The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, April 21, 1905, Image 8

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INFANT MORTALITY is something frightful. We oan hardly realize that of
all the children horn in civilized countries, twontytwo per cent,, or nearly
one-quarter, die "before they reach one year; thirtyseven 'per cent., or more
than one-third, before they are five, and one -half before they are fifteen!
We do not hesitate to say that a timely use of Oastoria would save a ma
jority of these precious lives, Neither do we hesitate to say that many of those
infantile deaths are occasioned by the use of narcotic preparations, Drops, tinctures
and soothing syrups sold for children's complaints contain more or less opium, or
morphine. They are, in considerable quantities, deadly poisons. In any quantity
they stupefy, retard circulation and lead to congestions, sickness, death. Oastoria
operates exactly the reverse, but you must see that it bears the signature of
Ohas. H. Fletcher. Oastoria causes the blood to4 ciroubte properly, opens the
pores of the skin and allays fever.
III 1 i t't'l f i I HI u 1 77T fi IT 'I n 1 1 II I'l I' i'il'lYi'1 1'fl'f
AVegc table Prcparationlbr As -similating
the Food and Regula
ting the Stomachs and Dowels of
Promotes DigesliotvChecrful
nessandReslXontalns neither
Opnim.Morphine nor Mineral.
Not Nam c otic.
JtoVM aSOhlDr SAMUEL PnunOt.
PumpJan St J'"
JVmtnnutt -Jii
Ancrfccf Remedy for Constipa
tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea,
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish
facsimile Signature of
new Stork.
That man Is great who rises to the
emergencies of die occasiou and be
comes master of the situation.
Recently Thomas Harte, an Irish
man in Leeds workhouse, England,
sot forth the claim that he was 137
yeais olo and the oldest man in the
Jinny School Children Are Sickly.
Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Children,
used hv Mother Gray, n nurse In Children's Home,
New Wk, HreuW ui Colds lit 24 hours, cure Con
tipntlon, KuvorUnnesH, Headache, Stomach
Troubles, Teething Disorder, move nnd regulat
the bowels utid Destroy Worms. Sold by all
drucgUts or by ranll, 25o. Sample mulled FKEH.
Address Alls 8. Olmsted, Le Hoy, N. Y.
Circumstances are beyond the con
trol of man, but his conduct is in his
own power.
Tlie prospect of ten men owning all
tllio wealth of tho country would not
be so ulurralng If there were any
ground for hoping they -would pay all
tli taxes.
"I went to an old-fashloncd spell
flown party the other evening."
"Did you stand up long?"
"Just for a spell." Cleveland Plain
Tho young man who wired homo
lhat ho -was married and that his trou
bles -were at an end 1b understood to
havo been very, vory young.
Found Gold in Nebraska.
Inventors In Nebraska Heal Kstate will And
this true. Now Is tli) time to net in on the
cround lloor. Wo have some oholoe Investments.
Write us for further Information,
Sriurcher t .turner. 'r'?ns, Neb
d iiwii i
IF Sale
Letters from Prominent Physicians
addressed to Chas. H. Fletcher.
Dr. A. P. Peeler, of St. Louis, Mo., says : "I have prescribed your Castorla la
many cases and have always found It an etnclent and speedy remedy.
Dr. E. Down, of Philadelphia, Pa., says : "I hate prescribed your CsstorU la
my practlco for many years with great satisfaction to myself and benellt to my
Dr. J. K. Wagoner, of Chicago, 111., says: "I can most heartily recommend
your Castorla to tlio public as a remedy for children's complaints. I havo tried
it and found it of treat value."
Dr. Edward Parrish, of Brooklyn, N. T., says: "I havo used your Castorla in
my own household with good results, and have adrlsed savers! patients to use it
for its mild laxative etfoct and freedom from harm."
Dr. J. B. Elliott, of New York City, says : "Having during the past six years
firescrlbed your Castorla for infantile stomach disorders, I most heartily commend
ts use. The formula contains nothing deletorlous to the most delicate of children."
Dr. C. Q. Gpraguc, of Omaha, Neb., says : "Your Castorla is an Ideal medlclno
for children, and 1 frequently prescribe it. While I do not advocate the Indis
criminate use of proprietary medicines, yet Castorla is an exception for conditions
which nrlso la tho care of children."
Dr. J. A. Parker, of Kansas City, Mo., says : "Your Cantoris, holds the esteem
of the medical profession In a manner held by no other proprietary preparation. It
is n. snre and reliable medicine for Infants and children. In fact, it is the universal
household remedy for InfanUlo ailments."
Dr. H. P. Merrill, of Augusta, Me., says: "Castorla Is ono of the very finest
and most rcmnrkablo remedies for Infants and children. In my opinion your Castorla
has saved thousands from an early grave. I can furnish hundreds of testimonials
from this locality as to its efficiency and merits."
Dr. Norman M. Geer, of Cleveland, Ohio, says : "During tho last twelve years
I havo frequently recommended your Castorla as ono of the best preparations of tho
kind, being safe In the hands of parents and very effective la relieving children's
disorders, while the ease with which such a pleasant preparation can bo administered
la a great advantage."
Dr. P. H. Kyle, of St. Paul, Minn., says: "It affords mo pleasure to add my
name to the long list of those who have used and now endorso your Castorla. Tho
fact of the ingredients being known through the printing of tho formula on the
wrapper 1b one good nnd sufficient reason for tho recommendation of any physician.
I know of Its good qualities and recommend It cheerfully."
Bears the
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years,
To make the baby's hair curi, keep
lb perfectly clean, apply a little vase
line and brush it the wrong way.
The socret of many a man's success
in the world resides in his insight
into the moods of men, and bis tact
1 tn dealing with them.
The first woman pastor in England
Is said to bo Miss Gertrude von
Petzold, Who has recently been ap
pointed pastor of a Unitarian church
at Leicester.
Four tablcspoonfuls of bran to a
quart of water makes an excellent
wash for silk stockings. Rinse well
but do not wrlrg, press out and dry
in the shade.
A woman friend of mine who has
lost some money In mining stocks
says there are three degrees of mln
lug speculation, as follows: Positive,
mine; comparative, minor; super
lative, minus.
Mis. Ralston has a little daughter
whose appetite for pie is something
abnormal. A few days ago she was
invited to a juvenile party In the
neichborhood, but before her mother
would let her go the little lady was
made to solemnly promise that she
would eat only one piece of her fav
orite dessert when tho refreshments
woro served. When she returned
from the party her mother asked if
sho had kept her promise.
The only mill in the world that
gets its power direct from an ar
tesian well Is located at St. Augus
tine, Fla.
iiiuiii hb iij. u
Signature of
in tnings pertaining to enthusiasm,
no man is sane who does not knov
how to be Insane on proper occasions
Geese which are driven to thegrca'
Prague fair have their feet encased
in tar boots to prevent injury.
It is not work that kills men, it 1.
worry. Work is healthy; you car
hardly put more upon a man than hi
can boar. Worry is rust upon the
Thero is not one chance in fifty
four billllon of two linger prints be
Ing alike.
A Doctor'tt Tnlk on Food.
Tliero are no taircr set oi men on
earth than the doctors, and when they
Qnd they have been in error they arc
usually apt to make honest and manly
confession of the fact.
A case in point is that of an eml.
nent practitioner, one of the good old
school, who lives In Texas. His plain,
unvarnished tale needs no dressing up
, "I had always hiid an Intense proju
dice, which 1 can now see was unwar
rantahle and unreasonable, against all
muchly advertised foods. Hence, I
never lead a line of the many 'ads.' of
Grape-Nuts, nor tested the food till
last winter.
"While in Corpus unristi ror my
nealth, and visiting my youngest son,
who has four of tlie ruddiest, health!,
est little hoys I ever saw, I ate my
first dish of Grape-Nuts food for sup
per with my little grandsons. 1 be-
same exceedingly fond of It and have
eaten a package of it every week since,
and llnd It a delicious, refreshing and
strengthening food, leaving no ill ef
fects whatever, causing no eruetatlous
(with which I was formerly much trou-
bled), no sense of fullness, nausea, nor
fllstresB of stomach in any way.
"Thero is no other food that agrees"
with me so well, or sits as HghUy or
pleasantly upon ray stomach as this
does. I am stronger and more active
since I began the use of Grape-Nuts
than 1 have been for ten years, and am
us isoger l?r.T''' ii- s-'n and in.
ingestion." Name given by PoBtum
Co., Battle Creok, Mich.
There's a reason.
Look In each pkg. for tlie famous
littlft book, "The Road to Wellvllle."
Uall-plnylng seems to bo physiologi
cally beyond feminine powers. Aftoi
careful Investigation, tho principal of
a girls' college 11 mis that a larger and
lower-setting collarbone makes tho
movement of tho girl's arm freo
than that of the hoy's, so that sho
cannot hope to throw well.
"Pnoumntlc lubrication" Is what
Dr. Carlo Del Lungo, of Genoa, call
bis now plan for Increasing the Bpeed
of ships, it consists In reducing tho
density of the surrounding water by
numplng nlr Into It, creating a 'foamy
Jtrntmn In which tho vessel slips for
ward against greatly lessened resist-.nee-
A Norwegian engineer has recently
Invented a new apparatus for sea
sounding by which It Is not necessary
to touch bottom. This Is accomplished
by an acoustic method. Tho depths
arc nlso registered graphically upon a
revolving drum. The operation of tho
device depends upon the time which
sound takes to travel to tho bottom
and return, and the measurement of
the time thus gives tho depth to which
tlie exploring apparatus Is lowered.
A safety device for the protection ol
persons from tlie electric current upon
the rupture of a trolley wire has been
invented recently. Hy tho employment
of this arrangement the current Is cut
off and tlie wire rendered harmless.
The device is II tied to each section of
tho wire and consists of au ordinary
connecting ear held In Its proper po
Bltion by the strain on tho trolley svlro.
Aa soon as this tension Is released,
as by tho breaking of the trolley
wire, the current Is Immediately cut
off at the broken section without any
"shorting" sparks whatever.
Gales and high tides hnve remind
ed tlie Englishman that his llttlo
island Is being gradually wallowed
un by tlie sen. It has been found
that Great Hritnln lost MS.000 acres
between 1807 nnd 18S0, and. 20,155
acres between 1880 and 181)0. A sur
vey In the reign of Edward I. gavo
the Duchy of Cornwall 1 .000,000 ncres,
but the Ordnance Survey Borne years
ago showed that this had been re
duced to San.ROO acres. Villages havo
disappeared In the ocean, ns In the
case of Dnnwlch, of which nothing
remains hut a ruined church on tho
edge of a cliff.
Dr. Wnlther Thorner has Invented
an apparatus oy which pnoiograpus
may be made of the rotlna of tho
human eye. Heretofore, says tho
Scientific American, it has been possi
ble to study the retina and its dis
eases only by direct observation with
the eye speculum. The fixed Imago
furnished by the photographic appar
atus enables the physician to study
the condition of a diseased retina at
his leisure. Previous attempts to
photograph the Interior of the eye nro
Bald to have failed - because of tho
(HHlculty of securing a proper Illu
mination without pain and injury to
the patient.
Telegraph and telephone lines of
the Belgian Kongo region In Africa
show some Interesting pecullarltlos.
Where tlie llncfl run through the for
ests tho wires nre placed as much ns
posslhlo upon trees and hi other cases
upon Iron poles. The wire, which is
of phosphor-bronze, is painted black,
so as not to attract the attention of
the natives, who lay hands' upon all
tlie copper they can llnd. A cutting
thirty feet wide Is made through tho
forest for the line, The first hours
after sunset are the best for tele
phone. After 10 o'clock Jir the morn
ing tho heat makes It Impossible to
use the telephone, especially In tha
rainy season.
Itnby Oarrlngcai for Jllrc.
"Baby carriages hired by the week,"
mid a sign appearing over the door oi
a place of business uptown.
"Who wants to hlro baby carriages
lw trie week?" asked a man whose oy
had clianced rc 2ull apon this slgi, aad
who wa-' curious eo.oofrnh.g I-
"Vlltors f'.-om out of tot ti " wr
the answer, "people with smnlJ chfl
dren who cotiio here to spend a wc
r two tvlth frlenls or relatives. They
want a baby carriage while they ar
heie, but don't want to bring one; they
hire one iifter they get here. From
Btvsiugors btopplng with people wo
don't know a deposit Is required.
"now much Is tlie rent? A dollar a
week; for either baby carriage or go-
cart" Chicago Inter Ocean.
Overheard by IJiiBdlcr.
"I've got an awful cold," remarked
the Weather.
"Indeedl" exclaimed the Wind.
"What are you doing for It?"
"I'm taking a drop of mercury
every hour," answered the Weather,
with an icy smile.
Some people In answering tlie tele
phone hwve a tone of voice which saysj
"Well, who are you, and why do yotf
havo tho lmpudenco to call mo?" Or,
I am sick and tired of answering thit
Sslephono, JhfttJ wa&tedjfchls time?"
Bcolp Hunior Cured hy Ctitlcnra Kx
ntitl Ointment After All Jf,le llatil
"I was troubled with a severe seal
humor and loss of hair that gave in
a great deal of annoyance and Incon
venlonce. After unsuccessful offorta
with many remedies and so-called hair
toiilt-s, a friend induced me lo try Ou
tlcura Soap and Ointment, The hu
mor was cured In a fhort time, my
mlr was restored as healthy as oven.
iiid I can gladly say I have since been
entirely free from any further annoy
ance. I shall always use Cnllcura!
Soap, and I keep the Ointment onf
land to use as a dressing for the hair
and scalp. (Signed) 1' red'k Husehe,
1M3 LMst rmh St.. Nvw York City."
"Mrs. Smith," reiniuko l the vis
tor, "Emina has your featuro? hut I,
think she has her fatliors hair.." '
Oh. I sec, interposed Htt'o itfuiwai
''It's because I've gt-t father's hull,
that ho 1b bald on top of his head."
J ci
NnHlrrti.-Nn Atirictlte-vTllHt II CbUtJnnaS ,4
Diieknclic. i
Joseph McOauley. of 111 ShoItA
street, Chicago, Sachem of Tecumseb
Lodge, says: "Two years ago my
health was compiot
ly broken down. Mjf
back ached and wa4
A so lame that at time
I was hardly ahlo
dress myself. 1 lost,
my appetite and wai
unable to Bleep. Thor
seemed to be no re
lief until 1 tools
Doan's Kidney P1U
but four boxes of this romedy effected
a complete and permanent cure. II
suffering humanity know the value
Doan's Kidney Pills they would u
nothing else, as It Is the only posltlv4
cure 1 know."
For snle by all dealers. Price 0
cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo,
N. Y.
Vegetarians claim tnafc one acre ot
land will comfortably support fou
porsons on n. vegetabio diet.
Catrrn Vnnnot H Cure '
?I. ""Vff.i;r rnJi iWM. hull's Cntarrs,
mils directly on wm
Hall's Catnrrli Cure
blootl. anu ,.nu nmscrllMHl by
WTSit" S laos' in tirta eoui.try fo
3 i i h twit tonics known, combmou vn
.Wh" Ai?SS , knoV : combined ll
Umonlnw, yjilinniY & co., o,., Tokxlo.
Bold by Dnijatlsts, prlco 7f-C.
Hairs family 1'llla oro the best.
About $700,000 Is thu cost of the!
enulnos on a llrst class man of war ,
Mr doctor aj It nctii w-ntly on tho itrnnneh. Htm
sad klilniija unit U ft itlnarimt InintWn. Thin drink Im
ltd from liorbs, nnd U iruiirfil fur nae eaiUy M,
Us. It la called M.ttttc'n fen" or
All (IruftRlnts or by mall SS eta. anil (0 eta. liny Htm
fUj. liiuiK'a Rurally Jlliidli-lriii inns
bnvrHn earli d., "In rdr M ho lira llij thlatat
awiutiT. Addrb. O. V. Woodward. 1 Koy, W.Y.
TJlfllculties are meant to rouse, nott
discourage t
Positively cured fey
those Iiitllo rills.)
They also rcUcvo TUm
tress from Iyspcp3la, Is
digestion and Too Hearty
Eating. A. perfect rcn
cdy for Dizziness, Nansm,
Drowsiness, Bad Tasta
In tho Sleuth, Coatoel
Tongue, Pain in tho Slda,
figolato tho Bowels, Purely Vegetabio.
Genuine Must Bear
Fac-Similo Signature
Better be alone
than In bad com
Dr. llarld Kcnnwly' Kioniltr liniljr U xe4
lent tor tlio liver'. Cured ni(Hiln r'i lt;lit: yar ot iM
ferine." M. leiron, Albui,N V. World Kumoun,
13e not simply poor be good fo
CURES catarrh ot the stomach.
Character is success and theio la
no other.
I'lso's Cure for OonHiimptlon promptly
relieves my little year-old .slater ( o
eroup.-Miss U A. IVurce. ia IMtag
street, Brooklyn, N.Ott. 2, 11)01.
It takes four pounds ot fresh leave
to make odo pi ui d of dried tea.
N. N. O.
72 Hi