The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, July 07, 1905, Image 1

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Local ISTews
Dr Bourne (Us glasses. So. Auburn.
Subscribe for your papers at this of
Itoy Scott went to Auburn Monday
to visit his brother
Joe Hunger weut to Omaha Monday,
returning TueByay uight.
Edwards & Bradford just received a
oar load of bridge lumber.
So far as wo have heard, no one in
Nemaha got hurt ou the Fourth.
Our Hshermau are having flno luck
laiely, and are catching lots of flab,
Alamouth pottery ware at
Edwards & Bradford Lbr. Co.
White Lily washer, the beBt made at
Edwards & Bradford Lbr. Co.
Curt Brown went to Pawnee City
laat Saturday to vialt friends for a fow
Pater Kerker went to Pawnee City
Monday to spend tho 4th, returning
. Miss Eliza Farson came down from
Brownville Monday, returuing Tues
' day afternoon
MisB Vera Minick of Bracken visited
i.or mint. Mm Lillian Allen, from
At V. & . va vy -
Saturday until Monday.
Heed's anti-ruBt tinware, guaranteed
not to rust, at
Edwards & Bradford Lbr. Co.
Mra. E. A. jVlinick who has been
?oinnc hnr snn. O. L. Minick, near
'riinfikun. returned home Saturday
. Misses May Kerker, Nora Aynes,
Anna Knapp, Ella Shlveley and Maud
ttnrnR visited Auburn Tuesday and
Mrs. W. II. Rider is quite sick again.
She was dauiiesously sick about two
weeks ago, but got better, but is now
worse again.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Titus went to
Syracuse Saturday to visit A. R. Titus
aud wife for a few days. They reft
turned Wednesday.
Lew Argabright, who is assisting at
the South Auburn depot, visited home
over Sunday. He had been helping at
Peru for a few duyB.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Tillman of
Union, Nebr., arrived in Nemaha Sat4
urdav evenlne to vialt J. D. Drumm
and family for a few dayB.
The voters of Brock evidently want
a new school house, as at the tast at
tempt at voting bonds the proposition
carried by a vote of 41 to 1.
Mrs. J. C. Boyd and Miss Dottle
Boyd of Asplnwall precinct went to
Omaha Saturday to spend tho fourth
with their daughter and sister.
Elmer E. Allen went to Nebraska
City Monday afternoon, and tho next
morning went to Weeping Water, re
turning home Tuesday evening.
The town was pestered with a band
of Gypsy fortune tellers Thursday, but
they did not remain long. They evi
dently could not And many suckers.
Mrs. J. E. Crother requests to ins
form ber friends and natrons she is
now prepared to cut and flt to order.
Hon. F. G. Hawxby came in from
Auburn Monday afternoon, and took
the evening freight for Shubert, where
he delivered the Fourth of July
oration Tuesday.
John Webber bad bard luck getting
his wheat cut. He had in 140 acres
and his machine kept breaking so he
did not get it all cut until the first of
this week, He will have a now nia
chine next year.
Wo havo sent out statomenta to a
numbor of our subscribers this week.
Wo need tho money bad and hope all
will respond. More statements will be
sent out in a few days.
It has been a leng time sinco the
voters of the First district had a chance
to send a real farmer to congress. Mr.
Pollard never conducted any other
kind of a business. Johnaon News.
Dr. A. L. Stlora was shaking hands
wish Nemaha friends Thursday, The
doctor is now located at Brock. He
drove down Wedueaday to visit his I
brother, Jobh B. Stlora, for a fow days.
Agent Wheeldon reports selling 22
tickets for Nebraska City on the excur
slon Tuesday morning. Several more
went to the city in the afternoon.
About 35 went to Auburn on the train.
Auburn now has over half ot (he
coanty officers, besides a district judge
and yet insist on having rnoro at the
next election. They ask for every one
of tho county officers to be elected this
As Olo R6berts was returning from
Auburn Tuesday night one of his
horaes got off a bridge. Ola bad to get
in mud and water up to his knees, with
bis good clothes on, to rescue tee horse,
which waB hurt some but not seriously.
J. M. West opened his first kiln of
brick Wednesday. The brick are of
fine quality, good color, well burned,
and in every way satisfactory. There
is now no reason for sending away
from Nemaba for brick, unless the
demand exceed the supply.
The new inebriate law went into
effect July 1. A habitual drunkard
can now be sent to the asylum and
treated for that disease. The county
sending him pays $15 to, begin with,
and then additional amounts according
to the time it takes to cure the fellow.
Many of those who drove to Auburn
to celebrate the Fourth got caught in
the rain at night. It begin raining
here about 11:39. The night was very
dark but we have learned of no serious
accidents. Some of those returning
from Nebraska (Jity, on toe excursion,
also got wet.
The democratic candidate for con
gress says bo will support President
Boosevelt in some ways. But if the
democratic caucus would say different
Mr. Brown would vote according to
the caucuB if he shouldahapben to be
elected. Mr. Pollard will vote with
the President and support him in al
bis measures and he will be elected.
John J. Green, who sold his farm
near Nemaha about live years ago and
moved to Oklahoma, arrived in Nema
ha Saturday afternoon and says be has
come back here to live the remainder
of his life. He says he wouldn't trade
ton acres of Nemaha county land for a
quarter section of Oklahoma land als
though he says they raise good crops
there when they get rain.
Old settlers will say that thoy have
never known a crop failure in Nobrass
ka when July came in with an abunds
ance of moisture. In the nature of
things a change from the wet seasons
that have recently prevailed Ib to be
expected, but it does not appear to be
coming tbia year. A bumper corn crop
soems about to be added unto all of
our other blessings. State Journal.
When you see it published that the
republicans are kicking on Pollard,
look and see If it is not a democratic
paper making the report. The only
kick we have beard of ba9 been in
democratic papers. If our democratic
friends liko their corporation candidate
better than they do the republican
farmer, that is their privilege. Res
publicans are fully satisfied with the
republican candidate for congresB. Ho
stands squarely on the republican cons
gressional platform, and will support
the president in every measure advos
cated by tho administration. Sterling
Semi-Weekly Sun.
Married At the resldenco of tho
bride's paronte, Mr. and Mrs. E. tf.
Snyder, east bf Auburn, Nebraska, on
Thursday evening, Juno 29, 1905, by
tho Rev. W. Dieffenbach, Mr. John A.
Mayer to Miss Bertha E. Snyder, both
of Nemaha county.
Nemaha 1b being recognized by tho
state papers as the homo of statemen
and leading mon in all callings and
professions. The Lincoln Star recently
had a half column interview with tho
"pioneer farmer", F. L. Woodward
and tho Lincoln News followed with
Q n Titua .one 0f the prominent re-
mbllcaus of tho county". It Is now
ImeforV. P. Poabody to get bofore
the public.
W.S.Maxwell was presented a few
dayB ago with a Nebraska grown
orange. It was grown byjMra. J. F.
Ebnotherat her home in Asplnwall.
The tree is several years old.
Last I
year it bore one orange but this year
has a number. The ornngea are full
grown, good size and have tho appear
ance of oranges shipped from tho south.
But we judge orange crowing would
not prove very profitable in Nebraska.
Saturday was the urat of the open
soaaon for wild pigeons, doves anu
plover. It lasts for a month, tho legis
lature having out off August in order to
make a break between tho open eoason
for theso birds and that for grouse and
uralrie chickens. The latter waB made
to begin Septembor 1, and the persons
in charge of the bill felt that tho prlvi
ge of shooting plover in August
might be made the covert for illegal
chicken shooting.
Tho following officers were elected at
the Methodist Sunday school last
Sunerlntendent Mra. Lillian Allen.
Assistant Dr. W. W. Keeling.
Secretary Lulu Cooper.
Assistant Avis Carae.
Treasurer Mrs. W. G. Maxwell.
Librarian Lena Maxwell.
Assistant Neva Russell.
Organist Avis Carse.
Assistant Geneva West.
Ab usual, the Fourth was celebrated
verv nuletlv in Nemaha. Many of our
citizens went to Nebraska City on tho
excursion, manv more went to Auburn
others to Shubert, and some to other
places, while those w'io wanted to
spend a quiet day stayed at homo. In
tho flveninz there was a display of I
fireworks by a number of our citizens.
Our merchants disposed of all of their
fireworks and could havo sold moro.
Miss Maye Gaitber had her loft hand
badly cut and brulBed a few days ago.
She started to draw a bucket of water.
One bucket was off tho rope. The
other bucket was full of water and
M)bb Maye started to let it down in
the well. It got a good start before
she saw the other bucket was off, and
when she tried to stop it her hand was
drawn up against tho wheel, cutting
ono finger and bruising the band. Dr.
Koelinor dressed It. She Will have a
very sore hand for somo time.
The following officers of Bena lodge,
No. 100. Dauchters ofHebekah, were
installed Wednesday night by Mra.
Annie Maxwell, district deputy ;
P. G. May Gilbert.
N . G. Dora Clark.
V. G. Minnie May.
Sec'y May Kerker.
Treas Frances Wheeldon.
Chaplaln-Flora AnderBon.
Warden Maggie Hacker,
Cond Pearle RobertB.
R S N G Louise Stephenson.
L S N G Annie Maxwell.
I. G. Belle Dressier.
O. G. Belle Barker.
r S V G Eoallle McCandless.
L S V G Stella Waahburn.
After lodge adjourned ice cream and
cake was served.
We will send the Advertiser, the
weekly Lincoln Slate Journal, the
Iowa Homestead, the Farm Gazette
and the Homeraaker, all ono year for
only 81.50, The regular price of these
papers is $3.25.
The rain Tuesday night was accou
panled with a hard wink that made I
aomo of our citizens think of taking to
the cyclono cave,
A dispatch from Lincoln says:
County assessors must tax saleon U
censes as valuable franchises, according,
to tho opinion rendered by Atternoy
Gonoial Brown, in answer to a query,
from Pawnoo county. It muBt bo doV
elded by tho county assessors them-
aelvoa a0 t0 wither tho Hoeuoes are tol
uu Ul LU lUB amau 01 ino "conso
100 canltBUZfld 011 tna npt earnings of
(no saioons. manv declare mat a
saloon licenso Is of moro valuo in cers
tain communities than iu others bon
cause of its earning capacity.
Program for Y. P. S. 0. E. meeting
at tho Christian church, Sunday July 0.
Subject, Tho Indwelling Christ.
2, 010. Col. 3, 8 10.
Hints: Hid with Christ, Col. 3, 1-4.
Obedience, John 15, 0 10. Ono with
Him, John 17, 22-20 His temples.
1 Cor. U, 15 20. Dead to the law, Gal.
2, 10-21. Abiding in IIim,.l John
0, 24-28,
Discussion, Where and what did
Christ teach hia kiugdom 1b? Elder
Discussion, How may we havo daily
compauionshlp with Jesus? Nora
Discussion, What teaches tho conb
dltion of OhriBt'a indwelling? Mayo
Bessie Washburn, Loader.
Now that the supremo court has do1
llvered the solar plexls to tho bion
nial election law repablican candidates
are springing up all over tho county
for the fat snaps at tho court house.
The fusionlsts seem weighted down by
antipathy aud that tired feeling which
comes from several unsuccessful cam
There will bo no opposition to tho
renomination of the present county
troaaurer, D. J. A. Dirks, nor to Goo.
D. Carringtou, county superintendent,
both have made One recordB In tho ad-
rniniatraiian or tueir unices anu it ib ox
tremeiy uouDtrui lr tue opposition can
und nny one to run against them.
For county clerk
thero promisos
Elsie Redfern
be a pretty race.
Glen Rock, J. P. Glllllan of Peru ,
Wright, of Douglas, have shied their
castors in tho ring and are eager for
tho fray. The demo-pops are out
Bcourlng the country with BoniAml in
a hopelesB search for a candidate.
The office of sheriff is eyed with
longiag by Fred Rohrs, of Douglas,
Will Russell, of Nemaha and it is Bald
that Abe Lawrence will not take to the
woods if the convention would name
him. The democrats appear to have
two candidates both In Douglas. One
is John R. Daucherty and tho other
Will Jon os.
For county judge M. S. Mclninch is
the only active candidate. John S.
McCarty, the proBont fusion incumbent
of this office, has signified his willing.
nesB to indorse an candidates on tnei
"rascals" ticket except their nominee
for this job. From this evon a blind
deaf-mute could infer that the versa I
tile judge wants to succeed himself.
The CQunty convention will probably
be held near the first of September den
ponding considerably on tbe time of I
the state convention. It is thought
that onlv ono convention will be necesJ
Bary in this county. Republican.
How's this?
Wo ofl'er Ono Hundred Dollars Koward for
any caso of Catarrh that cannot bb onrod by
Hall's Catarrh Ouro.
P. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Wo, tho undorslgaod, havo known F. J.
Cheney for tho last 16 years, aud bollovo him
perfectly honorablo In all business transac
tions and financially ablo to carry out any
obligations mado by his Arm.
Wholesale Drugglsta, Toledo, O.
nail's Catarrh Cure Is taken lntornally,
acting directly upon tho blood and mucous
surfaces of tho system. Testimonials sunt
Jreo. Frlco 75 cents per bottlo. Sold by all
Tako Hill's Family Pills for constipation I
We are having plenty of rain
Reel Estate for Sale
Ono of tho very best residence prop
ertlos in Nemaha sovon lots, good
house almost new, small fruit, etc.
IIouso and two lots, good well, large
collar, and other conveniences.
Houso and two lots, Rood well.
Good houso and ono lot. IIouso has
five good rooms, porches, etc. Is in
good condition In every way a very
desirablo placo. Flno well, small barn,
pons, oto
Farm of 40 acres. 20 acres in op.
A Bad Scare
Somo day you will get o bad acaro
when you foel a pain In your bowels
and fear appendicltus. Safety lies in
Dr. Klng'a Now Llfo Pills, n Buro euro
for all bowel and stomach diseases,
such as headache, biliousness; coBtives
noB8, etc. Guaranteed at Reeling's
drug fitoro, only a5c. Try them ,
Romombor that W.W:Sanders writes
insurance. Ho is ngont for Boverql
first claaa companies, both mutual and
old line. II 1b rates aro as low as any.
Give him a call.
Dying of Famine
is, in its torments, like dying of con
sumption. The progress of consumpn
tlon, from tho beginning to the very
ond, is a long torture, both to victim
and frionda. "When I had consump
tion in its first stago." writes Win.
Myers, of Cearfoss, Md., "after trying
different medicines and a good doctor,
in vain, I at last took Dr. King's New
Discovery, which quickly and perfectly
cured mo." Prompt 'relief and sure
euro for coughs, colds, sore throat.
bronchitis, etc. Positively prevents
pneumonia. Guaranteed at Reeling's
drug store, price 50a and $1.00 a bottle.
Trial bottlo free.
Proprietors of tho
Livery & Feed Stabe
Qcod Dray in connoction with LWory
Satisfaction guaranteed..
JT. JEJ. Orother
in the
Shoe Repairing
Harness Repairing
Hand Mado Harnoss a Specialty
Dealer In
Highest market prico paid for Hides,
Lard, Tallow, etc,
lfinn mill Q 911(1 PlIIYIIIQ
WIIIUm,l,b d,IU rUmNJ
Tanks, Pipesjetc.
Phone calls answered! promptly.
OOloes over PostofUoo Building, at
Frank Noal's old stand,