The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, February 03, 1905, Image 8

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JJoinrr Mat' hews is hero 'from Peru
tinder tho dootoi'a cure.
John Cranmer In having a IupboI
with the iheunmtlsm ttiftf week.
Editor Dundiio of thu Granger U ou
lertaltilng n largo coiiblgnment of tho
Thoa. Sajlea an old resident of this
county was vlalting old friends tho lat
ter part of last week.
Barney Ottena has bogun suit against
Judge Sttill for pasture r Mit that ho
olaima to hu duo him.
Tho Parmoro' Inatltuto held Inefc
week was ono of tho most successful
ever hold in Auburn.
Shell Cochran who has been confined
to his home by sickness for tho past
month Is ablo to bo out again.
A F. Algood fro.o his foot whtlo
working on tho Mo. Pac. wrocK a short
timo ago and Is now in tho hoHpltal at
Kansas City In a critical condition.
Hob1, Hyera of the Iiyera hotel was
brought into pollco court last week
charged with Helling liquor to u minor.
The cue w a ndjourned till Fob. M,
Thoa. Darnoll of Lincoln addreatted
tho citizens of Auburn at tho opera
h luso last Sunday evening upon the
county option law. a bill that Is now
before tho legislature.
Tho Methodist people occupied the
Sunday school 100m of their new
church for tho first time, last Sunday
Tho contractor Imb completed his work
and turned the church over to the
trustees. As soon aa tho now oeata
arrive tbo church will be dedicated
which will bo about March first.
The Twice-a-Week Republic of St
Louis, iho best aeml-weekly nowas
paper in tho country, and Furm Prog
ress, America's leading agricultural
and homo monthly, will be sent to any
address or to separate addresses, when
ao requested for One Dollar a Year.
Tho Twlce-a-Woek Republic for
nearly u century has earned and main
tained the confidence ot half a million
readers. It covers the nowa of the
world thoroughly and accurately, and
' i 'sues special State editions, each cons
. taining the latest and most reliable
reports of the particular locality in
which It circulates, Its apectal depart-
meats are edited by experts, and its
artists and contributora are among the
beat in the country. It in published
every Tuesday and Thunday eight
pxgea each issue sixteen p iges a week,
Farm Progress, isaued on tho Hrnt
Thursday of every mon h, contains
sixteen or more full, stindard-Bize
newspaper pages, filled witu upstosdiito
farm literature, and apeoial debarts
meats for the homo, fashions, hoys and
glrlfl, fiction, etc., etc It la pu llshed
by The Republic a guarantee of its
excellence and high character.
'fn the hairs of A. Walrotu and all others
Inter a e I.:
Niil ico in hereby elvoo that on Uin IM.h iinv
of June. 1003, the undersigned purchased at
nrlvnte tax sale for delinquent tuxes of year
ioui mm an prior years 101 one uj in oiocic
thirty nine (39), Nemnha Olty, Nebraska, and
lins pRld all subsequent taxes. On or alter
June 15th, 1006, the undersigned will apply
for a deed for buoI) property unless ruderop-
tiuil in uinviuiiniy IUHUV UCUdrUlUg lO IUW.
Dated this loth day ol January, 1006.
Women as Well as Men
Are Made Miserable by
Kidney Trouble.
Kldnev trouble nravs tinon ihn minrt Aim
courages and lessens ambition: beiutv. vicr
ana cneertulness soon
r - J 9 -C
disappear when the kid
neys are out of otAm
' or diseased.
Kidney trouble has
Decomo so prevalent
I that It Is not uncommon
for a child to be born
'afflicted with veak kid
neys. If the child urin
StftS too often. If fhn
urine scalds (ha flesh or If. uhn th MM
reaches an age when it should be able to
contrei tne passage, it is yet afflicted with
bed-wettlne, depend upon It, the cause of
the difficulty Is kldnev trouble, and th iimi
step should be towards the treatment of
mcso important organs, inis unpleasant
trouoie is aue to a diseased condition of the
kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as
most people suppose.
Women as well as men are made mis
arable with kidney and bladder trouble,
and both need the same great remedy.
The mild and the Immediate effect ol
Swamp-Root Is soon realized. It Is sold
mt - ... a
by druggists, in fifty
cent and one dollar
sizes. You may have a
sample bottle by mall
--ajaw w . UWIV V nniHUr,wvH
Ing al about It, Including many of the
thousands of testimonial letters received
from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer
& Co., BInghamton, N. Y., be surd and
mention this paper.
mm nflrrri
W. V. Sandekb & Son, Prop's.
An investigation Into tho Illiteracy
of the the convicts at the atato pent
tentlary discloses tho fact that forty
alx cannot read or wrlto. Out of 300
prisoners in thu institution it is esti
mated that over 40 per cent are In need
of instruction. A move may be made
to havo a school established at tho pen
itentlary for tho instruction of those
who need to obtain a fair education,
A bill has been introduced in the
loglalatnre providing for county local
option on the saloon question If this
passes tho majority of the votes In a
county have the right to prohibit sa
loons in that county. We hope tho bill
will pass. Tho whole county havo to
pay the bills when any rascality is
committed. It is only right that all
should have a vote on thla question
We hope the saloou wilt bo blotted out
of existence.
How's this?
Wo offer Ono Hundred Dollnrs Ttownrd for
any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F.J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Wo, tho undersigned, have known K. J.
Cheney for the last 15 yours, and bellevo him
perfectly honorable In all business transac
tions and financially ablo to carry out any
obligations made by his firm.
Wauiino, Kisnan & Maiivin,
Wholesalo DrugglBta, Toledo, O.
nail's Catarrh Curo Is taken Internally,
acting directly upon tho blood and mucous
surfaces of tho system, Testimonials sent
Iroo. 1'rlco 76 cents por bottle. Sold by nil
Tako Hilt's Funnily Pills for constipation
Thoo of our readers who, in addic
tion to their homo paper, want a
national nowa and family journal, are
advised to aubacribe for the St. Louis
Globe-Democrat, which is published In
the solid central city of tho Union and
atanda at the vory front among the few
really great newspapers of tho world.
The daily Globe-Democrat has no
equal or rival in all the West and
ought to be m the hands of every read
er of any daily paper. The weekly
Ulobe-Demoorat, issued in semlweekly
sections, ablg somiweekly atone dollar
per year, ia indispensable to the farmer
the merchant or the profesaional man
who desires to keep thoroughly posted
but who has not the time to read a
large dally paper, whllo its great vari
ety of well selected reading matter
makes It Invaluable to every member
of the family. See advertisement else
where in this Ibbuo and write to the
Globe Printing Company, St. Louis,
Mo., for free sample copy.
In these days of diversUled farming,
many farmers and stockmen in the
corn belt carry on profitable lines of
mall order business. A number of the
farmer readers of Thp Advertiser are
dealers in pedigreed live stock, such as
oattlo, swine, horeaa and poultry ; while
some are interested in other farm spec
ialties, such as seedB, vines and nura
ery stock, and do a good business both
in and outside of Nemaha county.
There ia no reason why there should
not be a steady stream of money flow
ing into this locality from all parts of
the country, enriching our people and
benefitting all classes. By advertising
in The Advertiser any offer you desire
to make to the people of this section
will be effective. If you deairf how
ever to roach buyers generally through
out tho West, The Iowa Homestead,
with its upwards of 00,000 prosperous
farm readers (nearly double the actual
circulation of any other weekly Iowa
farm paper) will bring ynu cuatomera
whoso orders should be mutually profit
able. The Homestead is popular with
the farmers of all sections, just as it is
horp, and is aa excellent as an udvortla
log medium aa it ia valuable for tho
reader. The Advertlaer will forward
either subscriptions or advertisements
for The Homestead.
Crave Trouble Foreseen
It needs but little foresight, to tell
that when your stomach and liver are
badly affected, grave trouble ia ahead,
unleas you take the proper medicine for
your disease, as Mrs John A. Young of
Clay, N. y.. did. She says: " I had
neuralgia of the liver and stomach, my
boart was weakened, and I could not
eat. I was very bad for n long time,
but in Electric Bittors, I found just
what I needed, for they quickly reliev
ed and cured me,'1 Beat medicine for
weak women. Sold under guarantee
by W. W, Keeling, druggist, at C0c a
The people of St. Deroln were greats
ly shocked Wednesday afternoon of
last week. Jiot t Ifeasley was going to
St Deroln and when ho got to what ia
known as the "narrowa" he found
Francia II J), Hunt lying in the road
dead. Mr. Hoasley hurried back and
notified Mr. Hunt's family.
Mr. Hunt left homo In the morning
In usual health, going to St. Deroin to
viait his daughter, Mra. G.N. Noyes,
whore he stayod for dinner. After
dinner he started homo, walking with
W. II. Lemon aa far aa tho hitter's
homo. Walter S. Maxwell, rural mail
ctrrier, then caught up with him and
they talked with each other as they
went along, Mr. Hunt was carrying
some small packages, and aa he was
slapping hia hnnda to warm them, Mr,
Maxwell oflered to take tho packages
nnd leavo them at the house,' put Mr.
Hunt aald hia handa were not cold exi
cent ono thumb, in which the blood did
not seem to circulate. Mr. Maxwell
then drovo on, nnd after goiug only a
short distance further Mr. Huut had
dropped de&d.
The coroner whb notified, and drovo
down in company with the sheriff and
held an inquest The cause of his
death wua pronounced apoplexy
Francis H. D. Hunt, was born in
Rusbville, III , in 1831, nnd at his death
was aged 73 years, 0 months and 17
days. lie camp to Blue Springs, Nebr.
in 1850, and later moved to Nemaha
county In 1802 he joined tho Miss
ouri state militia, aorving eighteen
months. He whb married to Virginia
Ross Oct, 2, 1801. To them were bom
eleven children, six of vhom are yet
living ChaB F. Hunt of Sbubert,
Mrs. Mollle Wilson of Shubert, Mrs.
Lena Noyes of St. Deroln, Mrs. Ella
Cory of Falla City, Mrs. Partha Hen
dricks of Barada, and Mrs. Maud Van
Osdel, who lived with her father.
The aged wife and mother la at ill livi
Ing, and together with the children
have the heartfelt sympathy of a large
circle of friends in their sad bereavei
The funeral services were held at
Shubert Friday conducted by He v .1 r
Smith of Nebraska City, and the res
mains wore laid at rest in the Prairie
Union cemetery.
There ia no death! the stars go down
To rise upon some fairer shore,
And bright in heaven's jewelled crown
They ahine forevermore.
And ever nearua though unseen,
The dear immortal spirits tread.
For all the boundless universe
Is life there ia no dead.
A Friend
Farmers Institute at
Hoover's Opera House
Thursday, Feb. 9
A alraple precaution will prevent
both cold and the sensation of being
cold. Wild anlmala do not take cold.
Men constantly expose tbemselvea to
changes In temperature und humidity
that no other animal could stand A
man'a body ia a furnace. Clothing does
not warm him, but only keepa off the
cold, The warmth cornea from the
burning of the oxygen In combination
with tho assimilated food burns freely.
It is as really fuel aa coal or wood.
The proceaa that goes on in the lungs
is similar to that in a stove the more
draft the hotter the fire. Give your
lunge moro draft and you will feel
wanner immediately. Ten long, deep
breaths, on coming out of the house in
the morning will make the outdoor
temperature seem 20 degrees warmer.
Long, deep breaths every time you go
out from a warm room to the open air
will send the blood tingling to the ser
vice of the akin and tho colder tho air
the moro exhilarating the aensation
Try it. Nature baa put in every man'a
chest a furnace that beats steam heat.
Nebraska City News.
Fraud Exposod
A few counterfeiters have lately
been making and trying to sell inilta
tlons of Dr King's New Discovery for
Consumption, Coughs and Colds, and
other medicines, thereby defrauding
tho public. This Is to warn you to bei
ware of such people, who seek to profit,
through stealing the reputation or
remedies which have been successfully
curing disease, for over 35 years. A
aure protection, to you, Is our name on
the wrapper. Look for It, on all Dr.
King's, or Jiueklon'a remedies, aa all
uthera are mere imitations. H, E
Buoklen & Co.. Chicago, 111, and
Windsor, Canada.
"When a man hates his work, nnd
goes abiut it with Indifference, all tho
force of the earth can not make him
follow it with ontbUBlusm " Wagner
Tho tenth grade will give a program
at the school house Friday evening
February 10, beginning at 7:30 p. m.
All friends are invited to be present
The primary dopartmenl reports a
fall in attendance owing to the extremo
cold weather of tho paat week. We
find on inquiry that ours ia not the
only school that baa Buffered from
thla cauae.
Supeaintendent Carrington was with
ub again last Friday evening. lie also
attended our reading circle. He told
hlB famoua ghost story to tho pupils
of tho high achool much to their
The tenchers of Athena achool of
South Auburn oame to Nemaha in n
body to attend tho tencher'a meeting.
There are Ave of them all told count
ing the principal, and a pleasant lot
they are too.
Mr, Ititchoy of of grammar departs
ment of Brownville schools reports
j only one case of tardiness ao far dur
, ing this term of achool Can we aft
ford to allow Brownville to get ahead
of ua that way?
The intermediate department gave n
literary program Friday after recess
All seem to have enjoyed it. It was
tho work of the pupila themselves no
timo being taken by tho teacher for
practico or drill. Such exercises we
feel are moro profitable to tho pupils in
all ways than extended programs re
quiring much time for practice nnd
The Teacher's association held
here Saturday was unique in some
respects but none the less a sue
ces. A goodly number of patrons
i and school children together with
tblrty8ix achool teachers filled the
high school room to overflowing. It
truly ahowa a school spirit un the part
of all and the "apirlr is the quickener
of the fleah."
Reporta for the month closing Janus
nry 27 8h.w: a total enrollment to date
of 150, those attending at close of
month 135. an average dally attendanoe
of 117 and a total of 39 tardy marks
The cold weatbfir caused a fall In the
News-Gathering System on Earth
St. Louis Globe-Democrat
In addition to the service of the Associated Prea?, it haa its
own correapondonta everywhere and covera the eventa of the
world moro thoroughly than any othnr paper. It ia absolute
ly essential to evety person who would keep abreast of the
the tlmea It is first in news, flrat in interest and first in the
homes of the people, where its cleanneaa, purity and accuracy
make it ever welcome.
The Great
Papcv of
The Great Newspaper of the World
Including Sunday
Without Sunday
One Year 84 00
0 montha 2 00
3 mouths 1 00
One Year S6 00
0 montha 3 00
3 montha l 50
Send Your Subscription To-day
or Write for Free Sample Copy
YM. 'CAMPBELL, Pros. p. e. ALLEN. VIce-l'res.
ELMEIl K. ALLEN, Cashier.
Capital Stock, $5,000
averago attendance foi this month
effecting the primary department prin
cipally. We are pleased to note a des
crease in the number of tardy maika.
Let tho decreaso continue.
"Let no father or mother lay to their
souls the flattering notion that they
can shirk their duties and think that
those dutiea were performed by the
school teacher no matter how good that
teacher la. All of you know an occa
sional father and mother who does
juat that thing. We have tho educa
tion: we must have the home bringing
up; we must have the trained mlndr
nnd then wo must have in addition,
training for what ia more than mind)
training for character '' Roosevelt.
Poisons in Food
Perhaps you don't realize that many
pain poisons originate In your food
but some day may feel a twinge of dys
pepsia that will convinco you. Dr.
King's New Life Pills are guaranteed
to cure all Bickness duo to poisons of
undigested food or money back, 55c
nt Keeling'a drugatore. Try them.
Notice for Hearing Claims.
In tho county court ol Nemnha county, Ncbr.
In the mutter of tho tistttto of "ll Keith
loy, deceased.
Notice lg hereby given that the court liaB
made mi order limiting tho time for credltom
to Hlo claims nirulust nnlcl deceased to six
mouthHlrom the nth duy of KeUrua y, 1S05.
nud tbnt February 13th, May 13tli and
Ahgn-t 16lh, IU05; nt ten o'clock a ra. of ench
day at the offlcoof ihuconnly Judge of Ne
ranna county, Nebraska, In Auburn, Nebras
ka, nun heen fixed bv tbo court as tho times
nnd place when nud whero nil persons who
havo claims and demands against said dr
ceahed can havo tho samo examined, adjust
ed and allowed, and nil claims not presented
by the last mentioned dato will bo forover
barred, by an order of the court.
Dated January 6. 1005.
SEAL J. 8. MgOaiity, County Judgo.
Til ir Tim
mmm Mt ak h
mhMm w Wmtw m w wkw mk Wm9
UUIi TYT 1... AT-r
n miiumt, injur,
Xiinooln Denver
Omaha Ilolena
Chiougo Butte
St. Joseph Salt Lake City
Kansas City Portland
St. Ziouis and all San Francisco
Points EJast and And all joints
South "West
No. 97 Passenger, dally oxceptSnn
day, for Tocumseli, Beatrice,
Holdrege and all points west 0:48 a m
No. 98 Passenger, dally oxceptSuu
day, for Nebraska City. Chicago
and all points north and east 4:01 p tu
No, 111 Local freight, daily except
Sunday, lor Atchison and Inter
mediate stations c:15 p tr
No 112 Local freight, daily except
Monday, for ftebraska Gly and
intermediate stations l -40 a m
The Wepkly Globe-Democrat is issued in Semi"
weekly Sections, oiRht pages or more, each Tuesday
and Friday. It ia a big Semlweekly paper, giving
all the news of all tho earth, Twice every Week,
and a great variety of intoreating and Instructive
reading matter for every member of tho family.
Almost equal to a daily at the price of a weekly
48 to 70 Pages
One Year 82.00
0 montha i o