The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, August 11, 1905, Image 7

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    Thousands of Women
SacoEsa or Lydfa E. Plnkhhm's Vegctablt
I Compound Roata Upon the Fact that It
, finally Docs Mako Sick Women Well
Thousands upon thousands of Amori
ienn women have been restored to
'health by Lytlla B. I'inhhum'a Vegcta
ilda Compound. Their letters nro on flle
tin Mrs. rinhhum's ollice, and prove this
Uitutcmont to bo a fact ami not a niero
Overshadowing indeed 3k tho succowi
of this great medicine, and compared
-with ifc all other medicines and treat
went for women are experiments.
Why linn Lydia K. Vinlchara's Vcrro
table Compound accomplished its wide
iipread results for jfood V
Why lias it lived and thrived and
done its glorious work for a quarter of
contury ?
Simply nnd surely because of its sterling-
worth. The reason no other nied
Jcino haa even approached its success
U plainly and positive bcctuiBe there
Is no other medicine iu the world so
pod for Tvomcn'n ills.
Tho wonderful power of Lydia B.
OPinkhnm'a Vegetable Compound oror
the diseases of womankind is not bo
wause Ifcla a stimulant notbecnuno St. In
iv palliative, Imt simply because it lu
iho most wonderful tonic and rccon
tmctor erer discovered to act dtrcct.y
upon tho uterine system, positively
ouzuKO disease and displacements and
restoring health and vigor.
. Marvolous cures are reported from
ull parts of tho country by women who
haro been cured, trained nurses who
lmvo witnessed cures, nnd physicians
"who have recognized tho virtue in
Jyditt B. Pinlthnm'a Vegetable Com
pound, nnd nro fair enough to jivc
oreQlfc where it. is due. If physicians
dared to be frank and open, hundreds
of them would acknowledge that they
constantly prescribe Lydia E. Pink
liam'a Vcgctnblo Compound In severe
cubes of female Mr, as they know by
experience that it will effect a cure.
Women who are troubled with painful
or irregular menstruation, backache,
bloating (or flatulence), leucorrhcca,
falling, inflammation or ulceration of.
tho ntcrus, ovarian troubles, that
"bearing-down" feeling, dizziness,
faintness. indigestion, nervoun pros
tration, or the blues, should take im
mediate action to ward off the serious
r.ouscquenccs and be restored to health
tin1 strength by taking Lydia K. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound. Anyway,
writo to Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn. Mass.,
tor advice. It's free and always helpful,
la Paris recently there ivas ex
hibited work of art, pictures and
iculature, executed by porters and
other atreet railway employes.
I c&naot Piio' Cure enough for
hc wonders it ha worked in curing iuc.
--It. II. Scidel, 'J200 Olive troet, St.
Louis. Mo., April 33, 1001.
II women were sur e that men were
ruled by tbclr stomachs they would
learn to cook better.
The United States possrshos
81.300,000 000. or nearly one-fourth of
the 35,600,030.000 of gold in the
Biichgrj was the only bachelor
president of the Uulted States. The
lirsb and only presidential wedding
In tho White House was that , of
Cleveland and Miss Francis Folsom
during his lirst term. There have
been four widower presidents, Jettor
non, Jacksoo, Martin Van Buron and
Kmctalcb.vlMnbctcm Tortured with
Gravel and Kidney Vuiu.
Henry' Soulc, cobbler, of Hammonds
jKrt, N. Y., says: "Since Doan's Kid
ney Pill cured mo eight years ago,
I've reached 70.
and hope to live
many years longer.
Mut twenty years
ago I had kidney
trouble so bad I
could not wort.
Muckactio was per
sistent and it wan
agony to lift any
thing, r, ravel;
w h 1 r I i n g hcud-
dizziness and terrible urinary
disorders run mo down from lu8 to 100
(pounds. Doctors told me I had din
boles and could not lire I was wretch
1 and hopeless when I began uslns
Doan's Kidney Pills, but t-'icy on rod
we fight yoasgo and I've been well
ever slneo.
-Kostcr-Mllburn Co., Buffulo, N. Y.
Kor sale by all dealers. Price 50 cent
per boar.
Posltlvelr enred b
thoao liittlo 1'UIr.
They also relievo Dis
tress from Dyspepsia, la
oigrtUon and Too Uoarty
Eatln,-. A perfect rot
edy for Dtslncu. Nausc
DrowilnecB. Bad TasU
In thn Mouth. Coate4
Toncruo. Pain in t&a Bid
ToriPiD LivrrL t
ntraUte tfca BoiuIa.
rareiy vegetable.
. - y
Gamiirw Must Rear
Fac-Sinu'la Signature
Sir Alma Tutlema to rv
-.M.tHMi for Ids picture, The Finding J
f Mohh."
King of the 'oev' Islands, near Su
matra, rules over (lift rnaHest provlnn
hi 11k- world.
In Uruy.ll the hjaek bean U as Im
portant an "article if food jib the po
tato Is in Kurope.
The Kcv. Cotirllancl Meyers of
ISrooklyn Una practically broken up
policy playing in (hat city.
nldcr IJuggard, the Hugllsh novelist,
traveled nboul 7,000 nitles 'in his ttitir
of this country, trying to Hud a loca
tion for colonics for bin countrymen.
' It. Is noted in San Francisco that
many passcngorri from Australia and
New 'calami now prefer the Ameri
can route "homo" to that oMho Isth-
Dr. William iioyal Stokes and Dr.
.John S. Kulton. of the Maryland P. nurd
of Health, insist, that they have dis
covered a curative serum for typhoid
fever, after a four years' search.
A number of Ueno (Nov.) capitalists
Intend to bon- for artesian water In
Warm Spring Valley, about fifteen
mile north of Ueno. If they are suc
cessful In their search fur water they
will start a largo Welsh colony.
In the case of an arrested motor
driver at. llailsham, Mugland, the other
day. the police swore Unit he was
driving at tho rale of S7V. miles an
hour, and they refused, under cross
examination, to lake oft' even the one
half, Kour or live of the otllci-rs of the
Pacific Mall liner Korea, which plies
between San Francisco and Oriental
ports, have contracted trachoma from
the passengers. One out of every five
Italian fishermen iu San Francisco isi
said to have tin dreaded eye-disease.'
The viceroy of the province of Sze
chuen, western China, has notified the
government at Pekin thai he is rais
ing a capital of ?fl,000,000 for the con
struction of a railway .from S'echuen
to Hankow, and therefore, advises the
government to refuse all foreign appli
cations for tho concession.
The Hev. .lohn L. Scudder, pastor of
the First Congregational Church In
.Jersey City, now has the people's pal
ace In working order, though the place
Is not yet. completed, it U an adjunct
to his church and contains a gymna
sium, dancing . academy., . howling al
leys, etc. The whole Is to cost about
Among the receipts iu the French
colonial budget there figures a sum
of four lacs of sicca rupees, equiva
lent at the present, lime to about ?I'K?,-
l"tr. paid by the P.rltlsh Indian govern
ment. 'Phis money is paid annually in
virtue of a treaty made 'In 1815. by
which Franco conceded to Fugland tho
exclusive right to buy the salt manu
factured in what remained of the
French possessions In India.
It is reported from Pekin that the
'Chinese hoard of finance has decided
to establish under imperial decree an
Imperial Hank of China with a capital
of 1,500,1)00 lacls, the funds being al
ready In the hands of the board. This
bank will transact all government
business aud manage the floating of
future Chinese loans, liranehes will
he established iu the various prov
tnctis. into which the (axes will be
paid to the account of the government.
Sod houses and telephones irc- the
strange combination now offered by
the prairies of (he middle West. Yet
the combination is loss strange than
appears, for the present, soil houses
are by no means (it be despised, par
ticularly iu cold weather. They are
built with 'considerable attention to
comfort and, with an Interior lining
of Portland cement, offer almost (he
ad vantages of a sliiiie builHng, anil at
the slightest cost, while the network
of telephones overcomes (he Isolation
of earlier days.
t!irl Wits Popular Hccausc She tlnd (lie
Gift of ItnppinesH.
Some August guests at a lovely lake
side hotel last summer found the place
full of tho memories of a girl who
had been h-vi I he month before. A
Jozen 'times a day they heard her
name: "How lorls Faraday would
laue enjoyed that!" "It seems ns If
Doris must, come up (he steps in n
moment, doesn't itV" "How one miss
es Doris on a picnic!" or drive or ex
cursion, or whatever If might chance
lo be. Finally one of tho newcomers,
:i pretty, saucy creature, vet herself to
solve the mystery.
"What was there about that won
derful Miss FaradayV" she asked, one
evening. "Was she very, verv pret
ty?" "No," was the roply, "you would
never think of. her ms pretty."
"She wan very clever, rtiyi''"
"Xot iu the leasr."
"P.nt she mast havo been a bright
Deris' .vlmfi'er? vijtu.-'c.t'l at 'each J
other Clearly .t had never occurred
to them to consider tin utiestlon at all.
"No," some one answered, hciltatlng
ly, "she was not very much of a talk
er, and never said anything especially
"WeTT, what In the world was It.
IhenV" the girl cried. In ino-k despair.
"I've heard nothing but Oorls Faraday
ever since t came, aim yei nonouy can
ten me what there was ni-utt her that
niudu her so wonderful. It Is very
Thn an old lady apokc. "I can tell
you. my dear." she said, quietly. "It
was because Doris was past mistress
in the great an or Happiness. She
could find happiness anywhere, out of
fhe commonest materials, and some
how, all unconsciously, make others
find II. loo.. And In a the world there
Is no higher gift than that of beiny
truly nappy."
In one of the old seventeenth ecu
tury miracle plays is a stage direc
tion full of lovely stiggostlvciiess: "Kil
ter a song, singing." I.s it not a do
scrlption of many lives we all know,
quiet, gentle, self-forgetful souls who
unconsclou'j that, any are listening
make music over their daily tasks ancj
bless the world thereby? There U
need for courage In the world am!
wisdom, and patience and great love,
but there Is need no less for tlmst
whose lives are as songs, singing.
Youth's Companion.
Signs of Itain.
The hollow winds begin to blow,
The clouds look black, the dun is low
The sunt falls down, the spaniels tleop
And spiders from their cobwebs creep.
Last night the sun went pale to bed,
The moon la halos hid her head.
The boding shepherd heaved a sigh,
For, see! a rainbow spans the sky.
The walls are damp, the ditches smell,
Clos'd is the jtiak-ey'd pimpernel.
Hark! how the chairs anil tables crackl
Old Betty's joints are on the rack.
Loud'quack the ducks, the peacocks rj,
The distant hills nre looking nlRh.
How restless are the snorting swine--The
busy Hies disturb the klne.
Low o'er tho gras-s tho swallow wings;
Tlie cricket, too, how loud It sings.
Puss on the hearth, with velvet paws,
Sits smoothing o'er her whiskered jaws
Thro' the dear stream the fishes rise-,
And nimbly catch the incautious llics
The sheep are seen with curly light
Cropping the meads with eager bite.
Through June the air Is cold and eaill,
The mellow blackbird's voico Is still.
Tho glow-worms, numerous anil bright,
Illumed the dewy dell last night.
At dusk the squalid toad was soon
Hopping, crawling, o'er the green.
The frog has lost his yellow vest,
And in a dingy suit is dress'd.
Tho leech, diaturh'd, is newly risen
Quite to the summit of his prison.
The whirling wind the' dust obeys,
And iu the rapid eddy plays.
My dog, so altnrod iu his taste,
Quits mutton bones on grass to feast;
And seo yon rooks, how odd their lilgtif
They imitato tho gliding kite,
Or seem precipitate to fall,
As if they felt the piercing ball.
'Twill surely rain I soo with sorrow
Our jaunt must be put ott to-mmT . .
A Princeton man tells of a conver
sation that took place between the
coach of a football eleven and one of
the players. An Important game was
soon to be played and the coach was,
of course, most anxious that every
player should bo in the best of physi
cal condition. But lo his olsgust one
of the men, upon whom a great deal
depended If the great game wlire to
be won, seemed to be iu "bad form."
Taking him aside, the coach had the
following "heart to heart talk" with
the recalcitrant:
"See here;, you're not looking so
good! Muscles flabby and wind bad
awful bad. What's the matter? Beoe
drinking anything."
"Not a drop."
"Then you must be smoking."
"Haven't touched a pipe, cigar oi
cigarette since the f raining began."
"Well, yes a little."
Whereupon the coach gave ent it
a snort of disgust. "See here! You've
got to stop that! Oo you want ih tr
lose the gamo?" Harper's Weekly.
Not immortal
Tlih late General Fllzhugh Lee hail
a large fund of war-time anecdotes,
He used to tell this one.
On account of the shifting of otlicera
lo replace losses, a younglrlshman aviu
given command of a raw troop of vol
unteers who were under lire for the
first time. Their baptism must have
unnerved the recruits, for thoy npver
budged at the command to charge, A
second command likewise being ills
obeyed, to their leader's stupefaction,
he rode along the line glaring reproach
fully at his men, and demanded, .sar
castically: "What alls you fellows, anyhow 1
D'ye want to live forever?"
Horry Ho Spoke.
"Gloves," remarked Groucherly, iih
he laid aside his paper, "have only
been in use. about 1,000 years,"
"I thought," rejoined Mrs. Grouch
erly, "that mine were somewhat, older,
but perhaps I may be mistaken."
A Computation.
A man once joined a fishing club,
It was bis dearest wish,
Tt cost him tweaty dollars
Every time ho caught a bV.t.
-WnshitiEtoy Star.
At auction In Japan, caon uitiaet
vrltc9 his highest bid price on a bib
of paper and deposits It In a box.
The box Ib orcn, and tho object, put
up for sale Ir bar (led over to the ons
vho has r.n'4M i the most, for it.
... ... . a
C6Yes9 '
School Mouses
and Homes;'
mini t Iwt 1 .11.1 I lA4j(ft t
nnd healthful by usiug
A Rock Cernenf WIms
not rul or hcb1c PiMtiw lloao germH iinij
vrt?lii. No wnMiitig of wanHftronco upi
Iille.i. Any ono can hrupti it on mix wtth
r il.t wter. Ha in tlnUiiff ami whitciilnir, nnit
Um ru.t plaboruto rctltf, Menoll wort mid
frim.'otn may done with It. IHIior flntheM
ibwriiiir funnlful nuraes tnd intxml with ImL
1vntp) ilunot Iiavu thoonnontlugproprtv
or AlnixtKtluc. 'fhiy are nlttolc on with
. dm' or othef nnhanl mnner, vi lileli rotr,
Jrciini; iiuenir j.nmoo'. riilihlujf, ncitllng
ami Niiolllni; uullt. ulotliiui:, tc. Sueh
InlsliM itniat lo vri9lieil rf otory yrnr oonl.
Jv flltliy work. Hut AlttWtlno only iu
llvr-pouiid Iut'Urpt'. iirorly Inhulr-il.
Tint winl, j)rBttr xtaU unit olllne dusinn,
"Htn'. on J hit. mtitig. ftnii f.ur nrtlMs ir
vtcna in uinklnj; !r titans, free.
lr3tidKflpWn(1Mkh., or 105 Water St., N.Y.
The Secret
Evon tho best houBokoenorn cannot make n. good cup of
coffoo rithoufc good nintcrin. Dhiy. adultoratod and quoorlj
blond od coffoo ouch an tinscrupuloufi dealors ehovol ovor thonr
countors Avon'f. do. But tuko tho jiuro, clean, natural flavored
LION COFFEE, tlic lender of all pacUagc coHccs
Iho coffoo that for ovor n quarlor of ft centiuy has boon daily
welcomed in millions of homes and you will mako a. diiuk fit
for a king in tins way:
STTse LION TOFFEE, bocann ti net bei"t
fJrlnrl rnur PllVIi'ltk rnOifir flnn
extra fur tlici pot." First mlr it vrlui n little cold rotr, t-nourh to mako a thick paste, and
r. Uv.Ii'. 1 uu V to10 uwla ettl),thn oliowonoof tho following rulea :
i", "TTH BOILING WATEH. AiW Ijotllnfj water, nnd let It boll
TKiii. r.ilAUfES OM.Y. Adit u Utile cold water and set aside live
minutes to nettle. Serve nromntly.
2tl. WtTJI COlXt WATKlt. Add your cold water to Utc pitslc and
brlnu it to a 1hI1. llicu net usIdCtadd a IltUe cold water, uail In live
mlnutew It's ready to nerve.
o (Don't boll It too toner.
Don't lot It stand mora than ton mlnutoa bofore aorvlng.
DONT'S (.Don't uoo wator that has been bolloci bofore.
HU Willi t'ao. Vt,9 iiart of tbt lvbltc of an eeg, rolling It with tho grotrccl LI OX
COI'i'KB bofotowlltnx.
U. VVIKt CoU Water Instead of orji. After boiling add .dnjlor cold wUr, and tot
nsldc for c'ght or ten tnlimtcs, Uiun orvo through n tnlner.
Ins list on ffcltlnfjj n packanc of genuine LION COFFEE,
prepare it nccordlng to this recipe and you will only use
IJON COFFEE In luturc. (Bold ouly In 1 lb. ucolort pckH;o3.)
(Iiion-hcail ou every package.)
(Skto thoao L5on-hcvli for vnlnahle promlun.)
WOOLSOV SPICE CO., Tolodo, Ohio.
No ono
with regu
lar howolH
and healthy
Htomach can roulraot dlsoano. A
person with noastlpatlon and Stoui
ach Troahlo U ulwitys tho lirst to
miccumb to Sun Ktroke, Heat Di
hillty and I'roalratlua. Chfdprn, Colic
ami Diarrhea, arn more fatal In Hot
Weathor .hecansto vitality is lower
they arn tbo direct ruaalt oC Constipa
tion. It is n mistake to saddeiily
clieok dlnrrhca, Iho dani-rr in lilood
Poison. A thjlc irf also daw-erona
as it weakens tho patient and reduces
vitality. Treat tho wuiso with Mull's
irap Tonie. ConHtlpation and its
attoudiiitf illfl a einiHed hy decayi'iy
or dyius horcls nnd IntcftitiPK
AfnU'fl Grao Tonic revives and
KtranKthens thn Howela ho that they
nre enahlcd to net naturally and eject
the poison from tho tystcn, every
body uhould lako it diirim; hot 'weath
er. t wards off disease, builds up tho
eyslum and purifies l.hft blood. Ty
phoid l'over and Appendicitis are un
known in famine where Mull's Grnpo
fit nfl this coupon with yoar name and add-ees and your drocslst's name, for tito bottle of
MuU'8 Grape Toalc, Stomach Tonic. Con-t-.patJon Cure anil Blood Purifier, to MULL'S GRAPH
TONIC CO,, 21 Taitd Ave., Hock Island, III. Give full addrtci and write plainly. Tbe$l.oo
bottle contalnn nraily three times the 50c sle. At drug to res. The Genuine has a date
ana numcer suunpeu on uie label--UJce no
!ale Ten Million Boxes a Year
The tcoded marriage license nas
a dlvorco coupon attached
Wlnslowi SOOTUIKU tsYKUl'or t-hn
urcii loethlrtK. lottoin dm tunn, reduce in?u
mulioti M B.ts j.flln. :rfi rhnll,.
The word Caiiadn Is derived fnrn
the Huron- roqois Italian wcrl
Mvannatu," which meann a roiVet
i n of huts.
tnMI with flls McnlUr to
meir mx, umA o a ioucixa It mArroIouiTy sac-
Allf nl 'r,tinfrviirh1?Tl n MIIm Almmm m
rtopa dJscbaritt, infUanuitica aM UciX .
OtWMM. '
I'axibe h la powder form t d!ioire5 hi FWJ
watwr, nd U far rort cltAKita;, Millie, rta!x
ud warcatel dun )4aid nlU ?! (wilT
for wtftii, COotuMb. .
Trial Vo , "t BooV of tuattv(lnr f
CtlS WHtHt All list fAIU.
In ttmd. Soul br oruial.K.
: K- N- -32 YOlfK, NEW
of Good Coffee
result yon uioiit tue Uie bct coffeii.
f'n " tAlilnntmiiiirul in ouch !inu nfl nn
Hot Weather Dangers
Tonic iit employed. Aa a Stomach
Tonic It iti uuccptnllcd.
Tho endorsement of K. 11. MeCitrdy
o Troy, Ohio, proves that tho aover
et forniH of Constlpatiou are prompt
ly cured by AluU'a Grnpo Tonic He
"I rivo year Tonic a thorough trial.
It Ih the only remedy that will cure con
ctlpatlon. I do not believe nnyouo Buf
fered more therefrom tliun I, n I bad
hron afflicted with It nil my life. Vot
daytt my bowels would not net and then
only hy tbe hfo of Ktroa cnth.irlleK tbnt
M-ero faat mining my health. My Atom
acfi and Liver were il"rant,'ed aud I suf
fered with linvard pllep, the ualtiK ot
which would nt Huh-n rulxe me off uir
cbutr. I upeut much money with vnrl
ous doctorH and tnedlclncki to no avitl,
Soon after I ntartecl MuU'n
Tonic my tiowets liesnn to more regu
lurly tho pnlu left mo nnd my general
health built up rapidly.
I heartily rccominead It a nn ahw
Into "'ure To which I am ri living wit
ness." Until Muir CSrapB Tonic was put
on tho American nuirket thero waa
no euro for Constipation. Let us Hem!
yon a hottlo free to-day to show you
that It will do all wo cmim.
Gool for Alllac Children acd Jfurslnc Mothcra.
other irom yourdrutcut.