nob.
mi.nC!liilnnfVM.v..n1.fl nmilltilnf . .. i. ..
J lid OlillW Ul nlUlflilIVI lWll.ll.J Ul . Ollltlijil, tin.
To Emma Hickman, John F. Velck, Mary C.
l.ouuomper, niiiu, Worcester, vina u. Ua
tron, and to all persons Interested In tho
OHtate of Christopher Velck, deceased:
Notice Is hereby given that Mary C. Lau
kompor has tiled a petition praying for final
settlement and alowancoof hor administra
tion account riled In this court on the 21st duy
of August, A. D. 10U5, and for Jlndlng of heir
ship, decree of distribution, and such other
relief as may bo Just aud proper, and the
samo lias been set for hearing on tho 25th
day of September, 1906, at 10 o'clock a. in., at
tho county court room of said county, In
Anbii'U, said county of Nemahu, when and
where all persons Interested In said mattor
may appear anu buow cause, it tnero neany,
why tho prayer of said potltlou should not
bo granted, and If Hufllclent causo Is not
shown tho court may grant tho prayer thero
of, and mako such further aud other orders
as may bo proper.
Dated this 21st day of August, 1905.
SEAL J. S. McCauty, County Judge.
WM.f CAMPBELL, Pres. P. E. ALLEN. Vlcc-Pres.
ELMER E. ALLEN, Cashier.
Capital Stook, $5,000
Roport of tho Condition of tho
Clinrtcr No. C32
Of Ncmtibn, in tlioHUto of Nebrft'kn, at the
fcclOHaof btiHlncHs August 25, 1005.
HUSO uncus
Lomih aik! discount $16371 21
Overdrafts, secured ndcl.unecurel lui 7i!
llivnking houselfurnlturonud ilxiures 1M1 fin
Current oxpennen and tnxeH pnld 3U5 2!)
Duo from nnllonnl. state and prtvato
banks nnd btuikern "3261 31
Total cash on liaud 289G 20
Total $51170 311
Capital stock paid In 8G0C0 0i( .
Surplus fund 1000 Ah
Undivided profits 160) 2rt
Individual deposit mibject to clieck 44065 09 '
uemand certificates of deposit ....
Tlmo certificates of deposit 2312 00
Total M ..851170 30
State of Nebraska,
County or Nemaha, s
I, Elmer . Alton, cashier of tho nbovo
named bank, do solemnly Bwoar that the
above statcmont Is correct and a truo copy
of tho report in ado to tho State rtauking
ELMEIt E. ALLEN, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before mo this
2nd day of September, 1905.
V. W. SANDERS, Notary Public.
A Bad Scaro
Some day you will got a bad scaro
whenyou feel npaln in your bowels
and fear appendicitus. Safety lies in
Dr. King's Now Life Pills, a sure cure
for ull bowel und stomach diseases,
such as headache, biliousness; costives
nees, etc. Guaranteed at Keellng'a
drug fjtore, only i5c. Try thorn ,
First class Building Brick for
sale at tho
Nemaha Brick Kilns
Call and Bee them and get
prices. Quality guiirinteed
Physician and Surgeon
Nemaha, Nebr
All calls rtt'ornptly attended
Phone 28
Medical and Surgical
Diseases of Women
Stella -
W. (i5. Sanders
Justice of the Peace
Real Estate and
Insurance Agent
Rssl Estate for Sae
House and two lotB, good well, large
collar, aud other conveniences.
House and two lots, cood well.
Good house and one lot. House bus
five good rooms, porches, etc. Is in
good condition in every way a very
desirableplace. Fine well, small barn
pens, etc.
Farm of -10 acres, 20 acres in or