Women as Weil as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. Kidney trouble prey3 upon the mind, dis courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor ana cneeriuincss soon disappear when the kid neys are out of order ' or diseased. Kidney trouble ha3 become so prevalent that It Is not uncommon for a child to bo born 1 afflicted with weak kid neys. If the child urin ates too often, If the urine scalds the flesh or if, when the child reaches an. age when It should bo able to control the passage, It Is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon It, the cause of the difficulty 13 kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment ol these Important organs. Thb unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made mls crablo with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the samo great remedy. The mild and the Immediate effect ol Swamp-Root Is soon realized. It 13 sold by druggists, In fifty cent and ono dollar sizes. You may have a sample bottle by mall free, also pamphlet tell Homo of flwuwp-noot. ing all about it, including many of the thousands of testimonial letters received fiom sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., Blnghamton, N. Y., be sure and mention this paper. Mountain Route, KHOWM M THIS ft MEAT 30UTHWKST SYSVfcM. OonneoUng tho Oonvwr!inl cptoA,JBtti Missoum; Tho Broad Corn umlWhont fltanrw? KANSAS The KU1. WverUTr. Co. NEBRASKA, Th O rnnd. PIct n rciqno nnd E nchnntlne Bemery, uml tho Famous Mining District o' COLORADO. Tbm ABrtcultnral, Pratt, Mineral nnd Timber tula, and Famous Hot H print ot ARKANSAS, Vfct BBfnx X'lantntlnns and Itumenio nice l'lclds of LOUISIANA. OstM Urnln Klnldi, tho Onttlo IUiijreB M Winter ItcaorU of TEXAS, Wtitorlcnl and Hconlo OLD AND NEW MEXICO, AalfermwlMi Ua Oonnootlona tho Toputor Winter liouto to CALIFORNIA or Mtrtptlvo and illnstrntctl pnmpMetn of Mty ot Ut rtm States, mldrcBB ComjiaulCB' Asoa ,a40.TOWNSENDt (hurtJ ruwuger and Ticket igtnt, ST. LOUIS. Wo vviuh to announce that tho rates of regular flrsfc clnss faro phi a $2,00 on tho first and third Tuesdays will cons tinuoin effect nil during tho summer. International Sunday school conven tion, Toronto, rouud trip 527.15, dates of sain Tune 18, 10aud2l with n iluul limit leaving Toronto not later than Juno 30. Remember that W.W. Sanders writes insurance. He is agent for several ilrst class companies, both mutual and old lino. Ilia rates nre as low as any. Give him a cull. Hugo Task It was a huge tusk to undertake the euro of such a bad case of kidney dl Bonso, as that of 0, P. Collier, of Chero kee, la., but Electric Bitters did it. Ho writes: "My kidneys were so far gone I could not sit on a chair without a cushion; -and suffered from droadfuj backache, headache, and dobrcssion. In Electric Bitter, however, I found :i cure, and by thorn was restored to per fect health. I recommend this great tonic medlolno to nil with weak kids neys, liver or stomach . Guaranteed by W. W. Keeling druggist; prico 20o. KNAPP & SON Proprietors of tho Livery & Feed Stable HEMAKANEBR. Gcod Dray in connoction with Livery Satisfaction guaranteed. DR. GL M. ANDREWS Medical and Surgical Diseases of Women Stella - - Nebraska The Nebraska Advertiser W. W. Sandkiis & Son, Prop'B. Miss Hoxio Parker came in from Auburn Thursday to visit her grands mother, Mrs. J. ). Bergor, Mrs. Win. Snolllng and children, who have been visiting in Missouri for the past two weeks, returned homo Thurai day oveuing. W. T. Don of Brownvillo is In a dys ing condition thlu morning. His death may occur nt any time. Mr Den was ono of tho pioneer merchunts of the county. E. G. Join, a young man living nonr Stella, wus kicked by a horse Wednes day and instantly killed. The horse's feet struck him at tho side of tho neck and broko his neck. Itojcstvonsky, tho Russian vico ad miral, was canturod by tho Japanoso in tho naval buttle lust Saturday and Sunduy. Tho udmiral was wounded In tho fight, his skull being fractured, and a surgical operation was performed at a Japanese hospital. His injuries are not considered dangerous, although they are Berious. A rumor was curront that Hon. II. I. Hanks was a candidate for the nomination for congress in this district on the democratic ticket. Mr. Hunks says he Ihib no inclination to accept tho nomination for he has too much to attend to on his farm to dovoto any timo to politics and ho will not accept. Neb. City News. The great Russian-Japanese naval battlo that lias bpon awaited so anxs iously took place last Saturday and Sunday, with tho result that the Russian lleet was totally destroyed, only ono cruiser and ono torpedo bout destroyer having succeeded In reaching Vladlvostock. The Japanese lost only three torpedo boats. CONVENTION NEWS Elmer Allen and Jimmy Stephenson returned from Palls City this morning. Over MO ballots were taken Thursday night without any change, every coun ty staying by its candidate. Elmer and Jimmy couldn't stand tho pressure and camo home. Tho conucntion adjourned until 10 o'clock this morning, whon it is thought there will bo a change and something will be done. Mrs. Joseph Curtis died at her homo in Aspinwall precinct Wednesday night. Por soveral years she has suff ered severely with rheumatism. Last fall sho had a Blroko of paralysis, and ainco then sho has been in very poor health. Her death has been looked for at any timo for tho past six weekB. Tho funeral services will be held at the homo today ut 10 o'clock. The burial will bo at the Prairie Union cemetery Mrs. CurtiB is ono of tho oldest settlers in Nomnhn county and was highly res spected by all who know her. How's this? Wo oiror Ono Hutu! roil Dollars Uownrd for uny caso of Ciitixi rl) Hint cannot 00 cured by llnU'H Catarrh Curo. I J. OUENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Wo, tho nndorslgucd, lmvo known P. J. Chonoy for tho lust 16 years, and nellovo him porfcctly honorable In all business transac tions und tlnnnclully ul'lo to carry out any obligations mudo by his llrm. WAI.DINO, KlNNAN & MAKViN, WholcHnlo Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Curo In taken internally, noting directly upon tho blood und mucous surfaces of (ho pystom, Testimonials soul free. Prlco 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Tako Itnll'H Family Pills for oonstlpatlou Mrs. 12. D. Bickfortl is in receipt of a letter this woek from her brother, Wm. Mason, who nbout n month ago went to Panama to accept a position on tho government caual work. The letter is dated Calebro, May 11, and was ten days ronching its destination, Brownvillo. In tho letter, Mr. Mason who has chargo of a gang of natives on tho work of rebuilding tho Panama railroad, Bays ho Is well pleased with his work and very much enjoys tho novel Bconery. Ono northern man will do the work of five natives, he says. Very little sickness prevails at this time, tho most of which is duo to tho wny tho people llvo. Schools and churches aro as yet an unknown quality, but these will be provided for later on no Uncle Sara has no intention of compelling his workers from tho prlviligo of church attendance and schools will soon bo established through out tho zone. -Brownvillo Letter, Ex-Gov. Furnas Died Last Night News was received just as wo go to press that ex-Governor Furnas died last night. Word had just been ros ceivod at Brownvillo to this effect. Tho many friends of ex Gov. R. W. Furnas of Brownvillo will regret to learn that ho Is dangerously sick at Lincoln. Wo understand a telegram received at Brownvillo Thursday said thero was little hopes of his recopery. His death wns reported Thursday night but this was probably a mistake, as tho central at Brownvillo said this morn ing that ho was allvo lato last night and no nows of his death had been re ceived thero. Wo tako tho following from Thursday's Lincoln Star: ExGov, Robert W. Furnas, famous tho country orer hb a horticulturnllst, is dangerously ill at tho Lindoll hotel Dr. R. B, Glffen, who has been treating him, says thero is little chance of his recovery because of his ago. Members of liis family were sent for last night and wero expected today. The exgovornor, secretary of the state horticultural society, has been for twenty years afflicted with diabetes. For n week he has uudorgone treat ment at St. Ellzaboth's hospital. Ros turning to his homo In Brownvillo somewhat improved in tho last two days he suffered a rnlapso. Last night ho camo back to Linooln to bo under the care of his physician. Ho wont to the Lindoll hotel and there will remain, it was said this morning, unless there comes an improvement that will permit his removal to the hospital or his home. He was not taken to tho hospital last night or this morning because it was considered that further unrest would be prejudicial to his hoaltb. The ex-governor is 83 years of age. Ho has maintained apparent good health and strength for years, such as to warrant his repeated ro-election to to the secretary of tho state board of agriculture. After valiantjservices as the colonel of a regiment in tho civil war, tireless aid in establishing the commonwealth of Nebraska he acliiob otl national fame in horticulture. From the oarliost territorial dayb ho has been n powerful factor in the ups building of agriculture in Nebraska, through many vicissitudes. He was at tho foundation of state fairs in terri torial days and has continued unres mittingly in the promotion of these annual displays of the state's resources always with foremost recognition on tho board of ngrfculturo. No Socrot About It It is no secret, that for Cuts, Burns, Ulcers, Fover Sores, Sore Ejes, Bolls, etc, nothing Is so effective as Bucklen's Arnica Salvo. "It didn't take long to cure a bad sore I had, and it is all O. K. for soro eyes," writes D. L. Gregory, of Hope, Tex. 25c at Koellng'u drug store. Take WIN Eor CARDUI at Home Arc you a sufferer? Has your doctor been unsuc cessful? Wouldn't yoM prefer to treat yourself AT HOM? Neariy 1,500,000 women have bought Wine of Cardui from their druggists and have cured themselves at home, of such troubles as periodical, bearing down and ovarian pains, leucor rhoea, barrennosB, nervousness, dizziness, nauBea and despond ency, caused by f omalo weakness. lheso aro . not easy cases. Wine of Cardui cures when tho doctor can't. "VVino of Cardui docs not irri tate tho organs. There ia no pain in tho treatment. It is a soothing tonio of healing herbs, free from strong and drastic drugs. It is successful becauso it cures in a natural way. "Wine of Cardui can be bought from your druggist at 81.00 a bottle' and you can begin thiB treatment today. Wiltyou try it? In cases requlrinic special directions, addroes, glvlutf Byraptoras, Tho Ladles' Advisory Dopt., Ttio Chattanooga Modlclno Co'., Chattanooga, Tonn. Out in northwestern Nebraska thero' la a region known as tho "sand hill country," a barren, apparently worths less desert, unfit for anything but stock grazing, and not much good for that oven. About one-sixth of the total nrea of Nebraska is embraced In tho Band hill region, and it wns for tho special "benefit" of this section that tho so-called Klnkald law was passed by Congress a law which permits tho on tryman to tako up 010 acres of govern ment land. Ostensibly tho law was enacted to encourage settlement and dovelopemout of this desolute country but so far its operation has worked mainly to enable landgrabbers to acquiro large tracts of government land for grazing or speculative pur poses, more easily and more extonslves ly than before tho law wont into effect. In this connection it is timely tonoto that thousands of acres of this sarre sand hill region of Nebraska aro now being planted to forests by tho Nation al government. Tho forestry departs ment has this spring had somo 100,000 jack pino seedlings in Minnesota dug up and shipped to Nebraska for trans planting on tho Band 'lills of that state, hoping thereby to reclaim from tho desert thousands of acres. Speak ing of this work of tho govornmout, a representative of the Forestry Bureau of the Department of Agriculture, un der whoso direction the work is being done, said: "It Is a settled fact that the forests will iuduco moisture. The pine is u native of a sandy soil, and wo aro suro it will grow and flourish there The pines which wo are sending to Nebrass ka aro set out on what is known as tho government experiment reserve near Thedford, Tho pines are sot out In rows, in order that they may be cared for " It has been fully demonstrated that tho pines will grow in those Band hills and as tho trees grow up the needles will fall off and make a mulch. In this way a bed of soil will bo formed, which will hold water after a while, and cause Bprings and streams to appear. It la expectod that tho work which the government is doing will encourage tho settlors in that region to tako up the work of planting pino trees on theii land. Some of the farmers have already done so. The Burlington rails road, which runs through that section, is encouraging tho work, and well It may, for it has much to gain by tho development of tho county. If this forest plauting by the governs ment proves successful, as undoubtedly It will, tho people of Nebraska will soon realize that tho Kinkaid law will bo a great detriment to tho settlement and development of that State. Tho peo ple of other western States should see to it that all attempts to pass "square mile" homestead laws to apply toother sections of the arid or semi-arid West be promptly and effectively defeated Maxwoll'j Talisman. KES0LUTI0NS OF 0QND0LEN0E Whereas, The Almighty has removed from this earth tho mother and grand mother of our sisters, Mrs. Jennie Hoberts and Pearl Roberts, therefore bo it Resolved, That we, aa brothers and 8iste:s of Bena Rebekah lodge No. 100, extend to them our heartfelt sympathy in this their Bad bereavement. Resolved, That we present to thotn a copy of this resolution, that a copy le made a part of the minutes of tno lodge and that a copy bo given to tho Nemas ha Adveitiser for publication. Stella Washhukn, Lizzie Keelino, W. E Wiieeldon, Committee. Subscribe for your papers at this of fice. A Bad Scaro Some day you will Ret a bad scare when you feel a pain In your bowels and fear appendicitus. Safety lies in Dr, King's Now Life Pills, a suro curo for all bowel und stomach diseases, such as headache, biliousness; costivos noes, etc. Guaranteed at Keeling's drug Btore, only 25c. Try them , WMOAMPUELL, Tros. P. E. ALLEN. Vlco-Pres. ELMER E. ALLEN, Cash lor. BANK OF NEMAHA NEMAHA, NEBRASKA Capit p 1 ocli, $5,000 I t Agricultural high schools, such as have made Donmark n shining light fn tho farming world, a being establish- ed in many of tho states of this couns try. One of tho most interesting and -4 important of tho newer agricultural ' high schools is that of Wntorford, Pa. ; and western farmers will read with much Interest In this week's Homes stead, of Des Moines, Iowa, a epeciul article by II. O. Sampson describing this school nnd tho work; thodevolope ment of interest in tho agricultural x course among tho Btudents, both city nnd couutry; tho courses of study; the subjects taken up; tho essays by stu uvrT donts nt stated Intesvuls: tho tex books used: conferences with farmers of tho locality, so as to combine pracs tico with theory, oto. The Homestead's special articles aro raising farming ton high plane, but they aro only one of many admirable editorial and departs mental features of this great farm paper, The Advertlsor Is always glad to accept and forward subscriptions for The Homestead, which cannot bo too widely circulated. Tho farmers of Nemaha county are thoroughly up-to-date, and capablo of appreciating and utilizing such publications. TIME TABLE Nemaha, Nebr. Xjinoolrv Denver Holonu Butt Suit Ijako City Portland Sati ITriicisco And HXomts Omaha Chicago St. JoHepli Kanuiis City St. XiouiH and all I'ointw 312ust and South West TKAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS- No. 07 Passenger, dally exceptSun dity, lor Tccumsoh, Uoatrlco, Iloldrcgu and nil points west a m No. 08 PasHOiigor, dolly uxcept Sun day, lor Nubmskd City, Ulilcngo und till jiolntu north nnd cunt 4:00p m No, 111 Locnl Irolulit, dully oxcopt Sunduy, lor Atchison nnd Inter medlntu minions c:16 p ni No. 112 Locul rrtlfjlit, dnlly excopt Monday, for i ebrnslcn Oljy nnd lutermeUlnie stations 1 ;io n m BOULONNAIS 45048 Imported Percheron, black or seal brown, a very rich color, heavy bone, good feet and action, kinu disposition, and will weigh 1800 when in good llesh, IJOU1.0NNAI5 was fonlnl April 20, I89, bred by M. l'olrlor. at. Ulphuco, Siirthe, Frunop. Sire, Morso (4oa8.'n, b by IJeslsne (lDGWMiebyHrlllliint 111,11110(2911)), lo)lowln 11 iiobo ancestry buck (o the tun oils Jenn-lu Minna (739). D-un, Mrepls (21809), by Oscar boloiiRliiK to M. Lo Murqula d'Aijjent. LUDIAICK 32073 Standard and registered, sired by Pat L. 2:0n4"; dam, Sadie Vera by Talavera; 2nd dam, Betsy Trotwood by McMahon, 2:21. Dark bay, foaled in 1807, stands 10 hands high, weighs 1350 pounds Both horses will make tho season of 1005 nt. the N. O. Bohl farm, -10 rods east of Howe, Nebr. Boulonnals at S15.00, nnd Ludwick at 810.00, to in sure mare in toal, money due when maro is known to be in foal. Care will be taken to prevent nccidents, but should any occur will bo at owner's risk. CHARLES BOHL, Mgr. THOS. H. JONES, Owner, Howo. 1 4 .1