The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, April 21, 1905, Image 1

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Gilbert & McCandless
the entire stock of goods left from the fire
and in many cases below cost.
The most of the stock
least, and none more
Great chance 3 Bargains
Come early and
-Now open in
Local USTews
Today is Good Friday.
Next Sunday is Easter.
See M T Hill for Are insurance;
Dr. Bourne Qts glasses. SoAuburn
See Knapp & Son for farm imple
Mrs. C. M. Thompson has moved
back to Nemaha.
James M. Burns has been quite sick
for several days
For ShIb A 40-acre fruit farm
Apply at this office
Photo mounting card board for sale
at the Advertiser office.
Miss Florence Minick came up from
Salem Thursday morning.
Calljat this office and get a sample
copy of the Iowa Homestead.
For Sale An extra good folding bed.
Inquire of Mrs. H, S. Galtber.
Mra. Rose Gilbert went to Porn
Tuesday, returning Wednesday.
Born -To Mr. and Mrs. John Far son,
Saturday morning, April 15, 1005, a
The Titus Nursery has hnd n big
trade this spring. All handB have been
kept on the jump.
Curt Brown has a new buggy and ail
the girls aro now protesting that they
always did like Curt.
We bad a good Bhower Wednesday
night. It will do lots of good, though
not us much as is needed.
Mrs. J. M. Sanders went to London
precinct Tuesday to visit her son, Geo.
N. Sanders, for a few days.
We had a little ball storm Thursday
forenoon, but tho hailstones were
small and no damage was done.
Work has been commenced on re
building the new opera house. Taylor
Gillespie is doing the brick work.
Mtsa Blanche Lytle viBited Nemaha
friends Tuesday and Wednesday, and
is now tho guest of Miss Pearl Roberts.
Her school in Richardson county
is not damaged in the
than slightly soiled,
get first choice.
Minick Building
Will Crother of Santa Barbara, Calls
fornia, started for home last Saturday,
after aeveral days' visit in Nemaha.
There ia little doubt that bo vera
brick buildings will go up in Nemaha
this summer , This is what we need .
Mrs. W. G? Maxwell went to Lincoln
today to see her son, Alva Maxwell
who is attending the business college.
Miss Hazel Parker came in from Au
burn Sunday and is the guest of her
cousin, Miss Nellie Sanders, for a few
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer E. Allen drove
out to Auburn Sunday to attend the
dedication exercises of the new Metho
dist church.
Next Saturday is a legal holiday, it
being Arbor Day. Of course the
bankers and postmasters will take
advantage of it.
Mrs. J. i D. Rainey came in from
Auburn Tuesday to visit her mother
and sister, Mrs. Mary J. Hoover and
Mrs. J. E. Crother.
Mrs. Cheater Sedoras of Brownvillo
returned home Wednesday after a
week's visit with her parents, Rev,
and Mra. J. W. Sapp.
Rev. G. W. Ayers will preach at the
Methodist church next Sunday morns
ing at 11 o'clock, There will be no
sorvicea in the evening,
Last Friday evening quite a little
snow fell here. It looked a little odd
to see snow and green leaves on the
trees at the same time. But in 1003
we had a snowstorm on April 20 ,
Tbe Masons have started a move to
ward putting up a good two-story brick
building on the corner north of Van
derslice's store. A committee has been
appointed, tbe members aro taking
hold with enthusiasm, and it has all
the appearance of being a success.
We must earnestly request of all
who are Indebted to us to make ars
rangements to settle their accounts, as
we need tbe mtnoy to settle up our
business. Our business relations with,
all of 1 our patrens have been vary
pleasant and we trust we may be able
to do mora la the future.
Born To Mr, and Mra. E, B. Sporry
f Aspinwnll precinct on Tuesday oven
ng, April 18, 1005, ft fine ten pound
Auditor Ballontyne of tho Edwards
& Bradford Lumber Co. camo to Ne
maha Tuesday evening and la doing
somo work in the store.
Remember, wo will take your subs
aoription for any newspaper published
anywhere in the United Stntea and can
usually save you money.
We learn that there 1b prospect of a
wedding of two of our young poople in
the near future. Hope wo will get an
nvitation to the wodding.
Dr. and Mra. G. M. Andrews drove
over from Stella Sunday and visited
friends for a few houra. Mrs. B. Bell
Andrews returned with them.
J. W. Beard of Falls City, Nebr.,
was in Nemaha Wednesday and Thurs
day in the interest of the Ross P.
Curtice Musio Co. of Lincoln.
It has been very cold for the past
week, ice freezing on standing water
almost every night. It is feared early
fruit baa been injured by the cold.
Peter Kerker informs us that he ex
peots to build a brick building for a
meat market some time in the not diBs
tant future. Why not build at once?
MIbb May Kerker is now deputy
postmaster. She 1b also one of the
angels in the Advertiser office, so has
enough to look after to keep her out
of mischief. .
Remember that W.W.Sanders writes
insurance. He is agent for several
first cUbs companies, both mutual and
old line. His rates are as low as any.
Give him a call.
Remember there will be preaching at
the Methodist church Sunday morning
but none in the evening. There will
be Easter services at tbe Christian
church Sunday evening.
Ed Littrell made arrangements this
week to go to Nebraska City to work
in a barber shop, but has changed his
mind and will remain in Nemaha,
See his advertisement in this paper.
Mrs, F. L, Woodward and Miss
Ethel Morrison went to Auburn last
Saturday and visited friends until Mon
day. They attended the dedication
services of the new Methodist church.
The wind storm Thursday forenoon
blew over a chicken bouse, bog shed
and other things of that nature for
Will Swan, on tbe Fisher farm north
of Nemaha. No serious damage was
inflicted that we have beard of.
Miss Lizzie Lowark, who has been
visiting in Illinois for several months
returned home Wednesday. Her
sister, Mrs. Libbie Paul, came home
with her and will visit their sister,
Mra. 8. T. Argabrigbt, for awhile.
O. M. Chamberlain, who has been
wanted at Tecumseb for some time on
account of the wrecking of the Cham
berlain bank, has giran himself up and
is now in tho custody of the sheriff at
Tecumseh. He says he got tired of
wandering around.
Tbe stock of merchandise of Edw.E.
Lowman at Brownville is now in the
hands of a receiver. Mr. Lowman
has turned the stock over to bis credt
itors and will permanently retire from
too bUBineos, so he says, lio is now
postmaster at Brownvillo.
Mrs. J. L. Curtright went to Syra
cuse Wednesday. Mr. Curtright has
been there for some little time, or near
there, doing some work on foundations.
They will live with Walter Curtright
this summer, and Burl Curtright will
live in their house in Nemaha.
Subscribe for your papers at th is of
Take the wagonette when, in Aus
burn if you want to go to any part of
Dr. H. S. Gaithor wont to Omaha
Thursday to consult a physician and
see Fay. His health iB'.not Improving.
Ho expocta to go to Colorado about the
first of next month and remain somo
time in hopes tho change of olimate
will help him.
We are requested by tho children of
the late Williams Burns to return
thanks to tho friends and neighbors
for their kindness and care in helping
care for their aged fathor in his last
sickness, and for tho many expressions
of sympathy. Their kindness will bo
remembered with grateful hearts.
The Nebraska Farmer is one of tho
very best farm papers published and
has the advantage for our readers of
being published right here at homo.
It has been groatly improved recently
and tho improvements will contlnuo
right along. Special rates of 50 cents
a year aro now offered. Wetako subs
T, H. Glllan and Geo. E. Dye have
opened up a music store in 8outh Aus
burn. It ought to be a success as both
members of tboQrm are not only good
musicians but good fellows in general.
and will deal justly with their custo
mors. George's host of rrlends In thin
neighborhood will bo pleased to have
him succoedjboyond his expectations.
We. had the pleasure of attending
services at the new Methodist church
at Auburn last Sunday morning. The
church is a fine one. coatlna J12.5GO.
including lights, piano, etc. They
raised near 93,010 Sunday and dedica
ted tbe chutob eut of debt. Tbe
Methodists and th6 people of Auburn
In general have reason for being proud
of this handsome edlQce,
A bazaar and aocial will be given
Saturday nigbt In Hoovers storo build
ing, first door south of Keeling's drug
store, by the ladies of the Christian
chuich, to which all are invited to at
tend. Refreshments of Ice cream and
cake will be served to which all dona
tions will bo thankfully received either
for refreshments or bazaar. Don't for
got tbe place and date.
A number of years ago W. G. Max
well promised his two sons that he
would get them a good wateh when
they were twenty-one If they would
not ubo tobacco in any form until they
arrived at that age. Both boys have
kept their promise so far. Alva will
be of age May 0, and Mr. Maxwell con
cluded he would not wait until that
time, so got him a good gold watoh and
sent it to him by Mrs, Maxwell today.
He considers the investment a good
one, and so do we.
Tbe Christian Sunday school will
give a Bhort Easter program Sunday
night, consisting of the following:
Chorus Ring Merry Easter Bells.
Reading Nora Aynea.
Vocal Solo Lela Gaither.
Reading Ella Shtveley.
Recitation Wllda Grate.
Chorus Little Stars.
Recitation Bert Dressier.
Recitation Gladys Peabody.
Vocal 8olo Clifford Hendricks.
Recitation Daisy Clark.
Recitation Ruth Knapp.
Chorus O Glorious Easter Day.
All are invited to be present.
L. D. Wheeldon, formerly of tho
firm of Dunda8 & Wheeldon, tele"
graphed from Baltimore, Md., on Sun
day, that he bad undergone two
operations for bis bearing which has
been becoming deflclont for tbe past
year and that he is recovering from tho
effects of tbe operations. Granger.
The Mr. Wheeldon referred to in the
above item is a brother of W. E.
Wheeldon, tho B. So M. agent. A num
ber of years ago ho suddenly lost bis
bearing entirely. Evontually ho re
cavered his hearing in one ear, but had
an attack of grip last fall and his bear
ing got worse again. It is hoped he
will regain it again.
The friends and noichbors of Mrs.
John Hawxby gavo her asurpriso party
last Sunday on tho occasion of hat-
birthday. Wo are told that she is sixty
yeara old, but think they mado a mis
take and got it about ten years too old.
About 75 of her friends were present
and many more would have hmn thnrn
including the editor, if It bad not been
for the dedication of tho new ohuron
at Auburn . But they remembered ua
and sent us a box of cake, but that
made us regret all the mora that we
wore not ablo to be there. All present
had a delightful tlmo and loft wishing
that Mrs. Hawxby might live to cele
brato at least twice as many mora
birthdays. Shorecolvod a number of
nice presonts, including a boquet of
roses and carnations from her nephew,
F. G. Hawxby.
Shubert was tho scene of a tragedy
Monday. A man named Geo. Quigls
shot his wife four or five times and
then shot himself. Tbe woman la
alive but the man died. The couple
had had some trouble, the woman being
charged with being too intimate with
another man, and had separated . Mrs.
Quigle was at tho heme of a neighbor
hanging out tho washing, when Quigls
went up to her and attacked her,
striking her over the head with a
revolver and then shooting her. Tfia
woman caught bold of his arm and
tried to keep htm from firing off tht
revolver, and did keep him from shott
ing her through the heart, as he tried
to do. He shot her two or three timet
through the haud'and onoe in tha arm,
but the wounds are not dangeraue.
He then went to bla home, about m
oiock ana a nair from me scent ottfca
murder, and fired one shot in hki lift
temple, inflicting a wound from tbe
effects of which he died In about an
hour and a half.
Fraud Exposed
A few counterfeiters have lately
been making and trying to sell iralta
tions of Dr King's New Discovery for
Consumption, Coughs and Colds, and
other medicines, thereby defrauding
tho public This Is to warn you to bes
ware of such people, who seek te prolfc
through stealing the reputation of
remedies which have been successfully
curing disease, for over 35 years; A
sure protection, to you, ia our name on
tbe wrapper. Look for it, on all Dr.
King's, or Bucklen's remedies, as all
ethers are mere imitations. H. E.
Bucklen & Co., Chicago, 111., and
Windsor, Canada.
Barber & Hairdresser
All work guaranteed to give satisb
Shop in brick building, south of the
livery barn.
Your patronage is solicited.
I have all tbe latest designs
in Wall Paper, and can furs
nfsb you any quality you
want from Co to 81 per roll,
'Phono mo at Contral Offloo,
or drop ino a Card.
Dealer la
Highest market prico paid for Hides,
Lard,' Tallow, etc,
Offloea over PostoMoo Building, at
Frank Neul'u old stand,
uiwaeu a tew uaya aeo.
GILBERT ft. lfr.flATinT.I'M.
tna city . d ouq Mcuinaney prop,
Old papersfor sale at this office