The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, March 10, 1905, Image 2

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W W. BANDERS. rsfcMsb? "
;..-. ., .- J
FXn Arabian woman who is in
pcoarnlnK for a near rclatlvo abstain
Eom drinking tulltc for elht (lavs,
id tbe theory tha'c tllo color of the
quid dloA not harmonize with lie
frontal form.
i - -
r Dolnr Groat "Work.
tWard, Ark., March Oth. (Special.)
From nil over the West reports come
cures of different forma of Kidney
plsenso by Dodd's Kidney Pills and
this placo Is not without ovldonco of
the groat work Hie Great American
Kidney Hcmedy In doing.
Among tho cured hero 1b Mr. J. V.
Waggoner, a well known citizen, who,
pa an Interview, says: "Dodd'u Kid
By PHIh have done wonders for me.
y kidneys and blndder wore badly
at of order. I used many medicines
Hit got nothing to cum me till I tried
Joutrs iviunoy nils. Two boxes of
uem nxea mo up so that I have been
rell over since."
"Toll the poor kldnoy and bladdor
HlBonsed people to take Dodd's Kldnoy
nils and get well."
No case of kidney complaint Is too
far gono for Dodd's Kidney Pills to
euro. They arc the only remedy that
mm over cured Blight's Disease.
New York has a dally flxturo leak
go of 44,000,000 K".llons of water.
Moro than 8,000,000 of tho 13,600,
100 peoplo of Mexico do not wo k,
lad of those who do work 1,488,021
fere In domestic service and 110,000
Ire salary earnors.
Baited whale meat Is a Japanese
Xr. David .Kennedy! rTo rite Remedy eured tn
pfeoffttrrUle dt.eaie. With pleature I teatlfy U
mrreJoa AoAoy." J. Street, Albany. H. T.
There aro bob nlnoty dally papers
Positively cared by
those JLlttlo Pills.
Thoy also relievo Dla
trcaa from Dyspepsia, In
digestion and Too Hearty
Eating. A perfect rem
edy for Dizziness, Nausea,
Drowsiness, Bad Tasto
In tho Mouth, Coated
Toneuo, Pnln In tho Side,
wgulnto tho Bowols. rurolyVogotable.
GBnuino Must Bear
Fac-Similo Signaturo
Mp for Women Passluj Through
Change of Llf
Providence haa allotted ns each at
least sovonty yonra In which to fulfill
ur mission In life, and it is generally
or own fault If we dio prematurely.
Nervous exhaustion invites disease.
This statement is tho positive truth.
When evjerytulni' becomes a burden
and you cannot walk a few blocks with
out oxcessivo fatigue, and you hrcnlc
out into porspiration easily, and your
tface flushes, and you, grow excited and
.shaky at tho loast provocation, and
'you cannot bear to bo crossed in any
thing, you aro in danger ; your nerves
have given out ; you need building up
at onco I To build up woman's nerv
ous system and during tho period of
change of life wo know of no better
medicine than Lydia B. Pinkhnm's
Vegetable Compound. Hero is an
illustration. Mrs. Mary L. Koehne, 371
Garfield Avenue, Chicago, 111., writes:
'I haveufiod Lydia E. I'lnkbam'a Vegetable
Compound for yara in my family and it
sever dluappolnw ; so when I felt that I wan
aearing'the'chaneecf lifol commenced treat
ment with It I teok in all about six bottles
and it did me a ffrat deal of good. It
topped my dUay Bpolli, painj in my back
and the headaches with which I had suffered
for months before taking the Compound. I
feel that If it had not boon fortius greaiined
Icine for women that I should not nave been
lt vote-day. It is splendid for woman, old or
Sounsr, aud will surely cure all fomalo dlscr
eirs. Mrs. Wnkhaxn, of Lynn, Mau ha
lites all sick and ailing- women to rrlt
her for advice. Her great experiauoa
U at their senriea. ir- "t cost.
R pius.
Sliips will soon hnvo oars ears thai
will hear the approach of a torpedo
boat that the captain cannot nco, o
that will henr tho sound of tho foij
Doll or tho waves bunting against 'i
ilnngoroiiH rock on u stormy night
3'hcBG electrical earn, ns they arc
Bcribed by tlio American Tclephon
Journal, are moro Henaltlvo thai
human ears, because the sounds they
will liear aro sounds which trnve.
ander water, a medium which trans
mits Boundn bettor than air. It Is tJi t
niperlorlty of the water as a sound
transmitter that bus brought about
the now invention.
It is called a "subaqueous tele
phone." Its principal clement aro
delicate transmitters, or microphones,
attached to the hull of tin vosoi In
low the wator-lluo. These sensitive in
ttruntonts intercept tho sound-wave
n h Uiey traverse tho water and trans
mit them by regular telephones wire
to tho captain, who, with receivers nl
tils ears, is listening in tin wh"oI
It is expected to perforin a most
valued servico in averting collisions.
A type of the Hiihnqumiis telephone
which has been ndapted to !)shlng
boats or small vessels of any kind con
lists of u recolvhi-box with a ball
receiver which is lowered into tin?
water. It is obvious that some sounds
ivould bo too delicate to penetrate tin
kn of n vessel, and might not be
heard by a receiver located on the in
H'tc. Hence it is that tho receiver Is
lowered directly into the water, and
picks up sounds of comparatively
imall Intensity.
In cnBO of emergoncy, where a ship
)s not supplied with receivers located
n its hull, by lowering one of these
pall-receivers first on one side of the
resscl nnd then on the other, and not
ing the difference in intensity of the
lound, it is practical to locate the
lource, whotlior it be the signal of n
Ssherman in a' dory, a boll-buoy, or
iny other signal.
Did Colored Man Was There nnd Re
incnihorcd ICvont Perfectly.
Down in Nassau, Now Providence
Lmt quaint town which favored Amer
leans visit in the winter months, then
stands n statue of volumbus. It isn't
much of a statue, belug after tin
Bwnshbuckler order of architecture
but, anyway, it servos to remind visit
ors to tho Bahamas that its original
first landed on an Island In that chain.
Being tho only statue of account In the
island, it is known of all men and
is of special Importance In the eyes of
the negroes, avIio point to It with pride
nnd dato occurrences relatively rocent
from tho time of Its erection.
Tho knowledge of historical events
displayed by the "man and brother
is pretty accurately Indicated In the
talo thoy tell In Nassau respecting tht
occasion, a fow yoars ago, that Colum
bus appeared In court The lawyer foi
tho defense, attempting to Impeach th
veruclty of plaintiff's witness, an old
colored man of doubtful antecedents,
"So you say you've Uyed here mauj
"Yls, boss, I has."
"Then 1 suppose you remembei
clearly when Columbus landed here?"
"Oh, yls, boss, I does 'member dut,
"Oh, you do?"
"Yls, snh; BUtteuly, boas."
"That will do, your honor; tills wit
noss' memory is evidently defective,
nnd I claim a verdict for my client." ,
The judge seemed Inclined that way,
too, says the Now York Times, when
the plaintiff's lawyer interposed: "Wall
a moment, gentlemou, perhaps my wit
noss is not so far wrong, after all.
Now, Ouflle, tell us when was it you
saw Columbus land und how did he
como nshoro?'.'
"Well, boss, I t'lnk 'twas 'bout twen
ty yoar ago, un' Columbus he coma
asho' In do big boxes l"
Out on a llnib.
"Italy, I see, Is golug to preseut the
United States with a statue of Cae
sar." "What's that?"
"Why, I asked a dozen men this
morning who Caesar was and not a
one but answered mo evasively."
"Answered you evasively?
"Yes; didn't seem to kuow, you
"Well, well, well; such Ignorance! I
oan hardly bollovo it possible!'
"By tho way, who was Caesar?"
"Why he was or no that was
Nero. Ho was or lie oh! go to
thunder." Houstou Tost.
Auto-Eluutlnit Promises.
"Our condldnto has declared," said
the partisan, "that ills watch ward is
Wo can't be too careful of the public's
Interests.' "
"Which," replied tho cynic, "freely
translated, means 'wo won't be' if
ilected." Philadelphia Tress.
When a man attempts to speak In
public for the llrst time the audience
makes him nervous but later on ho
makes tho audience i.enods.
A Prominent Club Women of KnMU
City Writes to Thank Doan'a Kidney
PUIn for a Quick Cure.
Miss Nellie Davis, of 1210 Mlchlgai
avenue, Kansas City, Mo., society
leader and clua
woman, writes'
"I cannot say to
much In praise ol
Doan's Kidnej
Pills, for thoy ef
fected a complett
cure in a verj
short tltno whc
I was nufferinj
Hiss nkixik davis. from kidney trou
bles brought on by
a cold. I hnd sovcre pains In the bncli
and sick headaches, and felt tnlsornbU
nil over. A few boxes of Doan's Kid'
ncy Pills made me a well woman,
without an ache or pain, and I feel
compelled to recommend this rellnbli
A TKIAL Fit EH Address Foster
Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. For sale
by. ail dealers. Price, 00 cents.
There are words in the Chines
language wliioli nave as many ai
forty ditlero'it meanings.
The winnings of tho bank oi
Monte Carlo uru said to avorg(
nearly $25, a minute, or about SO,
250,000 a year.
Donrncn Ciiimot Me Cured
by local npplk-iitlons. an thoy cannot reach rha
diseased portion of tho ear. Tlioro h only om
f.iy to euro deafness, and that U ly coa-ttltiv' remedies. DenfuutS Is caused by an ln
llamod condition of tho mucous lining of th
Knt-tachlHU Tube. Whcu tills tnbu Ls InlWimxJ
you liavo n rumbling sound or Imperfect boar
IiiK. anil wben It Is entirely closed, Doafuewi 11
tho result, and unloss tho Intlatnuiatlon can b4
taken out and this tubo rehtorod to Its normal
condition, lioarluc will lo destroyed forevorj
nine ensos out of ton aro caused by catarrli.
which Is uothlug but on lnllamud condition ot
tho mucouH .surfaces.
We will ulvo One Hundred Dollar for anj
caw of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can
not bo cured by llall'a Catarrli Cure. Send lot
circulars, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Q,
3P-8old by Druggists, 76c.
Hall's Family Villa arc the beet.
Much of the ouunfcry through
which the Siberian Kail way passes
bad never be2n traversed by white
men before the surveyors came.
The area of the Phllipploo Islands
Is 140 000 square miles, about tbe
lize of Now York, New Jersey and
the six New England States.
Ground ivy and mustard can bo de
Itroyed tbioti",h spi Inkling with a
iolution of copperas (sulpbat of
The Kursk-ZarkofT Roilroad of
Russia advertises a special car for
tho nowly wei, designed and fur
oished with tho very lattest luxur
ies Tho Seven Stars Inn, at Man-
lies tor, England, boasts of having
baen licensed for 650 years.
Coffee l'luya ou Some,
It hardly pays to laugh before yoa
are corUilu of facts, for it ls sometlmei
humiliating to think of afterwards.
"When I was a young girl I was a
lover of coffee but was sick bo much
tho doctor told me to quit and 1 did,
but after my marriage my husband
begged me to drink It again, as lie did
not think It was the coffee caused tha
"So I commenced it again and con
tinued about 0 months until my stom
ach commenced acting bad and chok
ing us if I bad swallowed something
the size of an egg. One doctor said il
was neuralgia and indigestion.
"One day 1 took a drive with my
husband three uillos In the country and
1 drank u cup of coffee for dinner. 1
thought sure 1 would die before I got
back to town to a doctor. I was drawn
doufilo In tho buggy and when my hus
band hitched the horse to got me out
luto the doctor's olllce, misery came up
in my throat aud seemed to shut my
breath off entirely, then left all In a
Hash and went to my heart. The doc
tor pronounced it nervous heart trou
ble and when I got homo 1 was so
weak I could not sit up.
"My husband brought my suppor to
my bedside with a nice cup of hot
coffee, but I said: 'Take that back,
dear, I will never drink another cup
of coffee if you gave me everything
you aro worth, for It is Just killing
me.' Ho nnd the others laughed at me
and said:
"'The idea of coffee killing any
"Well,' I said, Mt is nothing else
but coffee that is doing it.'
"In the grocery one day my husband
was porsundod to buy n box of Postum
which he brought homo nnd I made It
for dinner and we both thought how
good it was, but said nothing to the
hired mon, nnd they thought they had
drank coffee, until we laughed and told
them. Well, wo kept on with Postum,
and It was not long before the color
came back to my cheeks and I got
stout and felt as good as I ever did la
my life. 1 have no more stotuacli trou
ble and I know I owe It all to Postum
in place of coffee.
"My husband has gained good health
on Postum, as well as baby and I,
and wo all think nothing is too good te
say about it." Name given by Postum
Co., Uattle Creek, Mich.
Profit In Swine.
A young, thrifty, growing hog will
turn grain Into tnoney quicker that
nny otlwr kind of farm stock. Every
farmer who has not an extensive range
for his hogs should sow ryo to give
them a green winter feed. Hake up al
the corncobs, burn them, nnd when ir
the form of bright coal3, throw watei
on thorn, thus making' charcoal for tlit
hogs. A little suit may be added. Trj
to feed young hogs regularly; nevei
feed late, especially tho ovenlng meal
Watch tho hogs closely to seo If theli
digestion is good, for If they are noi
healthy thoy will not thrive well. Tt
got your hogs ready for market they
should be on full feed of corn; but
after they are ns fat as they can be
without detraction from their comfort
put them on the market at onco, foi
they aro unsafe to keep, because hoga
fattened on the corn dlot are very ten
der and cannot stand nny abuse or dis
ease. The hogs kept for breeding pur
poses should never be put on corn diet,
but require feed that has more bon?
nnd muBclo-produelng quality. Keep o
few more good brood sows; they will
provo to be the best investment oc
tho farm before another year ls gone
Don't waste good corn by feodlng It tc
hogs In the mud. Your hogs will be
worth the extra cost of n feeding
trough. Try keeping an account witb
your hogs; chargo them with every
thing they ent and give them credit
for overythlng they bring in, and yot
will be surprised to Bee how much bet
tor they pay than any other animal on
the farm. All kinds of stock are
source of proQt on a good farm. And
the farmer who thinks he can leave oO
stock growing ls sure to find his mis
lis? . &'-
take. Tho pasture must bo utilized
and fertility of the farm maintained
Agriculture Epltoralst
Cnre for the Doir Evil.
The Rural New Yorker says: Tht
only euro for the dog evil Is a law re
quiring tho owuer of one male dog t
pay a small sum for a metal tag, witt
the name nnd address of tho ownei
and the dato, placing a practically pro
hlbitory tax on additional dogs and
female dogs, making it the dirty of tin
proper officers to kill all dogs not tag
ged. When n dog Is killed while wor
rying sheep or other domestic anluinh
or fowls, the tag would show tho own
cr and recourse could bo had for dam
ngos done. A law something like tliii
wns on tho statute books of Indium
several years ago and workod well
the revenues from that source weri
trebled, and tho dog population do
creased two-thirds, but for some rca
son It was repealed. If a majority
of farmers could be Induced to put t
small flock of sheep on their farmi
sentiment would soon be molded t(
bnck such a law. Now the dog owuen
aro In tho majority nnd Bentlmcn
trends the other way. The same com
plnint may be made In most sectlem
of tho country.
Country's It Ice Acrcnae.
A preliminary report to tho chief oi
the bureau of statistics of the D6pnrt
ment of Agriculture shows the total
acreage of rice in the United Statei
this season to be about 043,400 acres
distributed ub follows: North Carolina
1,800; South Carolina, 83,300; Georgia
0,000; Louislnnn, 805,100, nnd Texti9
234,200 acres. The rice acreago of the
country has Increased 83 per cent with
in the last five years and is now fotu
times as large as It was fifteen yean
ago. In 1800 Louislnnn and TexnB con
talned 50.0 per cent of tho total rice
acreage of the country. Now these
States contain 5)3.1 per cent of tht
greatly Increased total.
Pin Pontliera,
Do not expect eggs when the hen
aro moulting.
Comfortable quarters for winter wil
be a great saving of food.
Aside from the question of eggs
warm qunrtera is a great saving a
Chickens that are of a marketabh
size should be fattened now as soon at
In having food constantly befon
fowls tho great risk run is of haviu
them too fat.
Ten days after the hens are coopei
up with a cockerel the eggs will hatch
true to the mating.
Patten and kill off the old hens un
less wanted especially for mothers.
Tho egg is found to contain a vario
ty of substances, accordingly the fooJ
of tho hen must be varied.
From this on chicks cannot bo ex
pected to grow very rapidly unles
particularly well housed and fed.
Keroseno on the roosts prevents llci
on tho fowls. An ouuco of kerosene
ls worth more than a pound of lice.
The purity of one bird la not lm
proyed for breeding purposes by beinj
bred to another of a different breed.
National Oafs
nrnntutt nut nt" h oentnrr.
Violdrd In Ohio 187, In lllcb.
731, In 3lo. 3ii, and In N. Dakota
810 bu. por acre.
Tou cau bout that record In 1C0&.
For 10c and this notice
we mall yon free loJ of farm tt4
aumpief auu out un tuminn, idl
ing nil nbout tli lo ont wonder and
ibotiNinda or oilier nmu.
K .mill . ww.
inuu (ii ictitcfncn
- La Crosio,
" have tried all kinds of waterproof
clothing and 'iavc never found anything
at any price n compare with your Fish
Brand for protection from all kinds of
(The name nd tddren of the
writer of tliit uniolicitnj letter
Duy be hid upon explication.)
Boxon, U.S.A.
Toronto, Canada,
'The Sim of the Fiih
ltd 'V,
Makers of Warranted Wat Weather Clothing
Tho man who don't kno how to do
a thinp himself, and won't learn)
from others, makes himself a phoo
without remedy.
The density or relativo Dooulationl
of Cuba ls nearly the sarno as that oil
tho United States.
When the extension now Dlannefl
for tho nation's cupitol at Washing!
(on has been made the edifice, in
cluding tbe works of art which it
contains, will have oost nearly 20,
OOO.OuO. 1
Tbe French government rpcelvej
a revenue of $5 000,000 a year from'
manufacturing matches. Lust yoar,
800 tons of sulphur were used In tho
H Cures Colds, Consth. Sore Throat, Croup, Influ
enza, Whooping Couch, Broncltltle and Afthma.
A certain euro for Consnrnptlnn in first itncea,
and a Hire roller In advanced etc- Vie at once.
You will tee the excellent effect after taking the
llrt doM. Snkl by dealers ererjwliera Larn
bottle 6 ctnti and 60 centa. "
What a man doesn't n ed iz dead
at enny price.
Itching-. Uliod, Weeding or Protruding Pile.
Vourdrumrlst viU refund money II PAZO OINTN
MENT fuila ta ura too to 6 lo li 1- UMq
There aro four millionaires in
I'rltaln to one In France.
t- n wmmt tABCIICON
PMMlnX runonLC payments
a i anemia j. MULIIALL, J'oux City, la.
Walla are smoky " and grimy
after th winters' coal and soot.
They need cleaning' with Ala
bastine. The new color schemes
nnd harmonics for this year can
only bo done in Aiabastino. The
colors are the richest, the tints the
most permanent, the hues the most
beautiful in Alabastlne there isn't
any wall covering that is juat as
ALABASTINK docs not n?ed washluj;
off beforo a fresh coat enn lip applied
you simply uitx ALAIJASTINU with cold
water and apply with a bniah. Any dec
orator or painter can apply It -ur any
woman can apply It hcrsulf.
Hvumuibor Alaliastlno romps In
packages- take no mifoatltutes do
not buy In bulk, If your dealer can't
supply you, send us his name and
we will Beo that you httv.- Alubas
tlue. Uvautlful tint cards aud free
color suggestion!! free for the ask-
Graud Av Oraud Rapids, Midi,'
New York City
The cost of tbe Etijjlish navju
amounts to 22 a year lor every fatu-
lly In Great Britlan.
CURBS catarrh of the stomach.
In tuna. HnM i a
hi m
tlilN4fU "'.1
N.N. V. cflB