The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, April 07, 1905, Image 7

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Female Weakness Is Usually Pelvic
' Cures Catarrh Wherever
Mrs. Mnble Bradford, 13 Church Htrcot,
Burlington, Vt., Secretary Whitticr Orntorln
Society, writes:
"Peruna is cortainly a wonderful mcdi
oine for the ills of women. I have hoard
it spoken of in tho highest praise by many,
and certainly my exporionoe ia well worthy
of a good word.
"I began to have severo pains aoross my
back about a year ago, brought on by a
eold, and each subsequent month brought
me pain and distress.
"Yonr remedy was presoribod, and the
way it acted upon my system was almost
too good to bo true. I certainly have ro-
! pained my health and strength, and I no
ongor suffer periodical pains and extremo
lassitude." Mable Bradford.
tMMusands of Women Cured Every Year by I
Correspondence This Is What Dr. Hart
man Proposes to Do For You
Without Charge.
J Women who suffer should read tho
lidences presented here. We have
pousnnda of letters from gratoful
Jprfonds who tell the same ntory.
r Half tho ills that aro peculiarly
nroman's own are of a catarrhal
ha meter. Female weakness was not
pnderHtood for ninny years.
' Dr. Hartmau deaervoa the credit of
kaTlng determined Its real character.
E has made catarrh and catarrhal
EI see that a zoalou3 jrew Jersey
Ishop Is credited with remarking
bat society women are soaked in
I Well, that's one way to preserve
peaches. Olc velaod Plain Dealer.
"DjrBDepl Tormented mo for Dr. Duvlil.
k.nnedy's Kurorlto Rcmsdy curod mo," Mrs. 0. S,
pouchcrty, MIUtIUo, N. J, Ud orer 30 year. 11.00
Luv haz been knpwn to kurc a
coquet, bub who over knu lb to kuro
p prude.
I 1
, I can recoramond Plso's Our for Con
sumption for AsthniR. It has given me
treat reliof.--W. L. Wood, Farmeraburg,
Xad.. Sept. 8, 11)01.
TOur plcazures toooften aro the
jpoost silly things aboub us.
Who Owns tho Railroads.
' H. T. Ntiweomb, of the District of
Columbia bar, has compiled statistics
(Showing thnt 5,171,718 depositors in
pavings banks of six Eastern State
pre directly interested in the join'
erwnership of $442,35-l,0SU of stenn. ,
pallroad socurltlos, that insurance com
panies doing business in Massaclm
tidttB hold $815,8SD,03S of steam rail
road stocks and bonds, and 74 oduca
llional institutions depend on $47,468,
027 invested in similar securities for a
portion of their Income. Other lldu
clary institutions own enough railroad
Becurlties to bring such holdings up to
more thun a billion and a half dollars,
about onii'Slxth of the entire capital
Invested In railroad property. Those
Investments represent the savings of
the masses, there being twenty million
holdors of Ufe Insurance policies in tho
vjuntry, as many moro of lire insur
unce policies, and an even greater
number of depositors In banking and
trust Institutions, where Investments
are largely In railroad securities.
Mosb ueonle overshoot tho mark
but 1 suppose this Iz tho best miss
nut kan he made.
Known tho world over
promptest, surest euro
ivic cm
I beran to
diseases, including pelvic ca
tarrh, a llfolonc studv.
Peruna cures catarrh, whether of the
Pelvic organs or any other organ of the
human body.
Pe-ru-na, a Natural Boautlflcr.
Peruna produces clean, mucous mew
branes, tho basis of facial symmetry
and a perfect complexion.
The women have not been slow to dis
cover that a course of Peruna will do
more toward restoring youthful beauty
than all tho devices known to science.
Many a girl has regainod her faded
beauty, many a matron has lengthened
the days of her comoly appeuxanco by
UHing Peruna. '
Very Lifelike. I seo you havo a
photograph of my wife Mrs. Pylo
Onstyle in your sbow case. It's
very like her, said tho elderly caller.
Yes, replied the photographer,
somowbat bltcorly, and she hasn't
paid me for it yob.
Ab I that's still moro like her.
Philadelphia Press.
Cashier Madam, I cannoo honor
this check. You havo alroady over
drawn your husbaud's accounb.
Mrs. Wodaweck Don't bo silly.
There are twenbyeigbt chocks still
lefb in tbis check book that I
haven't used ab all. Plbbshurg Dis-
Positive, Comparative, Superlative.
" I have used one of your Fish Brand
Slickers for five years, and now want
a new one, also one for a friend. I
would not be without one for twice the
cost. They are just as far ahead of a
common coat as n common one la
ahead of nothing."
(Xma cq appllcitton.)
Bo aure you don't got ono of the com
mon klnd-thls Is tho tffVERW
mark of
v v
A .1 TriArrr r-n
BOSTON, U.S.A. '4f2Q
Makers of Wet Weather Clothing & Hats.
Otherwise Occupied. Isn't the
cliraato rather bad In your part of
tho country?
Yes, anwsored tho Central
American', bub lb doesn't make any
dltlorenco. We are so busy with rev
olutions that nobody has time to
imblce tho climate. Washintgon
as the
Rheumatism and ffeiEralgia
Catarrh.' Pe-runa
Mm, Llsalo Roddlnff, 8104 B Ollfton Place, St.
Loula, Mo., wrltoai
'I fouud after trying many different mcdloinen
to restore mo to health, that Pemni was tho only
thing1 which, oonld be defended upon. I began
taking it when I was In a deolino, Induced by
fomalo woaknosa and overwrought nerves,
fool stronger during the first week
I took Fernna and my health Improved dally un
til now I am in perfeot health and onjoy life as
I nover did before." Lizzie Roddlnj?.
In Peruna these women find a prompt
and purmanont euro.
Thousands of testimonials to this ef
feet are received by Dr. Hartmau uverj
year. The good that Peruna has ao
complishcd in this class of cases ca
scarcely be over-estimated.
If you do not derive prompt and
satisfactory results from the uae ot 1
Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hurt- ,
man, giving a full statement of your
case, and he will lie pleased to give
you his valuable advice gratis. 1
Address Dr. Hnrtman, President '
of The Hartmnn Sanitarium, Colum
bus, Ohio. All correspondence held 1
strictly confidential.
Bnby Scratched Until Fnce Wan Rnv
ami Bleeding Kczomn Cured bj
"For over two years my little babj
Ctrl suffered with a raw, itching nn
painful eczema on her head and face
the pain causing her to scream daj
and night, and my vlfe could got n
rest. Wo tried several doctors, bu
without success. Unless we kept ho
bunds tied she would scratch until ho
face was llko raw beef. Ono cake ol
Cutlcura Soap and two boxes of CJutl
cum Ointment completely cured he?
healing hor face wltliout mark or blora
lsh. (Signed) W. .T. Morgan, Orcbart
Town, Now Lnmbton, Now SoutJ
AYalea. Australia."
Mrs. ABhoDon'b you dread thi
bhoUKhb of spring housecleunlns?
Mrs. Dash Yes, indeed. 1 don"
mind things being topsy-turvoy my
self, bub lb keeps my husband ir
such an awful temper. I bate t
think of the way we're going t
quarrel. Detroit Free Press.
A cable from Koine says Jlarri
Lchr attended a baby party then
the other night, ifor a moment wi
thought but no. Harry is too mucl
of a society man.
Found Gold in Nebraska.
Investor In Nebraska Real Estate will lino
this true. Now is the time to Ret In on tin
ground floor. We have soma choice Investments
Write us Tor lurtliur Information.
Schumacher Jarre?, Orleans, Neb
In resisting seaslcknpss, tin
Amerclan irlrl. as a rule, Is more
successful than the English girl
while the French girl Is most easlh
overcome bv this malady. So say i
ship's physician wno has made irutj
nee in trips.
O. e
f.NGLISU TAUGHT, &?t notspoki.n
Ono might think a practical, work
ing kitpwledgo of u language nocesmtry
to tho Huccossful leaching of it, yet. the
Instructor of an underground school on
tho Must Shlo of Now York City evi
dently did not consider the matter In
that light. Those collar schools ,of
which there aro about a dozen In Now
York, aro taught by foreigners, who
make a specialty of giving lessons In
English to tho children of foreigners,
thus enabling tho boys and girls to
ask for admission to the public schools.
A reporter paid a visit to one of those
places of Instruction and records his
experience In the New York Press.
The most pretentious of the collar
schools is in fith street. Over the door
is n chalked Inscription, reading:
English and other foreign languages
taught here, for terms the Professor
you can see.
The collar was fairly clean. It con
tained a long table and wooden
benches. On the Avail huntr a written
notice, of which tho following Is a
Pay for thorn by tho day hour or week
n advance. English In a class from
4 to 0 by tho clock, or prlvato losslngs
ono by one.
Hebrew, German and Italian taught
good. Heading, writing, talking and
thinking losslngs In the four lung
wldgos. Tho "professor" wos from Jlueluir-
est. IIo started to his foot and bowed
politely when tho visitor onlcrad.
When ho AVrts addressed ho shook his
load deprecatlngly, and turning to
ds eldest pupil, a boy of 10, jabbered
something which sounded llko a strini'
of consonants.
"lie say ho do not speak tho Eng
lish," Interpreted the youngster. "Ho
only teach It." Then tho little fellow
explained that; tho professor was a
great linguist, that he could speak dla
lects and patois without end; that ha
understood English and wrote It beau
tifully, but ho did not caro to use It
In conversing with strangers lest ho
should bo laughed at.
Through the pupil Interpreter thq
professor told tho visitor of his school
and his methods. Tho instruction con
sists In translating from the pupil's
tonguo Into English words and sen-
fences In constant use, speaking and
writing thorn over and over. Tho more
advanced pupils uso tho daily papers
as text-books, thereby gaining' an In.
Bight Into the customs of tho country,
The cost of tuition vurlcs from 23
cents to $1 n week.
Tho pupils aro all ji earnest Th
majority of them aro poor, and tho
(Weekly outlay is a great sacrlflco-
Tho parents are as anxious as tho
children to havo thorn learn. They feel
that tho casting of their bread upon
ytho waters in this way will bo more
than made up to them when their
boys can hold their own In a contest of
tongues with young America.
Good Old Times.
Peoplo who talk of tho good old
times should read thoso facts compiled
by Popular Mechanics. In tho good
old times: .
There was not a public .library in
tho United States.
Almost all tho f urnlturo was Import
ed from England.
An old copper mlno In Connecticut
was used as a prison.
Thoro was only one hat factory, and
.that mado cocked hats.
Virginia contained a fifth of tho
whole population of tho country.
A man who Jeered at the preacher
or criticised tho sermon was llnod.
Two stago coaches boro oil tho trav
el between Now York and Boston.
A day laborer considered himself
Well paid wltli two shillings a day.
Tho wlilnmncr nost una ninorv worn i
still standing In New York and Bos
Trousers wore fastened with pegs or
Tho church collection was taken In
u bag at tho end of a pole, with a bell
attached to arouse tho sleepy contrib
ISconomy Taught in Youth.
It hns over boon an object with
French parents to ttach a child to be
provident and economical. A child of
ii can become a member of tho Mu
tuality by giving only 2 cents a week;
1 cent will ontltlo It to get 10 cents a
day when It Is 111 and tho other goes
toward getting a pension when It is
at a certain age. No one knows how
long a child can live, but what doe
tho contribution amount to? A boy
of 18, giving !M cents o month to tho
society, will, when ho is (10, havo a
pension of $72 a year. Brooklyn
15 agio.
Pursuing a Ijitorary Career.
"What aro you doing in u literary
way nowV"
"Splitting rails to got money enough
to publish my next hook." Atlanta
Uiialilo to Wall; Bade
Ilowltt Do you over go out in your
Cur a WifoWDoblllty After Mniitrl,
Itutbn'ml'a Itlmuiiuitlini, n Dnuchtar'
Nervuua I'rostrntlon.
' I havo rocommonded Dr. Willinmn
Pink Pills to many peoplo," tsafd MrJ
aosKott, bcoauno I have seen sachgooa
results, titno rtfter time, right hi myowu
family. There nro thrco of us who hnv
ao doubt about their merits. Wo do no!
need to take anybody's word on the sub--joct
for our own oxporienco linn taught oV
tiow well thoy dosorvo praise. i
" It was just, about ton years ago that
t flrat road about Dr. Williams' PinW
Pills, and bought my first box. I was n((
dint timo all run down, weak, norvou
Mid without ambition. I had licon doeJ
torlng all summer for malaria audj
itomaoh trouble. Everybody thoughts
was going iyo consumption, as myj
mother hnd died of that disease
" Thanks to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,)
I am now alive and hoarty. I began to
iinprovo as soon as I began totako them,'
ind when I had taken three boxns I was
well woman. Evoryono wonders how-lj
kop so woll and am able to cm o for my
homo and six children withe nt help.'
Dr. WillianiH' Pink Pills oxplun it. J
" My oldest girl's health brj,Tii to fall
when sho was about fourteen. Sho was1
iiorvous, complnim.'d of sharp puius hi
her head, would got deathly sick aiut
hnvo to leave tho school room to Ret frOBH'
nir to revive her. I gave sotno pi'l t& hor,)
Blie took only a few boxes, hut thoy cured
hor troubles, and oauwd hor to develop;
Into a perfeot i iuro of health. Than my
husband took them for rlnmnmfcisiit and
found Mint thoy would ouro that too. .'So
you see wo havo all got groat goad front'
using them, and that ia why wo rocom'
mend thorn to others."
Mrs. Minnie B. Goasett lives at
(Jhihihsvillc, Tuscarawas Co., Ohio, and
h widl known, as sho has resided iu the
iiiuto neighborhood for more than thh
toon yours. Her story shows that n
medipliio which makes tho blood sound
mid the norvcB strong, ovoromuos a varl
ctv of diseases and should bn found in
Dvnry household. Dr. WillianiH'PinkPille
ro sold by all dnigglhtrt overywhore.
riioyhavo cured anaoniia, nd all forma
of weakness, also tho most stubborn
rnKos of dyspepsia and rheumatism.
Thoy uro indispensable for crowing girlo.
Tharo Iz no man wlze ouuff to-kn
what others think ov hlra
M) dootor nys It set cntlr on tlia tf'imnoh. JItm
ml kidnnjit mid Ian nlmnrvtit Iniatnn. Tins drink li
in nit) l Mm liarliB, ami ! iiratinrril for UBu h ounlly u
t.o.. Itlcnllod'IJnnoM Tea" or
All clrtiffjcliits or liy mull SK ot. nndfiOctn. liny It t
dny. I.uiic'n Ji'unllx Alcillrlnu hkivi'h III
IxtivnlH unrli il.y. In rri1rr t.. lo hi' hy tliWll
nncanatr, Addrutis, O. V- Woudttard, LelUy, H.Y.
Positively cured by
thoso Littlo Pills.
They also rcllovo DL
tress from Dyspepsia, In
01ffc8tlon and Too Hearty
Eating. A perfect rem
edy Tor Dizziness, Kuuaea,
Drowsiness, Bad Taste
la the JloutU, Coated
Tonguo, Tain In tho Side,
TOltPID Lrvim. Tnoa
regulate tho Bowels. Purely Vegetable.
"" ! in ' I- I
Genuine Musi Bear
Fac-Similo Signature
Your Walls ' .
Simply brush It on, Any deal
er or decorator can apply Ala-,
busline, or any woman could apply
it herself. Just mix it in cold
water and brush it on. Choose
the color you wish from the color
card, which will bo sent you freo,.J
and go to work.
The most beautiful, brllllnnt color ct-t
fectn are poHslbJe with AIjAHASTINU.
ALAHASTINK Ir Huacuptltiltf of tho most
original treatment. With ASANAS
TIKH tho most beautiful tile effectB can
b produced, the iiiohI licuutlful panel
c(Teet;, ilio moat beautiful waUcotluffH
and frlezuu.
It won't rub off, nor dry out Into u
dull, dead color.
Id original pack-
rii'ou tinvp In In' I If 'I'll m litmt dfcati
sell It. If youw 'dofsii't, kcud pa yvt
umu and v will i that y a ? sup- 1
Grand Av . (Jrund ltp!!. Mlo.
mil nlMlE
automobile -Miese- days'
Jowct(--No; I'm too lame. Now
York Sun.
sirmiiifiviuw,HL a v.