The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, June 16, 1905, Image 1

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'Mflr 'were
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Local ISTews
Dr Bouroe fits glasses. So. Auburn.
Subscribe for your papers at this of
See knapp
& Son for farm imple
Fred Hawxby of Auburn Sundayed
at borne.
Miss HazeTParker camo in from Au
.burn last Saturday.
Mxs Alice A. Mtnick of Brownville
a Nemaha visitor Monday.
G. Maxwell and Earle Gilbert
Auburn visitors Tuesday.
Miss Etftel Morrison wenl to Kansas
CityfcTbursday to visit relatives.
DHCap Graves of Peru made a pro
twtiontil visit to Nemaha Tuesday.
fmarw (fnn Damn In frnm Johnson
sStiirrfnv und BDent Sundav at botae.
E. H, Knapp has moved into his new
house, Buuth of the Methodist church.
Mrs J. H. Seld went over to Hum
boldt last Friday to visit relatives and
W. Keeling is having a porch
the front of his residenoe
built ou
The Edwards & Bradford Lumber
Co. received a car load of bridge lumber
this week.
Harry Hoover run a fish bone in his
foot Tuesday which is causing him
considerable pain.
Notices are out for the annual school
election the 26th ef this month. Two
members will be elected. ,
Postmaster Sanders attended the
postmaste&conveutjen at- Lincoln
Tuesday and Wednesday. ' &
Gbauncey Parker of Auburn visited
bis grandmother, Mrs". J. B. Berger,
from Monday untilFridy.
Go to Auburn next Saturday and
hear Senator Burkett and Hon. E. M.
Pollard, our next cotiRreRBtniiu,
Clifford Catliu, who has spent a two
week's vacation at home, returned to
East St. Louis Friday of last week.
Will F. Keeling furnished the ''an
gels" with copy Tuesday and Wednea
day during the absence of the editor.
Miss Eva Jarvis returned from St.
Louis a few days age. She is much
better and it is hoped the improvement
is permanent.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Murray of Wysnore
were the guests of Miss Helen Hoover
from Thursday until Saturday. Mr.
Murrey is claim agent for the B & M.
Joe Bunger and his crew of carper
tera went to work on the opera house
Monday. Joe is a hustler and will
push the work through to completion.
There was considerable bail lying on
the ground at Wm. Hawxby's farm
Monday morning after nine o'clock
fourteen or Qfteen hours after it fell.
Miss Maggie Nugent of Thurman,
Iowa, who ib attending summer normal
school at Peru visited with Mrs. Carse
and Avis from Saturday till Monday.
win Ktrioy, who has been working
on the B. & M. section at Auburn for
buluo um, una won promoted to eec
tlon boas at Lincoln. His family wil
move up soon.
mini wane noover arrived home
Tuesday evening from New York City
where sue has spent the past year
- ft m . - .
ane vuuea a iew days In Lincoln bes
fore returning home.
The Steel gang of the B. & M. R. R
t 1 I . -
are reouuaing the bridge acroaa the
"KTnvnnUn n a 11 4 It nl a. ma
uciunuu ouutu vi town, xnere are
eleven in the gang and they will be
here until the first of August.
Miss Nellie Sanders visited her
cousins, Misses Boxie and Hazel Parker
at Auburn Friday and Saturday of last
Rev. G. W. Ayers dreve through
Kemaba Tuesday oa bit way to Howe
to attend the mating of the holiness
Mrs. Sanders and Mrs. Harvey of
Brownvlile and Mrs. Have of Lltch
field. Illinels, visited with Joseph
Bunger and family Wednesday.
Mrs. J. D. Bainey came in
Auburn Monday and visited her sister
Mrs. J. E. Crether until Tuesday, Her
another, Mrs. J. B. Hoover returned
home with her.
Street Commissioner James Barns
pnt in a sew crossing Wednesday from
the bank to the pestofflce. The amount
to build the cresslng was raised by
popular subscription.
Miss Bessie Jarvis, a aiece of Newt
Jarvis and Mrs. J. L. Caritrif ht, aad
a former rtsldent-of Nemaha, was
married last week 9 Robert Shaw, a
barber of Lorton, Itefer.
Miss Imlsr and Miss Blanche Will
iases drove up from ShabertlastSatar
day, Miss Williams returning Sunday
evening and Miss Imler remaining a
few days with her friend Miss Katie
Olive Camp No. 14, W. O. W.,hae
an invitation from the camp at Shnbect
to participate in the unveiling of a
monument at the grave of Sovereign
Albert Lewis next Sunday afternoen
at 2 o'clock.
Mrs. P. B. Gilligan of Kanawha,
Iowa, arrived in Nemaha Wedaeeday
evening, being called here by the
illness of her sister. Mrs. Wm.Flllmer
ef 8fc Derola. Ska went to 8t, Deroia
tkateveaiaet. . '
Married At the Lutheran parsonage
South Auburn, Neb,, on Thursday
afternoon, June 8, 1905,. by Rev. W.
Diffenbach, Mr. Rebert Leroy Shaw
and Miss. Beasle Alice Jarvis, bath of
Auburn, Nebraska.
Monday evening; a number of base
ball enthusiasts met at the barber shep
and organized a ball nine with Herbert
Aynee as captain. They will play
their initial game across the river Bun
day with the Missouri boys.
The Brownville parties who shipped
oar load of atrawberries to Das
Moines did not realize very much from
the shipment. The price received was
so low that little was left after paying
freight, expense of picking, for crates,
, , , . , e
John McElbaney has sold his transfer
and livery business at Auburn to his
competitors, Gregan & Eads, and the
atter now have a monopoly of the bus
ness. John, we understand, will open
teed store as soon as ne rests up a
Mr. George Burdette of flowe and
Miss Gertrude Conner were married
Wednesday night at the home of the
bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. T.
Conner, near Auburn. The ceremony
was performed by Rev. F. L. Pettit of
Mrs. Hauer of Kansas City, Mrs.
Woodward of Ex&er, Nebr.. Mrs.
Patton, Miss Barnhart, Mr. and Mrs.
Chet Sedoris and Mr. and Mrs. Dell
Vandeventer of Brownville spent Suni
day with Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Sapp in
Nemaha. Mrs. Hauer is a niece of
Mrs. Sapp.
Dr, Walters. Cherry went to Aus
burn last Saturday and we understand
went from there to Omaha, and Is not
going to return to Nemaha. The
doctor is a young man, recently
married, and got a little discouraged
because be did not get a good practice
at once, and concluded to quit Nemaha
We believe he is a good physician, and
hope ho will succeed at sozni other
i place.
Ed Stiers and Marshall Pryor shipped
a car load ef hoga lleaday evening
from Nemaha to Kansas City, and B.
T. Sksen and Fred Allen each shipped
a oar of cattle frees Bracken. Ed
Stiers, B.T. Sksen aad Slmer Allen
accompanied the shlpaeeat.
Bert Glasgow, of Pert, who has suN
fered fer the past two years frosa sent
etossaoh trouble, was takes to Omaha
on Monday for an operation. Doctors
familiar with the ease have feara that
some living reptile has seen growing
in his stomaeb since the days that ke
drank from Ohlekajsaaja, while he
was in the service during ths Spanish
American war.-KepuWits.
The Royal Highlanders elected the
following effieers at their regular
meeting Monday night.
Illustrious Protector X. A. Howe.
Chief Counselor Mrs Hesse Howe.
Evangel W. W. Sander
Warden Alva Maxwell,
Sentry E. L. Paris.
Maaager-Mrs. J. M. dark.
After ledge adjourned let cream and
oexe was served.
Now Will M.-Maupinrollews oar
John H. Dnadaa'a exatafle, aad boldly
sm publicly aanoanoee um he baa a
hankerin' to be a candidate aad wants
it understood that he is a eaadldata fer
congress. Bat Maapln is a little" dlffo
erent from Dundee, aa ha, wants the
dsmeoratie nomination, while Duadae
wants nothing but the totss of the
people. One will come about aa near
beikg elected as the other.
We had a heavy rain fiaadsy avoa
log. It was accompanied by a bard
wind and considerable asiLLiaabe
wsro broken off trees by tat wind and
gardsn stuff injured somewhat In the
country considerable tefisge waa done
in olaces to corn and wheat. The hail
storm seemed to cet4tat the (arm of
SCLLawreaoe awi la that -newt?.
Sam will have 25 acres ef corn toy,re
pleat. Hail was lying oh the greaad
yet Monday morning in this vicinity.
At Howe and Stella there was no rain,
rhail. Some frull was knocked off
in this section by ths hail.
The children's day exercises at the
Methodist church Sunday night wsre
well attended, in spits of the stormy
weather. Though it was raining until
almost sight o'clock the church was
fairly wall filled, and the congregation
was well entertained. Although part
of the program had to be omitted oa
account of the children being kept
away by the storm, the program given
waa vary interesting, luting almost an
hour. The children all had their parts
wsll committed and rendered them
well. To Mrs. Elmer E. Alrea, Mrs.
Earle Gilbert and Miss Lulu Coeperle
due the credit of tralniag the children.
Hon. E, M. Pollard, republics! ean
dldate for congress, and Scaatof Bur
kett will open the republican campaign
n the First congrssslonal district at
Auburn, Nebr., Saturday, June 17,
1005. Meeting will be hild on the
court house laws, at the hour of 2 p.
m. if weather will permit, otherwise at
the new opera house.
This will be the only muting held
n this county between sow and elect
on day July 18 consonantly every
voter is urged to be present and hear
Mr. Pollard and Senator Burkett dls
cuss the political issues of the day
Good muslo for the occasion will be
furnished by the Auburn Coraet Band.
Haw'a thle?
We offer On Hundred Dollars Reward for
any case of Catarrh ttant cannot be oared by
Hall's Catarrh Core.
F. J. CHENEY 0On Toledo, O
We, the undersigned, have known F. J.
Cheney for the laat U years, aad believe him
perfectly honorable In all boslaeas tranaao-
tloB and Snanolally able to earry oat any
obligations made by hU firm.
Wholesale Prngglats, Tolede, O.
TTall'M nalarrh Onro ! fikm Internally,
acting directly upon the blood and aancoaa
surface of the Byatem, Testimonials sent
free. Prlee 75 cent per bottle. Bold by all
Take Hall's Family Fills for oo&stlpatlon
Old papwifor sale at this office
The more we hear our farmers diss
cass the corn ralslag problem the
etreager we become la er idea that
the lister must soon be relegated te
the junk pile. The late Edward Ooek.
who waa net eftly one of the largest
bat meet sueoessf ul farmers In Jehasea
eeanty, adapted a plan several years
ago of ranting ais many f arms fer one
third of the crop and In each lease
placed a stipulation that ne corn be
listed on his land. While ethers were
eourlag two-fifths of the prop Mr.
Ooek waa contented with a third, bnt
today his lead is la far better condition
than is that of these who aeked a
heavier rent but permitted the listing
of corn, Teoamseh Trlbaaal.
The maaagement of the Auburn
Chautauqua have just issued their de
tailed program, which will be delivered
to every home in Nemaha and adjoin
ng counties by the 15th to 90th of
Jane, which shews an nausnal array
of first class taleat. Tha assembly
will bo held a little earlier this year,
July 22 to 30. Among the talent
presented are DeWltt Miller, Saturday
evening, Jaly 23, subject. "Love,
Conatshlp and Matrimony," also a sera
tnonSandey afternoon at 2 ;30 "lathe
World Growing Better or Worss?"
The American Yitagraph Go the
greatest moving fleture company la
be world, will give three entertain
moots, July 24, 25, 26, Tha Jubilee
Singers, consisting of eight people,
July 22. 23, 24, 25. Dr. Edward Bur
ten McDowell will give two illustrated
ectnres, on July 28, "Saraeo, the
Tropieal Paradise of the Sooth Pa,
clflc;" July 29, The Pasama Canal,-"
Robert Molntyre, Sunday, July CO at
2:80, "The Battle of Life."
Miss Nina M, eoegy, of Lincoln,
baa aaain been secured as enneriataB.
dent of the Children's (ihautaaqua.
For farther nartioalara. oatalasnsaa
aad teats, apply to A.L. Alloa,
Aakorn, Kebr.
Improvements on the Biatt
grounds are well nader way.
A new poultry building 60x110 feet
will bo built on the site of tha present
building. A part of the present baild
ng will be retained for the exhibition
of poultry appliaacet, snob as incnbas
tors, brooders, etc.
Tha contract for the new adminis
trative bnllding 38x60 feet has been
et. The bnllding will be of cement
blocks, and will eocnpy space near ths
present headquarters baildiag.
The present amphitheatre will be ex
tended 160 feat 4o the west, thus add-
ng fifty per cent to its seatiag capacity.
The inlaid has been leveled and seeds
ed aad the track Is in first olass conn
bid to erect the new live etock
pewlllloa for $0,430 has been accepted
and the baildiag will be ready for use
at tha opening of the fair. Thle build-
ng Is to be 5x110 feet, built of oa
mcnt blocks and brick, and will be the
most expensive and imposing building
on the grounds. It will probably be
ocated immediately sooth of Mer
chants Hall, midway between the eattls
and hone barns, one of tha meet
sightly locations on the grounds, and
a full visw of the thousands of people
who dally pass tha State Fair aronnda
over the Burlington, northwestern and
Bock Island railroads.
The State Fair Premium List is now
ready for distribution aad may be bad
by addressing Secretary State Board of
Agriculture, Lincoln, Nebraska.
State Fair dates are September l to 8
No toorot About It
It is ao secret, that for Oats, Boras,
Ulcers, Fever Sores, Sera Ejss, Bella
etc., nothing Is to effective aa Bucklea's
Arnica Salve. "It didn't take long to
ooro a bad tore I had, and it is all O. K
fer sore eyes," writes D. L. Gregory of
Hope, Tex. afo at Xaeling's drag
Bemember, we will taktyoor snhs
scription for any newspaper published
anywhere in the United States and can
nattily tart you money.
Real Estate for Sale
One of the very beet rwideaee props
artles in Nemaha-stveti lots, good
house almost mew, email fruit, etc.
Heaeo aad two lots, good well, large
cellar, aad other oenvealeaoes.
Heats aad two lots, good well.
Good hoase aad oaa lot. House aaa
five good rooms, porehes, etc. Is la
goofi condition la everv wav a vet v
desirable place, Fine well, small barn,
Farm of 40 acres. 20 acres In or
AIM toaro
Soma day you will tot a bad sear e
when you feel a pais la your bowele
aad fear aofendlolto. Safety lies la
Dr. King's New Lift Pills, asurscare
for all bowel aad stsmaoh diseases,
each as headache, bilieuiaees; costive
s, etc. Guaraateed at Xtelltta
drag store, only Jee. Try them
Remember that W.W.Saaders write
insurance. Ho is agett for aetetal
first clasp eorapeales, both mataal aad
old Una. aay.
Give him a oaa
tying of r amino
It, in its torments, like dying of ctn
somptloa. The progress of oeasampe
tioa, from tha beginning to the very
end. is aioag tortare, both to victim
and friends. "When I had eoosuma
tlon la Its first stage' writes Wm.
Myers, of Cearless,Md "after trylag
dlf ereat medicines aad t good doctor.
In vain, Iat last took Dr. Kief's Ktw
Disoovery, which1 qtlokly and perfectly
tared me." Prompt "relief tad tort
oart for-eooghs, ooMt, sort throat,
bronchitis, etc. Positively prevents
rMaatiannai. nmrintMir iat " -
drag ete,"rieo 50aB4ilahoUle; ' J " r'"
Tftolhottle froo. . v v v .
rreyrletoraof tao
Livery & Feed Stable
Qcod Brty in conntotion with Livsry
Satiifeotioa ciaranUed.
JT. 13j. Orother
In tbe , t
Shoe Rcpiiring
Harness Repairing
Hind Made Harnm a Specialty
Sealer la
Highest market price paid for Hides,
Lard, Tallow, etc.
Windmills and Pumps,
Tanks, Pipesjetc.
Phone calls anawer,edtpromptly.
OCoea over Poatooioa Baildiag, at
Fraak N ears old stand,
i - s