The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, February 03, 1905, Image 7

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Take Pleasure in Commending Pe-ru-na
I i
For Coughs
flolmiol Paul E. lieckwlth. Lt Col.,
lcttor from 1503 Yeruiont avenue, IS. W., Wauhington, D. O., writes:
"From the unqualified endorsement of many of my friends, I
take pleasure la commending your remedies for couzhs mnd
colds" Paul B. Beckwith.
TIm: eoaHtniit exposure to tiie elements
experienced hi an out-door life is not ho
apt to cuuhu coughs and colds na seden
tary hu bits.
Those who nre brought face to fnco
with tUft weather every day in nctivo
life nre much lesa liable to catarrhal
dlseas than those who are boused up
In Ulr vcutilutod
rooitiH. And yet both
of these cl.aa.soH ure
more or less mibject
to catarrh nud ca
tarrhal d IsfiftBes.
The soldier as well
s the civilian finds it frequently ncces
ary to une Porunu on ncuount ot
toughs and colds.
No one is exenpt. The strong nud
kealthy are leas liable than the wonk
audUC but none entirely escape.
tfiqiOO Creaum
U Separator
FOR Sa.OOrreftcll tke erla
brutcd OUNUKli UUKAM
KEl'AKATOU, f.puUlrSa
Its. per hour; 339 hound capacity
par nur far 62B,00 800 pound
"V"! y Bv lor VU-L.UU.
Qtiaranirtcd Ibo euual af
(rporatora that retail crtrj.
where at from TO t etVfi.
rntor aa aur 10 dajV frra) trial
plan, trtli tba bliUlnc unCjrUnd
lug nd mtnt if yau da not
nnu uj rwumg, nsi ana aia
. uu ii VTUi turn aiasar, akin
' tMr ull, .tta tultr, ran
UthUmad lUm ai.a-fc.Lf Ultra
taUk than any atliar Cutm
Separator nuda, jam can ra
turn tha KeparadBr lu u
baunc4tat!r rctiira aajr
Money yan aaay mt paid,
for rralaiit ohanarca ar
vtfcerwlae. Cut d out a
oica and aaaU to as, au4 ja
wlU rTXalTa by ratttin palL
fm TaB) gat ear Uf offar and anr rrea trial popaiitlan and vom
I propauuan Jnd vom
liberal 4JKKAM
tard MT Aridraal
"" an" "v awiaaiaauifiy literal a.
IeFAUATUK OlWlUt Erer lfaard er.
lahiinrill aad RAILB0AD ACCOUNTItlQ
i agar waaniwa
Orofttt. nnt nt thn wmtnrr.
a, wavia V4 lit vuiu 101. IU ul IvUi
2U, lnMo.2aS,UDdlu N.Dtlliota
810 bus poraero.
You caa bout vuat record 1b 100&.
VUlrlnl tmm HMik 1 fcT I VII ,k
For 10c and 1Mb notice
wo mall yon froo lota of form letd
wunpioa ana oar DlgCMmlOK, Ull-
inKBiiBDounnisoaiwonaermia ,
uioucanda or other s.-J.
JndarwJ try all aaOroaila. Eat. it) 7u.1t. ar- aa arji 0
oaUUma auatiuitaadi tarma aaari wrtbi Oaf. iNt III
larrat. MOlt-U COLt.KOL', Can-
atautU, U. JLa. Croaac, VV U. a)U09 to 61,800 a iaa
Sale Ten Million Boxes a Year.
aaaaaTaaa..a."laaJ Wi'f
and Colds."
retired. 1st Re. Minute Men. ia a
Peruna has always been a great
favorite with the military men, both in
the army and uavy.
The strongest kind of twtiirtoninW nre
received from officers of high rank con
cernlng the virtues of Peruna for ali
catarrhal ailments.
Only a small per cent of the can b
used for publication for want of space.
Mr. Harrisoa L. Deata, Burnable Post
No. 8, Department of the Potomac,
Colonel Ehicatnpmeat N. 09, Union
Veterans Lugioa, Colonel Green Clnj
Smith Regiment No. 17, U. V. U., D
partment of the Potomac, Military Or
dcr Loyal Lesion, Department of Co
lumbia, Mnjoc 84th Indiana Vetera. Vol
unteer Infantry, writes:
"There is no longer may question as
to Ute curative qualities of Peruna 1m
all catarrhal troubles. Its successful
use by many of my Mends entitles It
to confidence and endorsement."
We are sever without a bottle or Plsa'i
Cure for Consumption ia our house
Mrs. B. if. Swayze, Wakita, Okla., April
17, 1001.
Dellnlte urranuemcuts are telcg
mude by the Prince and Princess of
Wuioa to pay India a visit In Octobtff
of next year.
Itokiar. Duad, tUeedlnc or ltuttcUaw Pile
Your drusifist will refund iimnm? U HAZO OINTA
nuvn'A' latla antra in mihh taavn. ooa
It Is u wise youuK tnac wtio leavwi
a aoud quality of clRnra ob the man
tel when fio calls upon bis glil.
rk tjavxaUye yroawi Qattala Tahieta. AB
drug-ehrta refund tbe nwrny II M faU to cure
tft Vf, Orava's aUMUara la a MMa ban. X
I oftou wonder wbafc kind of New
Tear's resolutions women can make,
wli;n Uiey neitber itniki, drink,
gamble nor a gear.
A qlrl ia the aitcUea Is wortb twu
in tno drawing roam.
It Is m id 3 a ralsleraoanor to dis
play a picture of George Wastilngtoc
under certain circuuitancaa by an old
Massaciiu'ettfl law.
Dr. Mosse, a Froucb physician,
tllrms t be good results of adminis
tering potatoes In certain forms ol
diubeloi. He abates that be hai
eUected euro bv tbls mrans.
Motavwr Qray's Swnot Powder fbr
Sueoessrully used by Mother Gray, nurno la1
Uio CUl4rous Home In New York, o ire Con
stipation, fr'orerbhnoss. Had StoniuoU, Teoih
tnir Oisorlers. mora and rotrulato the Bowels
and Ddbtroy Worois. Over 30,000 1 a ttmonl iW.
At ull DruiL'Ists, J5o. Sample jUlSU. Ad
dress A. S. UiAiarriui, Lclloy, ih Y.
I fiusband, sollcltoudly : "There
1 flailing, don't cry; you are wetting
, rny clears."
llllaa I I idaajaaaj
a a4 - as
' j'
It was a rainy evening toward the
end of the summer, and "tho crowd"
the four or live families of friends wbc
hnd been spending u month togethei
among the Vermont hills--had gntb
ered about tho Dolamls' open lire.
Something perhaps It was the com
blnatlon of the rain without and Uu
glowing lire within, perhnpB It was the
thought of autumn and work seemed
to put everybody in a reminiscent
mood, and for an hour or so the talk
ran upon the doings of their nonrly
ended holiday.
"If holidays could only last forever!"
Maud Hustings sighed.
'Then they wouldn't b holidays,"
somebody retorted, quickly.
"What makes good times, anyway?"
some one clso askciL
Thou? hostess rose with an exclama
tion of pleasure.
"What a iluo question!" she ex
claimed. "Thcro are pencils nud pa
per right here. Suppose wo each an
swer it, or try to, and thou we'll road
tho answers aloud. Bach one mnj
name tbrco requisites for a good time."
Tho plan "took" at ouoe, and for u
few minutes peuclls wore busy; then
the papers were collected nud rend
aloud. The answers, as was to bo ex
pected, rovoaled very diverse tempera
ments. The curious Uilng was that u
most unexpected process ot elimination
began with tho reading.
" A book uimI a Bhady nook' and
time to enjoy them," was tho llrst re
sponse. "A book and time to rend It would
be enough," some one nuiouded.
"Oh, just a book!" a third correct
ed. "Sometimes I think you enjoy it
most if you can only steal a few min
utes at n time."
"Health, a lino day, and all the
world before you,' " another read, to
be answered by a chorus of protests
over the fine day. Did they not often
have their best times on rainy onesl
And a fragile girl In the corner added
softly, "You don't oven have to wait
for health."
Bo the papers went on, and finally a
vote was taken, and the tilings moat
conducive to good times wero decided
to be a happy heart, friends and na
turc. It was tho girl In the corner
who mado her discovery thou.
"Why," ahe exclaimed, "I've so been
pitying people who couldn't go awny
for vacations, but after all, the lost
three things are within reach of every
bodyIf he wants them enough 1"
Tho hostess, gathering up tho scat
tered papers, smiled as If something
bad pleased her. Youth's Companion.
Clgur TiiNtes Failing.
"Tastes of smokers have changed
very much In the Inst fow years,"
said a tobacco retailer recently. He
bad just succocded In finding a cigar
for a fastidious smoker.
"We have very few of tho old
Havana cigar smokers loft. Now, that
man who mauled over the contents of
hnlf a dozen boxes said be wanted an
Imported cigar, no ended by taking
a cigar made In this city, and declared
that It was one of tho bost bo had
ever tasted.
"I don't know bow to account for
the change, but It Is a fact that men
who years ago would take nothing but
a cigar made of pure Havana tobacco
nowadays want cigars tbat are doc
tored and faked. Sometimes I think
the cigarette habit is responsible for
it Clgaretes are being smoked more
than thoy ever wero, and they have
created a peculiar taste among smok
ers. "Then so many cigars aro doctored.
These create an nppotlto which, when
once acquired, spoils till other tastes.
"Some years ago men used to usk
for Havana cigars and would take
nothing else. They could tell a good
cigar the moment thoy saw one, and
none of these domestic things could bo
palmed off on them." New York Sun.
ConRidernlu of Her Churoh.
"Private" John Allen relates bow a
colored preacher of a town In Missis
fiippl, just ncroRs the border from
Alabama, was called upon to visit thi
locality Inst mentioned to administer
to an aged nep;ro supposed to be in a
dying condition,
When he had afforded the desired
religious consolnt!on, the minister ex
pressed surprise that tho lnmliy had
not summoned focal aid.
"Why dldu't you folks send fo yo'
own minister," asked he. "I under
stands dat you is Baptists, l'se a
"Well, sah," explained the okl man's
wife, "do doctnh bo said do disease
was infeckchus."
All OCT.
Mrs. A. I sent my daughter to a
cooking school to fit her for marriage.
Mrs. B. Was the experiment a suc
cess? Mrs. A. No. Tlie man she was en
gaged te frmnd It out. Judge.
A nasi is acouHy a little tiaaU afcnrt
rngaglaag la a hnvsnit, but ke feels
:ettr afr Ids lawyer roc ever ike
Mae, una yn impexhmsly' "Me
who we wHl alsin bun,"
Billy MoLeod, formcrally me champ
ion light hat boor of Enginiu,
Is one or the ofilccrs of the Salvutbn
Army In Lcndou. Tbne str-et row
Dies unco thought to have some spurt
tilth a Salvation la ste, nud Incline
rudely familiar. Hilly uprruchtd
and quickly tcscucd tho girl, but I be
encoders resisted, in less tlmo than
It tukoi to leourd It the rowdies
woio knocked rlu,htand left and soon
!ay helpless on the pavetneut. The
ufterward ttitcd that they felt us If
they had been through a sausutfi
The science of advert IbIur Is un
dcistcod by seme of the lluslaiip,
In u thoroughfa'o of St. l'ctetsbt r
i crowd gathered around a little hoy
Jvbo whb crying. A sympathetic
jctijlemun aktd him what was tile
muter, and the lad pitifully re
ipnnded: "Plpaso, air, I am lost.
Will anybody take me to my father,
Ivan Tioubctskov, the chninploo
ilothler ot tho Ei9t End, who his
u?t got In a stock or winter over
routs, suits, nrcktles, shirts, bats and
u mb! ell is, which be will sell cheaper
lima any one In the city?"
Mrs. Mason What did you nlve
tsibel for a wedding present?
Mis. Jason A cbalilng dish. Ton
ice, my husband Is her husband's
physician. Brooklyn Life.
"What Is your order, sir?" asked
the waiter.
"Rrlng mo some frcnvtled ofjas,"
tald the man with tho napkin tucked
tindor his chin.
And presently there wan a distinct
ly audlblo scramble la the kitchen.
-Chicago Tribune.
"Yes, he's got the greatest mem
9ry ever beard of."
"Yes. Why, he can remertiber the
lames of tho presidential and vice
presidential candid ttos on the pro
hibition ticket last year." Philadel
phia Ledger,
1 ho no'ed German revolutionist,
Kir.l I llnd, who has lived in Eng
land for aiaDy years, recently col?
Crated bis eightieth birthday. Ho
lod the revolution In 1648, for which
oe was condemned to die, but was
afterwards reprieved, not, however,
until be had suffered eight Months'
lolltary confinement.
Buttons may be the most eottly
feature of a cosiurne.
Broadtail Is as popular aa anything
10 expensive can be.
Even Isb are not Imrauae from
the spirit rivalry and, perhaps, van
ty, of a story which comes from
France Is to be credited. Anglers
over there attach saisll mirrors to
their hooka with very successful re
sults, tho Idea being that the Msh.
seeing its reflection la tbe mirror,
will hasten to snatck tfee bait from
Us supposed rival.
A man who can't be driven to
drink Is sometlMca led astray.
gctable Preparationfor As
similating HicFootlandRcgula
ling IkcSloinarlis andBowcls of
Promotes Digealion.Checrrul
ncasandnest.Contains nelllicr
Opium.Morpliine norliiieral.
Not "Narcotic .
javpv ufOUIlrSAlWZLriTClWl
henAix Seed''"
JtffiertniHt -
Ml CtatotiakSeA
AperTecl Remedy forConsQpii
Tlon, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca
Worms .Convulsions .Fcvensh
ncss And Loss of Sleep.
Facsimile Signature of
Ireolrirea Tlint Dr. William.' IMnlc Pitt
KvnlorcU Uio Urn or 1IU Uinim
All Ottuvr Jlomedtc I'ldtnrf.
Tbo promonitorj Byniptoma of pararjr-sitfiiu-o:
trombliug of tho hnnrb; nud4c
Iosh of power in arms or legs, frequently
uffoctlug one wboloaido of tho body; abigi.
goring; luivtinl or outlro inability towse
the fiugors distortion of Uio foalnvcA,
someUmos nn uucoutroUnblq qrovcrhig
of tho chin; sovevo )kis; difliaull.y i
speech. Frcqucn tly tho first wru"tt!ut it
a vnguo fouling of lionilooke, vv?U) and
mnsculur witness.
In a rooout interview Mr. W. J. Ia
Hay den said : "I truly tnlulc that Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills are n great medi
clno for they cured me when pbytdcSaai
and other romedios bad failed to giv
mo the ell gh tost roliof. Too close t
tvtition to bniducss bronglit oa an attack
of norvonsiioB.1 whioli iluAlly dovclopetl
into paindysls. There rrvsn tiwca vrhes
it was iuipossibla for wa te luove taj
bauds or to get tip frota a, chair. Al
other times I bad partial eorrtrai of ray
limbs, but I was afraid to go far froa
tho bouito for foar I xul&bt middsitly b
oouio bdploaa aud have t( be cacnSe!
"While I was in tbli xwiscnvblo coo.
ditiou, X was sU'lclcen with lmUnxial fover
aud confiuod to bod for four immtha. )
hud tho best phyHlcinus, but while they
roliovod my fevw, their txeatmoat tb'4
not outiruly drive Uio innlHrki frost nty
system, and thoy did u5 Uf3j xaf per.
alysis in tho lent,!,
I was well nigh de.ipnJxin when
frioud poiuuadednio to try Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills When I lmd flubhwl one bos
I oould see results that tMioeursged tae.
My condition kopt steadily improving,
aud wbon I bad taken seven boxen I vrai
ourod of jjaralysls and tbe nmlaxbi wat
completely driven oat ef y isyHteta.
For two years now I have eujoyed ths
bost of hnalth and bavo attourled to lu
iuess without auy interruption.''
Mr. Hayden's homo Is at No. EiSe West
30th street, Mew York. IJr. VilUarus'
Pink Pills have onred many (dmilar ease
of paralysis, also locomotor ataxia. They
are iwld by all druggists. A. tToatmetll
no simplo, inexpensive and suooessfu
should bo tried by every saiffieror froa
partial paralysis iu aay of its stages
Most gltla ure more lu love wits
their luvo than they are with tftelr
Mxa. WkcMihl
!dj, OoHtka. SoM Tkwai. Ottmm. IbSbv
ilng Couch, BronciilU ad AtHmm
A CAHnln enra tmm iVtuantnntlA
snre rot ContamptlM la first Btagtav
Anrl A n.AVj.llf I aa .vaMAataAa
You trill ceo tho eswlleut fifTfct M"ier Utklo
Srot dooc. Sold br denier erorrwliwiL tmav
T talrlna ilkva
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Boughi
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
rxt X