f TIME TABLE iVcmalia, Nebr, Donvor Ilolona Hutio Salt Lnke City J?ortland Lincoln .Oinuhiv Chicago St. .ToHoph KunaoB City SUXiouIm and all San JfranolHOO PointH 3CuMt and And all IJointH South AVoat TBAINB LEAVE AS FOLLOWB; No. 07 PnRMonuor, diillyoxcoptBnn any, for Tccuinnoh, Beatrice, Holdrogo and all points went 0:48 a m No. 08 I'uHHonunr, dully nxcont Sun day, for Noliriwka (My. Chicago and all polntH north and cam 4 tOO p in No, Ill-Local freight, dally oxcopt Hnndav, for Atchison and tutor mcdlatn Htailonn Gtl6 p m No. 112 Local freight, dally except Monday, for Nooruulm Chy and lnternioulalo stations 1:40 am Bound trlu to Mexico City March to Mine!) 7, 1005 with a Html limit of thirty days from date of salo at the very low rate of 848.05, Stop ovltb in tho going and return, within the ilnal limit. Hound tiip rates to Colorado und Utah common points, at the low rate uf one first class standard faro plus GO cents, minimum $13, on June 1 and Sept. 30, 1005 with a tlnal limit until Oct. at, 1005 continuous passage to the first Colorado common point. National BaptiBt Anniversaries May 10 to May 2U, 1005. Dates of sale May 18 to May 22, 1005, with final limit May 24, 1005 at a rate of $11.55 and 25 cents validation feo. A good time to see St. Louis. Misiouri Pacific Railway offer tho very low rates as follows. From March 1, 1065 to May 15, 1005, we will offer you rates as follows for one way several nice etop overB allowed. Billing, Mont,, 815 via St. Paul $17. 00. Hinesdale and Livingstone, Logan Cinnabar and other points on Gt. Nor. 318 via St. Paul $20 00. Helena, Rutte and Anaconda, Mont. 820. Ogden, Salt Lake City, Utah, and Potacello, Idaho. $20. Chinook to Anaconda and Kllspell on Gt. Nor. Ry $20 via St. Paul $22 ,00 Spokane, Wash, and intermediate points on tho O, It. & N. Hy. Co. and intermediate poiuts main linoO. S. L. Llneva, Ogden or Granger, $22.50. Portland Oregon, Tacoma, Seattle, Wush , Vancouver, B O , "Victoria, B C, Columbia, Oregon and nearly all other points in Oregon and Washington the rate via Omaha or Kansas City 825, via St. Paul 827 .'00. Very cheap rates to all points in the north west. If you wish to visit tho coast or other points of interest In tno North West, South West, South or South East, apply to, C. E. Rotiiamel, Asa't Agent. Mo. Pac. Ry. Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Don't Know It. How To tflnd Out. Fill a bottle or common glass with your water and let it stand twenty-four hours; a sediment or set tllng Indicates an i unhealthy condl 'tlon of the kid ncys; if tt stains your linen it 13 evidence of kid ney trouble: too frequent desire to pass it or pain in the back ia also tonvlncing proof that the kidneys and blad der are out ot order. "What to So. There is comfort In tho knowledee so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- .xoot, tne great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain in tho oacK, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often "during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extra ordinary effect of Swamp-Root 13 soon realized. It stands the highest for Its won derful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have tho best, sold by druggists m&oc. andsi. sizes. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful discovery and a book that tells more about it, both sent absolutely free by mail, address Dr. Kilmer & Home of Snwup-Koot. Nebraska Advertiser W. W. Sandkhb & Son, Prop'H. FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1005. Tlioodoto Roosovolt was duly In stalled as presldont last Saturday. As ho told Ills wife after tho election, ho Ib no longer an accidont. A hi" mnjority of the people said ho was the man they wanted for president, and now even tho democrats say ho is tho right man for tho placo, Ho Ib probably tho most popular president we havo had since Monroe, during tho porold of good feoling, when tliero were virtually no parties. NOTICE OF VILLAGE ELECTION. Notlco Is hereby given that tho an nual election will bo held in tho village of Nemaha City on Tuesday, April 4, 1005, at which time three trustees will id elected for tho term of two yenrs. Tho election will bo hold in tho Adver tiser ofilco. Tho polls will bo opened at 0 o'clock a. m. and will remain open until 7 o'clock p. m. J. I. DmcssLER, Chairman. Elmer E. Allen, Clerk. It is now Baid that A. B. Allen of Tecumseh, privato secretary to Gov. Mickoy, who has been mentioned as a probable candidato for congressman to suceeed Gov. Mickey. Hon. S. P. Davidson, of Tecumseh, also announce ed as a congressional candidate, it is said that he is a candidate for judge of the supreme court. But none of the Nemaha county candidates have with drawn yot. They are nil stayers ess pecially when they think tbero is an office in sight. Every man thinks lie knows how to run a farm, just as most men believe they could edit a better newspaper than those who are in the business. In bpth cusqb tho man who really knows most feels most modest about it. Book farmers have long been the butt of uni versal ridicule; and book farmers often get control of agricultural papers and make a sad mess of it as leaders of the hard headed, common-sense farmers who havo learned how to do things by doing them. Fortunately for Nemaha county, the farm paper most generally read hero Is Tho Iowa Homestead which is edited by practical farmers who llvo on and operate their own tnrma, besides being experts in the science and theory of agriculture. The Advertiser takes pleasure in recom mending this excellent farm journal as the best exponent of practical and scientific agriculture, horticulture, stock-raising, dairy farming and the allied industries of the farm, We take subscriptions nt this ollice; and bolieve thnt in so doing wo are best promoting the interests of Nemaha county. Tako the wagonette when in Aus burn if you want to go to any part of theclty. John McElhanoy prop. Crave Trouble Forosoon It needs but little foresight, to tell that when your stomach and liver are badly affected, grave trouble Is abend unless you take the proper medicine for your disease, as Mrs John A. Young of Clay, N, Y.. did. She says: " I had neuralgia of the liver and stomach, my heart was weakened, and I could not eat. I was very bad for a long time, but in Electric Bitters, 1 found just what I needed, for they quickly reliev ed nnd cured me," Best medicine for wenk women. Sold under guarantee by V. W, Keeling, druggist, at 50o a bottle. Subscribe for your papers at this ofs lice. Agonizing Burns arolnatantly relieved, and perfectly healed, by Bncklen'a Arnica Salve. C Rlveubark, Jr., of Norfolk, Va., writes I burnt my knee drendfully; that it blistered all over. Bncklen'a Arnlca Salvo stopped the pain, and healed it without a scar." Also heals all wounds aud sores. 25o at W. W. Keeling, druggist. KILLthe COUGH AND CURE the LUNGS WIT" Dr. King's New Discovery JO .. .......... . w FOR (J CONSUMPTION Price ODGIIS and 50c & $1.00 Free Trial. OLDS Surost and QuLckost Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB LES, or MONEY BACK. AUBUEN LOCALS. Thos. States and family loft Wednca day for Billings, Montana, Crlm & Lewis have rented tho Froricba building and will open up a stock of general merchandise this week. Wm. Humphrey has been appointed manager of tho Kirschbraum & Sons business in Auburn to succeed O. W. Bruner. Tom Daughorty, the carpenter, was nppointed as member of tho city coun cil to Ull tho vacancy caused by tho resignation of C. W. Bruner. Chu8. Snow's combination sale last Saturday was a success. Articles brought a good price and tho sale brought a largo crowd'to town. Exicounty attorney E. B. Quacken.. bush nnd wife were called to Wilbor tho first of tho week on accouut of tho accidental shooting of his brother. Thomas Daugherty is talking of oaecting a cold storage plant hero and If ho rocoive3 proper encouragement ono will bo built during tho summer C. W. Bruner, who for the past ten years has been tho manager of th but ter and egg houso of Kirschbraum & Sons at this place has resigned to ac cept a position with a cold storage plant at Nebraska City. The share holders of tho Auburn Gold Mining Company held their an- ual meeting on Monday and elected tho following six directors: H. O. Klecknor, II. A. Lambert. O. R Hack er, Fred Lampo, A. J Kuhlman and . W. Wright. As soon as the pump rrives on the ground the first of April tho directors will put a force of men nt work and open out their placer mines upon a paying basis How's this? Wo offer Ono Hundred Dollars Rewnnl for nny caso of Catarrh that cannot '00 cured by iiairs uutarrh euro. V, J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Wo, tho undersigned, havo known K. J. Cheney for the lant 15 yearn, and bellovo him porfcotly honorablo In all uuhIuoss tiannac- uonB nnu nnanciany nuo to carry out atiy ODiijfUtions mauo by his firm. WALDINO, KitfNAN & MAltVIN, WholeHnlo Druggists. Toledo. O Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internallv. acting directly upon tho blood and raucous surfaces of iho system. Testimonials sent Iree. Price 75 conts por bottle. Bold by all druggists. Tako Hill's Family Pills for conatlpatlon Horticulturists and fnrmers who are engaged in the raising of fruit in this vicinity will bo interested in knowing that The Iowa Homestead is soon to begin the publication of a series of articles on spraying by Franklin Brown, an expert horticulturist who has had charge of extensive experts ments in spraying at the Iowa Agri cultural College. Mr. Brown, will in these articles, discuss the construction of all spraying apparatus with a view to showing the reader how to buy the best. He will also treat of the habits of insects and trio special mixtures used in the distinction of each species. Plant diseases will receive his atten tlon; aud methods for their prevention will be outlined A large number of formalas will be given, together with methods of mixing and applying same. The Advertiser earnestly hopes that every farmer in Nemaha county will become a subscribes of The Iowa Homestead hofnre this valunblo series, begins. We arc taking many subs scrlptions for this valuable farm jour-, mil and will bo glad to forward many more. Fraud Exposod A few counterfeiters havo lately been milking and trying to sell imitu" tlous of Dr King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, aud other medicines, thereby defrauding tho public. This is to warn you to bes ware of such people, who seek to profit through stealing tho reputation of remedies which have been successfully curing disease, for over 35 jeais. A sure protection, to you, is our name on the wrapper. Look for it, on all Dr. King's, or Bucklon'a remedies, as all others are mere imitations. II. E. Buoklen & Co., Chicago, 111, and Windsor, Canada. Old papers for sale at this ollice Poisons In Food Perhaps you don't realize that many pain poisons originate In your food but some day may feel a twinge of dys pepsia that will convince you. Dr King's New Llfo Pills nro guaranteed to cure all sickness duo to poisons of undigested food or money back, 55u at Keeling' drugstore. Try them. JfiM- i t Grand Millinery Opening1 OF J. H. VA1TDERSLICE Saturday, March 1 8 Up-to-date line to suit all- sure and come and bring your Don't Forget tlxe XaXe! Miss Minnie May has arranged to try and please all. it it J, H. VA1TDERSLICE SCHOOL NOTES Work, stick nnd retain. Some of our boys havo quit for spring work. The pupils of the high school took their drawing lesson out of doors last Thursday. All enjoyed a profitable period. The tenih grade have chosen their subjects for commencement themes They are of a practical character and promise something' original and ins atructivo f The boys enjoyed a game of one and over with Supt. Carrington Thursdny noon. Some teachers, there are, who do not beloive in playing with their pupils. Supt. Carrington thinks these miss one of their golden opportunities in not doing so. We would like to add a hearty '"Amen." Tho second grade are doing some weaving as a part of their language work at present. In this we see an opportunity given the child to express Itself other than on paper. Here also is an example of teaching by doing. And after all it is tho doing and not the knowing that counts. The phyical geography class took their ilrst excursion last Monday even ing. They made a study of the raili' road cut jnst Bouth of town. They expressed themselves as well repaid for the trip. They expect to take sev eral more excursions before school is out if the weather permits. There is no town but what has its loafers, That is to be expected. But it is too bad that purt of these non entities has to bo made up of our boys. Lounging around in companv with men who make the atmosphere foul with their language and tobacco smoke is any wonder our boys learn to smoke and are able to surprise their mothers by the use of words not found in the dictionary? Who is to blami-? Tho boys? Not altogether. Yet that boy who sincerely deires to bo a gentleman will never bo found engaged in any such an occupation. The month of February closed with 129 pupils in our schools. The average daily attendance was 110 or about 80 pep cent of tho enrollment. There were in all 55 tardy marks in tho three WM.-CAMPBELL, Pres. p. E. ALLEN. Vke-l'res. ELMEIl E. ALLEN, Cnshlor. BANK OF NEMAHA NEMAHA, NEBRASKA Capital Stock, $5,000 I I i Be$ Can suit young and old. friends. departments or one tardy mark tD every two pupils on an average attends anco. The per cent of attendance for Nemaha county for January wub 78 or about eight below ours for February. The number of tardy markn for the county was about three for every two pupils in average attendance. Our at- tendance, you see, is then better than the average but with that we must not bo satisded. Can't we make the at tendance AO per cent of the enrollment for March. VVn will nnrwt Mm Arlvoi-ft id u T I 1 . in.... t i wccRij juiiiuuiu owuu ijuurnui. nut and the Homemaker, all ono year for only SI. 50. The regular price of these papers is $3.25. HE BE5I MED2CME f WOMEN If you are nervous and tired out continually you could havo no clearer warning of tho approach of serious female trouble. Do not wait until you suffer un bearable pain bef oro you seek treat ment. You need Wino of Cardui now just as much as if tho trouble wore moro developed and tho tor turing pains of disordered men struation, bearing down pains, leucorrhoea, backacho and Tiead aclio were driving you to tho un failing relief that Wine of Cardui has brought hundreds of thousands of women and will bring you. Wino of Cardui will drivo out all traco of weakness and banish nervous spells, headacho and back ache and prevent tho symptoms from quickly developing into dan gerous troubles that will bo hard to check. Secure a $1.00 bottle of Wine of Cardui today. If your dealer does not keep it, send tho money to tho Ladies' Advisory Dept., Tho Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn., and the inedicino will bo sent you. WtNEsF CARDUi i Co.r Blnghamton, N. Y. When writing men- ton reading mis generous oner in uw 11 yr