VOLUME L NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 18, 1905 NUMBER 12 Local News Next Thursday Is picnic day. "JK A good rain is noeded Dr Bourne (Its glasses. So. Auburn. The weather bus been (lie past week. very bot for The Nemaha teuebers ate attending tbe institute at Auburn this week. For Salo A pair of four ton scales. A. L. P. Thompson. Kock and barrel salt at Edwards & Bradford Lbr. Go. The Salem chautauqua is in session this week. They have a good program . Misses May Kerker and Anna Knapp visited Auburn friends Tuesday and Weduesday. Congressman Pollard will speak at Nemaha next Thursday, at tbe old settlers picnic. J. M. West lias his second kiln brick about burned and is putting another kiin. of in The village trustees and the street commissioner are having the sides walks fixed up. 11. I. Brown, who has been visiting in Pawnee county, returned home bun day morning. Grandma Sea bury and Miss Opal Seubury returned home from Glen Bock Wednesday night. See Edwards & Bradford Lbr. Co. for the best line of furniture, Stock complete and prices right. Geo. H Ilinkle of Howe died last Saturday rorenoon. Mr. utnKle was one of the business men of Howe, Geo. Fisher, Clyde Kenton and L. L. Jonts started .for Portland, Oregon, Tuesday to attend the exposition. Harry and Merle Sanders of London precinct visited their cousin. Nellie Sanders, last Friday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Harper of Shubert were the guests of W. U. Barker and other friends Saturday and Sunday. J. w. Uonnett of verdon came to Nemaha Thursday morning on a visit to his sister, Mrs. T. J. Rumbaugh. Win F. Sanders, B. & M. helper at Dew lit, Nebr., visited at home from Saturday afternoon until Monday fore noon. We bad a light shower of rain Wed nesday afternoon enough to cool the atmosphere and lay the dust for a little while. Congressman E. M. Pollard has been secured as one of the speakers at tbe old settlers picnic. He is a good speaker. xiiu wue or juaviti vv. rierson, one of the old until u.vu ui uui nuiuu iu ivuuuru w sanest day of lust week. Mrs. E. A. visiting her Minlck, who has been daughter, Mrs. A. It. Pitus, near Syracuse, Nebr.. returned home Saturday evening. Mr. their and Mrs. UUUU XXHWXUV aim granddaughter, INanniO JJay started for Bradshaw. Nebr., Monday, to visit Frank Ilawxbv. Misses Cora and Maggie Rhodes of at. doe went to Nebraska City last Frl- uuy. uiier visiting with Mrs. David lsrazler three or four days. Mr. Smith of Lincoln, who la travel Ing for a harness manufacturing corns pany, visited- hia old friend, Win. uawxby, last Friday night. For Sale A second hand Dempster wind mill S foot steel wheel, ao foot steel tower. Steel Anchorposts. Will sell at half price, and set it up. Wesley II. Clahk. Wo understand Chas. II, Ogg and Miss Reka Folker of St. Deroin wore married Wednesday, but have not learned the particulars. For Salo My farm of 200 acros. Oao of the best improved stock and grain farms in tbe southeastern part of the Btate. A. L. P. Thompson. For sale u One registered shorthorn bull scotch top OrinkBhank coming two years old. Will sell at low price. Inquire of II. I. Brown at poor farm. Tbeo. Uill, who has been clerking for J. H. Yandorslice for about four months, went to Shubert Monday eve ning and will go in bis father's drug store. Eddie Maxwell now has a "game" finger, abase ball having bit tbe end of one little finger, tearing tbe nail loose and putting it in bad order gens erally. Bob Iloskins, u former citizen of Nemaha, but who has been living at Alliance for several years, arrived in Nemaha Sunday and is visiting his old friends. Those who attended tho Germans American picnic at Auburn Tuesday report a big crowd. Tho hot weather prevented the occasion from being as enjoyable as it would otherwise have been. Kufus Rowen has bought tho Gaither property, consisting of seven lots west and south of tbe Christian church, with a good house, etc. The doctor's family expect to move to Clayton, Kansas, in about ten days. Mrs. Earle Gilbert went to Douglas, Nebr., hist Saturday, called there by tbe sickness of her grandfather, who died the next day. The funeral ser vices were held Monday. Mrs. Gilbert returned home Tuesday, Again we would remind John; H. Dundas, fditor of tho Granger, that'he bus not told us where to find that monstrous doctrine" in the Methodist church that would prevent Bro. liar man from entering beaven. The Methodist ladies aid society will have a stand at tbe old settlers picnic, serving sandwiches, ice cream and cake. The members of the cnurch and others are solicited to help by furnish ing cakes, meat, sugar or coffee. Everybody is invited to patronize tbe stand. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Kindig arrived in Nemaha Friday on a visit to Mrs. Kindig's parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. P. reaDoay. Air. junuig is principal and his wife one of the teachers at the WakeQeld (Nebr.) schools, and have bean attending the summer school at Fremont. The revival meetings at the Methodist church are yet in urocress but wil probably close this week. Rev. A Jucobs is a forcible speaker, and is doing some good. He is opposed to lodges, cbautauquas and many other things tbat are not generally con demned by ministers. Clarence Aynes, who bus been work ing in the Auburn Gold Mining Co. 'a mines near Mystic, S. D. arrived homo Thursday of last week. Clarence Bays the Nemaha county people are all well TTo l.r..l, ,.,r.Ii. tnltli l,m f rlnua fnr ha mnHipr nnrl nlnrnr. mnrta from gold he dug from the mines, GOOD FARMS AND LAUDS CHEAP There is absolutely better farm lands for the money, and more money to be made on increase in land, in South Dakotu, than any other section of tho United States for the next few years as has been the case in the past few yours. We have made a specialty these lands for several years. Wrlto for our descriptive booklet, which you will find valuable. Cheap excursion rates any day. RlKHR AND ClIAMHEItS, General Land and Immigration Agents 400 Bee Building, Omaha, Nobr. Grandma Blair of St. Joe is visiting Mrs. David Frazior Best porcelain lined wood pumps at Edwards & Bradford Lbr. Co. A recent letter from E. L. Argan bright of Arapahoe, Okla., eaya wheat made from 10 to 24 bushels per aero in hla neighborhood ; oats about 20 bushels. He has a good quarter sec tion of upland. Ho sends a snraplo of his wheat. Tho lotter adds: "Wo nro all well never got sick in Oklahoma tbe bealtbiest country I know of, Good schools and churches. Will soon have statehood undor prohibition." John M. Clark wont to Omaha Monb day and returned Wednesday ovening with forty head of Quo cattle for feeds ing. lie will turn tusm in the pas ture, and will begin feeding them snapped corn in a fow days. He has early corn that is now hard. John first went to Smith county, Kansas, and Webster and Franklin counties, in Nebraska, where he usually buys feeders, starting Thursday of lust week, but could find nothing that suit ed him, so he went to Omaha Monday morning and found some good ones. Auburn, Neb., Aug. n. Alonzo AdaniB a habitual drunkard, was ars rested last Tuesday and Wednesday waB arraigned before the county board which body decided tbat he was a fit subject for the Insano asylum and Sheriff Lawrence ace impanied Adams to Lincoln Thursday. Adams is u young married man of this city, but for tbe past year or more has been ad dicted to tbe use of hair tonics, lemon extracts and like drugs, owing to the fact of his thirst for liquor, He 1b the first case to go from Nemaha county under tbe new law in effect July 1st: Hastings, Neiju, Aug. 14, JD05 To Editor Advertiser, Nnmana, Nebr.: In the last issue of tbe Advertiser saw a little item I wish to correct. As far as I am concerned I wish to say for myself tbat I am not in the least diss satisfied with the change I made last spring. Adams county, Nebr , is all right. - We are going to have a big corn crop this fall. It has been a little too wet this summer for small grain but it made a fairly good crop. As for Mr. Russell being dissatisQod I cannot say but rather think not. Although we may sell out wo won't come back east. Yours respectfully. f ClAkk Oaky. Congressman Pollard was in Auburn last Friday listening to tho pleas of tbe candidates for postmaster at the north side. He finally decided that W. P. Freeman was the choice of tne major Ityofthe patrons, and as he is fully qualified for the position bo decided to recommend him for postmaster, and there is now no doubt of his appoint ment. Mr. Freeman has been a reals dent of Auburn for 25 years. We have no doubt but that he will serve the people acceptably, Later Mr. Freeraanhas been ap pointed postmaster, and will take possession Oct. 1. He has named his wife as deoutv and sho is now in the postofiice learning tho duties thereof while Mr. Freeman is closing up his business. A good program is being prepared for the old settlors picnic next Thurss day. The pricnipal speakers will be Judge W. D. Oldham of Lincoln, bu nreme court commissioner, and Con greBsman E. M. Pollard of Nehawka T. J. Majors will deliver an address on the deceased pioneers. There will bo short talks by as many of the pioneers aa can be persuaded to talk. Tho Peru band, the Auburn male quartette ana local musicians will furnish excellon muslo, finishing the program with concert at night. There will be two games of base ball, and many other attractions. In addition there will be an opportunity to visit old friends such as is not available at any other time or place. Come to Nemaha next Thurs day and enjoy yourself. AUCTION SALE Gilbert & McCandless will hold an auction sale on Saturday, Beginning at Closing out General Merchandise If you want Bargains don't miss this Auction Sale G. 0. SNOW. A few practical suggestions to riendsand patrons of the rural routes: 1. You will be doing the carrier a favor and tbe service a benefit by Btamping your mall, thus avoiding un necessary delay. 2. If you have no stamps, wrap the exact amount In paper and pin the same to your letter. 3. Before placing your mail box In position consult your carrier, who will gladly assist you in selecting the best location. 4, Mail boxes ought to have five feet of clear space from bottom of box to the ground, excepting where they have a top lid, in which case four and ones half feot will do. All boxes having a top lid should be set so that tho lid will stay up when raised. Avoid having nails or bolts on the inside of your mail boxes. Face them towards tbe road, and have them extend two-thirds over the post. Boxes with top lids should be attached to face of post. 5. When addressing an envelope do not write the name above the middle of the envelope. Under the name write tho number of tho route to which ads dressed, and follow the same with the city and Btate. Names are often blurred by placing them too near the top of the letter, as It is in that part of the envelope tbat the impression of the postmark is placed. 0. Always place the stamp on the upper right hand corner. Whenever the route number is not known to the sender, itwould be a great help to the postal clerks and carrier to mention the particular road on which the person lives to whom the letter is addressed, thus making tbe name of the road take tbe place of streets. 7. Mail boxes are for tbe use of mall matter only W. M. Smith, Brownville Letter. How's this? We offer Ono Hundred Dollars Howard for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Cqtarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Wo, tho undorfilgaod, have known F. J. Cheney for tho Inst 15 yeoru, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transac tions and ilnanclully able to carry out any obllgntlons mado by his Arm. WAI.DINO, Kl.NNAN &. MA11VIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's ( Catarrh Cure Is tuken Internally, actinic directly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces of tho Hystem, Testimonials hcuI roo. Frlco 75 cents por bottle. Hold by all druggists. Tmko Ilall'ii FamilyPHIs for constipation August 1 9 1 o'clock p, m, their stock of AUCTIONEER. Stand Bight Privileges F. L. Woodward is the committee on stand rights for the old settlers pics nio, to bo held August 21. All who want stand rights should apply to him. KNAPP & SON Proprietors of tbe Livery & Feed Slab e Good Dray in connection with Livery Satisfaction guarantood. J. JED. Orother in the PARIS BUILDING Shoe Repairing Harness Repairing: Hand Made Harness a Speoialty PETER KE11KER. Dealer In :m::eats Ilighost market price paid for Hides, Lard, Tallow, etc, WESLEY H. CLARK Dcalor.ln Windmills and Pumps, Tanks, Pipesjetc ALL WORK GUARANTEED Phono calls answered promptly. NEivlAIIA, NEBH. STULL & HAWXBY ATTORNEYS VX AV, REAIi ESTATK.I COr-I.KCTIONS Ofllces over Postofllcn Uulldlnfc, at Frank Neul's old Htnnd, Aunuiuv. NEBRASKA