VOLUME L NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, JUNE 9, 1905 NUMBER 2 J I 3 4 Local News Dr Bourne Qta glaaaea. So. Auburn. Subscribe for your papers at tbis of (ice. See Knapp & ments. Son for farm lmplei Photo mounting card at the Advertiser office. board for sale Shubert now has two saloons aud still they are not happy. W. B. Metcalf of Auburn was Nemaba visitor T.iesday. a Misses Mary and Eliza Farson working in Brownville now. are Call at this office and get a copy of tho Iowu Homestead. sample Miss Nora Aynes aud Frank turned from Verdon Monday. re Dr W. S. Cherry returned. Lincoln and Omaha Tuesday. from Richard Knapp is afflicted with a "bile" on the back of his neck. Children's day exercises will be at both churched next Sunday.1 bold For Sale An extra good folding bed. Inquire of Mrs. H, S. Qaltber. Miss May Kerker wont to Aubnrn last Saturday, returning Monday. For Sale--Oue of tho best residences in Nemaha. Inquire at this office. Sam Littrell is carrying tho mail on route 1 duriug T. ' J. Rumbaugh's absence. "' Born To Mr. ancJ Mrs. John W. Knight, Tuesday night.May 30, 1905, a daughter. Win. knelling wont to St. Joo Mons day to buy goods, returning Wednea day morning. E. L. Moore a name was left off the telephone directory by mistake. Hia number is live. Strawberries nave been selling at SI per cratu in Nemaha the past week, tho seller retaining the crates. U. O. French of Auburn, county attorney, was ia Nemaha a few hours Monday, driving from here to Shubert. a numoer or our citizens went to Brownville Sunday to attend the fun erals of ex-Gov. Furnas and W. T. Den. Work is being puahod right along in me DricK yard. Mr. West expects to have a kilu ready to burn in about a week. The poultry buyer for C. W. Bruner &Oo. will be in Nemaha every Saturs lluu ITlnt.nni- ! ! -. iaieubou uiaiKUb price uaiu ion poultry, Two colored men, one of them blind, Moady ov:nlug, tbe talt fre: liuvu nnmfl rrnivi mnain n Mm nt quantly. xue iumuor for the opera house, which has caused tho delay in the work. arrived last Friday, and work will now bo pushed to completion. "171 TT xiiuBry uowe Das been working at the carpenter trade in and near John son for several days, and will probably ruuiuin tuero some time uuo Ul mo siue windows at J. H. uuci01iuoa aioro tell down nn Mm DK,.. ... . , - BnnWPIlDa Wnflnna.lnH 1 ..... l0. m, - - a --j- Luuusuuv, uroUKlllf t. in tnn . -ivvsimoecome loosened, "Mr. nn.i m -ir n t. . . down to Mtpiio ,OD, ;.,.;::rujr.uluVM " uow "uruuy to see ... Uf ,,uo B0U Qt Mr and Mrs. W. F. HlPin. hnm w.i.i. LiiHir nnw nro ninn., . i. .. . WW1 - - - tiuuy Theodore Hill in Nemaba this , r.....i. .1.1. : BUmmor atlonnf. Tin ... . ? vanuorsilce. Tiieouore s a good steady boy and gooa ciem. The now telopbone directory for Nemaha'Iirivos 17 names on the list. Of this number 33 are in Nemaba, 10 on lino 45, 13 on lino 03, and 15 on Hue 05. 0. P. Barker was taken worse again Saturday night, with stomach trouble, and was confined to tbo honso for bov eral dayB, but' was able to get out again Thursday. M. T. Hill moved bis family to Shun hnrt Thursday. Wo regret to lose this family from our midst, but wish them health and prosperity in their new home. Mrs. J. E. Crother visited uer sister, Mrs. J. D. Balnoy, at Auburn from Saturday until Monday. Her mother. Mrs. J. B. Hoover, came nomo with ber. 1 nr,A Mm 'P T wiimhinnli nrnrr led for Republican City, Nebr., Tuess ,1.... oyrnnnh ha nnna nhnnt-. " "J , J L I 4. mnnUn l0Hnn ralotiirna anrl Innlfw 1 i . w fr- iv n . i n i ii i 1 1 L' a k i i u a i iai a u la uu . .. 1 n -- ing at the country. Robt. I. Smith of Bracken was in Nemaha a few hours Wednesday after- noon. He was on bis way to St. Joe with a car load of hogs shipped by him self and F. E. Allen. Harry Rhodes, who moved from near Howe to Ponca City, Oklahoma, a few months ago, with bis family will acraln become residents of Nebraska after the first of July. Stella Press. Elmer E. Allen went to Johnson Monday. Elliott Minick came back with him and is helnina'UncIe Elmer look after outside business matters He says be Is going to stay all summer. There waB a cloud burst neat Tali mage on Thursday evening of last week and the whole of that part of the coun ty was flooded. Some little damage j was done to the growing crops and tbo roads. Miss Eva Jarvls, wno Is in St. Louis at a hospital, writes that she is rapidly recovering from tho operation that was performed. Sbo walked threo blocks tbo first of tho week. She expects to return home Saturday of this week. MEETING of BOARD of EQUALIZATION The County Commissioners will meet as a board of equalization on June 13th, when and where all persons having grievances nhould appear and have the same examined and adjusted. T.O. Hacker of Red Cloud. Nebr., was euaKing nanus wuu isetuaim friends Monday morning. He came to Brownville Sunday to attend the funerals of R. W. Furnaa and W. T. Den and drove down to Nemaba tbe next morningN. Mrs. l'lorence Jar via is navinc a photograph gallery built just west I. .. . . , . nor rosiuence. ono is uoincr eoou work as a photographer, and with the improved facilities will do work equal to any one. She is deserving of the "atr00Se " "r clto"fl- At a recent meeting of tbe Odd Fel lows tbe following officers wero elected: Noble Grand Geo. Yackly. Vice Grand Will S, Russell. Delegate to grand lodge C. W. Roberts. Alternate Robt. I. Smith. We understand a new postmistress has taken up her abodo with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Filmer at St. Deroin. Mrs. Filmer gave tbe little lady a hearty welcome. Sho will assist in tbe office w I . ... i j ..... i" j fnr nnmn timn vnt nnrl w nrn hah o do most of tho business, as the young adv doe8 not talk very eood United States, i ..... TueBn)all frult growers o Xirownn ... - I m - vii u icucut v AuiuiGu u uiuuuiuiiuu and now work together instead of iiuW u mwoou. ah u icsuit I f l 1 ... 1.l.-l A It oi mm cooperuiion mey smpnea out i., . ... . . . Thov rnn anfclmttnr mnrlrnfo h unlf.. a ine' P7rSB e narn h7i " 7 ui uuitiu iurcea. Wo paid a abort visit to tho nelgh boring town of Shubert Monday. We viBlted M. II. Taylor, II. E. Williams, M. T. Hill and J. L. Dalby, and while llttlo was doing just then all re ported matters fairly prosperous. Shu bert is a lively village with a good sot of citizens and live buslneaa men. Ned Maxwell, who has been in the Black Hills for several weeks, working in tbo Auburn gold mines., surprised bis parents by returning homo Monday evening. Ho says the Nemaha folks were all well. Ho will not return for some time if bo does at all. Ho ovU dently does not liko ftold mining very well. Mrs. Sherwood aud her daughter. Miss Ethel, sturtod for Elgin, Oregon, last Sunday, to join the husband and father, who has neon there for some time. Mrs. Sherwood is tho mother of Mrs. 0. E. Houtz and has made many irienUB QUriUg ner reBlUenCO WUU US. . . i -rw i. i ill t. ;...! i i. I OHHB XilUUl Will UU MfBHUV UHB30U UV - the young favorite. people as Bho was a great Tho millinery business in Nemaba certainly must bo increasing. When J. H. Yanderslice first put in a stock it occupied only a small corner of the room. Last week Miss Minnio May and Miss Ethel Morrison were occupys ing all the big store room, and Mr. Vanderslico offered to lit up the ware room if they needed lit. But they thought this was unnecessary, as thoy could get along for awhile yet with the store room. Rev.J.B.Carned.state superintendent of tbe Anti-Saloon League, gave a lec ture in the Christian etiurch Tuesday night. Tbe lecture was a good ono and held the attention of the audience to the end. W. W. Sanders and John I. Dressier were nppointed an executive committee and Mrs. F. L. Woodward collector for Nemaha. The league is doing good work throughout tbe United Stales, uniting all classes of workers in one common cause. We received a very pleasant visit from A. J. Baldwin of Stella Tuesday afternoon. A. J. is now assistant superintendent and stato (adjuster foi tho German Insurance Co. of Free port. III. Tbe summer of 188) the editor, Mr. Baldwin, M. M. Stewart, then clerking for John S. Minick. and Cy Spangler, bached in Nemaha. Mr. Baldwin was then running a harness shop here. Stewart and Spangler went to California that fall, and Balds win to Stella tho next summer. A Miaaouri Pacific railroad official, wno was in the city mat week, la nus thority for tbe statement that the tracks of that road from Kansas City to Omaha aro to be ballasted with "chert," a fine crushed rock which of comes from the zinc and lead mines .lfcITl.l. fll... T ll ml.. uu uuy uuu juijiui. mu. xiib I cruaueu rocK is as nam as nine, ia ini soluble and pucks so densely that it will mako tbe hardest kind of a road bed. It will take two years to do tho work and when it is completed the Missouri Pacific will have one of tho smoothest roadbeds in the west. Auburn Herald. Married At the Christian church In Falls City, Nebr., Sunday, June 4, 1005 at 11 o'clock a. m., Mr. Clarence E. Peabody and Miss Pearl Prater. The croom is tlm vniininnt Hon of Mr. and Mrs. V. P. Peabody of Nemaha. For about three years be has been in the employ of the B. & M. Co., and is now uiimgiuon IJtJl WGDU JJluuu I brakeman between Liucoln and St. i u uu, o.uu uiiuu uuo uudu uuu ui turn Tnn i.-i.i- i. o m. teacherB in the Falls City schools and in a vrv nnn.i.r M..nv Mr. Peabodvlma nlimiim all fnrnlahnrf In U - T.. "I " i iiiniTfim nnn r.nn vniinrr nn in n wnnr rn , , , I housekeeping at once, May great A K. . . . I u"lu wuu P!""" I Remember, we will take vour subs a anrininn .. .,uiiuj wmjihu iwi nuj uowmmjiM imuuoueu anywhere in the United States and can usually save you money. Old paperafor sale at Nhis office tuo annual session or tuo jNournoKa postmasters' association will be hold in Lincoln on Juno 13 and 14. An open rate of ouo and ono third faro from any point in tbo stato to Lincoln and return has been mado by every II 1 1 41 1 A 41-1 1 & ... I rumuHu mi mo buuu, uukuih w uo sum Juno 12 to 15 inoluBivo. This rate is open to overybody, whether in tho government employ or not. Tuero is chapter in "Tho Making of a Houso no cortiflcato plan pr bothersomo red wife." Other sousouable suggestions tape connected with tho rate. Richard Knapp had an exciting runs away Sunday, He started to drive over to Stella with Mrs. Sherwood's trunks, driving a span of young horses to the caryall. Dort Stokes was with him. When thoy got in tho south part of town tho colta otartod to run. Richard got them chocked a timo or two, but thoy started again, and this timo one lino broke. Richard and Dort then jumped out and let the team ujrni nuo uuuii Uioui,, uuu tnn nnln ran In f tin nrnnnrl nltniif huin " " uuuw u,o feet. The horses then got looso from it ,, , .... the caryoll and ran through a barb wire fence, breaking the harness some, but) tbo horses wero not hurt. Thoy ran . . . ... out in the country and then circled back and wero Anally caught out by the Holmes pond west of town. Thoy wore then hitched to a wagon and three got in and thou thoy ran several blookB before they could bo stopped. But Richard drove them over to Stella after they got quieted down a little. The Nemaba school bourd held their regular mooting Tuesday night and elected tho following teachers for the en8ulng 8CU00i year: Principal Carl E. Sandors. Intermediate Miss Stella Washburn Primary Miss Mae Joues. The salary of tbe intormediato and primary teachers was raised to 35 per month. Tnis is not us much as it should be, but the district is in debt and It was felt that this was as much as could be afforded now under tbe circumstances. Carl Sanders has boon one of our best county teachors for several years. Miss Washburn baa taught the intormediuto department of our schools for the past two years, nnd haa given such good satisfaction that she waB elected unanimously. Sho ex pocted to go to tho normal school next year, but at the request of members of the board concluded to tako the school for anothor year. Miss Jones is a fine teacher, giving the best of satisfaction wherever sho has taught. We expect the beat school next year that Nemaha has ever had. N0TIOE--TEA0HEES' EXAMINATION POE COUNTY OEETIEIOATES Tho annual special examination for teachers' certificates will be held at follows: Peru at the normal June 8, 0 10. Auburn in the high school build ' Tnn, 1rt 17 '"B "UUO iU XV lt' Those receiving certificates of professional interest present them at that time for renewal of your county certificate. No other Bpeoial examination will be hold during the year. Geo. D. Oariungton, Jr., Co. Supt. We will send tho Advertiser, tbo weekly Lincoln State Journal, tho Iowa Homestead, the Farm Gazette and the Homemaker, all one year for only $1.50. Tho regular price of these papers is $3.25. Dying of Famine is, in its torments, like dying of con sumption. Tho progress of consump tlon, from tho beginning to the very . , . - - u ' 8 u ,onB corcuro DOia 10 vlc"m M,m """ "wueu xuau cousum Hon m 118 Ur8C 8ta8' wme8 VVm' Myers, of Cearfosa. Md.. "after trvinc different modlcines and acood doctor, . uuoui'u,uu1oh una a t,ouu uuuiur, 1 -MV 1MUU uuuu A ff A J I V n v in. nr. nar rnnr ir kinii'a fjftw piflCQVOrv, whlnh nnltlltlv awl nnrfflRtlg I . .. .... cureu me." Prompt teller and sure cure for conghs, colds, soro throat, bronchitis, etc. Poaitlvely prevents pneumonia. Guaranteed at Keeling's drug store, price 50c and $1,00 a bottle. Trial bottle free. Tho season of hot weather ia a try. Ing tlmo for moat every one, partlcut lary tho housewife, upon which depondB in largo measure tho woll-being and good nature of her family. Hot woathor boalth and comfort in din. ... cusscci, wuu many practical recount inendatiou by Isabel Gordon Curtis In tho July Delineator, tho paper being a 1 - w nro given In "A Snow Ball Luncheon," illustrated; "Milk as a Food," "Fruit Fantasies," and "New Ways of Serv ing Strawberries," containing recipes for many refreshing Summer prepa rations. Plans for a summer camp and bouso-furnlshing ideas are other features of this number of tbo mnga- zluo and aro of particular interest for tholr timeliness. How's this? Lnyca800f catarrh that cannot bo cured by Wo oflfor Ono Hundred Dollars Howard for nan a uaiarrn uuro F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. L, v, , ' v f. ,V V, ICtionoy for tho laqt 16 yearn, andbollovo him porfcotly honorabio in all business trausao- At. ft - Hons and financially ablo to carry out any obligations do by hto arm. WAI.DINQ, lv.InnA.rf S OlAuVIN, w,ni.nin n-,iu. n. Hall's Catarrh Curo in taken Intornally, acting directly upon tho blood and inucoim surfaces of tho system, Testimonials sent Iroo, Frlco7Cconts por bottle. Sold by all druggists Tako iliir Family Pills for oonstlpatlou Resl Estate for Sale One of the very best residence props ertlea in Nemaha seven lots, good houso almost new, small fruit, etc. House and two lots, good well, largo cellar, aud other conveniences. nouso and two lots, good well. Good houso and ono lot. House has five good rooms, porches, etc. Is in good condition In every way a very dosirablo placo. Fine woll, small barn, pons, oto Farm of 40 acres, 20 acres in or chard. W W. SANDERS Tako tho wagonette when in Aus burn if you want to go to any part of tho olty. John McElhanoy prop. W. 3. Cherry, J Office in Park hotel NEMAHA - - NEBRASKA Phone, Rea. 28 J. EJ. Orotliei' In the PARIS BUILDING Shoe Repairing Harness Repairing Hand Made Harness a Specialty PETER KE11KER. Boalor lu Eligliedt market price paid for Hides, Lard, Tallow, etc, WESLEY H. CLARK Dealorjn Windmills and Pumps, Tanks, Pipes,fetc. ALL WORK GUARANTEES: Phone calls answeredi promptly. NEulAHA, NEBR. STULL Ac HAWXBY ATTORNEYS I.AAV, ItEAI. KSTATK,! COLLECTIONS Ofllcefl over PoatoRlro Bulldlug, at Frank Neul's old at aud, AUBURN, NBUItASICA