The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, April 14, 1905, Image 7

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Mm. 8. W. Marine, of Colorndo Springs,
LBckw to Pear tho Vor-Doa'a
Kidney Pills Saved Ifer.
Mrs. Sarah Marino, of 428 St Umln
jtreot, Colorndo Springs. Colo., Presi
dent of the Glen Eyrlo Club, writes:
"I BUircrcu
for three yoars
with sovero
backache. Tho
doctors told
mo ray kidneya
i w ore affected
and presorlbtnl
medicines for
fine, but I found'
that It was only
a waste of tunc
and money to
take them, and
began to fear
that I would
never cot well
A friend advised me to try Doan'8 Kid
ney Pills. Within a week after I began
using them I was so much better thai
I decided to keep up the treatment,
and when I had used n little1 over two
boxes I was entirely well. 1 have now
enjoyed the best of health for more
than four mouths, and words can but
poorly express my gratitude."
For sale by all dealers. Price o''
cents. ' Fosler-Mllburn Co., Buffalo.
N. Y.
Ibisalways safo to tell a woman
bow ralicii you lovo her even 1' she
knmvtTvou don
Uuoli thnt - livery Womnii Desires to
KiiowIh Found In Cutlcura "Cuticuru
.S Worka Wonders."
yf'Xop much stress cannot bo placed
on tho great valuo of Cutlcura Soap,
Ointment and Pills In the antiseptic
cleansing of the mucous surfaces and
of the blood nnl Circulating Uulds,
thus affording pure, sweet and eco
nomical local and constitutional treat
ment for weakening discharges, ulcor
atlons, inllnmmatlons, itchlugs, irri
tations, relaxations, displacements,
pains and irregularities peculiar to fe
males, as well as such sympathetic
affections as anaemia, chlorosis, hys
teria, nervousness and debility.
One grain, or iinum Ma will coloi
60,000,000 (grains of water.
'Xlio PrcstMit Knto Law.
'Bhe duties of tho present Interstab
Commerce Commission are to corroe
nil discriminations in railroad rates. I
it iluds that an unjust rate is in effect,
the railroad is notliied. If it decline
to change It, tho Commission can brlnjj
suit In court, and if tho court decide!
In favor of the Commissioners' (hiding,
the railroad must obey, or Its oliiceri
may ,be brought up for contempt oi
court and summarily dealt with.
1 1 mmmi
tie iut ureuniuBij mju
. v,ier Waggsby, who bomba
Vfco when we were marr
( y She Yes.' What of hit
He (at breakfast) Do you reraom
who bombarded us with
Tie Oh, nothing, only I've Invited
Mm to take dinner with us to-morrow,
)md I want you to make some of youi
tajnouo htmmlt.
She Hid Too Illuh.
Bdytli I offered, young Shplelgh a
c penny for his inoughts last evening.
Mayme I'm ashamed of you, Edyth.
Edyth Ashamed of me!
Mayme Yes, or rather of your ablb
ity as a shopper. Chicago News.
The Kansas legislature has killed
in "antl-snitch" bill. We do not know
what a "snitch" is, but It sounds liko
Bometiuing that ought to' bo killed.
Modern Knterprluc.
Homer Sanders, the gyocer, is thi
most enterprising chap I ever met.
Nixon What's the answer?
Homer He advertises to glvo awaj
n parachute with each gallon of kero
ene he sells.
Nixon Slashem, tho barber, if
equally as enterprising.
Homer What's his sche'ne?
Nixon He has a card in his window
offering a package of court plaster fre
with each shave.
Special Inducements.
Oyer Fitzein' the clothier, t 9
rortlsing a silk umbrella free witi
Bach $20 overcoat he sells.
Mrs. Gy or That's nothing. Bloom,
the florist, la giving awuy the cartl
With each plnut Iip oMs.
An Inch or rainfall is equal toi
I4,o00 000 a lion's pr squire mile.
TMi LAxiiiYe Uromo Quinine Tablets. Al
SFi" re'"nil money If It falls to oure
IE. w Grove's rirtuiun each l5o
. There are estimated to be 140,80
.OhTlstlnns In .Japm.
Mr dmtir irs It net f-ontly mi li -iip1i, Ht.h
dt fr. m I hi.. i iim.i u I,.,.. .,., i ugo aa aJ
. Itiacallod "Ltuic Ton" or
jfA.ll drnpBl.ts or tir rnU S5 rts. nnrl ro ot. Boy It ft
i.c.utr. AUdr.oi. O. If. Waudimd. l,o it y, N.Y.
mMk, S& pi f ash m
Ho took a towel and girded himself.
-John l'A'A.
Never was tho greatest of all greater
ban when he put about him tho oatige
mi the servant. Ills example has
tiade tho towel, tho apron, tho badge
f true honor. Nothing could have
urprised those men who wore quarrel
iig over their precedence more than
;Ut tills great Master should stoop to
.iDi-form this menial sen ice of wasii
'ng their feet. Like many who call
honisolvcs His to-day they strove over
h.'of seats, honors, titles, dignities,
hey wcro seeking tho chief places and
' )) tliclr strife showing themselves f.t
uly for tho lowest. Nowhere is the
onse of honor mbre oiiaily slain than
a the search for honors.
Tho only dignity that really adorns
1 man Is that which comes without his
loniauding It. But how ofteu have the
icrvautf of tho meek and lowly Jesus
.urned tho world away from Him by
j'aolr oxamples of vanity, greed, lust
for power, their pomp and pride of
Belf-ploiy. They who were sent to-be
ahopiierds of men have fleeced tho iloclc
for their own udornlng and then fought
amongst themselves to see who should
wear tho choicest robes. But historv
has ehov.'ii that they were wrong and
their Master right. The greater their
greedy ambition the greater tholr
shame tho higher tho place they have
claimed tho lower lias been that whi :n
the voice of humanity has awurdod
On the other hand there shine forth
those who have followed Him in lowly
service; theirs Is tho honor to-day. Be
cause no took upon Him the form of a
servant then now is tho kingdom and
the power and the glory.
So it has always been, sovereignty
comes by way of service; heaven and
earth unite in honoring those who have
not scorned tho humblo place of help
fulness. John says that it was because
Jesus was conscious of His divine or
igin and His glorious destiny that 116
took the towel and did the work of
the slave. Only those who realize their
true groatness can Ignore tho littleness
of man's potty dignities, can lose all
Ronso of stooping, of condescension
when they serve others, and so can be
of scryleo to mankind. A man proves
that ho Is tho son of a heavenly Father
by his servico for his least ?)rother.
When that dignity, hoaven born, is in
a man's heart there is nothing in the
dirt ho may touch by deeds of kind
ness that can dollle him; contact does,
not contaminate.
Love never thinks of any of its ser
vices as loathsome. That from which
a superficial dignity would revolt lovo
does Vlth rejoicing. It thinks nothing
of the honor or the dishonor, but only
of the helpfulness it may render. It
Is not asking whether men are approv
ing or whether promotion is coming.
It nuecLs no promotion or approval; the
work ItRfilf is the highest reward; the
service elevates to the loftiest of all
Tho world's sovereigns are its ser
vants. He makes an alliance with God
who helps a fellow-iuan. Work is
tJwit by which tho Creator has lifted
man above the creatures of the field,
nnd the work that sacrifices that It
may tserve is that by which God lifts
man to himself. The heareuly gate
may be hut to robes and mltern, epau
lettes and crowns; but it hall bo open
wide to that great throng who bear
tho stuliis of toll, who hart eerred
their fellows, who wi i . ;..,u f
sacrificing service; and '. sou f.t
carponter shall lead ti t ' iu.
liy Bishop Samuel Fallows.
The distinguished scientific writer,
Elio Mctchinkoff, concurs in the dec
laration made In Genesis that the days
of man aro 120 years. Tho latent phyn
lologlcal investigations prove this to
be the case. By a proper understand
ing of the nebrew tho correct ages of
the patriarch aro brought near this es
timate. Adam was 130 years old,
Seth 121, Enoch lid, Methuaaloh 12-1,
Noah 150. The average ages of ten
pf these Old Testament worthies are
a little more than 120 yoars.
It la a significant fact that tho aver
age duration of life Is continually
irrowlng greater. Correct living will
yet bring the race to the normal figure.
In the lljrht of those facta tho conten
tion of ProfeuKor Osier that the creat
ive period of man's intellect is between
25 and 40 and that there i a steady
decline until the comparatively worth
less ago of 00 is reached, must bo taken
irlth considerable nllowance. We must
P" Vi natural ce limit to at IcahI
'. A man f 85 ugkt to be
as active ns tbo ordinary man at 0
Tho period of oreatlvo intellect ougt
to bo advanced to 70 years.
Tho men of tho Bible who ha
made a most profound impression upes
the ages Avero In their zenith at an nf
vanced age. Moses was In his prlnjf
when over 00 years old. Isaiah w
uttering his sublime prophecies wh
ho was more than 00. Ilosea nu
Amos were active at a still greater agf
Both Elijah and Ellsha were pote
factors in history when over 70. T$
Apostle Paul was about 00 when X
wroto the most forceful of his epistlo
and St. John was about the same nijt
when ho gave his letters to ti
churches and wrote tho book of Rov
Men must be encouroged to prolog
the period of productive labor. No as
tlflclal dead line should bo established
Some persons are younger at GO thar
many of their contemporaries ati 4&
Temperate in nil things' as tho rul
of life will push old ugo far toward the
scriptural and divine limit. Tin
world's work will thus bo done by the
young men of 70.
ay Roy. 'J. W, stockwuU
The preparation for tho lituugucatlor
ceremony of the President which tool
place at Washington has given rlso tc
the thought among some citizens us tv
whether this is not an occasion of use
less expense and time. It has beec
remarked that the matter of tho selee
tlon of Mr. Roosevelt, the citizen, tt
be the chief executive of this natior
was decided once for all at tho popular,
ballot taken last November. "Whfl
then," it has boon asked, "should theit
bo these, post-cllmaxes?" "Why should
there be, a number of months after tin
recording of the popular vote, a cero
mony like that of the electoral coK
lege?" "And what, indeed, still later,
Is tho use of this public ado about the
Inauguration?" "So much pomp nnJ
display," It has been said, "scorns al
most ludicrous when it is associated
with a government that is considered
.to be purely democratic."
Let us consider tho quostlon fairly.
Let us endeavr to see If thore is any
significance In this ceremony othoi
than in tho glitter and glory of it
Now, the careful student und tho un
biased mind will admit that thore an?
certain laws back of social and politi
cal happenings of the human kind.
That there have been such laws be
comes more and more apparent ns on
studies history and sees how tho af
fairs of men have been shaped up
if by some guiding hand. Recall tlx
apparent arrangement of tho grea
world gtuge for the advent of G
upon earth. How else can we think o!
such arrangement, and combination o
race forcen than that they have been
somehow guided by an unseen hand?
The fact of this Influx of the dlvln
power into the office explains how I(
may be that men chosen for offices,
such as judges, magistrates or minis
tcrs, may, although In their persona)
lives be not exemplar, still in tho ac
tual work of their respective offices
conduct themselves wlso'y und usefully
nnd with regard to. the good of those
to whom thoy minister.
Such u ceremonial ua tho lnaugura
tiou Is and should be in Intent a reo
ognitlou of Divine Providence In tin
affairs of this nation. It should mean,
and does mean that by his induction
thus forrunlly and onlerly Into ofllci
the President of the Unltod States li
placed In tho way of recelrlng a mon
direct and more helpful influcnco frou
the dlvlna power whilo ho U in tho ad
ministration of his public duties.
Short Meter Bcrxuona.
Practice in prayer.
Piety never parades lUclf.
The scifsatisfied need to be short
Tuapo aue no wolves In tho cmptj
A man may be meesured by thi
things he seeks.
You cannot hoodwink heaven wltt
a holy aspect.
Lovo gives no license to dlspenm
with courtesy.
Thy who walk with God do no
walk away from men.
He cnu bear a great trust who cni
bear little trials.
It is bettor to lose your Joys thai
to escapo his sorrows.
It la slow work gcttinT rich in gnu'
at a penny a week.
A venoor of rellKloslty liau none
Che virtues of religion.
It takes IcbsJIiiui two half truths
make a full slzad lie.
Men are not drawn to the church .
using tho creed h n lul.
It's a poor religion tiiut lets ii
prayer meeting hide the poor.
The men who have tlfivd hr
have never been too jiJt to tor,
with their hands.
That In addressing Mrs. Plnlrjuun you
ire conllding your private Ills to a woman
r a voimin whoso experionco with wo
man's diseases covers a great many years.
You can tulle freely to a woman when It
is revolting to relate your private troubles
to a man besides a man does not under
standsimply becauso he is a man.
' Many womon suffer in hIIuhco uud drift nlong
from bud to worse, knowing full well that they
ought to huvo immediate assistance-, but a natural
modesty impels them to shrink from oxposiug them
solves to tlie questions and probably examinations of
evon their family physician. It is unnecessary.
Without money or price you can consult a woman
whose knowledge from actual experience is great.
Mrs. Piiilclmm's Standing Invitation:
Women suffering from any form of
ness aro inviteu to promptly communicate with M
i'inkham at Lynn, Muss. All letters aro recolvi
opened, read und answered by women only,
ivoraun can freely talk of her prlvato illness to a
woman; thus has been established the eternal'
confidence between Mrs. Pluklmm and tho women
of America which has never been broken. C
of the vast volume of experience which tiho
lias, to uraw irom, it is moro than possible
that sho has gained the very knowledgo
that will help your case. Sho asks noth
ing in return except your trood-will. and her
advice lias rolieved thousands. Surely any
woman, rich or poor, is very foolish if sho
does not take advantage of this conerous
offer of assistance. Lydia E. Plnkham
Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass.
Following: wo publish two lot
ters from a wonmh who accep
ted thi invitation. Noto tho
First letter.
" Dcnr Mrs. Pinkhnm,:
" For eight yoars 1 have sufTored something
terrible every mouth with my periods. Tho
pains aro excruciating and 1 can hardly stand
thorn. My doctor says I huvo ovarian and
womb trouble, and I must go through on op
eration if I want to got well. I do not want
to submit to It if I can possibly help It.
Please toll mo what to do. I liojw you can
rolIovonio."-Mra. Mary Dimmlck, 59th and E.
Capitol St? , Denning P.O., WasliIugton,D.O.
Second letter.
' Dear Mrs. Pinkham;
"AfkT following carefully your advlco,
nnd taking Lydia E. Pinklium's Vegetable
Compound, I am very nuxious to nond yon
my testimonial, that others may know their
valuoand what you havo douo for mo .
In the Kuisian scho h tho game of
h ss is Bttll Included in tho currl
' i Inn;.
For Infants and Children.
rfie Kind You Have Always Bough
Boars tho
lignaturo of
The literary output of Krauc lust
ar was np-iHy trn thnusmrt w " r k s
Hlc Tour Denier Tor Allen' font Kntf.
powder to shake into your shoes. It
st tho ,(eet CureB Corns, Bunions,
Pollen, Sore, Hot, Callous, Aching,
eM.tln? fee nnd Inifrowliie Nulls.
'Ileus Foot-Enso makes new cr tijrhl
'iocs easy. Sold by all druKKlsts nnd
lioe stores 2.rc. Sample maiMl FREE.
tddrosH Allen Olmstod. Le Itov. N. Y
There are Many Imitations of .
Baker's Ghocolat
Don't be
I titled to
LookfanLUTwdo-Muk Cocoa" or
Our handsomely illustrated recipe book
sent free,
Walter Baker & Co. Ltd.
Established 1780 Dorchcctcr, Maasuchusetta
45 Highest Awards in Europe and America-
fomnlo weak
" As you know. I wroto you that mvdocfoi
said I must havo an oponitlon or I could not
live. I thou wrote you, tolling you inv idU
moiits. I followed your advlco and am on-,
tiroly well. I can walk miles without an
acho or a pain, and I owe my life to you und.
to Lydia li. Piiikluun's Vegetable Compound.
I wish every suffering woman would road'
this testimonial and realize the valuo of writ
ing to you and your remedy." Mrs. Mary
Dimmlck. 69th and E Camtol Streets. Hun.
nlng P. O., Washington, 1). O.
When a medicine has been succcssful
in restoring to health so mauy women
whoso testimony ia so unquestionable,
you cannot well say, without trying It,
" I do not believe it will help mo " If'
you aro ill, don't hesitate to get a boty
tie of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound at once, and wrltcMrs. Pink"
ham, Lynn. Mass.. for special advicei.
it ia free and always helpful. j
Mil'tn is trying an b rtrln mnta
posh nice with no ntcfii Mic'.-ss,
nullum, nunii. luci-iiinc or i'rviiir;nK i.ri
t'oururiiUL'tNtwIlJ rufon't ij onrrlf PaZc iOIM'H
MKNT full ui onrx niu Id d,,u 1 H'r ,,60o
Th" fltv nf ?Tfhw J hi; l f f livj
nrrl nlf its nrts aro n unl tii.jt
TOTHfc '
0f Westebh GAaAMs
l)urln tlia mbntliHof Miirch and AppI' ; will 8. '
Ktrtirvlonn oil the vn-iiHi linn r-' . ihni) tt ' tin
O tiiidlriii W "it. IlutitJ rl,if ii.uii.hihU i( (Iih Ijh.i
lint HUil OrHzlnn In ' n th (!aiuliint flOB to tin
""iwu'liil liiini" llllljr UH IIIIICIHIH'I irom IllllW
n 1 1 ml nn. t I ii ri,.oiHtlili, rrircx. hm nrautK.tii
A'p,,T-or 'nfurmntlon t-o BaLrtt- uilantof inifurr.
Ilillt. OttllWII. MllUlll.. Ill III t V UllK... '. ,.L
Lit UulJUiuii, OtuuUu. Nb , Autli. riiml Oovarutnanl
VIm Mr what roil Mr tbti ndvcrtUfiuitut.
misled by them !
Our trade-mark is on every
package of genuine goods.
Under the decisions of several
United States Courts, r no
ther chocolate or cocoa than
Walter Baker & Cq.'s is en-
be sold as "Baker's
"Baker's Chocolate"