The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, April 07, 1905, Image 2

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- . 1
n four ladles last night,
i Hull I You must bo a qultt-r,
rortcd tbe pokor rrlond. I'd kcop
U ralslriK nil night if I hnd a hand
ike tbab.l'hlladriphiR Press.
"What Everybody 8ny.
Jamboree, Ky., April 3rd. (Special.)
'I suffered for years wltu my oacK,-
rs Mr. J. M. Coleman, a well known
ildont of tbls place. "Thon I ued
Id's Kldnoy Pllla and I have not
It a pain Blnce. My little girl com-
lined of lier bade. Sue usou auoui
half box of Dodd's Kidney Pills
she la sound and won."
It is thousands of tatoments Ilka
above tbat show Dodd's Kidney
Is to be tbo one cure for Backachs
any other symptom of deranged kid-
rn. For Backache Is simply a sign
it the Kldnoya need help,
Dodd's Kidney Pills always cure
Backache. TJiey also always euro
right's Dlflonso, Diabetes, Dropsy,
fcaeutnatlsni, Bladder and Urinary
Troubles and Heart Disease These
Ire more advanced stages of kidney
icaso. Cure your Backacho with
sdd's Kidney PUIb and you need
iver fear thorn.
I AvnVta Imrtt r tti filv tunnf hnnrrla Vin.
huso Mnhowct, tho founder of their
o.lglon, novor shaved. A lotin
awing bonrd Is regarded by tbotu as
fcslgn of dlstlnotlOD.
PenfliCKM Cannot ISo Curort
' locat annllcnUout. an tlioy cannot rNinli ttio
Isoasod ortton of Uw car. Tliore W only oM
ij mj euro iicoiumN, mm uini n i huimiui"
ana) romedlns. DcaflloeiS Is cniiKOif 1y an lu-
unl condition of tlio inursotw llnlnc of t!i
Eustachian Tubo. When this tubo 1 Inflow.!
u Imro a riiinolliii? souim or irnpnnooi in ar
r, anil when It Is entirely doted, Deafnovs u
n nwiilt. unit unless thu liillfllililiatloM "Ml 1)0
ikon out and this tubo restored to in no. inal
ftMUltlou. noarine will do ciosiroyeu iorever,
line ctwos oit of ten aro caused by catarrh,
which Is nothlnu but au Uiilaiaod coudlUon v
ftp mucous Miriams.
We will Klvo Ono lltinrtrod Dollars for am
of Deafness (cmisod by catarrh) that enn
t be cured by Uall's Catarrh Uuro. oud foi
tubus, froo.
F, J. GIII5NKY 6 CO., Toledo, 0
sjrSold by Drugijlsts, 7Go.
Ball's Family Tills are the best,
Among tbo spoils takon by tho
Taps woro twenty-three ourtluuds or
aps. If Kuropatkln novor gets
tack to St. Petersburg ho'll have n
pod excuso.
, Worth ft Thousand Tltura Its Conta.
THIS is no ordinary offer.
Kind 10 cents, today, boforo you
rgofc it. Wo will mall you, post
paid tho handsomest and most val
uable Booklet evor published. It's
hag 63 Bhlno ilko diamonds nod it
pay light your path to rlnhes You
tannot atlord to bo without one
ponoy refunded if not perfectly sat
rANY.30 WEST,, 21st ST., NJSW
1 I tupposo you feel that) you have
llono your duty by your country, suid
the consorlous citizen,
Yes, answered Senator Sorghum
)L feel tbat I have dono very well.
pPhoro lsut' a grand jury that bus u
word to sayagulnst wo. Washing tou
( Br Motlier'n Food and Drink.
Many babies havo been launchod In
to life with constitutions weakoned b.
lilseaso taken In with their moth or '
snllk. Mothers cannot bo too carefu
as to the food they uso wliilo nursin
ftholr babos. Tho experience of a Kau
as City mother Is a case In point:
. "I was a great coffee drinker from
a child, arid thought I could not oat J
jBieal without It. But I found at last
It was doing mo harm. For years 1
kad been troubled with dizziness, spots
jbefore my eyes and pain In my heart,
to which was added, two years ago, a
chronic sour stomaqb. The baby was
born 7 months ago, and almost from
the beginning, It, too, suffered from
sour stomach. Sho was taking It from
). "In my distress I consulted a friend
f more experience than mlno, and she
(told mo to quit coffee, that coffee did
not make good milk, I havo since ascer
tained that it really dries up the milk
"So, I quit coffee, and tried tea and
at last cocoa. But they did not agree
with me. Thon I turned to Postum
Coffee with the happiest results. It
proved to be the very thing I needed.
It not only agreed perfectly with baby
and myself, but It Increased the llow
of my milk, My husband then quit
coffee and used Postum, quickly got
well of tho dyspepsia with which he
was troublod. I no longer suffor from
tho' dizziness, blind spells, pain In mj
heart or sour stomach. Postum haa
curod thorn.
"Now wo all drink Postum from my
husband to my seven months old
baby. It has proved to be the host hot
drink wo havo over used. Wo would
not give up Postum' for tho best coffee
wo evef drank." Name given by Post
um Co., Battle Creek, Mich.
There's a reason.
Got tho little book, "Tho Road to
Wollvlllo." In jiaoh okc.
Anatrlun Knlacr Jinn Ttecn Long Uod
' Kin Tlironc.
Tho Austrian Kaiser lias Bat longer
upon tho throno than tiny other King,
hla ocupancy now being well Into tho
57th year. IIo la 70 years old and bids
well to Uvo to celebrate tlio sixtieth
anniversary of his coronation, steps for
whicli ore now undor way. His posi
tion has been anything hut n bed of
roses. Though ho presides over -IS,-000,000
subjects, he is far from being
ji nappy man. no Knows Hungary
' 111 I . . .MUt 11. slsw.flt .1,1(1
Will 1U11VU ,o.uLriu iipuu mr uuum unw
that the dual kingdom will bo no more,
lib closing days lmvo boon embittered
by tho suleldo of tlio crown prince un
der disgraceful circumstances at Moy
erllng tho only son who could have
prosorved tho integrity of tho empire.
Family trouble! wmc thick and fast
ud yot beneath tho load ho has the
lovo of his pi-oplc such as no other
potentate in the world commands.
Thero nro some 122 races to bo appeased
under his rule, whose divergent aspira
tions are as wide apart as they well
can be. Yet, when disputes arc sub
mitted to thoir sovereign, every claim
ant departs perfectly satlsllcd with the
ruling, for they feel that exact justico
lias been meted out to tho disputants.
Francis Joseph Is truly a sagacious
ruler. In his cabinet his conclusions
aro accepted without question, yet dls
cusslon Is as freo us In any law-mat
lug body of Americans. No other ruler
has to pass upou the Innumerable and
dellcato problems unavoidable in a
polygot state -which, oxceptlng Rus
sla, Is uupai-ulleled in tho Old World.
Ho has been likeond to some beneficent
grand seigneur of mediaeval history
whoso single aspiration was tho pros
porlty and happiness of every ono of
his subjects. His tact, dignified kind
liness, senso of rectitude and far-soo-
lng discernment havo prevented war In
a dozen instances and ended untold
racial contentions which threatened se
rious consequences. Iroyalty to his
porson is tho most distinguishing char
acteristic of the millions who glory in
his supremacy. At each recurring an
niversary of his birth, Doc. 2, the cere
monies in honor of it take on added
splendor. The exorcises bogui with
thanksgiving mass in St. Stephen's Ca
thedral, whldt the Emperor, his sulto
and tho groat men of the nation at
tend. This Is followed by a military
mass In tho great Church of Our Sa
vlor. a natlvo cdlflco erected two de
cades ago on tho ground whero Fran
els Joseph miraculously escaped assas
sination, and -which was paid for by
popular subscription. At this servlco
tho most impressive religious ceremo
nial lu tho world takes place, 20,000
soldiers taking part. To roll of drums
and tho clarion notes of the bugle this
soldier host presents arms at tho ele
vation of tho mass.
A Pumpkin-Flo Vision.
Old Doddrldgo ate his frugal lunch
Of milk and pumpkin pio,
And fell to musing, ns ho ate,
Of days that were gono by.
The plo a rich aroma sent
To his rellectlvo brain,
And, oh! tho pictures it called up
And old-time country lane.
An old-time country lauo, with crata
All Btraggllng by tlio Bide';
A boy, who trudged along the path,
With basket at his side
A Jolly boy, whoso eyes were keen,
Who felt inclined to sing,
And saw tlio glory of tho fall,
And tho fun lu everything.
And then he saw a comely girl,
With cheeks of honest red,
Who Bridled at him with sunny glance,
And tossed her shapely head.
no saw tho old school house again
And heard tho teacher speak;
And on the roadB of frozen snow
Ho heard tho wagons creak.
Ho saw tho shellbark hickory treoj
Ho Baw the kitchen door;
Ho saw tho pantry Bholvea again-
Withv pumpkin pies galore;
Ho sniffed the tang of cider sweet
The bloom of days gotio by
Lm then old Doddridge wakened up
And ato his pumpkin pie.
Baltimore Amorlcan.
Jtcluro anil Afior.
Mr. Busybody Pardon mo for men
Uonlng It, but Isn't your wife a little
rudo to you tit times? Mr. Henpecked
-Woll, it does sown to mo. Boforo
ri -were married she used to sit ou
my knee. Now she sits all over mo,
Namm-i'llle, JnuruaL
Dent of Hacks Give Out Under tho Bur
den of Dnlly Toll.
LIcutonant Geor?. a. Warren, of No.
Chemical, WukIi i tnn. D. O.. says:
"it's an honest fact that Doau's Kid
ney Pills, did mo
a great lot of
good, and If It
wore not truo I
would not recom
mend them. It
was the strain of
lifting that
brought on kid
ney troublo and
w e a k o u o d my
back, but slnco using Doan's Kidney
Pills i havo lifted 600 pounds and folt
no bad effects. I have not felt thu
trouble come back since, although I
had suffered for Ave or six years, and
other remedies had not helped me at
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo,
N. Y.
Caller (at ofllco of county treas
urer) What Is tho enrllost date at
rvhlcb a man can pay his personal
ax? Clerk (clutching a pillar for
itipport) Don't, you moan tho latest
flate? Chicago Tribune.
rk )iitlo Drotno Quinine Tablets. AD
JruRitota refund the money If it falto to cure.
E. W. Groto'a afnatur Is on each bar. 2o
i Cillli Follows Trla'
"When buying loose coffee or anything your grocer happens
to havo in his bin, how dp you know what you are
getting ? Sorao quoer stories about cofleo that is sold in bulk,
oould bo told, if tbo pooplo who handle it (grooors), cared to
spoalc out.
Gould any amount of moro talk havo persuaded millions of
housokoopors to uso
the leader of all paclcage cof Sees for over a quarter
of a oontury, if they bad not found it suorior to all other brands in
Purity, Strength, Flavor and Uniformity?
Tills popular oucccos of LION COFFEE
can bo due only to Inherent merit. There
Is no utronjjcr prooS ol merit than con
tinued and Increasing popularity.
If the verdict ol MILLIONS OF
HOUSEKEEPERS does not convince
you ol the merits ol LION COFFEE,
It costs yon but a trill c to buy a
package. It Is the easiest way to
convince yourself, and to make
LION COFITKB Is sold only la 1 lb. sealod packages,
and renchei you as pure and cieaa waenTt left our
Lion-head on every ph. Kago.
Save theio Llon-hf-.d Tor volnable premlnms.
There are Many Imitations of I
Baker's Chocolate
Dotft bv
titled to
Our handsomely illustrated . recipe book
, sent free.
Walter Baker & Co. Ltd.
Established 1780 Dorchester, Massachusetts
45 Highest Awards in Europe and America
Sale Ten Million Boxes a Yeara
25c 50c
Ono man comprises tbe entlt
police foroo of Iceland, which hns
population of ovor7,000, nd an pm
of 40,497 miles. This ofllcer has ver
' llttlo to do, and Is kopt moro fo
i Bhow than for work.
Snlccr'M Home IJulIrtor Corn.
Bo named because GO acres produced Bl
heavily, that its proceeds built a lovelj
homo. See Snlzer's catalog. Yielded i$
Ind. 157 bit., Ohio 100 bu., Tcnn. 198 bu.,
and in Mich. 220 bu. per acre. You can
beat this record in lOOu.
120 bu. BeardlcM Barley per acre.
810 bu. Snlzer'a New National Oats per A.
80 bu. Salzer Speltz and Macaroni Wheat.
1,000 bu. Pedinrce Potatoes per aero.
14 tonH of rich Billion Dollar Grass Hay.
60,000 lbs. Victoria Itape for shoop per A.
100,000 lbs. Teosinte. tlio fodder wonder.
64,000 lbs. Saber's Superior Fodder Corn
rich, juicy fodder, per A.
Now such yields you can havo in 1005,
If you will plant my seeds.
in stamps to John A. Salzer Seed Co., La
Crosse, Wis., and receive thair great cata
V)g ana lots of farinscod samples. C. N. U.l
New York has declared tho re
volver must go. Rut Masterson
seems doomed to spend his days In
civilized community.
misled by them!
Our trade-mark is on every
r i
package 01 genuine goods.
Under the decisions of several
United States Courts, c no
other chocolate or cocoa than
Walter Baker Co.'s is en
be sold as "Baker's
or "Baker's Chocolate"
Klit liccent Death Itccallu Important
liven tH In Turkish Hlxtory.
The death of Murnd V. a fow month
go was an important ovent in tho
history of tho Turkish omplro, and re
calls tltoso stirring oventa which,
brought about tho destruction of Sul-,
tan Abd-ul-AzIz in tho year 1871. Whcri
Abd-ul-Azlz visited Europe, accom
panied by hla nophows, Murnd and
Abdul-Hnmid, it wus hoped by tlio pro
gressive party in Turkey that tho Sul
tan, Inspired by -whnt he saw In Eu
rope, -would establish important, re
forms. But ho seotned to havo broughtj
with him from Loudon and Paris only
i confused recollection of broad slreott
and lofty houses gayly decorated In hlq
honor, and to havo soon llttlo or noth
ing of European civilization, save tho
brilliant pageants organized to captfc
vato his oriental Imagination. Queen
Victorln conferred upon him tho OrdeEj
of tho Garter. On his return to Con
stantinople tho Sultan dovoted himself
meroly to tho reorganization of hia
seraglio on Parisian lines. His nephew,,
Murad V., was placed upon tho throno,
and tho doposod Sultnn -was bled to
death In the palnco of Tchiraghan. ' (
Tho death of Abd-ul-Aziz was fol
lowed by a series of tragedies which
doubtless affected the weak mind olj
Murad. Within throe months ha
showed such evident symptoms of In
sanity that tho Shekh-Ul-Islam, thai
archbishop of iBlam, decreed that no-;
cording to Moslem law he must boi
.1 nul 1 - At. M . . . . . J
.ii-privvu ol xne ouice or lciuiui, anq
ns orotner, Auuui-iiamid II., the pres-
w Sultan, was called from his" seclu
sion and proclaimed emperor. Hnmlq'
uas not ueen a successful ruler, and
from tlino to time offorts have boon
made to assassinate him, and to pro
claim his brother, Murnd, now do
ceased, khallf in his stend. But, for
tunately for Turkey, Murad has died
peacefully In the palaco In which hla
father was assassinated
Murad was thirty-slrth in descent
from Osman, tho founder of the Turk
ish dynasty, nnd ninety-second In do
scent from Muhammad, the prophet ot
krablu. Tho claim of tho Sultan of
(Turkey to tho spiritual leadership of
Islam Is disputed. Not being of tho
JKorelsh tribe, to which the prophet bo
longed, ho is not regarded as a right
ful khallf, and, outsldo the limits of
.tho Turkish empire, his spiritual au
thority is not recognized. Morocco and
Afghanistan persistently reject tho
(claim of the Sultan to tho khallfate,
iind so do tho 05,000,000 of Moslema
Within the limits of British India. On
Fridays, at midday prayer, a petition
is recited for the khallf, but In India
it is said In behalf of "the ruler of tho
age," and loyal Moslems In India un
derstand that Edward, tho Emperor of
Jndla, is prayed for, not the Sultan of
Sultan Abdnl-Hamld probably now
"sleeps in peace, as his rival for the
thallfato has passed away. Tbe heir
b his throne, according to Moslem
aw, is hla brother, Muhammad Rash
ted. a man 00 years of ncro. of vorv llt
lo ability, and scarcely likely to be
tcknowlcdged khallf by the reformed
larty in Turkey. Now York Globe.
Political Powers nnd tho Pooplo.
Wo hear much of many wonders ol
tomblnaitlon and concentration -whlcl
Iho railway and tho telegraph hav
ivrought But nothing Is said abouj
fcihat seems to mo tho greatest wondoi
f them all how 'these forces havo re
lultod in the concentration of tlio polro
cal power of upward of twelve mill
Ions of our flfteon million voters; how
Iho few can impose their ideaa and
lhelr will upon widening circles, on
knd out, until all are Included. T!h
Ieoplo aro scattered; the powers caw
3T, main to mnn, day by day. Th
pooplo are divided by partisan and otlhi
rr prejudices; tho powers are bound
together by self-interest. Tho poopl
Bust accept such organizations as ar
povlded for them; tho powers pay fo
Ind their agents make and direct thos
irganlzations. The people nro poor
Ihe powers are rich. Tho people liav
iot even offices to bestow; the powen
lave ofQcos to give, and material and
KcloJ advancement, all that tho vanity
ind the appetite of men cmvo. Tin
people punish, but feebly usually th
toxxng person and soon forget; th
powers destroy those -who opposo them,
tnd forglvo only alter tlio offender hoi
lurrendored unconditionally, and thoj
kever forget. Success Magazine.
Senator Allison's Long Service.
On tho last day of 1001 Senator Al.
(leon passed tho sen-Ice record mnd
by Mr. Morrill of Vermont, having
lerved tlilr-ty-ouo years, nine months,
hventy-slx days. Tho longest active
lervlce record was that of the lat
Tohn Sherman of Ohio, whoso tottd
Kws thlrty-ono years, eleven mouths,
fourteen days. Before the end of tin
lossion Mr. Allison will havo passed
lot only tho longest continuous service,
hit also tlio longest actual service hi
tho Senate.
Tho .Limit of Human Knowledge.
There isn't anything in the wholo
world that a man knows as much
pbout as a woman knows about dross.
Philadelphia ltecord.
It Is easier for a man to bluR' his
irodltors than his wife.