The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, August 04, 1905, Image 1

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    U . ' J JJEJ l X
Local TSTews
Talk up the old settlers picnic
Dr Bourne Hts glasses. So. Auburn.
We Imvo bud two or three pood rains
in the past two weeks.
Louie Korker went to St. Joo Tues-
day to visit relatives.
' Protracted mpetings are now in
progress at. the Methodist church.
Miss Kathleen Thompson went to
Shubert last Saturday ovening,
White Lily washer, the best mado at
Edwards & Bradford Lbr. Co.
Mrs. Chas. Clark whs very sick for
a few days with neuralgia of the stomach.
Mnmouth pottery waro at
Edwards & Bradford Lbr. Co.
Harden Denny has moved on Ilarry
Hoover's farm aud will work for
It. I. Brown wont to Pawneo City
Wednesday to visit relatives and
frionds for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. John I. Dreselornnd
Bossio and Bert started on a trip to tho
Yellowstono Park Tuesday. Thoy go
to Cody, Wyoming, on tho Burlington,
and there take stages and make the trip
through tho park. They will bo gone
about two weeks, taking ten days iu
tho park.
For various reasons the Sunday
school convention that was to huvo
been hold in Nemaha next Sunday has
been postponed until Sunday, Sept, 8.
This will give a longer time to'proparo
Beed'a anti-rust tinware, guaranteed j for tho convention, J and a Hi t class
not to rust, at convention will undoubtedly bo tho
Edwards & Bradford Lbr. Co. result.
Miss May Kerker went to Auburn
last Saturday to visit friends and attond
tho Chautauqua. She returned Monday
Last Friday Charley Morton got
struck In tho head with tho hnndlo of
tho windless with which ho was lott
ing down brick to his father, who was
walling up tho cesspool for Elmer 33.
Sonutor Good, of Nornalm county
was in tho city Saturday. It is gener
ally understood in republican ranks
that ho will bo a candidate for tho
fit in n trpjiHiirnrnhln. TTn nvtirnRRPd his
Allen. On account of a knot the rope flUtlafnction with tho opeiution of tho
caught and when Charley lowered tho new revenue law, and unld that it had
oucitot it gavo a jenc, nnu mo nuniuo
was jerked out of his hands. Tho
corao up to his expectations wiicn ho
iviiq rmlriimr tlin nnnln flnnnnn uinva
handle struck him on tho forehead, I mM,,Bflnmmlt,.n ,, tvln,'
cutting a gash over two inches long. bM Um(. bQ ,md beon ft llfUo lnfrnid
Charley was not quite knocked down that tliero ml ht bo a alight falling off
and caught tho handlons it came around thrnnoh t hn fnllrn ftf thn mnnnrn tn
thus keeping tho heavy bucketful of hoU1 Vttlu(ja up( but be0Ve3 tho rcault8
uriutt iruuj guiug uuwn un hib lainui .
Mr. Allen then camo to his relief and
Charley camo to Dr. Keeling and had
his head dressed. Several stiches were
required to close the cut.
Arrangements aro being mado for a
concert in tho park thn night.of tho old
settlers picnic.
Tf you want good brick, do not fail
to visit the Nemaha brick yards. The
brick are all right.
Rev. Mr. and Mrs. .7. W. Sapp went
to Lincoln Tuesday to attend u conven
tion or the Christian church, i
Nemaha now has, throe base bull
teams the Nemaha Reds, the Claims
pions, and the Juniors.
Ilobt.I, Smith of Bracken started
t r MyBtic, South Dakota. Tuesday, to
sto the Auburn uold mini.
Tho scenery for tho opera house was Mrs, It. S. Scofleld, sister of Mrs.
received Friday of lust week. Wo Elmer E. Allen, arrived in Nemaha
understand thoBcenery is very hand- Thursday of last week and Ray came
some. in tuo nexc uay. i ney win remain
Arnrinn c;Qi,i ,a nnim,in,T himcpif uer0 for awhile whilo Kay is looking aerious accident last Sunday morning
Marion Seid is not enjoying himself I naw lnnilHnn TTil mM tli,u0M . f, 5
very mucn now, any or niguc, on
account of n very sore baud, caused by
bruising it.
Mr. and Mrs. James A.Stephenson
and John Watson started for Now
show that thoy have done well. Ho
stated that tho sentiment In his section
of the stato favored either Davidson or
Lot ton for tho judicial nomination.
Lincoln News,
f!nnl! Tlclrnw. thn ill vrmr nlil unn nf
Mr. and Mr. E. Tidrow, mot with a , " DUU " , .
on.In.,a .., c i u, So mo dny you will get a bad acaro
" " y O I OWllUIIO ClwvJUUiiU lfltJV WUUUtlJ I - I I i 11
up a new location.;.-Ho was publishing Cecil Is afflicted with a spinal trouble wh,e" you fcel "J n 1,1 IT. 7 f
I I ...... .1 nU..n linn Im
but recently oud has to depend on a rolling chair
a paper at xayior, JNeur
sold out.
Tho Nemaha ball team was victors
ious last Friday ih their contest with
the Johnson club, winning out or a
score of 10 to 0.
Dr. Hutchison, optician, will be at
Nemaha again, on Tuesday, August 15.
Arrange to have your eyes tested for
glasses. Examination free.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Paris,
Saturday morning, July 20, 1005, si son
of tho regulation weight. Of course
Ed is rejoicing, and feels just as proud
as if it was tho first born .
York stato Monday. Mr. Stephenson
goes to seo a brother who lies at tho
point of death, and whom the doctors
say cannot llvo moro lhan a month
and may die at any time. Mr. Watson
goes to visit his old home.
for getting about. At tho tlmo mens
tioned ho was on Tierney street, near
tho Methodist church. Ho started
to wheel himself down tho (brick walk
towards Main street when tho rolling
chair gained a momentum that caused
him to lose control of the samo and it
run off the .walk and upset with tho
result that Cecil's left shoulder was sumption,
dislocated and tho shoulder blade frac- tion, from
and fear nppeuulcitus. safety lies in
Dr. King's Now Llfo Pills, a euro euro
for nil bowel and stomach diseases,
bucIi as headache, biliousness; coBtives
nose, etc. Guaranteed at Keel tug's
drug utore, only 5c. Try them,
The farmers now have as good pros
peots for a big corn crop as thoy over
had. The farmer is strictly in it this
Mrs. August Quiller, Miss Minnie
May and Miss Stella Washburn went
to Lincoln Tuesday to attend the Eps
worth Assembly,
The Auburn olmutauqua was a sues
csss in every respect. The income was
buiiicient, we understand, to pay all
expenses this year.
Rev. J, T. Smiley started for his
home at ColTereburg. Mo Sunday
afternoon, after a few dayB visit with
his brother, D. T. Smiley the first
time they have met for 2(5 years.
Wo will send The Advertiser and tho r0unds, camo homo Monday
Tho Nebraska Farmer both one (year afternoon . Ttaoy-anipyed Hie chautau-
Dylng of Famlno
in its torments, liko dying of con-
Tho progress of consumpn
tho beginning to tho very
Shubert is making arrangements for tured. Ho was quickly taken homo ond, is a long torture, uotu to victim
a big timo at tho street fair and enrol- and Dr. Massoy attended to his injurs and frionds. "When I had consump-.
val which will bo held August 30, 31 ies. Tho boy's natural helplessness tion in its first stage," writes Win.
nud Sept 1. There will bo eloquent and tho prevailing hot weather com- Myers, of Cearioss, Md., "aftor trying
speakers each day, good music, base bine to mako it exceedingly unploasant different medicines and n good doctor,
ball and other amusements and a gen- for tho sufforor. Crab Orchard Herald. In vain, I at last took Dr. King's New
erol good timo. Every effort will be Discovery, which quickly and perfectly
put forth to make the carnival a 10 t,JU umw lul tuc " cureu n?e. irrompi, rouui mm hiuu
uutherings or the pioneers 01 jn euros cure for tconghs, colds, eoro throat
ka, when those who who camo hero at bronchitis, etc. Positively prevents
Mrs. Earle Gilbert and Mrs F. L. an earlv dav mett to renew ncnuaintt nnnninnnln. nimmntfliul at, Knnlliic'n
Woodward, who have been attending unco and discuss tho pleasurors and drug store, price COc and S1.00 a bottle
tho Chautauqua at Auburn, tenting on hardships of tho early days. These Trial bottle free.
for only S1.05. The Farmer iB one of
tho best farming papors published.
Leave your subscription at this oillco
Stand Right Privileges
F. L. Woodward is tho committee
Frank Gillespie, who has been living on stand rights for the old settlers pics
on uarry Hoovers rami, moved to nic. to be held August 24. All who
Grundy county, Mo , last week, leaving want stand rights should apply to him.
here I riday evening.
qua very much but are glad to get back
home where thoy will not bo bothered
with so many flies, bugs, mosquitoes,
and other insects.
Elmer E. Allen has built an addition
to his home, for a bath room, running
a pipe to a cesspool sixteen feet deep
north of the house.
Miss Ethel Stoddard and Miss Nellie
Simpson of Auburn visited with Mrs.
Emmett Collin from Monday until
Wednesday. Miss Stoddard is a sister
and Miss Simpson a niece of Mrs.
The Fremont Herald has discovered
that the reason Brown was not elected
congressman last week was bocnuse
the populists did not vote the demo
cratic ticket. There are very few pops
ulists in this district and thoy have not
been in the habit of voting the demo
cratlc ticket in tho past few years
Nebraska City News.
Tho German-American picnic at
Auburn will ho held August IS. Wo
indei stand arrangements aro boiug
made for the bc3t picnic ever hela
The farmers in this neighborhood
made enough money a few days ago
by using tho telephone to pay rental on
the same for several years. A num
picnics aro are of particular interest to
the older people buc tho younger gens
oration care nothing for them. Tliero
is little or nothing said that intorest
the younger generation.
In a sense these annual gatherings
are a failure. There is littlo dpno and
less said that would instruct or hold
tho attention of tho rising generation.
Tho fact is that families meet, talk
ovor trivial affairs' "visit" as tho old
ladies say, and thou go home.
This is wrong. These annunl paths
erings ought- to be made history-record
ing gathering. . The pioneers who tako
are the only ones who know what took
in Otoe, Cass or Nemaha counties fifty
years ago and their ranks are being
rapidly decimated. Of the hundreds
who mot with tho old settlors thirty
Proprietors of tho
Livery & Feed Stab e
Gcod Dray in connection with Livery
Satisfaction guarantoocl.
T. Ei. Orotlxev
in the
John M. Clark this week sold 01 hogs
aud SO head of cattle to Will Higgina
of Stella, getting S2;50 fur the bunch.
T hat id a good sum or money to get at
one time.
V. P Peabody and Misses Alice and
Grace Peabody went to Lincoln Mou
day to visit Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Peabody. The young ladles expect to
be gone about two weeks.
The big engine put in by the Auburn
Gold Mining fin. nr. f hnlr m!
Mvstlc. South Dakota, wm, Srrrp,! tn ber of them nhonod to Earle Gilbert y9ars e wore then classed as plo
running a few days ago, and wo will ad sold their corn one morning at 48 nee, oniy .1 jew are leu, unu may gQQ Repairing
probably soon hear of their mining cents. On the morning mail Earle res uu" uo w" "'""J y longer.
large quantities of gold. ceived notice that corn was 5 cents For tbirty-eight years the Otoo County Uarnoeq Ttanairillff
... I I 111 V. 11 T T 111 I'll naonntflMnn lirnl '
lower. Some 01 those selling thus
Joe Robinson and family, of Nemas wore C. W. Roberts, Wm. Mead, J. II.
ho, who have been visiting Mrs. Bobs Argabright, C. L. Russell and several
insou's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard others. Earle uot in 11.000 bushels
of corn in a few dayb, paying 48 cents
for it.
son, who live south of town, returned
I. .w. -1 4. .1 111
uuiiiw yumuruay, inev were acennm
panted home by J. E. Richurdson and '
family. Peru Pointer.
Old Settlers association has held at I
least an anpual meeting and somo
times have met twlco a year, and what
havo the members to show for the I
annual gathering? Simply nothing.
Not a line of history.
It is not too late to begin to rectify
Hand Mado Harness a Specialty
DoiUor In
Tho Auburn atmosphere or somes this mistake. At tno next meeting
thing else does not agree witli Nemaha tliero ought to bo several popers giving
Mrs. J. M. Fuller's night blooming people evidently. Mm. Woodward, personnl historical accounts of the Llierliest market price paid for Hide,
-.rt . . . I a . . 1 . 1 1 1. l. I . .....
cereus 0 oomea ror t ie annonc t mn w 10 was tent nc on t ie cnautauciua eany oays. jauu who came nore in r.nn ' nw. nt..
TS CV. A . . .. . . . uutv., .
jjui oiuuii. Buoonu nunu ijerapster last Friday nlnht. The flower Ih twJerounds. was nuito sick last week. 1854-5 should contribute their remlnia-
winu mm s iool aceei wneel, JO foot taiuly a handsome one and was vlnwori Fronk Woodward was sick a dav or so cences. and those who camo lator oucht
1. .1. . . 1 - - - .
Sieei tOWer. OteOl AllCnOipOStS. Will WlHl flwliftlih hu mnnv' lm a,.f nn unnnnL nf ,. viuih fn A nhiirn In tnll Wllflh tllfir lflinw.
will Frank DresBler drove out 4to Auburn We have almost sinned away our day !
Sunday and waB taken sick. Mr. and of grace, and if tho history of bouUih
MrB. Elmer E. Allen drove out Saturs oastern Nebraka is to be written it
sell at half price, and set it up.
Wesley- H.
see it. There is another bud that
blosBom aoon.
David Frazier, who has been visiting
his sou, Dr. W, W. Fnizier, at Goc
man, Mo., for two weeks, returned
homo last Saturday, coming through
with the doctor's, of household
a uioomington, 111., dispatch of
July 25th says: Harry Kimmoll. an
actor, of Blair, Neb., and Miss Florence
Mlnick, of Nemaha, Neb., were mar
.1 .
neu uunng tno progress of a home
tilent theatrical performance here
tonight. Kimmoll has been here some
time coaching tho local players.
flM. 1. f .
xiio uriaw nnu noon travn nt win,
thy Curts Dramatic Co for Borne time
but recently wont to Bloomington to
join Mr. Kimmeli.
Dr. W. W, Frazier arrived In Nema
ha Iobc Saturday and has been busy
since then getting ready to go to house
keeping ugain. He is living in the
Denny, house, just west of John I.
Dressler's. For tho present he will
have his office at his residence.
We wrote an item last week about
Mies Daisy Clark, daughter of Jonn
M. Clark, winning the silver medal in
the contest at the Auburn Chautauqua,
but the item was overlooked and did
noc get In print. There were several
contestants but it was acknowledged
by all that Miss Daisy was the best.
She is a good elocutionist all right.
Gertrude McCandless, daughter of A.
11. McCantllees was also a contestant.
day evening and time night Mrs. Allen
was taken sick and was in bed until
Sunday afternoon. Several other Nos
mahaites were also sick at different
In somo or tho Granger's comments
on tho Chautauqua John II, Dundas
says: "Does Mr. Lambert really beliovo
in the gruosorne doctrine of the Moth
odist church that places Bro. Harmon
outside the pale of tho blessed V" Wo
would like to havo Bro. Dundas point
out the "gruesome doctrine" to which
he refers, We have been a mombor of
the Methodist church for 31 years and
havo not yet seen any doctrine that
would bar Bro. Harmon, if he
christian, as wo beliovo be is.
is a
must bo done at once, At the next
annual gathering let us have facts
md history instead of "stump
speeches. "Nebraska City News.
How's this?
Wo olfer Ono Hundred Dollnrs Howard for
any case of Cutarrh that cannot bo cured by
JIftlrH Catarrh Curo.
F. J. CHENEY it CO., Toledo, O.
"Wo, tho undersigned, havo known F. J.
Cheney for tho Inst 15yearH, and bollevo liini
perfectly iionorablo in all IiuhIiiohs tmnmic-
tlonsund llnanchilly ablo to carry out uny
obllgutlonH mado by liln ilrm.
Wai.dino, Ki.nnan it Marvin,
Wholetmlo DrugglstH, Toledo, O.
HalrH Catarrh Curo Ih tnken Internally,
acting directly upon tho blood and imucouh
HiirfaccH of tho syBtom, TestlmonlalH Bout
rce. Irlco75oonts por bottle. Hold by nil
T uko Hall' Family Pills for constipation
Windmills and Pumps,
Tanks, Pipesjetc.
Phone calls answeredt promptly.
OmccM over l'oHlollloo uulldlng, at
Frank Neal's old stand,