The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, March 17, 1905, Image 1

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and Furniture
Another Fire
in Nemaha I
Loss about $9,000
We can supply your needs in the line of Lumber, Hardware
and Furniture. Our new stock is arriving daily and when com
plete will be the nicest assortment ever offered m Nemaha. We
will be pleased to have you call and see us and get prices. It is
our aim to please you, wo try to do so at all times.
Do not forget that wo sell
toratedl monarch Range-none
the cele-better.
Edwards & Bradford Lbr, Co,
C. E. STEUTEVILLe, Manager
Xiooal TSTews
See M T Hill for Ore insurance.
Dr. Bourne fits classes. SoAuburn
Village election this year is on Tues
day, April 4th.
For Sale A 40-acre
Apply at this office
fruit farm
Photo mounting card
at the Advertiser office.
board for sale this otllce and get a sample
copy of the Iowa Homestead.
M C. Guaklll thi8..vveek mo.vedon the
fuimbe has rented near Syracuse.
Misses May Kerker and Nellie Sand
ers were Auburn visitors Saturday.
Dr. Hutchison, optician, will
Nemaha, aeain on Tuesday Mar
be at
The Dostoflice in now located in the
room north of the Keeling drug store.
A comnlete line of hardware and
furniture will be found at the E. & 13.
Lbr. Co.
Mr, and Mrs. McCullough and Mrs.
G W. Ayers drove down from Brown
ville Wednesday to attend the services
at the Methobist church.
Helen Gilbert, Earle's little daughter
hae been sick for several days. Earle
is certainlv havine his share of sicks
ness and trouble recently.
Remember, we will take your subs
scription for any newspaper published
anywhere In the United States and can
usually save you money.
Miss Grace Chamberlain, who has
heen visiting ber sister, Mrs. D. u.
Clark, returned to her home at Sycas
more Springe, Kas., Wednesday.
Wo failed last week to mention the
party given by Claude Maxwell, be
cause we did not learn of it until after
the paper was issued. We learn the
young people present had a good time.
Cyrus Mlnick came in from Johnson
Tuesday afternoon, and the next night
went to Syracuse. He will work for
his brother-in-law, A. B. Titus, this
Iusurance $5,760
Nemaba was visited by anothor dis
astrous fire early Monday morning
u ilre that destroyed more property
than any in the history of the town.
The tiro broke out in M. T. Hill's drug
store, and was first discovered u fow
minutes after 5 o'clock by Ed Littrell,
who did not wait to dress but ran down
the street crying "Are." About the
same time Ed saw -the droit was also
Been by Richard Knapp, who also ran
down the street giving the alarm with
out waiting to get on his clothes
When first discovered the insldo of the
drug store was a mass of flames and
nothing could bo done to save anything.
The wind was blowing from the north
east and carried the hunt and flumes
against the roar of the Gllbort & Mc-
Candlrss store building, and in a few
minutes it caught Ore. This building
was covered with iron, eiding and
rooQng but the heat was so Intense that
the wood underneath was ilred, but the
protection afforded by the metal roofing
and siding delayed the (Ire considerably
aud afforded time for a largo amount
of the stock to be saved. The build
ing was entirely destroyed.
The citizens turned out promptly
when the alarm was given and did
good work in saving goods aud keeping
the file from spreading. The postofflce
building, which was conrected with
the Gilbert & McCandless etore build
ing, was burned, but the mall matter,
A beautiful line and the lowest prices
For Mrs Hill's new goods
Nemaha. Will be $
ever heard of in
open for inspection next week.
Mr. and Mrs, T. L, Fisher visited
Auburn friends last Saturday, Sunday
and Monday.
Mr and Cappy Smith came dotyn
from Nebraska City Wednesday to
visit relatives.
Ned Maxwell went to Lincoln last
Friday and visited his brother, Alva,
returning borne Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Knapp and E
H. Knaon and family spent Suuday
with RufuB Rowen and family.
Fred Morris of Nebraska City rei
turned home Friday of last week after
a few days hunting in this vicinity.
The Methodists held services in the
new church in Auburn last Sunday,
for the first time. Thev have a One
Mlaa Anna Knann cave a party at
her home Saturday night. Those pros
sent enioved themselves heartily until
a late hour.
It la said that tons of fish were
killed in the sloughs across the river
east of Nebraska City by the freezing
oft ho water during the extremely cold
Fot Sale A good 40-acre farm, 23
acres in young orchard just beginning
to bear; good 5 room house, well, etc.
Price 82500. Good terms. Apply at
this office.
Ira B-. Farrier, the postmaster at
Bracken, B. & MT agent and operator,
manager of the elevator, etc., was in
Nemaha Friday afternoon and gave us
a short call.
Senator Burkett has bought a hand-
soino residence in Washington, costing
$17,500. Mr. Burkett, it la said, exi
pects to do considerable entertaining
next winter.
supplies, fixtures, furnituretc
It took hard work to aavo. the bank
building, but blankets were spread
over the roof and covered with salt,
and by keeping the Bide wet with water
it was kept from catching on fire. The
ice house of Gilbert & McCandless
cance near burning, but by tfard work
was, saved. Cinders wore carried
against Hank Barker's and Mrs. Ber
ger'a barns and the roof and hay
caught fire several Minos, bnt the blazes
were extinguished.
Good work was done in saving the
goods from the store rooms of Gilbert
& McCandless They carried a large
stock of goodsj and it Is thought from
onesthird to one-half of the stock was
saved, but much of this was in a dam
aged condition, especially the dry goods
and shoes. In many case only one
shoe out of the pair was saved. They
had received a car load of (lour about
a week before, and bad considerable on
hand, and lost about a third of this, all
of the higher priced flour.
Nothing was saved of the drug stock.
The building was also owned by Mr.
Hill, and ho carried a good stock of
drugs, wall paper, paints, oils, etc.
His stock recently invoiced $2,830, and
was about the same at the time of the
The stock of Gilbert & McCandless
invoiced $0,300 in January, and the
new goods received since that time
have equalled their sales. They bad a
lnrco stnrn htilldlne. the main room
tho 11 rm will probably closo out tho
stock loft as rapidly as possible, pari of
it and perhaps all by Miction. This
will be done whether the firm conclude
to remain in business or not. Whllo
they havfl not yet fully decidod what
they will do, it is probable the (Irm will
continue in business it may be that
one of tho partners will rotlre,,but this
has uot yet been decided. If tho busi
ness Is 'continued a good brick store
room will bo erected as soon as possiblo
after they fully decide what they in
tend to do. It is probablo Mr. Hill
will build a brick store room and cons
tlnue in business.
Postmaster Sanders rented tho north
room of the Kooling building and
moved tho fixtures and mall in it while
the tire was yet burning, and was
ready for business at tho usual hour
for oponlng tho office.
Gllbort & McCandless had their in
BUtance in tho following companies:
On stock, $1,000 in the American of
Newark, N. J , 81,000 in the German
of Freeport, and $1,000 in tho Aetna of
Hartford, Conn. The building was
insured for 8809 in the German of
Freeport. Mr. Hill bad $800 in tho
German Mutual aud 3300 in tho Transs
Mississippi, on the Btock, and $350 in
the TransiMiBsiBaippl on the building
It is not known bow the Ore caught.
Last Sunday R. E. Buchnr discover
ed that two freight cars had been broks
en into and goods taken put of boxes
which had been broken open. A sack
containing a butt of tobacco and sever
al boxoB of cigars was lying in one of
tbo cars. Some caudy and cookies bad
boon taken, but apparently nothing else
bad been disturbed. Two boxes of
cigars had been carried off, and were
not found, Tho burglary was evident
ly the work of boys who wantod to lay
in a supply of tobacco. There Is pretty
strong ovidence as to ono er two boys
doing the work. They wero evidently
frightened away before completing
their work or carrying away the goods.
This is tho second tlmo cars have been
broken into horo in tho last few weeks,
It is thought probablo the guilty purta
ioa will bo discovered and punished.
Olifferd Hendricks, Miss Stella Wash
burn and MIbs Graco Paris drove put
to Auburn Friday evening and the
next morning wont to Brock to attend
tho meeting of the teachers association
They returned Sunday.
John W. Skeon who for tho past
four years and a half has been living
on a ranch near Erlcson, Nebr., ars
rived in Nemaha hiBt Saturday on a
visit to bis eld friends'. Mr. Sfceen1
has a section of land, homesteado undor
tho now law. Hia son, Frank Skeen
and his Bon-in-law, Llewellyn Williams,
each have almost a section, all joining.
Thev have a "ood herd of cattle, with
plenty of range, and also raise consider
able alfalfa aud oats, and are doing
well, but would prefer to live in Nei
maba county, and expoct to move back
here sometime.
Mrs. Woodward Informs us that we!
were mistaken in tbo item last week
In which we gave her crodlc for pre
senting the Methodist church with
collection baskets and book racks.
These articles wero paid for with mom-
ey raised at the stand held by the ladies 1
of the church at the old settlers picnic
last summer. We were wrongly in
formed in regard to tho matter.
Medical and Surgical
Diseases of Women
Stella - - - Nebraska
Dealer In
Highest market price paid for Hides,
Lard, Tallow, etc,
OMcob over Poatoffloo Building,
Frank Near old stand,
Proprietors of tho
Livery & Feed Stable
nri.tln nlnolnn nVinnt- fha mil rrturl
last Saturday, Church Smiley wcoa .ury ui uuuuuuuuu ww.
Mrs, Thoo. Hill wont to St, Joe laBt
Friday evening to buy her stock of
anrinc mu inerv. aue reinrnoa mom
day evening.
Misses Bessie James and Lulu
Fankel of Stella were tho gue3ta of
Miss Anna Knapp from Saturday until
Monday afternoon.
FoundA loff chain. Wesley II.
Clark found a log chain Tuesday,
which can be had by the owner If he
will call at the postofflco, provo prop, being 24x00, with an addition on tho
erty and pay for this notice. north 15x24, a flour room 20x20, and a
w, , ii t wareroom 10x80
i.DO Wl.ja v,u.uD. a "-" hnnf1tnr nnml for
ouganizea u ciuu ioi mo puipuoo ui . , ,.,,,. OYnBnt the wareroom
siuuymg cue uvea or mo great musical mora nnvara, rolhh ron .idi and
composers, xne oiuu scuuies prove in
received a lick in some way that cut
his lip to the bono. Dr. Shook sewed
the wound up. and Church haB been
on tho street since, although slightly
disfigured. Shubert Citizen.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
J. 3B3. Orother
-in the
Mrs. Earle Gilbert, who hat been
M f 1. f I
flicK ior some time, nas nor Dean iin
proving in health, so it was thought
. They also owned the best to aend for a trained nurso, who gJQg Repairing
r the poatofflco, 15x24. arrive(i here last Friday. It is hoped r
that under her skillful care
bert will soon recover.
Mrs. qiu Harness Repairing
For Sale.
oak posts,
-Five bundrod good burr
AIbo stove wood by the
F. L. Woodwaiid.
teresting as well as beneficial.
On Thursday of last week the Mor-
ton-Gregson packing company of Nes
braska City loaded twenty-four cars of
lard destined for Germany, the ship
ment being by way of Now Orleanu.
Friday night of noxt week the
Champion Sunday school will give an
oyster supper at tho school bouse to
which everybody is invited, Patronize
The buildings of Gilbert & McCand- Miss Pearl Thompson gave & P"ty Hand Made Harness a Specialty
less were worth about 52,000, anu me last Friday night at tbo home or ner
stoek $6,300 making a total of about parents, Mr. and Mrs, A. L. V. Thomp-
38,300. They carried 8800 Insurance 8on, four miles southwest of Nemaba.
on tha building and S3.000 on the a large number of young people wero
stock. Mr. Hill's building was an old present and onjoyed themsolves very lUjnflmjc onfi PlimnC
onebutingood repair. It was worth mucU udUi a late hour. , IIIUIIIIIIJ dllU TUIIipo,
$400 or $500. Ho carried $366 inBurs
ance on the building and 31000 on the I Ml8B l eajJe KoberJ?
stock. riago, Kansas, A "ul0Uly ALL WORK GUARANTEED
The stock of goods belonging to uii weeK.
irr .1 .v nMmw ILIaIIml
Mrs, Frank Maxwell camo down which everybody is invited, Patronize The stock of goods belonging 10 un wee, nururauumu,
from Lincoln Tuesday to visit a few the supper and tnuB help out tho Suns bert & McCandless, or the portion inau ua oneen, waa wutu ttuuu ol.D
days with Dan Maxwell and family and day school as well as get something was saved, was moved into tho Mlnick loft, and it was thougut slo would get
other relatives and friends In Nemaha, good to eat. hall. After thq Insurance is aajUBtea i aiong an riguw uuw
Phone calls auBweredtpromptly.