The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, February 03, 1905, Image 6

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' icuraobiTscuinot kofp wcp rtlili rrPTPsi l)W M UTi1 rTTfini1Q Icy buy Tlint la not Ufo. It Is Misery
(the tuWuphl nl ct.uiwes lu Central IUriUir) Ul J VLij 1 spelled with n big M. Yt the nmn
lATrlrn. I11 1859. a shoit c-istanoo
(southeast of Lnko Nyiifisa, Living-
E'Jttor Ililiump Marine
t.on, fliscrvcrcd Lnko Shlrwu, a body
br water about, thirty miles long and
M'tfen wiles wido. It bai iiosv tn
Uroly dl-iappcarod, with the cxeep
tloo of a few pond In its) hed Lake
JijaroL, discovered by Livingston
about tbe Bamo time, ban also dlsap
IMNiTcr). Tho cause of tho
clmnun appears bo bo a gradual dry
tnn iap of bodies of wator In Central
who dovotoH himself entirely to audi
n Ufo Is called successful. It Is a He
on the face of It Successful Ufo la
something full and wide and deep, not
something narrow and shal'ow. It la
something within rather than outside.
'IV. rnntlv llt-n nlln mtinf IftlflW tho HtnrV
of humanity's strivings In tho past;
must bo In sympathetic touch with his
Few things co3t less than encourage- times: must bo in harmony with self
mont, and fewer still are worth moro. aml God one must have the wider
vlow. Tho successful man Is tho man
Commentn ntul Criticisms United Upon
the Ilappcnlnus of tho Duy Matorl-
cat and Ncwo Jsntca.
Let a woman tnlk and sho cares not
who docs tho thinking.
Oivo tho doctor his due. It might
have been an undertaker who invent
ed tho quick lunch.
Itoai I&odft'ai Kiducy P11U Cnrcd IT In
. aWto-Aftcr J,oiik Bnffrrinu; Mr,
1 U-CUglutru Found a Permanent He
- Jief lea tht; Grmit American Kidney
Port Huron, Mich., Jan. noth. (Spe
cial.) Tortured witli Diabetes and
Bladder DiHoauo from which he could
Mnraitly f,et no relief, Mr. O. Cleg
era, a bricklayer, living at lit) Uuttlcr
8t, Xihi cHy, ban found a complete and
itycnnaiieht euro In Dodd'8 Kidney Tills
and In hh gratltudo ho Is spreading
Ike no its broadcast.
"Dodd'n Kidney Tills made a man of
ant." Mr. Cloguorn says. "I was a uuf
terer fraw DIabotos and Bladder Dls
mm, I was so bad I could do no work
ami ths pain was something terrible.
I confej not get anything to help me till
It trial Docld's Kidney Pills. They
fcelprf ma right from tho llrst and
w 2 am complctoiy cured. I havo
rwsmimrmlod Dodd's Kidney Pills to
all my friends and they Iiavo found
thwn nil tliat is claimed for thorn."
Dodd's Kidney Pills cure all Kidney
Ills from Backacho to Brlght's Disease.
aTaey zrarer fall to euro Rheumatism.
A Baltimore doctor wants to know
"what wo shall do with our old men."
'I'm trliwlnntta nn thorn.
Farmers along tho Mississippi are
feeding clams to their hogs. Thus has
tho honest farmer at last taken to tho
shell game.
Whon tho Czar thinks of thp zcrast-
voa he feels, perhaps, as Mr. Cleveland
did whon ho had Congress on his
It Is rarely that n murder mystery
ovor measures up to tho beautiful the
ories advanced by tho police and news
paper sleuths.
who lives most, whoso Interests in Ufo
are most vital, whoso sympathies nn
broadcast whose charity Is widest
who sees most, feels most loves most
enjoys most Success along any other
lino Is only successful failure. Any
thing less than thin abundant full Ufo
costs moro than it comes to. Almost
anyone can mnke a living. Not every
one can mnko n life. It Is easy to plla
up dollars. It Is not so easy to keep
the dollars from becoming a barrier to
the glorious vision of real living.
Ono of tho most discouraging signs
of the times Is found in what tho mag
azines can print about prominent poo-
plo without being sued for libel.
Sir Edward Clarke ovldently is ono
of tkoso pcrvcrso persons who can't
see why blood should bo nuy thicker
than water when thero'a no money In
"Is sbo sonUmrntul?"
' "viyl Sho win even weep over
okl divorce papsrs." Judgo.
How's Tills 1
Ufa Ktsr Om Hundred Dollars Howard foi
jMiysn f C.iUrrU tlutt cannot ho ctirod by
Mta'xCAterrli Cure.
y. J. fill K.N BY & CO.. Prons.. Tolodo. O.
"Wa tfet nnclwhlcneil livo known v. J. Clionoy
tor tfci Jatit 15 rears, anil believe him iwrfectly
MimUHVfo in nu inimnntf irftB-.iicunmb uuu
tW.y "Ma to carry out an obllcnUoa male by
Uwir fi.TDs.
IViLvr ATjiuax. Wholosnlo DmsclJts. Tolodo. O.
tirttrbla, Tolodo. 0.
Hull' j 1'atnrrh Cure In tnkon Internnlly. actluu
.i'.MKT upon ttio blood nnd nincoiw surfacivs of
rr livvMtm. itico 7fic. por ihhuo. ooiu uyiui
Brci FamUy i'llla are the bed
King Alfouso refuses to glvo moro
than eight hours a day to royal busi
ness. Alt is not going to tauo any
chances of losing his card In Council
No. 1, Kings' Union.
Probably Mr. Thomas W. Lawson
feels that ho has hud $250,000 worth
of satisfaction out of the bunch of
capitalists ho Is showing up, let that
libel suit go as It may.
l.rodcm haa a now fad In paoor
iA3ci In motor oars. Ono oar Is
htm h load of papor cut up Into
.iMte pieces, und It leaves a trail 0'
ywtrs a3 lb wblils through tbe ojun-
try. Tbo other cars follow tbe trail
itid &rjr to catch the tlrst oar.
Steotts Bluflf County Land.
Ftob Homstcarl3 unicr Go cm
HHtr&lrrig tlonrntbo Nonh Platte
Talkj. Also K ncald Section bouio
Irra, Ranches, 01 ty Properly.
3Uir.icta of tit 0 furnished.
Xfee kest time In twon'y years is
awf open to sutlers. It won't la9t
iBfeZ. Jiiaico no adiny. o il on, or
jurtiroaR t once for pinicular-'.
Scoils Bl ilT, Nob.
ftolitlrs has tnado few men and uu
.todo n t:reut many.
A dispatch from Washington says
money Is plentiful. The great trouble,
however, is that no matter how plenti
ful money may be It Is alwuys neces
sary to do something boforo ono can
got any of It
Dowager Empress Tsl Ann Is hav
ing her Chinese Boldlcrs separated
from their pigtails and put Into Eu
ropean dress, in China the soldier will
not only have to light for his country
but give up hlo hopo of heirveu for it.
itftrtf lnrtlu tnffff tlrv
Tho treatment uceorded to tho native
millions of tho Congo Free State by
King Leopold's agents is now a matter
of spirited controversy. There Is ap
parently as much need of a "humane
society" among tho uutlons ns there
Is of looking after tho defenseless
classes of u great city.
In nn nrtlclo In tho Independent on
tho "Valuo Rank of tho American Peo
ple," Edwnrd A. Ross looks with some
concern on tho flood of Immigration
which now "tnps lower human levels
than tho earlier tide." Ho thinks that
tho immigrants from Croatia and Dal
matla, Sicily nnd Armenia, even
though they catch step with us, will.
nevertheless, Impede our progress. Hi
spenks of them as tho "beaten mem
bers of beaton breeds." This la much
the snme kind of tnlk Hint was heard
when tho Irish Immigrant enmo to this
country In such swarms as to alarm
the "thoughtful student'' of race des
tiny. It might havo been hoard wheq
train loads of Scandinavians wero
pouring into tho Vest Now the com
plaint Is that they .avo ceased to coma,
and they nre spoken of us tho "human
piers that support our civilization."
The Jew might havo been considered
n "beaten member of a beaten breed,"
but the "typical American" now flndi
his closest rival In business, profos
slonnl Ufo and art In that same beatea
breed. As to tho Armenians, place a
natlvo American, oven a slmon purs
Yankee In tho Bamo conditions which
tho Armenian finds himself In when
ho arrives horo and tho chances are
about ono to three that he will be out
stripped in business by tho beaten
member "from the lower human levol."
Tho country need feel uo great alarm
from tho present Immigration from
southern Europe. The wonderful trans
formation which the beaten breeds un
dergo when they havo half a chance to
show their mettle, and tho dissipation
of all the former fears over similar
conditions which Mr. Ross now ob
serves, should make the Anglo-Saxon
American speak with- extreme caution
of the present Immigrants. Especially
when schools are more plentiful thun
over and Americanizing mtiueucei
moro potent than in former times.
I have
examined your mmusnrlpt, sir, and
II rid and find it a thrilling narrative,
w hlch arrests attention at tho start
and holds It spellbound to the end.
Struggling Author (despairingly)
Then, of course, it won't do.
Yarmouth, England, owns many
"public utillos," among them a
music hall out of wnlcu tho munlc
pality mado something llko $4,000
ust year.
Fondmar Don't you think baby
grows more llko me every day?
Fondmar Yes dear, especially so
sinco she began to calk. Lifo.
Altbougb hor husband has bern
given tho credit for it, tho fact is
said to bo thoroughly established
that Mrs. Manning was tho author
ot tbe American mower and reaper.
When a girl can't think of any
thing elso moan to say about anotbor
girl whom sho dislikos, sho says "she
Is really a sweet girl, don't you
Whon a girl begins to mnke a fud
gos for a young man, It is time for
him to either back away or
negotiations for a wedding ring.
Soft White TTnndM and I.nxnrlnnt Hair
Produced by Ctiticnra 8onp.
Millions of Women Use Cuticura
Soap, assisted by Cuticura Ointment
the great skin cure, for preserving,
purifying and beautifying the skin, for
cleansing the sculp of crusts, scales
did dandruff, nnd the stopping of fall
'jig hair, for softening, whitening and
toothing red, rough nnd sore hands,
for baby rashes, itchlngs and cliaf
lugs, for annoying Irritations and ni
ce rntivo weaknesses, nnd many anti
septic purposes which readily suggest
themselves, as well as for nil the pur
pose of the toilet, bath and nursery.
DoQ&n la so cheap that it is her
sni Jault 1' even the poorest girl has
&tti n uo id iijure.
w. wn -n.v tmoTtitsa mtiji1 for n.i-
"tMlilus;, toltcns tho KUHB.reduces Infla.
jdltyppain cured olio l'rl( 'initio.
1 Jel fl'.uy for tho who wiH'Se,
ad nLvuys ndborcs to tho strict
or of the tiuth.
A light heart Is a groat help to work
ing hands. A Now Orleans newspaper
prints a talk with a man who says he
has known a great many cotton-plant
ers who would not hire u negro cotton-
picker unices 'they were satlstied that
the negro sang as he worked. The best
pickers aro generally the best singers.
In Toklo there is a foreign lan
guage school whero almost all lan
guaitcs aro taught and, strango to
say, Russian is the favorite.
Mrs. John Laltue, of 115 Paterson
Avenue, Paterson, N. J., says; I wasi
troubled for about nine years, and.
wiiat 1 Bui-'
fcred no ono,
Wlll c v 0 r;
know. I uscdT
about every,;
known reme
dy that lj
said to
good for kid-,
n c y c o ra -I
plaint but
without de
riving per-l
mancnt re
lict. Oftemi
when nloue in the house the back acht.
hns been so bad that It brought tear)
to my eyes. The pain nt times was
intense that I was compelled to glv
up my household duties and lie down.
There were headaches, dizziness an
blood rushing to my head to caus
bleeding at the nose. The first box of
Donn's Kldnev Pills benefited mo M
much that I continued the treatment.
The Rtimrlncr nnln In the small of my
back, the rushes of blood to the hea
and other symptoms disappeared.
Doan's Kidney Pills for sale by aW
dealers. fiO cents per box. Fosto
Mllburn Co., Buffalo. N. Y.
Girl: An unmarried female bo
tween the ages of two and sixty.
Rrndcr No. 5, 39 llnea.
SnUcr'a Home Ilnllilcr Corn.
Bo named because 50 acres prodnced Ml
heavily, that its proceeds budt a loveM
home. See Salzer'B catalog. Yicldod in
Intl. 157 bu., Ohio 100 bu., Tenn. 108 bu
and in Mich. 220 bu. per acre. You caal
beat this record in 1005.
120 bu. Beardless Barley per aero.
310 bu. Salzer'a New National Oat per A,
80 bu. Salzer Spelts and Macaroni Wheat,
1,000 bu. Pedigree Potatoes per acre.
14 tons of rich Billion Dollar Grass Hajr.
60,000 lbs. Victoria Rape for sheep per A.
100,000 lbs. Teosinte, the fodder wonder,
54,000 lbs. Salzer'a Superior Fodder Com
rich, juicy fodder, per A. .
Now such yields you can hava m IWb
if you trill plant my seeds.
in stamps to John A. Salzer Seed Co., I4
Crosse, Wis., and receive their great cata
laa and lata of faxmscod fiamoles. 1 C. H. U J
Of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, tho
Great Woman's Remedy for Woman's Ills,
van tr
u fr Mhy 4
EVMf. C (.
Jftoy An
unmarried id i 1 .- unuor
Tho grafter la Indeed a traitor and
of tho meanest kind. lie takes advan
tage of a place, given him by tho grace
of tho people, to rob tnc people. Ills
philosophy that ho Is In public posi
tion to levy toll on public funds Is the
philosophy of a traitor. Ills practice
of dividing up or taking money on the
side is tho practice of a traitor. And
this grafting strikes at the vitals of
American principles. It makes a gov
ernment of tho grafters, by tho graft
ers, and for tho grafters.
'Found Gold in Nebraska.
'Amotion In Nvhmtka Roal KtUlu will Ilnd
TJxi trim . Kon U Um tlm to put tr on the
jf'Mw'' J'.h U lt:ivo ftoiui I'liulc litvoitmonU.
JjUu tw Itr further Information.
dfcfisnmashor fc.Umis, Orleans, Nob
i hikes mmm
11 .... . .
;fcM4 Wheat Raising
f'cmmsl Ranching
Thrta (Iroat Pursuits huvc avroln
utuvn wonderful results on tlio
W.fnlQiTint oUmt ftrntar plowlnn In thtflr hlr
(n llin tnMillH I t NilVMnilxir. "All Milt ItOUlllI t
JuorntUH)i pletuixl wllh tlie (lnnl reiiiltn nf the lnt
jMkKni's kiUTfrrtu " KitrncU Voxl, Wntor. JUj
Au uXaudimct. kohouli. charoh. ciarkuWcourtuUnh
.teiitvlcrTlntorinjitloutoBui)crlnt udentot lmutura-,'5i-r(Kwa.
mmilii.ur lo V, V. lleuiiMU.txl Uuu iutk
MuUiluitf. UiuaUa. Mb , Aotu rueJ UoTwrnuuol
2ftHi.ui utrf kIim joa wiir thli advrtlnient.
fTiia tfooii
w. u;
For some time trolley cars have been
running out trom oalro to tho pyra
mids and we havo become hardened
to hearing tho station agent nt Joppa
shout: "All aboard for Jerusalem!"
So perhaps we should receive with
stoicism the news that tho City Coun
cil of Venice has bought several elec
tric launches for uso on tho Grand
canal. Did not tho popo the other day
remark that If ho wero a llttlo youngor
o would buy a bicycle, and Is not a
London company threatening to set up
stamp mills at King Solomon's mines?
Wo ncod lino upon lino ami precept
upon precept as to what constitutes
real success in life. Especially do wo
uced this In our day when nearlv
every thing Is mcnsuiod by dollars.
And wo may start out by saying that
society's standard Is wrong that the
tuirrowest, meanest, loast satisfactory
Ufo Is tho life devoted entirely to sue
ccssful money-getting. Tho man who
life Is given up to the small alms ami
small strivings of accumulating dollaiw
Is to bo pitied. Ho does not succeed
In Ufo. lie is the slavo of low Ideals
Uo mnkes himself hated through his
self-centered life. Such n man Is mad
because his neighbor hns more than
ho. IIo works not because he needs
money, hut to display that which atom
Curious Quest of tho Owner of a Cor
reirirlo l'ruguicut.
In a private house in tho west ol
Loudon is a very beautiful picture, re
puted to bo by Corregglo, and of such
high quality that there Is every rea'
sou to believe it to be either by that
muster or an excellent copy of one of
his lost originals by Lodovlco Carrac-
Although apparently a complcto pic
ture in Itself, this exquisitely painted
tlgure of a beautiful woman, gazlug
Intently at a ring, la ouijr u third of
tho original picture, and tho present
owner Is endeavoring to trace tho miss
lug parts In order to restore the work
to Its original condition.
A document attached to tho back of
tho framo, nnd provided with a seal
with the Inscription, "Quo Fata Vo
ennt," gives tho curious history of this
picture. It reads:
"The Queen of Candanles, a King
of Lydia, with the Magic Ring of
Gyges, by Corregglo. It Is part of a
larger picture which descended to threo
brothers of the name of Moore, hi
whoso family It had long been, but
not being able to agree as to Its po
session, It was cut Into three parti
This portion was purchased by An
thony Lord Fnversham. nnd from bin
It came Into tho possession of hlsl
daughter, the Hon. Frances King, wlfo
of John Bowater, esq., nt whose do-
cease It was sold by auction In July,
1810, to Mr. John Long, of Woolwich."
Then follows In another handwrit
ing: "It remained In Mr. Long's pos
session till his decease, and was pur
chased by mo at his auction, 27th Au
gust, 1828." Tho slgnaturo Is dlfilcult
to decipher.
The present owner, Mr. W. Jacobs,
bought this Interesting canvas four
years ago at tho sale of tho contents
of "Thornlolgh," Avenue road, West
II111, Wandsworth, tho houeo of a Mr.
O. T. Taylor. -London Mall.
No other f cranio medicine iu tho world has received such widespread and
unqualified endorsement.
No other medicine has such a record tof cures of female troubles or such
hosts of grateful friends as has
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
It will entirely euro tho worst forms of Female Complnintfl, all Ovarian
Troubles, Inflammation and Ulceration. Falling and Displacement of tin
Womb, und consequent Spinal Weakness, and is peculiarly adapted to tin
vnange ot IjUo.
It lias cured moro cases of Backacho and Lcucorrhcea than nuy other rem
edy the world has ever known. It is almost infallible in such cases. It
dissolves and cxnels tumors irom tho Uterus in an oaily stage of do-'
Irretrular. Sunnressed or Painful Menstruation. Weakness of the Stomach-
Indigestion, Moating, Flooding, Nervous Prostration, Headache, General Debih
ity qulckly yield to it. Womb troubles, causing pain, weight and backache, in
stantly relieved and permanently cured by its use. Under all circumstances it
I ! . ll f 1 . -1 . . . 1
invigorates me icinaiu system, uuu is as narmiuss an wuier.
it quicltly removes that Hearing-down reeling, extreme lassitudo, "don I
caro" and " want-to-bc-lef t-alone " feeling, excitability, irritability, nervous
ness. Dizziness, Falntness, sleeplessness, flatulency, melancholy or the blues
and hcauaeho. These aro sure indications of rcmulc Wealcness, or some de
rangement of tho Uterus, which this medicine always cures. Kidney Complaints
ana lsaclcache. of either sex, the Vegetable Compound always cures
Those women who refuse to accept anything else aro rewarded a hundred,
thousand times, for they get what they want a cure. Sold by Druggists
everywhere. Refuse all substitutes.
Kxuhungo nt Coins.
"You sny you got rid of that conn
torfolt quarter I gave you, Sam?"
"I cerUiluly did, boss."
"But don't you know It was wroni
to puss It?"
"I didn't 'zactly pass it, boss; you
see, I was pnssln' 'round de plate 1b
church las' Sunday, an' 1 Jlst t
chansed tt' Yonkera Btatmaa
The Great Alaska Indian Barb Wire Remedy The Indians at the tiro,
of the purchase of Alaska wore a wild lot of Savages, who had not th
remotest idea ol Christianlty.and were guided wholly by tho' STf AM.Mf'
or Medicine man whoso word was law and whatever bo said or did waa
taken as a fact by them and not to be disputed.
This remedy Is tho original formula, purchased in person from tha
"SHAMAN." it loaves no sea-, heals any wound "Drusrjrlsts aro author
izod to sell It on a uso-It-bcfore: y n pay guarantee, in ounco bottles 50c I
Manufactured by lvLOTDiKE REMEDY CO. ,
Sitka, Alaska, Chicago, "Now York. ,