nanenumninnnrwnnnnn AND IROH MOUNTAIH Route. I KMOVrH M HU GREAT 30UTftWK5T Connecting tbo OonMrmt Center CP Wh ennin wi MISSOURI. The 11 road Corn and Wheat IP -04 Trrmg uiiua or KANSAb, Tim Fertile Itlver Vnllftys, Trito. Gent feed llolllDR J'ralrlcs of NEBRASKA, ThearMid.rictnresqtienndEnchsntlneBeenery, nad the l'amous Mining Districts o COLORADO, Tb AjtrienHnrnl. Fruit, Mineral and Timber acuLa,snd Frunous Hot HprlnKs ot ARKANSAS. Sum X'Untatlono nnd lumense Klcs Fields ot LOUISIANA, Ornln Fields, tho Cattle Hsngei winter ncuorts or. TEXAS, Historical And Bccnlo OLD AND NEW MEXICO, trtUUta Connection! (be ropuiar Winter llouto to CALIFORNIA Par 4Mt1ptlvo and lllaBtrtitod patnpbleti of i ! MflrlVMaa rnmnin !' State, address Companies' .TOWNSCND, . ItVsril ruMngtr and Ticket Igint, ' ST. LOUIB.j Account Lmvfu & Clark Centennial. Wo olTor nttes to the following points, Portland OreRon, Seattle, Tacoma, Blll Inghara Washington and Vancouver and Victoria and return, with a finnl limit of ninety days but not to be lator tban Nov. 80, 1005, at the vory low rate of 845. With going in any regu lar direct route and returning same or aoy regular direct routes, except that parttes going via San Francisco and steamer or tbo Shoste route will be $11 dollars higher, and for tickets res turning vfa Winnipeg and St, Paul will be 10 higher DateB of sale will be May 23, 24 and 25, June 13, 14, 15 and 27 , 28 and 20, with various other dates in July Aug. and 8ept. The Pacific Coast Steamship Co. have arranged to give rog'jl&r excursions to Alaska at a very cheap rate for the round trip. They will show you many Interesting points in Alaska. We wish to announce that the rates of regular first class fare plus $2 ,00 on the first and third Tuesdays will cons tinue in effect all during the summer. International Sunday school conven tion, Toronto, round trip $27.15, dates of sale Tune 18, 10 and 21 with a final limit leaving Toronto not later than June 30. KILLthi couch and CURE THE LUNGS WITH Dr. King's New Discovery CONSUMPTION FOR j Pric OUGHS Mi 60c&$1.00 Free Trial. (OLDS Surest and ftulckcat Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB LES, or MONEY BACK. CUM Mas'AgMtWMtlty 86 VferH'aUW Mai 816 Wells Street, Marinette, Wis., Sept. 25, 1003. I -was all run down from nervous ness and overwork and had to resign my position and take a rest. I found that I was not gaining my strength and health as fast as I could wish, and as your Wine of Jardui was recommenaea as sucn a rtnnA morlirinn for tho ills of OUT Bex, I bought a bottle and began Ufling it. I was satisfied with tho results from the use of tho first bottle, and took three more and then found I was restored to good health and strength and able to take up my work with renewed vigor. I ronnid Ar it. n fin a ton? n and excellent for worn-out, nervous condition, and am pleased to endorse it. AGNES WESTLEY, tt&j, Jforth Wisconsin Holland Society. Secure a $1.00 bottle of Wine of Cardui and a 25c. package of Thedford'g Black-Draught today. wine'gfcardui The Nebraska Advertiser TIio German-American picnic at Au burn will bo held on Tuesday August i5th, Mrs. Alice A. M.I nick and Miss Helen Hitte of Brownvillu wore guests of Mrs. W. II. Hoover the first of the week. Ilarrv and Flossie Parker returned to Auburn Thursday after a week's visit with their grandmother, Mrs. J. B. Berger. May and Pearl Chambers, daughters of Ab and Dick Chambers of Auburn, have been visiting their aunt, Mrs. W. S. Maxwell, for the past week. A CORRECTION The meeting in the park Sunday night will begin at 7:30, itiBtead of 7 o'clock as announced on tho first page. Dave Thompson, who has been living n Missouri lor two or three years, arrived in Nemaha Wednesday night. Dave talks of buying property and moving back here. Wo will Bend the Advertiser, the weekly Lincoln State Journal, the owa Homestead, the Farm Gazette and tho Homemaker, all one year for only 81.50. Tho regular price of these papers Is S3. 25. The only hope the democrats have of electing their candidate for congress next Tuesday is that tho republicans will not vote and that tho democrats will. They recognlzo that if the repub- icans vote they stand n show. It is up to the voters to get to tho polls, no matter if they are busy. Stop work ong enough to vote. Tho republican county central com mittee met at Auburn Wednesday and ssued the call for tho republican conns ty convention to select delegates to the state convention and to nominato a county ticket. The convention will meet at Auburn on Mouday, September 11th. The primaries will be held on Saturday, September 9th. Nemaha irecinct is entitled to 8 delegates. Lest the democrats forget, we will gently remind them that their candis date for congress is a member of the umber combine and one of the leaders n this state. But we haven't seon any editorials in the Herald about it. That paper might resurrect some of the editorials published about this matter when J. W. Kerns was a candidate for the legislature. The combine was a torriblo affair then. Chairman Burgess and Secretary Allen have issued the call for tho re publican state convention to meet at Lincoln Thursday, September 1 1. The call provides for a convention of 1201 delegates, of which Douglas has !123 and Lancaster 00. Gage comes next with 35, then Saunders with 24, Cass 23, Dodge 23, Otoe 22, Custer 22, Rich ardson, Hall, York and Buffalo 21 each. Nemaha county is cntitlod to 17 delegates. The Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co. recently received four car loads of lumber, one coming from Texas, one from the state of Washington and two from Oregon. The company own the mills in Washington, where thoy get their ooft pine lumber. The hard pine they get from Texas nnd tho cedar shingles and fir bridge timber from Oregon. They get oak lumber from Arkansas and Tennessee and other points in the south. Frequently the freight on a car of lumber from Washs Ington amounts to from $350 to $400. Dressmaking Mrs. J. E. Crother requests to ins form her friends and patrons she Is now prepared to cut aud fit to ordor. How's this? Wo offer Ono Hundrod Dollars Uownrd for nnycanoof Catarrh that cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. P, J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Wo, tho undorslguod, havo known P. J. Cheney for tho Inst 16 years, nnd hellovo him perfectly honorable In all business transac tions nnd financially aula to carry out any obligations mado by his II rm . WALDINO, KlNNAN it MAHVIN, Wholeonlo Druggists, Tolodo, O. llnll's Catarrh Curo Is takeu lutornally, noting diroctly upon tho blood nnd mucous surfnoeB of tho system, Testimonials sent free. Price 76 cents per bottle. Sold by ull druggists. Take Hull's PamllyPillB for constipation STRAIGHTENING THE NEMAHA. Straightening tho Nemaha river is a problem which should receive tho care ful consideration of the owners of land along tho Nemaha bottoms, ami in fact ail citlens of our county, as it will simplify the good roads problem across the bottoms and add to the pros ductiveness of tho county, As an illustration of what pluck and a little energy can do, 1 will refer you to Mr. J. D. Mills, who lives in sec tion 5, Douglas precinct. Ho has mado a cut of about 8 rods through a bend and shortened the stream thereby about 80 rods. In doing this he tells me he has loet practically no time that he could put iu on his farm. In the first placo lie plowed a space about 30 1 feet wide and scraped it out and kept j on plowing and scraping at odd times until he had a channel about three feet deep. lie then plowed furrows in this, and when tho high waters came these furrows were washed out and about one foot of soil additional. He kept up the plowing and the water kept washing until now the water al most all goes through the cut. He told me that in the last rise, not withstanding ho has very low bottom land, ho b tillered very little, owing to the vent given to tho water. If this may ba done individually what might be accomplished collect ively? A very important thing to do is to cut ull tho timber along tho banks of the stream and burn all brush and rubbish that may tend to form drifts and gorges and thus prevent the chans nel from washing deeper. If the stream was practically straicht the distance that the water has to flow would bH lessened by one-half and the flow of the stream would probably be twice as rapid, which would double the present capacity of tho channel and nearly, if uot quite, do away with thf overflows. Fellow farmers, this problem will have to be met in the near future. Jf our neighbors above do '.he work first you win ue in tnesoup l would say to the farmers who own lands on the Nemaha bottoms that as a heritage to your children tbeBe lands are prefer able to the uplands, since eacn year the uplands are losing their richness, while the bottoms are gaining and will eventually be the best lands in Ne braska. You can see this statemen verified by a visit to the older states of the East. D.O. IJOAGLAND. Elmer E. Allen has ordered a car load of sand from Plattsmouth, Nebr., for use in plastering the opera house. There is plenty of sand alone trie Miss ouri river, but when the river is high it cannot be reached. Every year there is a scaicity of sand, and each time our teamsters declare that next winter they will haul up a lot to keep' for sale, but thoy never do. But it is about as cheap to ship it. in from the Platte river as it Is to have it hauled, when one needs a car load, but it is inconvenient for tlioso who want a small quantity, Since tho purchase of the fair grounds at Lincoln all available funds have been used In tho erection of new barns for horses cattle, swine and sneep. This year all funds available have been appropriated for necessary accommodations In other departments which have boou patiently awaiting the time when their turn should come. Resl Estate for Sale One of the very best reBideuee prop cities in Nemaha seven lots, good house almost new, small fruit, etc. House and two lots, good woil, largo collar, and other conveniences. House and two lotB, good well. Good house and one lot. House ha3 fivogood rooms, porcheB, etc. Is in good condition in every way a very desirablo place. Fine well, small barn, pens, etc. Farm of chard. 40 acres, 20 acres in or- W. W. SANDERS No Socrpt About It It is no secret, that for Cuts, Burns, Ulcers, Fever Sores, Soro Eves, Boils etc,, nothing Issoeffeotlvo as Bucklcn's Arnica Salve. "It didn't take long to cute a bad sore I had, aud it is all O. K for soro eyeB," writes D. L. Gregory, of Hope, Tex. 25c at Kooling'a drug Hugo Task It w .iin !us!f task to ui.deitakp the enreuf mult ,t bid case of kidney di sease, as that of C. V. Collier, of Chero-) t i .s t itti . tit. rt Kee, la., iiih income imicrsmu id lie writes: "My kidneys were so far gone I could not sit on a chair without a cushion; and suffered from dreadful backache, headache, and debresslon. In Electric Bitter, however, 1 found n cure, and by them was restored to per fect health. I recommend this great tonic medicine to oil with weak kids neys, liver or stomach. Guaranteed by W W. Keeling drucelst : price 50c. Old uapers for sale at tliiB office TIME TABLE Nemaha, Nebr. Lincoln Denver Iiolona IButto Salt Xjtiko City Portland San JPimioIboo And HXJolntH West Dmiiha Chiouuo St. JoHoph ICnnmis City St. liOuiH and till IointH 3Cnst nnd. South TRAINS LEAVK AS FOLLOWS: No. 07 -PnBsoiiKer, dully oxceptSun- liiv fnr TpniimMPli. lipntrlcn. Holdrcge nnd nil points west 0:48 n m No.98 1'ftBsonKcr, dully except Sun day, for NeiirnsKii tmy, unicago nnd nil polntH north nnd cant 4:00 j m No, 111 Local freight, daily except Hundnv, lor Atchison nnd Inter medlntn MtatloiiH 6:15 p m No. 112 Local frolyht, dally except Monday, for Nebraska Chy and Intermediate BtuUotiB 1:40 am W. Sanders . Justice of the Peace NOTARY PUBLIC Real Estate and Insurance Agent 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Dcsigns Copyrights Ac. Anyone sending n nit etch nnd description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention Is probably imtentniilo. Communica tions strictly contlilentlftl. HANDBOOK onl'atcnu lent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents takon through Muim & Co. receive tptclal notice, without charge, In tho Scientific Hmerican. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. I.nrscst cir culation of nny sclentlQn Jourtml. 'JVrnis, tz n j our-, four months, $L Sold byull newsdealer. MUNN&Co.36,Broada New York Branch Ufflce. 625 V St, WashlUKt jr. I). O. Eneoungo boji to in Mttre, rollloklnj, out-of-door life 3L. In Eeia ana rarest, eooau ciTe to beilth na ilTorainf a practical acaoalnUDca with Nature without wbich no boy' education It com- picic. steiiaci me practice mooting induce! iteaai- neii, ucllberallon, accuracy ; valuable onalltjca In ini "'A builneii or life. GetaSTKTIKWMid bang away. If your dealer don't keep don't aooept lome otntr gun oi qsu tlonabls accuracy, We'll aeti direct; caib order, cixp propnla. Stnd t tamp for lit pagt catalogue J. STEVENS AHMS A TOOI. CO., ISox Obtoopee Fall, Has. ciihfs mm ail Host Couku Syrup. Tastes Good, in time, sola Dy tirnKKiru. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR Ihc 5 minute Breakfast Food STEVENS RIFLES ri.LflH If. VIA sr BOiVU Stivins Riflis NHR rca rip luirmrwrKiarj r,M y:IJIiKgWgi fist t A Lb. Ed flgBiB WM. CAMPUELL, PrcH. p, E, ALLEN. Vlt-e-l-res. ELMER E. ALLEN, Cusiilor. BANK OF NEMAHA NEMAHA, NEBRASKA Capital Stock, $5,000 DO YOU GBT UP WITH A lyAMB BACK? jjjjgy Trouble Hakes You Miserable. Almost everybody who rends the news papers is sure to know or the wonderful cures iiiauc oy ur. Kilmer's Swaiup- L Root, the great kid- v. ney, liver and uiatl- f - der remedy. It is the great med ical triumph of the nineteenth century : discovered nf ter vears R of scientific research " . n. -f-!1 il... Dy ur. i.iiint:r, liic eminent kidnev aud bladder specialist, and is wonderfully suceessful iu promptly curing lame back, uric acid, catarrh of the bladder lift llright's Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec ommended for everything but if you have kidney, liver or maimer irounie ntviii oe found just tnc remetty yun ntai. n im been tested iu so inniiy ways, in hospital work and in private practice, mm ims proved so successful iu every case that a special arrangement has been made by whicli all rcauers ui una , wi... not already tried it, may have a sample freu hv mail, also a book tell- iiiK tuorc about Swamp-Root, and how to findoutif youhave kidney or bladder trou ble. When writing mention reading this siencrous offer in tins paper undsend your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co.. BiiiKhamton, i N. Y. The regular fiftv-ccnt and one- dollar Si'C bottles are Homo of Swamp-noot. sold by all good druggists. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root. and the address, Hiugliaiiiton, jN. y., on every bottle. DR. G. M. ANDREWS Medical and Surgical Diseases of Women Stella - - Nebraska 25,000 New Words aro ntltletl in Lho last odilion of WobBter's nlernutioiial Diction ary. The International ia Jcont always abreast of tlio times. It takes constant work, expensive work and worry, but it is tuo only way to keep tbo dictionary the Standard Authority of tbo English-speaking world. Otber dictionaries follow. Web ster leads. It is tho favorito witb Judges, Scholars, Educators, Printers, etc., in tbiB and foroign countries. A postal card will bring you interesting specimen pages, etc. G. & 0. MERRIAM COMPANY Springfield," Mass. iffi ruBLisnxna or WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY. f A FREE PATTERN (your own selection) to every sub scriber. Only SO cents a ytar. MS CALLS MAGAZINE A LADIES' MAGAZINE. A tm; baautlful eolortd plates; latest fashions; dressmaking economics ; fancy work ; household hints ; fiction, etc! Sub scribe to-day, or, send ic. for latest copy. Lady afsnts wanted, Send for terms. Stylish, Reliable, Simple, Up-to-date. Economical and AbBolutelr PMi-ect-Flttlnjr Paper Pattern.. MS CALL Patterns AM Seams Allowed and Perforations show the Batthio and Sewlno Lines. Only io and 15 cents tch-none higher Ask for there, Sold In neaily every city and town, or by mail from THE MoCALL CO., 113.115-117 West 31st St., NEW YORK. "kssssssss' m iMB 1 store. 1