Ni.maha Advertiser W, W. SANDERS. PuotiaHcn Nemaha, NehnsW A rich man can withstand n lot" of criticism. King Alfonso, wo nro confident, fould got a wifo of tlio right kind by advertising. Ilockofellor enn nt lenst depend on his best-paid employes to glvo him n good character. A Jolco Is the mean trick you piny on tho other fellow und n menn trick 1h tho Joko tho other follow phiy on ou. Burglars In France, n report says, hnvo formed n trust. This Is tho reul robber organisation all othor corabl tuitions aro counterfeits. Cnpt Tamburlnl hns been Impli cated in an nrmy plot In Paris. Tho eaptnin's nnine Indicates that he holds his commission in tho .Salvation. Another grand protest may bo ex pected about tho tlmo effort Is mado to clotho tho heathen with garments purchased by Mr. Rockefeller's $100,-000. A Now York preacher 1ms referred to Russell Sago as a "scalawag." Pshaw! Why not let the poor old man end bis days peacefully counting his money? An English scientist announces that tuero ought to bo $1,100,000,000 in gold in the Atlantic Ocean. However, as lio doesn't say there Is that much, no body should becomo excited. Tho Siamese government has abol ished public gambling and is looking for some substitute to satisfy the spec ulative population. Might establish a system of stock exchanges. It Is to Mr. Rockefeller's credit, at any rate, that he shows no disposition to sulk. Ho Is not threatening to pick up his doll rags and go over to Eng land to do his playing hereafter. Dr. Gladden says lawyers should not defend people whom they know to be guilty of wrongdoing. Rut did a Jaw yor for the defense ever believe It was poirslblo for anybody to be guilty! A' trust that makes a specialty of violating the law does not dare dis miss its private secretary except on a pension because It never knows when tho federal grand Jury may want some inside Information. Conl Raron Rner says ho hns bibli cal authority for squeezing the con turners as hard as he can. Ho could lso find biblical authority for doing tho opposite, If he tried to. Rut there is only one kind of biblical authority that such people as Rner ever look for, It Is all right to follow President Roosevelt's advice and be kind to the rich, but tho dlflieulty of getting close enough to the rich to be kind to them la what stops some people. Next time you want to reach a rich man tell the guard of private secretaries, policemen and private detectives at his olllce door that you only want to see him for tho purpose of being kind to him. r It io proposed to reclaim tho ever glades, tho great und practically un explored region of Florida. Tho re gion contains about 3,000,000 acres and luis nover been thoroughly explored, though excursions have been made through It. It is believed that the land would bo very valunblo if drained. A company has been formed to under take tho work. At present the State gets no rovonuo whatever from the region, while if tho everglades were drained and a portion of tho region put under cultivation the additional tnx return would probably bo large. A closo and competent observer of Cuban affairs onco snld that "Cuba will teo annexed to tho United States piecemeal." It begins to look as though this prediction would be fulfilled. Land Is being bought In largo ami In small tracts. Tho frozen orango and pine apple growers of Florida are turning t- frostless CuVa us u better fiold for their enterprises. Tourists Hock to the Island In thousands and a goodly num ber buy enough of the island to enable them to remember that thero is such a place. Neither tho tourist nor the settler, sees anything in Insular sani tary conditions to frighten thorn awny. The Cuba o2 3010 will be the homo of many an American settler, and It promises to be somewhat of a winter Mecca for American travelers. Cuba Is both a pleasure resort and a health resort and American people nro rap idly coming to an appreciation of the fact wives and children are of great an tlqulty. Citizens of Sparta who re mained unmarried were publicly dis honored. They wero not nllowod to witness tho gymnastic exercises of tho maidens; and in winter they wero compelled to march nnkod about tho markot placo singing a song which vindicated tho Justlco of their punish ment Tho Lex Julia gavo privileges to Roman citizens In proportion to tho number of their children nnd laid pen alties on thoso who did not marry. Thrco English laws, enacted In 101)5, 1785 nnd 1708, mado taxes bear more heavily on single than on married men. Men have not always been con sistent in tho matter. It has fre quently happened tlmt In the samo country religion exalted celibacy as tho highest virtue, while tho law taxed It as a vice. Modern economists and sociologists, following tho lead of Malthus, have condemned schemes for punishing celibacy or stimulating mar riage. Population, they argue, will in crease fast enough, if not too fast, without legislatures forcing its growth. Tho promptings of nature aro suffi cient to cause all but a few to marry; nnd if n man does not yield to thoso promptings It is a sign that because of physical or moral deficiencies or for other good reasons, he ought not to marry. Tho taxation of bachelors has never done any good. Further, It hns never been enforced effectively nnd nover can be, Jt is nmong tho most futile as well as among tho most re current of legislative projects. A recent lssuo of tho New York Sun contains this brief communication: "Sir Can any of your readers, or your self, suggest what I can do with a strong boy, 10 years of ago, who re fuses to work or to attend school? Perplexed." Twenty-five years, or even fifteen years, ago, this sorely perplexed person, with perfect propriety and safety, might have been advised to take the "strong boy" out Into tho woodshed and inject into tho problem the persuaslvo infiuenco of an energet ically manipulated barrel stave. But this is a gentler age. The barrel stavo has been retired. "Moral sunslon" Is supposed to have taken its place, though thero bo not n few who still question tho full efficiency of the sub stitute. It also should bo remembered that a "boy 19 years of age," who is strong enough to rest nil the time, might bo aroused to tho point of ob jecting strenuously to being whaled. The licker might, turn out to bo tho licked at tho end of tho session. For prudential as well as sentimental rea sons, therefore, the woodshed and the barrel stave may be eliminated from the problem. This lad may hnvo con scientious scruples against going to school. Ho may read much, In which casu doubtless ho has observed that a great deal of "tainted money" has gone to further the cause of education, and1 rather than enjoy the questionable ben ttlts of such "Investments he prefers to keep away from school altogether. In matters of conscience one should bo slow to glvo advice; but there ought; to be some way to make this lad work. And ftclenco apjiears to have dlscovJ ered tho method. A German medlcul Journal announces the discovery of a "fatigue antitoxin." Lot the perplexed' inquirer procure a quart or so of thhi serum. Then while the lad is restlnd Inject n doublo handful of It Into hill system. If this does not make hhri got up and hustle, tho next best plan would be to have him "shanghaied'' Into a ship bound for Australia. Oertaln legislators who propose to tax bachelors do not merit tho, doubt ful praise of originality. Schemes for penalising men who refuse to give koetagea to fortune in the form of Sou Flight of n Bullet. Soino years ago, while watching a target through a telescope, an observer noticed a fog-colored projectile travel ing to the torgot, and as It struck the) target instantly vanishing and rovuul-! Ing tho now bullet holo Just then) made. Tho rifle used In thnt instance was a Sharp's patched -10-00. An ac count of It was published at the time, but no extensive experiments wero made and tho occurrence was soon' forgotton. it Is not easy to believe that It Is possible to watch the lllght of a rifle bullet, so tho account prob ably passed with most peoplo for a ro-i mance. It has remained for two or three' Adirondack riflemen to prove that It Is posslblo under right conditions to watch tho flight of a riflo ball, to do It with tho naked eyo nnd to show thoi bullets during flight to all observers, who wive rair eyesignt, tuo discovery was made as follows: Some men wero at a hotel at Ml-' nerva on Oct 10, PJ0-1, target shooting. H. ,T. Callahan was out at one side, watching Uio target, which was about ISO yards from tho firing point About .'1:30 p. ra., when the sun shone at Just tho right angle, ho first noticed a silver streak as each Bhot was fired trnvol-J lng from tho gun to the target, and spoke of It On Oct 17 a friend was invited to call at tho hotol and view the second series of experiments. Ho saw tho. third bullet fired, as well as a dozen or so besidea. The guns used on Ihol second day's trial wero a 88-40 and n 38-r5. Factory ammunition was used' In both experiments. The 88-55 was, the prettlcBt bullet to watch. It showed a curious streak of light In a manner ail lta own. A Psaltor, which belonged to Bos well, was sold at Sotheby's in London recently for 15. It contained tho in scription: "James Boswell, 17G3 1 bouKbt this for 2d at Greenwich when I wus walking there with Mr. Hainuel Johnson." All the sclioDlboys and schoolgirls of France arc asked to contribute 10 ccntlmso (cents) each for the pur chase of a tribute to the memory of ules Vorno, who has entertained nd enlightened tbcm by bis numer ous books of tio on. The subscrip tion Is opened by an Amiens news- p nd money Is already coming ..VtD CHILD'S LIFE. Hcmarkublc Cure: of Dropsy by Dmld'a Kidney Pills. "dgwlek, Ark.. June 10. The case of V. S. Taylor's little son Is looked upon by those Interested In medical matters ns one of the most wonderful on record. In this connection. his fath er makes the following statement: "Last September my little boy nnd dropsy; his feet and limbs were swol len to such an extent that he could not walk or put his shoes on. The treatment thnt the doctors were giving him seemed to do hltn no good, and two or three people said his days were short even the doctors, two of the best in the copntry, told me he would not get better. 1 stopped their medicine nnd at once sent for Poild's Kidney Pills. I gave him three IMIls a day, one morning, noon and night, for eight days; at the end of the eighth day the swelling was all' gone, but to give the medicine Justice, I gave him eleven more Pills. I used thirty-five Pills In all and he was entirely cured. I eon wider your medicine saved my child's life. When the thirty-five Pills wero given him, he could run, dance and sing, whereas before he was an Invalid In his mother's arms from morning un til ji.Jght." The princesses of Slam are ta'ight to cook, wash and Iron, bako and ocrforui other household duties. At the ago of 15 tbGy have complored their studies in the lines indicated, and aro ready for matrimony. Tho empress of Gcrmny has sent ol diplomas, each signed by herself, to tho women nurses and employes on North Brother island who distin guished themselves In the work of rescue at the time of the disaster to the General Slooum last June. According to one of the old English chronicles, royalty in 1231 had noth ing for a bed but a sack of straw. Even in the days of Qucon Elizabeth at least half of the population of London slept on boards. Blocks of wjod served as pillows. The sleep ing chamber of the queen was daily Btiewn with fresh rushes. Carpets were unknown. Henry VI. immed iately on arising tossed off a cup of wine. Tea, cofleo and chocolate wore, of course unheard of at that time. Sugar was to be had only in drug stores and then by the ounce. FOOD IN SERMOH3. Feed the Dominie Right niiil the Ser mon Arc Itrllliaut. A conscientious, hard-working and eminently successful clergyman writes: "1 am glad to bear testimony to the pleasure and Increased measure of effi ciency and health that have come to nlo from adopting Grape-Nuts food as one of my articles of diet. "For several years I was much dis tressed during the early part of each day by Indigestion. My breakfast, usu ally consisting of oatmeal, milk and eggs, seemed to turn sour and failed to digest. After dinner the headache and other symptoms following the breakfast would wear away, only to return, however, next morning. "Having heard of Grape-Nuts food. I finally concluded to give It a fair trial. I quit the use of oatmeal and eggs, and made my breakfasts of Grape Nuts, cream, toast and Postum. Tho result was surprising in Improved health and total absence of the dis tress that had, for so long a time, followed the morning meal. My diges tion became onco more satisfactory, the headaches ceased, and the old feel ing of energy returned. Since that time, four years ago, I lmve always had Grape-Nuts food on my breakfast table. "I was delighted to find also, that whereas before I began to use Grape Nuts food I was quite nervous and be came easily wearied in the work of preparing sermons and in study, a marked improvement In this respect re sulted from the change In my diet I am convinced that Grape-Nuts food produced this result and helped me to a sturdy condition of mental and phy sical strength. "I have known of several persons who wero formerly troubled as I was, and who have been helped as I have been, by the use of Grape-Nuts food, on my recommendation, among whom may bo mentioned the Rev. . now a missionary to China." Name given by Postum Company, Battle Creek, Mich. "There's a reason." Read the little book, "Tho Road to WellvlUr," in each pkg. ONLY CKILD8 8AD LIFE. Pnrentn, Gramlparctttn. Uncles and Aiiutn Prescribed Little Onc'n Diet. She is the only child of the only married child. That makes her the only grandchild and the only niece, lind you might think that hers was a life of lollapops and lenient Indul gence. Rut It Is nothing of the sort. The other morning her mamma hpread u nice piece of bread with cur hint Jam and passed It to her on her breakfast plate. "ijy dear," said her papa, "do you flk she ought to have jam so early the morning?" Well," said her innmmn, "the doc- Lor says we must tempt her npetlte." "Rut Jam, my dear, is too rich for i rhild's stomach," snld her papa, firm ly, as ho removed the slice of bread lind Jam. "Now, don't cry, dear," consoled mamma; "you know you are mamma's' billy little girl." "No, don't cry," added her grand jma. "Von shall havo an apple by and W." "An apple!" exclaimed her uncle, who Is a dyspeptic. "Tho idea of giv ing that child anything so indigestible ns an apple!" "Rut, William,' argued the grand ma, "fruit of any kind is good forvthe system." "Nonsense!" cried her uncle, "Well, do glvo the child something1 to eat. Why don't you make her eat? that porridge?" "Yes, eat the porridge, darling," 'urged mamma. "It hasn't got enough sugar on it," pouted the only child. "Auntie will put some more on it," 'said her aunt "That's right!" cried grandma, "load the child's stomach with sugar." Auntie d roped the sugar spoon back in the howl, "1 suppose that would be bad for her," she agreed, doubtfully. An hour later her mamma bundled her up In hood and leggings and sent her out to play in the "fresh air." She had scarcely trundled her sled half a block when her grandpa came round the corner with his throat muf fled up and his hands In his pockets. "Why, Madeline!" he cried In a shocked tone, "what on earth is your Smother thinking about, to let you come jOut in tills damp weather? Does she want to kill her only child with pneu monia?" And forthwith ho bundled her up In his arms and carried her straight back into the house. Then there was a heated argument nnd a family council, during which the only child stood in hope, fear, and doubt, finally tq bo sent to the nur sery, where tho temperature could hd Regulated. New York Press. IP STRENGTH QUICKER THAN DOCTOR'S TONICS, SAYS TYPHOID PATIENT. HIE CHAMBERMAID DOOMED, f The dreamer of fantastic dreams, II, G. Wells, has been Imagining for us, in the Fortnightly Review, the bedroom of the future. This wonderful place is to be entirely sanitary, and no lnlor will be required to keep II clean. "There Is no fireplace," says Mr. Wells, "and I am perplexed until I find a thermometer beside six switches on tho wall. One switch Avarms the flcor, which is not carpeted, but cov ered by a substance like soft oilcloth; one warms the mattress, and the oth ers warm the wall in various degrees. "There Is n recess dresslng-rooin, equipped with a bath and-all that Is necessary to one's toilet, and the water, one remarks, Is warmed, If one desires It warm, by passing through an electrically heated spiral of tul ing. A cake of soap drops out of a store machine on tho turning of a handle, and when you have done with It "ou drop that and your soiled towels and so forth, which also are given you by machines, Into a little box, through the iKittom of which they drop at once, and down a smooth shaft. "The room has no corners to gather dirt; wall meets lloor with a gentle curve, and tho apartment could be swept out effectually by a few strokes of a mechanical sweeper. "You are politely requested to turn n handle at the Toot of your bed be fore leaving the room, and forthwith the frame turns up into a vertical po sition, and tho bedclothes hang airing. You stand at the doorway, and realize that there remains not a minute's work for any ono to do." Truly it all looks easy; nnd presum ably when night conies, one presses another button, and some kind of a machine gets into action and makes the bed. On tho ltinlto. "There's plenty of snap and go hi this new play of ours," said the ilrsf, actor. "The acts are short and so aril the Intermissions; no long waits at all.' "Indeed? Not even for salary?" In quired the other. Philadelphia Press. It has happened that a man hns amounted to more because he had no fond friends in his childhood who thought he had a talent for music. ' What terrible looking old clothes Wine women wear around the house! Yonnj; J.nily lft by Feyer In Very Weak State Used Dr. Williams' rink Mils with Gratifying IlonulU. After n fover, such as typhoid or acar let, has run its full coarse thero ronmlun tho recovery of strength. Tho touio that will most rapidly increnso tho red cor puscles in tho blood is tho ono that will most quickly restore color to tho palo cheeks, strength to tho'Weuk muscles.. -r. and elasticity to tho sluggish norvea. StiT far nothing has over been produced sa ' perior to Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla forr this purpose. Miss Midcndorf had bcon ill with typhoid fover for fourtcon weeks. She hnd a good physician who earreid hon wifely through tho critical Btagcs. "When' ho left, nothing remnined to be done ex cept to build up her Btrongth, which was very feeble, and ho gavo her some pro-! scriptions for that parposo. Here, how-' over, sho mot with disappointment. 1 " I took tho doctor's tonics," bIio says,i "for two months aftor I hnd recovered, from tho fover, but thoy did not do mo' tho good I looked for. Aly t Iruigth camo back ho slowly that I scarcely seemed toi be making any progress at all. Just then I read in a book thrown in onr' yard somo striking testimonials showing what wonderful blood-builders and strength-givers Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, aro. I got a box of them soon after' this and after I had taken only nboub half of them I could see a very great inv provoment in my condition. "When I had used up two boxes, I felt thnt I did, not need any more mediciuo. I havo, remained strong over since." Miss E. B. Mideudorf lives nt No.' 1501 Park streofc, Quiney, 111. Dr. Wil liams' Pink Pills aro tho best remedy to uso in nil cases of weakness, from whatJ over causo tho system may boi-uu down. In cases of debility duo to overwork thoy minister fresh strength nnd ovorcomo nervous symptoms. Thoy uro a speciflo for nutomia or bloodlessness. Thoy aro' particularly helpful to girls on tho vergo of womanhood. Thoy meet all tho re quirements of the period known ns tho chango of life. Thoy correct spring' languor. Thoy strengthen weak diges-1 tion and rouso up sluggish organs. No othor tonic combines so many virfcuesJ All druggists sell them. Great Britain, it is said can clalm the honor of having originated thoi postmark. The tirst one, wnlch was. mod in London as lODg ago as 16G0, was a very simple affair, consisting of a small circle divided into two parts. In tho top portion were two letters Indicating the month, while in the lower half tho day of tW( month was shown. No endeavor svm made to show the year, and it is1 only by dates of the letters on which the mar is Impressed that it isp os sible to fit the date of its use. The earliest known was on a letter writ ten In 10S0. ALL DONE OUT. Veteran Joshua Heller, of 700 South Walnut street, Urbana, 111., says: "In the fall of 1899 after taking Doan'a Kldnev rills I told the readers of this paper that they had relieved me of kid ney trouble, dis posed of a lame back with pain across my loins and beneath the shoul der blades. During the Interval which has elapsed I have had occasion to re sort to Doan's Kid ney Pills when 1 1 noticed warnings of an attack. On each and. every occasion the results obtained were just as satis factory as when the pills were first brought to my notice. I Just as em phntlcally endorse the preparation to day as I did over two years ago." Koster-Mllburn Co., Ruffalo, N. Y proprietors. For sale by all druggists, price 50 cents per box. Feminine philosophy is the most interesting kind because It is oftan times sd inexplicable. Plso's Cur fOT Ctasieuuipilon cured m of a tanacloai and persistent eouj;h. Wm. H. Harrison, 227 W. 121st street Nw York. Msrch 25. 1001. The perfumer prospeis because he never reaches his last scent. MB mm CURLS WHUSF 111 Boat Couth Syrup. Tutes Good. murao. tsoia Djr aroraisii. With the man who blows his owo, It's always a horn of plenty. I)r Dnvht Kennedy' h.ivorttn K-niljr I 1apleJ U both ici nd all e. Cur- Kidney and I.tTrr caapUlat, and purtflei tbe blood. tl.OOal' drupg-lrt A lirm foundation Tor any firm iu cash .'iipltHl. IF AFFLICTED WITH SORE CYB8 USE Thompson's Eye Water 881, L'5 YORK. NEB