v . t. VOLUME XL1X NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, MAIICH 31, 1905 NUMBER 41 Lumber Hardware and Furniture Wo can suddIv vour needs in the lino of Lumber, Hardware and Furniture. Our new stock is arriving daily and when com plete will be the nicest assortment ever offered in Nemaha. We will be pleased to have you call and see us and get prices, our aim to please you, we try to do so at all times. It is Miss Lena Maxwell wont to Auburn Saturday and visited relatives until Monday. Walt Maxwell ia having a burn 20x24 built on liia property. Joe Hunger is doing the work. Mrs. Earlo Gilbert is able to bo out ngain, after her long selgo of sickness, but is quite weak yet. J. A.Stiers presented Rural Route Carrier Humbuugh with a sack of hick ory nuts ono day Inst week. John It. Johnson has sold his farm in Aspiuwall precinct and hns moved over in Missouri, near Lungdon. MiBS Hazel Parker cams in from Auburn Tuesday for u few days' visit with her cousin, Miss Nellie Sanders. f New Spring Millinery Goods are now ready. Gall Early for first Choice Low Prices, and satisfaction in Trimming guaranteed I Itov.Wra. VanBuron of Cook, Nob., preached a missionary sormon at the Methodist church Wednesday night. The discourse was a fine ono and was greatly enjoyed by tho nudlonco press out. Do not foreret that we &&U the cele brated TVlonarch Range none Jbetter. Edwards & Bradford Lbr, Co. C E. STEUTEVILLe, Manager 1! Soo M T Hill for Ore insurance. Dr. Bourne fits glasses. S) Auburn For SaleA 40-acro Apply at this office, fruit farm Photo mounting card board for sale at the Advertiser office. Calllat this office and get a sample copy of the Iowa Homestead. Remember, we will take vour subs scription for any newspaper published anywhere in the United States and can usually save you money. Local News Elmer E. Allen Tuesday. paid Auburn a visit Ben Parker of Auburn was a Nema ha visitor Tuesday. Miss Dora Clark is now clerking for Gilbert & McCandless. For SaleA good 40-acre farm, ,28 acres in oung orchard just beginning to bear; good 5 room house, well, etc. Price S2500. Good terms. Apply at this office. House and lot for sale or rent, quire of W. Hadlock. ' In Agonizing Burns are instantly relieved, and perfectly healed, by Bucklen's Arnica Salve, G. Rlvenbark, Jr., of Norfolk, Va., writes I burnt my knee dreadfully ; that it blistered all over. Bucklen's Arnica Salvo stopped the pain, and healed it without a scar." Also heals all wounds and sores;. 25c at W. W. Keeling, aruggisc. Sheriff Lawrence was in Nemaha on official business Monday. J, H. Veederbas moved from Tobias, Nebr, to Mlssou'lar Montana. Uncle John Daugierty drove down from Brownville Wednesday, For Sale An extra good folding bed . Inquire of Mrs. H. S. Gaither. Miss vera Miuick eatne in from Bracken Wnduesday and will vlBit her cousin, Mrs. E. E. Allen until Monday Mrs. Seymour Howe, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Wm . Moore, at Stella, for several days, returned home Monday. Grover Mabb, who has been vlsitlug his aunt, Mrs, Seymour Howe, for sometime, is now worklug for Win. Moore, near Stella. rne unristtau church will bold a county Sunday school convention at Brownville Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of next week. In the storm last week all the phones in Nemaha but six were burned out, and one wire in the northeast part of town was burned in two, F. E. Gaithor and bis roommate, Dr. woroerc Aynea lerc jsemana last fihnrrv. nmn flown frnm Omnlm lust U NUay, going 10 JNOOraBKB Ulty, DUl Saturdav and visited the doctor and expected to stay there only a few dayB, famiiv. TfitnrfiJntr th noYhiinv. and then go elsewhere. He said was not going to stay here if Rev. C. II. Gllmore writes us that boys were leaving. he has moved to Pringhar, Iowa, where he begins work April lat Ho has been at Wasbta, Iowa, for several years. Hou, V. P. Poabody came down from Lincoln last Saturday. Ho returned Monday, Mrs. Peabudy and Miss Alice going back with bim to soo how he acted at tho capitol. They came home Wednesday. A largo crowd was in attendance at tho oyster supper at Champion school houso last Friday night, and all had a pleasant tlmo, judging from the ex' proBslons heard. Tboy took In somes thing over $18. R. M, Gillan, secretary of tho South- easternNobraskn Building and Loan association, of Auburn, was in Noma ha Thursday ntgnt and l rlday morns ing of lust week in the interest of the loan association. On Wednesday evening when Mr. and MrB.Sapp returned to their boaus tlful home, they found sixty of their friends had taken possession, You had ought to havosoon tho smilo of surprise that (spread over their countenances when they came in nnd found so many of their frieuds there. And by the way, tbey did not forget to bring the necessary ponnd that gees to make a sociable profitable as well as pleasant. There were forty-live packages brought ranging in value all tho way from a pound of rice to a bam of meat. After greetings were ovor the table was spread. Ico cream and cake of the finest quality was served In profusion. Everybody had a good time, even tho preacher. At a vory late hour we alt bid tho elder and wife, goodnight and God bless and prosper the homo till wb como again. One ok the Little Ones. Subscribe for your papers at this of lice. all lie the MIsb Geneva West went to Auburn Tuesday, returning Wednesday. Louie Kerker has secured a position as clerk in a store in Dos Moines, Iowa. Mrs. Ben Parker returned to Auburn Tuesday after a few days visit with ber mother, Mrs. J. B. Berger. GREAT FIRE SALE Gilbert & McCandless Do not forget the social at the school house Saturday night of this week. It is for a good object and should be liberally patronized by our citizens. Miss Kate Barnes, who been visiting her mother. Mrs. Mary E. Clark, for two or three weeks, started for her botue in Smith county, Kansas, Tues' day. Mrs. Irvin Hadlock went to Auburn Thursday. Irvin will go today, and after visiting there a few days they will return to their home in St. Paul, Minn. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Tillman of Union, Neb., are visiting J. D. Drumm and family. Tbey arrived last 8atur day. Mrs. Tillman is a niece of Mr. Drumm. are now CLOSING OUT the entire stock of goods left from the fire AT COST and in many cases below cost. R. I. Brown received word that bis father was dying, and Sunday evening started for Roseville, Ohio, to Bet him. Iledrovo to Auburn and took theM, P, for Omaha. Mrs. Mary E. Clara was reeling so well that alio was able to be moved to the homo of her daughter, Mrs. B. F. Jones, a fow days ago. It is hoped her improvement will continue. Rev. A. A. Kerber, pastor of the M. E. church of Talmage, Nebr., will preach a missionary sormon at tho Metnodist church to-night. Rev. Kor ber is said to bo a fino preacher. Next Monday night the members of Dunraven Castle No. SO, Royal Highs landers, will celebrate the eighth year- ly anniversary of the organization of this castle with a supper. All the members of tho castlo are urged to be present. of Brock will Hi! the pulpit at the Methodist church at Nemaha. Those who heard Rev. Jones when be was hero tbreo weeks ago will be pleased to bear bim again. He is an eloquent preacher. A caucus was held at the Advertiser office Friday night, pursuant to call, to nominate a ticket for village trustees. John E. Crother, Chas. F. Zook and Miles W. Knapp were nominated on the first ballot. The outgoing metn bers are F. L. Woodward, J. I. Dress ler and I. N. Cooper. We must earnestly request of all who are indebted to us to make ars rangements to settle their accounts, a we neeu tue money to settle up our business. Our business relations with an or our patrons nave been vory pleasant and we trust we may be able to do more In the future. Respectfully, Gilbert & McCandless. I Oh tell, WHAT to, uv.-HOW-.nd I WHY thoroughly aud briefly. I J An artutic and individual home it not io B much question of poclcetboolc of erional H tatic and knowledge. The Booklet givei tho B neccMry practical information. II A. G. WARREN I D Painter and Paper HangerB can supply a copy and thow you how lo HI J cany out the ideal with Hf H ALFRED PEATS B 'PRIZE" WALL PAPER H Married At the homo of the i hrlrtn'H nnrnnfn. In 'Rrnwnvlllo. TJnhr . uiie most of the stock is not damaged in the Thuradny Mnrcl 23 1005. bv Rov- o. v . iiyerfl. air. unanes juwara uox least, and none more than slightly soiled, Great chance l Bargains Come early and get first choice. Now open in Minick Building of Lincoln August. and Miss Fannie Mary Thirty-three persons wero injured in a B, & M. wreck in west Lincoln Thursday of last week. Two coaches left tho track. No one waB fatally ins jured. Charles S. Lindsay of Alma, Nebr., a brother-in-law of J. W, Smith who recently moved from Brownville to Nemaha, had a rib broken and is I said to pe badly injured. The drainage bill Introduced by Hon. V, P. Peabody 1b one of the bills that havo become laws It is expected to bo of great benefit to tho ownors of land now subject to overflow, aa it ens ables them to form drainafo districts and have the necessary ditches dug and other work done. We have a copy of the bill which may be seen by thoso interested. Uncle Henry Clark has some cabbage seed that are G4 years old, and he is going to pltmt them and see if they will grow. They were saved by an aunt of Uncle Henry, in Kentucky, in the fail of 1850. Ills sister visited this aupt, now living in Missouri, last sum mer, and was given some of the seed, and divided with Mr. Clark. He wants to see if cabbage seed retain their vitality for over a half century. Ho predicts that they will grow all right. . DR. G. M. ANDREWS Medical and Surgical Diseases of Women Stella - - - STofcraslra PETER, KEllKER. Dealer la MEATS Highest market prico paid for Hides, Lard, Tallow, otu, WESLEY H. CLARK Dcalor.lu Windmills and Pumps, Tanks, PipesJTetc. ALL WORK GUARANTEED Phone calls answeredtpromptly. NEMAHA, NEBR.