The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, March 24, 1905, Image 1

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and Furniture
M. T. Hill went to Omana Monday,
returning Thursday.
A local teachers' association will bo
hold at Brownvillo Saturday of this
W. F. Keeling this week sold to
Dun Maxwell a piano, for which ho is
John W. VandorsllCo wont to St
Joo Monday, and expects to remain
there for aomo time.
Wo had a regular apriug rain Wed
nesday ovoning, with thunder and
lightning accompaniment.
New Spring Millinery Goods
are now ready.
Early for first Choice
Low Prices, and satisfaction in
Trimming guaranteed
T T-l Tl 1- 1 a f
Wo can supply your needs in the line of Lumber, Hardware v "ou "
and Furniture Our new stock is arriving daily and when com- Teabody and Miss Ellen Shiveley w
will be pleased to have you call and see us and get prices. It is
our aim to please you, Ave try to do so at all times.
Do not forgot that we sell the cele
brated monarch Range-none bettor.
Edwards 8r Bradford Lbr, Co.
C. JE. STEUTEVILLe, Maniagor
Eddlonnd Claud Mnxwoll wont to
Lincoln Saturday and visited relatives
and friends until Monday.
E. A. IIowo has moved on Swan
Nelson's farm, tlio old Muutz place,
land will tend it this summer whilo
Swann 1b digging gold in the Black
111 11b.
W, W. Sanders Is now juaticu of tho
poaco, nut tho only jobs no is looking
Nemaha will soon hnvo an opera
Iioubo again. Evoretnco the old ono
burned F. L. Woodward haa been on
doavoring to get some ono to go in
with him and put up a good opera
houso, and has Anally succeeded In
getting Mrs. Win, II, Hoover and
Mrs. Bon Parker of Auburn camo in after nro marriage ceremonies. IIo will Elmer E. Allen interested in tho on
to Neuiaha Thursday to visit her
mother, Mrs, J ,B, Berger.
give a premium to tho
get married by him.
first couple to
Claud Jarvis, who has been af.
bish the past winter, returned to
mahu tho first of this week.
See M T Hill for Ore insurance.
Dr. Bourne fits glasBeB. Auburn
For Sale A 40'acre
Apply at this office
Photo mounting card board for sale
at the Advertiser office.
Local TSTews
Nemaha is adopting city styles, and
therefore is having n big tiro sale, But
wo do not want to have any moro such
nttlt -l t s- rt fnBn tlin rrt m rv r l linn
Rfl f,. Brown. Of PllWncO OltV. R -uawwn Hm mio nmu uauoc.
nephew of llobt. I. Brown, haa been PU0B""h m' wlU llt9t ua tt lon8
Miss Dora Clark is assisting in J. II.
Vanderslice's store.
Frank Dressier is helping Gilbert &
McCandless in the storo now. this office and get a sample
copy of the Iowa Homestead.
Remember, we will take your subs
scription for any newspaper published
anywhere in the United States and can
usually save you money.
Foi SaleA cood 40-acro farm, 23
acres in young orchard just beginning
toibenr j'good 5-room housed well,etc.
Price S2500. Good terms. Apply at
this oillce.
Agonizing Burns
are instantly relieved, and perfectly
healed, by Bucklen's Arnica Salve, C
Rivonbark, Jr., of Norfolk, Va., writes
I burnt my knee dreadfully ; that It
blistered all over. Bucklen's Arnica
Salvo stopped the pain, and healed it
without a scar." Also heals all wounds
and sores. 25c at W. W. Keeling,
For Sale An extra good folding bed.
Inquire of Mrs. H. S. Gaither.
F. E. Gaither came down from
Omaha last Saturday, returning Mon
Hev. G. W. Avers closed tho meet"
ingd at tho Methodist church Sunday
Miss Rose Seabury wont to Peru
Saturday; imd expects to remain for
some time.
Dr, Cap Graves of Peru was in Ne
malm on .professional business Friday
of last week.
Mrs. W. W. Sold has boon quito sick
for the past three weeks, but is now
getting better.
Mrs. M. W, Knapp and Mrs. Shers
wood drove over to Stella last Friday
and visited friends.
visiting the latter for several days.
John Shuck, who has been stopping
with his brother, Phil Shuck, for some
time, returned to Auburn Tuesday.
Mrs. Mury U. Clark uaB boon very
i . . i i
sick ior Beverai uays, out wo aro nieasH
ed to learn that she is getting better,
Nelson Hadlock, who has been work
ing in at. Joe ror a little over a yoar
returned to Nemaha Thursday morn
Will F. Sanders went to DoWltt,
Nebr., Monday, where he has,n position j
as helper to tho B. & M. agent at that
Rev. J, W. Sapp Is now a resiednt of
Nemaha, having moved in his new
house this week. We welcome him to
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Flack went
to Nebraska City Monday night, to
visit their son, Will Flack, returning
Mrs. Carso and Miss Avis Carse, who
have been viBiting at Thurmap, Iowa,
for almost three months, returned home
Monday evening.
T. II. Jones of Howe has just pur
chased a black imported Perchoron
stallion. Wo will have bis ad, breed
ing, etc, in this pnper soon.
Gilbert & McCandless oponod tnoir
store in tho Minick building Thursday
morning, and are closing out the stock
that was saved from tho firo.
Mr, and Mrs. Irvln U. Hadlock of
St. Paul, Minn., arrived in Nemolia
Tuesday afternoon, on a visit to Irvin's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W filter Hadlock.
Their many friends hero are pleased to
soo them again.
Married At the Luthoran parsons
age, South Auburn. Nob., on WedueB
day evening, March 15, 1005, by the
Rev. W. Dieffenbach, Mr. Olato C.
Hardenberger to MIsb Anna S Caldwell
both of Auburn, Neb.
terpriso. Thoy will build the houso
only ono story in hoight, using tho old
walls but taking off tho top walls to
tho bottom of tho windows On tho
stago. Tho now building will bo tho
samo sizo and tho ceiling tho sarao
hoight as tho old building. Good
econery will bo put in, and in ovory
way It will bo a credit to tho town.
Work will bo commoncod at once.
Messrs. Woodward and Allon and Mrs.
Hoover aro deserving of much praiso
for tho pnblio spirit shown, as no ono
expcctB tho ontorpriso to be a money
making ono. All foel tho need of n
good apora houso, and nro pleased to
know that tho want is to be suppliod.
Subseribo for your papers at this of
Rev. G. W. Ayers wont to Graf
Monday to assist Rev. Eugene Maxcy
in a protracted meeting. He preached
that night and wub then called back to
Nemaha to bold funeral services for
F. E Hoover's infant son.
Gilbert & McCandless
are now
the entire stock of goods left from the fire
and. in many cases below cost.
The most of the stock is not damaged in the
least, and none more than slightly soiled,
Great chance Bargains
Come early and get first choice
Now open in Minick Building
How about that brick yard in Nema
ha? Now ia the time to agitato tho
question and get it started. It would
undoubtedly be a paying investment.
A caucus will bo held at the Ad vers
tlser office at 7:30 tonight, for tho pur
poso of placing in nomination candi
dates for village truBteea. All voters
are invited to be present.
Louie Kerkor started for Des Moines,
Iowa, Wednesduy afternoon, where ho
expects to go to work in u storo.
Louie is u good clerk as well as a lino
young man, und we hope he will strike
a good job.
Gilbert & McCandlesB find ou Invoic
ing that they savod a little over $3,000
worth of goods from the Ore, but much
of it is considerably damaged, and will
bo sold out at low prices.
O. J. Thorp, who has boon in Color
ado looking for a new locution, whero
ho could get some land in tho section
that will eventually be in tho irragoted
section, returned homo Inst Saturday,
without having secured any land, but
has a pleco of deeded land in view.
F. L. Woodward this week sold to
Mrs. M, J. Hoover tho tiireo lots just
south of C. P. Barker's homo. Mrs.
tioover win build a nouso on tiie pro
perty this spring wo understand. Mr.
Woodward also sold to Wm. Smiley
two lots on tho southoast corner of tho
block whore the Inttor is living, and
Mr. Smiloy will build thereon,
Johnnie Frederick Hoover, infan?
son or I'reuoricic i. nnu Minnie
Hoover, died at tho home of tho par,
ents, six miles southwest of Nomahas
on Monday, March 20, 1005, aged two
years, ono mouth and four days. Tho
funeral services wore held at tho
Methodist church at ono o'clock p. m.
Wednesday. Rev. G. W. Ayers
preached tho funeral sermon. The boi
roaved parents have our sympathy in
their sorrow.
Medical and Surgical
Diseases of Women.,
Stolla - Nebraska
Deulor In
Highest market prico paid for Hides,
Lard, Tallow, etc,
OIIIcch ovor PoHtodlrn Building,
Krunlc Ncul's old Btnud,
We must earnestly request of all
who are indebted to us to make ars
rangomenta to settle their accounts, as
we neod tho money to settlo up our
business. Our business relations with
all of our patrons have been very
pleasant und we trust we may bo able
to do moro in the future.
On Friday ovoning, March 10, the
young musicians of Nomaha met at
tho homo of their teacher. Miss Maye
Gaither, and organized the ''Allegro
Musical Club" with tho teacher as
prealdont, Elia Shiveloy secretary and
Alice Peabody treasurer. Tho object
of the club is tho study of musical
history. Beside tho historical studios,
recitals for the entertainment and in
struction of tho members of tho club
will be arranged from time to timo.
A feo of ono cont per member Will be
charged at every meeting with which
miniature pictures of musicians and
class pins will bo bought. Tho colors
are: Turquoise Blue and Cream ana
tho motto: That day is lost iu which
we fail to learn somothing. The life
of Mendelssohn was then studied, Af
ter aomo music nnd a nice social time,
the club adjourned to meet again Fri
day eve, March 23, at the homo of Dr,
Proprietor!) of tho
Livsry&Feed Stable
Good Dray in connection with Livery
Satisfaction guaranteed.
J. ID. Orotlxex
in tho
Shoe Repairing
Harness Repairing
Hand Made Harness a Specialty
Windmills and Pumps,
Tanks, Pipes,,retc.
Fhone calls answered! promptly.
Gilbert & McCandless.