The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, June 23, 1905, Image 7

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    u iL iw.w Himir i mmtmmeammamtmmmimmtmmMmmtmmmn i -
Afoefable PrcparaUonTor As
similating HicFoodandUcguh
Ung iheStomachs andBowels of
i 1
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
i lOmotesDigcstion.Cheerfur
nessandRest.Conlains neither
Opiuni.Morphine norItneral.
hmpJan Seed"
Aperfecl Remedy for Constipa
tion , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca
'Worms .Convulsions .Fcvensh
ness and Loss OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Signature or
new york.
Bears the X,
Or For
Thirty Years
Hcero OItm the Ho to the Osteriara
of To-day in "De Seuecttite."
It Ls a comfort for some people who
lo not feel that their usefulness has
entirely left them thongh their hair be
pray and thetr foreheads wrinkled, to
turn to one of the -wisest and sanest
)f their college classics and to road
rvnat Cicero says In his "De Scnectnte"
soncernlng old age and its characteris
tics, says the Providence Journal. He
inpposes a conversation with Onto the
Censor, n man of 84 years, who Is apol
ogizing for old age. Cato was the most
Intelligent, tho most active, tho man
' tnoBt Jealous of hid authority' and tho
trlnmph of IiIk Ideas of any whom the
Roman world of Ckero's time remem-
; bered. Ills latest years had been de-
' crnfpil tn thr nrmlr nf (lrtrlf lnttpr. for
which ho had earlier shown great con-
tempt, and In him were gracefully mln-
led the gravity of Roman manners
uid tho teachings of the Socratlc phil
osophy. A talk goes on between Cato,
JScIplo and his friend Laelius upon
uie manner in wnicu uaio Dears nw oiu
ige after the examples of Plato, Isocra
tes or Gorglas and Eunlus, vho have
borne a charming old age, free from
llsappolntment with life, and trnnqnll
ta the close of a fair autumn day.
Oato meets some of the objections
which are urged against old age and J
Mrs. Mary Dlmmlck of Washington tolls
How Lydla E. Plnknam'a Vegetable
Compound Mad Her Well.
It Is with great pleasure wo publish
tho following letters, as they convinc
ingly prove the claim we have mi many
times made in our columns that Mrs.
W" W "
Plnkham, of Lynn, Mas)., Is folly quall
fied to give helpful advice to sick women."
Read Mrti. Diuimlck's letters.
Iler first latter:
Dear Mrs. Plnkham :
" I havo boen a sufferer for tho past cleat
earn with n trouble which first originatod
finds that there aro four chief things ' J"ti witu ri trouble wiucn irst origumwu
, , , , ,. . , , I from painful menstruation tuo palm wore
which make It seem miserable. The I ojceruoiaUtiK. with Inflammation and ulcere-
Let Libby
Serve Your Soup
Tomato. Julienne, Consomme, Chicken. Mullieatnwney, or Oxtail will please the most
fastidious. They are quickly prepared delicious to eat- always satisfactory.
Libby's Food Products
Corned Beef Hash Boneless Chicken Vienna Se.uoaJe
Ox Tongues Soups Ham Loaf
Your Grocerhas them
Libby. McNeill . Libby. Chicago
first Inconvenience Is that It withdraws
i man from active life, from business
which demands youthful strength of
body. Hut, he asks, Is there no work
peculiar to old age, which the mind
and soul aloue direct, in spite of phy
sical feebleness? Did Fablus Maxlmns
do nothing, or Pnulus Emlllus, and tho
other old men, Fabrlclus and Curlns?
Applus Claudius was old and blind,
and yet the senate listened to his
words and obeyed them. But the mom
ory of the aged falls. Yes, If It Is not
exercised or If It Is naturally lazy. Cato
tells his hearers that he remembers
not only the names of his fellow-citizens,
but also those of their fathers
and grandfathers, and that no old man
ever forgets where he hides his money.
A man can always remember things
'that biterest him.
In replying to the objection that old
Sage diminishes the strength of tho
pilnd Cato says that he does not envy
the force which youth possesses, as in
litis youth he did not desire the
strength of a bull or an elephant. Tho
wise man uses his strength according
to what he has; no one can refuse to
And In him tho force necessary to In
struct youth In the way of duty. Does
old age deprive a man of pleasures?
It Is an admirable privilege to bo able
to despise many of the pleasures of
youth, and Instead of reproaches ago Is
worthy of eulogy if It has for a founda
tion the virtues of a well-spent youth.
Neither white hairs nor wrinkles can
give to age authority, but only as they
accompany a life rouuded out In honor
and virtue.
These are only a few of the argu
ments which Cicero pleads In favor of
old age, and though suicide was com.
mon In the Rome of bis time, we never
4mjI aaa izXvAn QJi SUX eXCUSC tor IL
tlon of tho womb. Tho doctor says I must
have nn operation or I cannot live. I do not
mint to submit to an opnratiou if I enn possi
bly avoid it. PIcasu help luoJ'Mrs. Mary
Dtmnilelc, Washington, D. a
Her second letter;
Dear Mrs. Plnkham :
" You will reiumnbor my condition when I
last vrroto you, and that tho doctor said I
must havo an operation or I could not live.
I received your kind letter and folio wed your
advico very carefully and am now entirely
well. Ab my case was so serious it seems u
tniracln thnt I am cured. I know that I owo
not otdy my health but my hfo to Lydla K.
Plnkham' vegetable Compound and lo your
advice. I can walk miles without an acfia or
a pain, and I wisli every sutroriug woman
would road this letter and realize what you
can do for them." Mrs. Mary DinimfekDth
and East Capitol Street, Washington, D. C
How easy it was for Mrs. Dlmmlck to
write to Mrs. Pinklmra at Lymi, Mass.,
and how little it cost her a two-cent
stamp. Yet bow valuable was tho roplyl
As Mrs. Dimmick says it saved her lifo.
Mrs. Pinkbam has on fllo thousands
of just such letters as the above, and
offers ailing women ncipiui aavicc. ;
True to Her Promise
".Toslah." said Mr.. rhugwnterj
"what do you do at those lodge mwt
IngH you attend twice n month?"
"xou don t expect me to. tell you
that, do jou? Our proceedings rir; se
"A man oughtn't to have uny ritior'etri
from his wife. Whnt Is the pass
"I've taken a solemn obligation nev
er to communicate that to any out
sider." "I'm not nn outsider. A man and
his wife are one. You havo a right to
communicate It to me,"
Mr. Chugwater reflected.
"Well," ho said, "if I repent the pass
word to you once will you promise
never to ask me to any It again?"
"And you'll never tell anybody else?"
"Never." . h -
"Whervuixm lie rapidly uttered, the.
following nstonlshtng word:
r.abelllllwlnknmnniiknlllooleroo." Mrs. Chugwatex kept her promise,
telle never repented that password to a
living soul. Chicago Tribune.
Natural Anxiety.
. Dobbin You didn't go to the horse
nhow, did you?
DollyNo. I wasn't swell enough
Jo bo entered for a prize.
Dobbin I wonder what tho stylo in
horse bonnets Is going to be this Hum
tner. Somorvllle Journal.
Two of u Kiud.
Margie I wonder if Mr. Smartley
meant to give mo a left-hnnded compliment.
Rita Why?
Margie Ho said these artificial llow-
m I'm wearimr lust match mr hair. -
I "
(Detroit Frco Press.
$r :22 Cream
FOR 325.00 w
elbrited bUHOCE CUE A
SEPARATOR, capacity, 8
pounda pr houri 330 pound ca
pacity pr hour for S29.00:
MO pounds capacity wrliuur fur
niii.iRiiia w n m
'separators that RE'
auif at Sl&l
ated All Mi:
1TI.OD la 3 I IS. 00
our offer. r:v::i
rotor on our 30 dojro' frt trial
plan, vrlUi tlia binding under-
atandlDK anil irremnt iryoa
tin nnc nnii ut cnizii.arjau(i.
tent and una that It will iklna
clour, oklm coiaer mux,
kltn cailer. run lllrhtrawj
skim one-lialf more milk
than any othor Cream Hepa-
raior maue. jou can mum
ih. BaBoralor to us at our
axptnsa and we will Immo
dlitslr return any money
you may havepald lor frel ht
eharcos or olnerwUe. Cut
this a4. out at once and mall
n ii .mi vnu win receiTa
bT retnrn mall. free, postpaid, our LATEST speciau
CMmIkpAiV AT0R CATTtLOOUE. Tou will get our
big offer and our rre trl! proiltlon and you wUl
1 jp
Wilbert Thompson never knew ol well day ho had been constipated all his lifo many doctors treated him, but all ftviled to
even help him his hetvlth faJlcd ra.pidly end on Jcnuacry 21. 1903, Mrs. Thompson Cksked us to suggest ix trecLtment for her
husband We thought the case too serious and recommended that tv. specialist bo consulted but he also failod to help tho patient -
NUW ilt, la WtLL.
801 Main St., Peoria, III.
Mull's Grape Tonic Cured Him
Mrs. Thompson first wrote us as follows: "My husband, need 3?, suffers from sharp pains lli hi it stomach
etimes thinks it 13 his heart. Let me know by return mail what causes the pain, if you can. Mr. Thompson
i treated by several doctors, but they have given him up.''
son has
We Dromotlv advised that a first-clasi snecla'l't be consulted. We ouote: "We want to sell Mull's Grare Tonic.
because wo know it will cure constipation, but 5uc a bottle is no object to us when a human life is at stake, and If your
husband's case is as serious as you state, we sutjirfst you consult a reliable specialist, not the advertising kind,
promptly." At the same time, knowimr that Mull's (-rape Tonic could do no harm, weadiised its use until a physician
could be co,- suited. January 25 Mrs. Thompson wroie that a physician hail been con'silted. He diagnosed the case
as chronic co.istip.ition and dyspepsia. lis treatment was followed faithfiillv, but there was no perceptible' Improve
ment in Mr rrQratr.-r.'s health. Then he began laWinir Mull's Grape Tont and on September 3, 1903, we received
the followin'.' letu-r fiou? Mrs. Thompson:
"You will remember that I wrote to you last Ja.nua.ry in regard to my hus
band's health. It is four months sinco he quit taking Mull's Grape Tonic for
constipation, which he suffered from since birth. Me took Just 24 bottles of it and
is perfectly cured. Ho is much stronger and has gained considerable lfa flesh. I
can not thank you enough for Mull's Grape Tonic. It is worth its weight in
gold.' Just $12 cured him and he has spent hundreds of dollars with doctors
who did him no flood. It did all you claimed it would."
Very respectfully yours, MRS. W. H. THOMPSON, 801 Main St.. Peoria, 111.
Mr- Thompson stopped tnkinjr Mull's Orape Tonic in June, I9c. lie lias hern completely cured and has taken
no other medicine since that date Almost two years and no return c t the disease, should prove a permanent cure.
Constipation, Stomach Troviblo. In
digestion. Dyspepsia, Blood Poison.
JWn Diseases, Sores. Sudden Bowel
itholern., Etc.
Trouble, Dltxrrhe
No one whose bow
els are healthv and ac
tive contracts these
complaints. Invari
ably they are the
result of Constipation
which means decayed,
poisoned and dyinr
bowels or Intestines.
Check diarrhea and
you are liable to fatal
blood poison a physic
makes you worse.
There is only one richt
course and that is to
treat the cause. Re
vive and strengthen
the bowels and intes
tines. We will prove
to you that Mull's
Crape Tonic cures
Constipation and all
these terrible Stomach
and Bowel troubles be
cause it cleanses the
Blood and makes the
intestines practically
new. It feeds the
starved condition and
brings them back to
life nothing else will.
Write for This Free Bottle Today
Good for ailine children and nursing; mothers.
Send this coupon to Mull's Grape Tonic Co., 21 3rd Ave.,
Rock Island, 111., and receive an order on your druggist for
a free bottle of Mull's Grape Tonic. A Blood Tonic and
Constipation Cure.
My Name-
WrHeyaun aadyoar drugxltt'a name and addrtns plainly oa a
tcparate piece of paper and mall at once with this coupon.
The $1 bottle contains nearly three times as much as the 50c size
When Ambition Btnrtn.
"Anil ao you want to climb
run on 1110 inutier oc miccess.
"I'cs, Hlr."
"And you feel' thut you are qualified
to tako your place runout; men of Ini-
jiortance." '
"I nm sure of it, sir."
"Wlint makes you so certain?"
, "Well, sir, I luivo felt for a long
time that my salary was too small."
Cincinnati Commercial Tribune.
Knsity Detected.
Landlady Home people don't know
on which side their bread Is buttered.
Hoarder Well, I'll bet It wasn't
boarding-house butter!
Dora Hope Why are they liiaklnj:
all this, fuss over a young millionaire
who Is going to marry a poor girl?
Uppyn de Ayer Well, we naturally
expected It would bo some giddy actress.
The HciiHOti Viliy.
Col. Jim Why Is It that you colored
folks like chicken so well 7 Isn't beef
or mutton just as good? ,
Deacon Joe Yessuh, yessuh tley 1
v'y good, but looky yuh, kiihnel-j
bow's a po' collud pusson gwlne tel
tote home a cow er a sheep undah hi
coat? Cleveland Leader.
Knew by Kxpcrience.
"A man must make many sacrificed
to remain In politics."
"That's right," answered Senatoij
Sorghum. "I have sacrificed my conj
science more than once." Washlngtoij
A Jicriceiuinic Feature,
b'rlcml Hollo, old man, I hear yoij
were held up and robbed by footpad.-
last night.
Oil Magnate I was.
Friend Awfully unpleasant oxperN
ence, eh?
Oil Magnate Oh, I don't know. It
had Its good points. They didn't cotnj
plain that my money was tainted. 1
Louisville Courier-Journal.
His Poor Teeth.
Customer (at cheap lunch counter)
May I ask a favor of you?
Walter Girl Certainly, sir.
Customer Then please take the&a
doughnuts back and crack them for
me. Chicago Tribune.
Cnnae and K fleet.
Cholly Algle dwesses like n pwlncej
but he nevah has a cent. I'm getting
beastly weahy of supplying him with
Percy Yaws, the howld cad alwayi
pays fob bis clothes as soon as he get!
them, doncher know. That's why he
cawn't afford to buy clgawetteu.
Aa Compared.
Mumm Cheer up, old man, and,
don't be no melancholy. You remind
me of Jonah. J
1 Glumrn Remind you of Jouah?
Mumm That's what I Bald. He wu
(lowu In tbe mouth, you know.