The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, February 03, 1905, Image 3

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    riifi PEOPLE TO RISE
tiox or wouk.
ITeaton Brown Bread.
Mix together a cup each of graham
.'sWmr. wheat flour nnd coramcal and
'ijteaspoonful of salt Warm a cup of
imik to blood heat, dissolve in It a
ifjfant teaspoonful of baking dft and
Wi in a tencupf ul ef Now Oilcans mo
JKmcb. Mako a hole In the middle of
l meal and floor, pour in a half pint,
Wing water, then add me warm
ilff&tand niolawes. Beat all very
ra and turn lnt a greased mold
rfth Mtrhtlv flttlne Iml Htnm In an
nter Tcssel of boiling water for tlirea
giaours. Take out of the water, turn
iVut the bread and net In the oven for
Hre minutes bofore serving.
Oatmeal Breakfnat Cckea,
Wet a pint of oatmeal with sufficient
water to saturate it well and pour into
Ha shallow Dan. mnklnc It halj an Inch)
thick or less. Bake twenty mlnuts
a quick over. Break it like spongo
h' take and eat warm. It can be mado
either crisp or moist Corn-meal cook
ed in the satno manner and eaten nt
ncn la nnnnllv aa nnnd. On WOtllll
r not believe without trying, how pal
Citable and satisfying such plmplo dish
U m can be made. Wltliout butter, sugar
ftr eggs and slightly salted, tho true
favor of tho craln is developed.
Devil's Food Cake.
Mix a half-cup of grated chocolata
with a half-cup of milk and a half-cup
if brown sugar. Bull all together un
til as thick as cream, then set aside to
t cooL Cream a half-cup ef butter
th a cup of browu sugar, add two
Waten ecus, two-thirds of a cup of
Ycitllk and vanilla flavoring. Mix thon
faathlv whin In thtt 1mIIm1 mlxtnrik
Jtild a pint of flour that has been twlw
lifted, with a heaping teaupoonful o
klng powder, and bako in layer tiru
a Komi ugu,
About six stale biscuits (or thrca
j Biscuits ana uiree com muiunsi eratea
line, add a handful of stoned raising,
lome washed currants, a good handful
V?f brown sugar, and ono cupful of
'iBour. Chop fine with the flour one
? Quarter of a pound of beef suet and
.rno toff onnnnf ill nt crkml lin!Hnf nnm
Wer. Mix all togotlier with aufllcleni
jmllk to mako a paste; Hteam in
greased and sugared dlBh about two
hours. Add a little nutmeg or inaca
Medlar Jetly.
ake tho medlars when quite ripe.
.irjJh them, and put Into a preserving
totfn with Just suUiclent water to cover.
Let them simmer very slowly till tboy
become pulp. Toss through a Jelly
bag, but do not press the pulp through,
'To every pint of liquor add one pound
,ot loaf sugar, bring to the boll, and
boll for twenty minutes, or until qulto
lear, and it will jelly.
Meilclru Cake.
Two eggs, a teaspoonful of baking
powder, two and one-hulf ounces of
rcastor sugar, two and one-half ouucea
of butter, four ounces of flour, a little
grated lemon rind. Cream butter and
sugar together, add gratcd-lemon riud,
beat the eggs thoroughly, add by de
grees olfted flour; also baking poww
der. Bake in a moderate over forty
Bnnw Epcufi nnd 8tered Fruit.
This Is a delicious dish for hot
weather. Divide the whites from tha
yolks of three eggs, nnd whisk thi
former to a very stiff froth with i
teaspoonful of castor sugar. Pu
rather more than a pint of milk
fjwectened to taste. In a stewpan, ant
when it bolls drop In tho white oi
gg in dessertspoonfuls.
Bqnnsh Custnrd,
Boll one summer squash until ten
der, thirty to forty minutes! drain t
very dry and press It through a Rtraln
er; add to It two eggs well beaten, ono
itorwi cupful sugur and four tablo
npoonfuis or milk; flavor with lcmoi
rind or vanilla; line n pie dish wltb
a good plain paste, pour in tho cus.
ard nnd bake thirty minutes.
Tnblc Mitutnrri.
One teaspoonful of English mustard,
two tcaspoonfuls of flour, one tea
spoonful of sugar, one-quarter tea
apoouful of salt Mix thoroughly; add
enough boiling water to u thick mix
ture, then enough vinegar to thin It to
fixe right consistency for tablo iiBe.
Beef Soup.
fight ponnds beef boll five hours,
onlons, Ave enrrota, threo pota
toes, one quort of tomatoes, two tur
Ips, one teaspoonful thyme, cinnamon
and cloves, one teaspoonful of celery
seed, salt and pepper. Boll vegetables
no-half hour.
Baked Hash.
Take any kind of cold meat und
chop flue with a little cold ham or salt
erk; mix in one or two eggs and a lit
tlo butter, ami season with salt and
pepper; with this, mix bread or rusk
rumlw, inmstwi a very Jtttle and bako
.nt t pudding.
DucIiom Potatoes
In the beginning have JuBt mashed
potatoes, but have thorn very mealy
end light. If thero are eight potatoes,
whip into them two egga, the whites
nnd yolks beaten separately. When
tho eggs aro thoroughly Incorporated
idd eomo rich cream and beat with tho
egg Dealer, season witn sait anu
white pepper, lut in a dish, round tho
op brush lightly with beaten egg and
brown lu a quick oven. Of course, tho
dish must bo hot, and If anything has
chanced to cool it before getting ready
for tho oven warm It through slowly
before allowing It to brown.
Fruit Cake.
Cream a half pound of butter with
a half pound of sugar and when Ugh
stir lu six beaten eggs. Now beat it
trasnoonful each of powdered nut
meg, doves auu cinnamon, a cup o
flour, a half pound each of seedet
raisins, stemmed and cleaned currantq
and a quarter of a pound of shredded
citron all welt dredged with flour.
Last of all, add a tablcspoonful of
rose water. Turn Into a doop tin well
greased and bako it In a steady ovor.
until done.
Apple Butter.
Boll cider down to two-thirds of its
original quantity, reel and slice ap
ples and stir Into tho elder as many
of these as it will cover. Simmer, stir
ring often, until very soft. When ten
der all through strain out tho apples,
add more nnd cook' In the same way
until all tho cider is absorbed. Take
from the flre, put all into a stone crock
and sot usldo for twolve hours, then
return to the flre and boll to a soft
brown mass. Take from the flro nnd
pack in jars.
Cnnned Fruit.
Aftor tho fruit is peeled weigh it
and allow two pounds of sugar to;
eight of tho fruit. Tut the fruit Into
a preserving kettlo with barely enough
water to cover It and cook gently un
til tender all through. While this la
cooking make a syrup by cooking the
sugar with water a cup of this to
every pound of sugar and boll foi
four minutes. Take the fruit from tin
water, lay It in the syrup, simmer foi
a mlnuto and, while very hot, cat
and seal.
Italian Soup.
Cut a raw chicken Into small plecei
till you have about a pint of the meat!
add to It half the quantity of rav
ham; n chopped green pepper, a slid
of onion and three pints of whlU
stock. Put In a tablcspoonful of rlco
and let cook for two hours. When
taking up, scatter Parmesan checso
ovor it
Curried Pigeon.
Cut tho pigeons in halves and cook
till qulto tender. Have In n frying
pan two ounces of butter In whlct
havo been fried a sliced onion; takt
out the onion, put in tho pigeons tc
fry till brown. Moisten them wltt
a very little stock, stlrrlug Jnto thlt
salt, nanrlka and a tablcspoonful oJ
curry powder.
Broiled 1CK Plunt.
Peel tho egg plant, cut lu half inch
slices, dip each sllco In oil, dust wltt
salt nnd pepper nnd broil over a clcai
flro. Just a suspicion of chopped
green popper sprinkled over the broil
cd egg plant may prove to mako h
moro attractive.
Fried FnrBiiips.
Boll tho parsnips tender In salted
water, then scrapo and slice. Whec
cold sprinkle with popper and salt
dredge with flour and fry in hot drip
pings to a light brown. Drain nnd
Short BusKCatloua.
Flour thrown oU burning paraflln
will Instantly extinguish It.
Linoleum nnd oilcloth can be restor
ed to their original polish by wash
ing them with milk.
If milk Is kept In a large shallow;
baBln It will remain sweet for a long
er time than If kept In n deep Jug.
If now boots won't polish rub ovoi
with half a lomon and leave till thor
oughly dry. Ropoat onco or twice 1$
Lamp wicks soaked In vluegar soma
twonty-four hours beforo used will
give a clearer flamo and a steadier
light than those not so treated.
Soap, beforo being used, shou'ld'he
kept for some time In a dry place, as
now soap lathers too much and runs to
Whon making soup or stew with
old vegetables add one teaspoonful of
sugar, which will sweeten them and
make them taste like new.
When making n pudding don't for.
rrnt- tn mnlrn n nlnnt In till nlnfli nt
the top of your basin, to allow the pud
dins room to swell,
(afmatvy CT1ry ratrelllng
TM Srti.Nt No tctaal Colli
tea Day Of Rwira si
ft. rlMarg.
MOSCOW. Tho liberal paper
&uakl Vidomoskl has created a sen
atlon owing to its comment on the
official statement or tho St. Poteri
buru shooting. The paper says:
"This oillclal report docs not come
from the sccno of war; tho victims
hate aot fallnn on tho battlefields of
Manchuria, nor In a fight with a for
eign foe, but in a bloody conflict be
tween troops and Russian burghers.
Arms and slaughter may avail to put
down a peaceful demonstration, but
force is not powerful enough to
quench the aspirations of tho Bus
stun heart, wird oil tho consequences
of Sunday's volley nnd prevent the
movement for liberty and a justly
oreanizod government coming Into a
full fruition."
Tho strlko Is spreading rapidly.
AH printing works havo been stop
ped. No newspapers will bo Issued.
Thus far thero bavo beou no col
lisions with the police.
Employes of tho Bachrusbin,
MichaelofT, Llndor and Scbraeder
factories bave Joined In tbo strlko.
Employes of tbs tanneries who are
out on strike remain quiet.
The police havo ordered all arms
to be removed from tbe windows of
gunsmiths, a majority of which
nave closed tbelr shops.
A body of strikers at noon forced
their wuy into tbo works of tbe Arm
of Huppor and compelled 500 men to
Join tbe strike. Simultaneously
factories and other works were closed
throughout tbe districts adjoining
Dasllotf street.
Small n roups of workmen collected
in tbe suburbs during tbe day, but
tbo olty and tbe Kremlin districts
nre quiet. Tra Hlc and business are
proceeding as usual.
Tbo omplnyes of tbo Barl bnllor
works began work, but the strikers
(forced their way Into tho corks and
'ordered the men to ceaso work.
They immediately complied
Infantry and cavalry aro patrolling
the city. Several groups of drunken
demonstrators havo been foroibly
A conference of employers mob at,
fie Bourse but achieved nothing, as
tbe strikers have not yet formulated
their demmds.
KOVNO, Russia. Work has been
stopped at all tbo factories and rail
road shops here.
VIL.NA, Russia. A atlkc has
commenced here. The town is quiet.
URESLAU Prussia.--Special telc
jgrams from Radcm. European Rus-
sla, describe that city as being hi
a state of slecc, with military pa
trols lu every Btreet. The soldiers
nccislnally firs on gatherings of the
'people, who havo returned the tire,
lcllllng three ofllcers. Tho people
are also said to havo blown up sev
eral buildings with dynamite.
SEVASTOPOL.-Tbe report that
the tire at tbe arsenal Monday whs
the outcome of tho mublnom out
trenk of sailor and troop is wholly
unfounded. Tho commandant of
tho port reiterates that nothing
jetinlto is known as to tho origin of
tbo lire.
Return Of Stolen Jewel
PASADENA, Cal-Tho $20,000
worth of Jewels stolen from the mom
of Mrs. W. S. Edev lest Satin day
havo been found and returned to
their owner. Chief of Police Free
man of Pusidenu nnd Captain Austiu
of the detective force found tho box
cf Jewels where they had hcen bur
led in tbo grounds of tbo Raymond
hotel and returned them to Mrs
It was ascertained by Chief Free-
j man that when tho Jpwels had been
taken from Mrs. Edey's room, pre
Bumably by Rellboy IVIIbou, and
turned over to GaBton, whom the
1 police believe engineered tbe affair,
they were sent by mall to "Harry
Kellam Black, Monrovia " Accord
I ing to tho police story, tho package
Iwas claimed at Monrovia by Hellboy
Morgan, employed at the Raymond
noiei in tins city, and by Mm were
burled about a quarter of a mile
from tbe hotot.
Morgan, Uasr.on and
Wilson are In
tD0 custody oJJheJocaLpoUca.
Hnmw Httll Tho Storm Cntr, Ami
One Small Kneonntnr, Itut No
lUtalttlo Strlko O.iatla
hn To SprtiMt.
H1SL5INGFOR9, Finland,.-A1.
though tho crowds on tbo strcots
were smaller, there was severe fight
ing, Cos3uoks and pollco (irlog their
rovolvers. Sorao thirty persons were
wounded. Two youths had their
pcalps cub and a third was struck in
tho stomach with a bullet. Tbo do
munatration is slackening.
Cossacks are patrolling tbo streets
of this city. A big demonstration is
expected upon tbo nrrlval of Finns
who hid boen expelled from tbe
country and who recently were given
permission to return.
MOSCOW -A squadron of Cossacko
dispersed about threo thousand
workmen who wera glowing obstre
perous across the Moskva !No fatal
ities aro reported. This was tho only
event of tbe kind during the day.
Reports that tbe moo was plunder
ing and wrecking shops In the Trei
sksia are untrue.
Tho merchants bave sent aa appeal
to tbo emperor to avcld bloodshed.
Tbe Industrial district on tbe
other sldo of the Moskvi', river was
patrolled by troops and pollco al
night long and paraded by bodies of
workmen, but no encounters oc
currcd. Tbe barrister at u meeting
decided not to anpoar in court for
tbe present.
Owing to tho disturbed conditions
tbo celebration of tbo ono hundred
and tiftleth anniversary of tho foun
datlon of the university hero the
lirst to bo established in Russia, wa
confined to a religious service In tbe
university chapel.
All the prinlilng works are now
closed. Tho strlko is spreading
Additional police have bcon stationed
Is all the streets.
A correspondent of the Associated
pros wno arrived hero from bt.
Petersburg found no sign of troop
it the depot or in tho surrnundlni
streets. The stroet cars aro moving.
but many of tbe stores aro closed and
there Is scarcely any of tbe freight
trafllc which ordinarily tills tbe
streets. At all corners wero posted
bulletins signed by Pollco Chief
VolkutI warning thn people aualnsb
the possibility of disturbances and
forbidding them to assemble In
groups. Aioncsuio tnrse notices was
posted a London telegram saying that
tbe disturbances at tbe Russian deck
yardi nnd arsenals wero due to An
glo-Japanese instigation both Great
Britlan and Japiu spending vast
siims to prevent tho Russian second
Pad lie squadron from teaching the
far east, and adding that all "Rus-
slans who Btrlko are therefore in
connivance with thn enemy
There were no troops In Wio center
of tbe olty, but it Is reported they
are forming a cordon on the out
skirts to prevent the strikers, who
are holding a meeting In the factory
districts outside from coming in.
The correspondent who has Just
driven up the Tvorskala thorough
fare found at alnost empty and tl)e
bunas down at tno governor gen-
oral's palace. Grand Duke Serglus,
the former uovernor goneral, Is said
to bave taken refuge in the palace of
the Kremlin.
An air of simorc3sed excltemont.
prevails everywhere. The town ip
full of rumors, among which Is one
to the effect that tbe strikers intend
marching to the Neskoutchoy palace,
outside of Moscow, where Gran a
Duke Serglus formerly resided.
Fleming Allowed To Go
NEW YORK. -John W. Fleming,
the former assistant United Stf.tes
Inspector of steam holies, who Iris
been on trial In the United States
district court hefnre Juono Thomas
on charge of nrglect of duty In con
ncei Ion wltb tha burning of tho ex
million Hlciimor fin no ml Rlnrnm hi sit,
I I llrw. ia,.i,..,nri t..h-
iwmhwj n urn u aavi i iuu vuugv
VToomas Quashed tb.c.lpdlctmont.
Wllltatna gprnVn For Mlnorttjr An4
Ueotirra lln X llrmly To To
Tho Mark Unptmm 1UU
fflnUit Favov,
WASniNOTON.-The agrlciiltvnil
ipproprlatloo bill was considered Id
tho houso, but tho debato ttita
orlncipally on tho topic of restrict
ing railrcnds In the matter of freigtal
rates, the ITopourn bill forming UmI
basis of the dlscusilon. Mr. W4t
Hams of Mississippi said that UMI
doraocratlo party was committed lei
views such wero expressed by ttM
president In his mossago to congrsef.
Consideration of tho agriculture!
hill hod not been concluded nheatlMl
house ad(iutncd. v J';
Immediately after convening the)
houso adopted a Joint resolution aH
proprlatlng 140,000 to defray tbe ei-j
penses of tbo sennto lu conducting
the trial of Juduo Charles Swayeey
if ter which tbo agricultural afpnN
nrlatlon bill was taken up 1m com
m it tee of tho whole, Mr. CurrifM
(N. II.) In tbo chair. i
Mr. Llttletlcld (Mo) dub an Mi
qnlry to Mr. Wadsworth (N. Y.) tei
charge of tbe bill, regarding tha pJA
toy to bo pursued In connection wits
appropriations. He speclMeellfl
asked If tho appropriations were H
contlnned at tbelr existing aUtf
and "thereby Involve tbe eeettttfj
or Increasing taxation In order to m
more revenue, or If approprlaMoat
were to be cut down and thee aveti
the nocessltr for Inoroislat taKjul
Democratic applauso was accor
Mr. Wndsworth when he rcptt
that he was in f ivor of cutting do
appropriations for tho army and ear,
Tbe lump appropriations la thebll
wero criticised by Mr. Ular (Mo)
Mr. Hull (la.,) chairman of toe
committee on mill t try affairs, '
picked It as his opinion that tbi
power voted In somo heads of exe
cutive departments to dlsburto lump
appro; rlatlons should bo takou awafJ-'
Undur lutltulc of dubito Mr. Scot!''
(Kus ) dls'tissod tue quus ion of dis
criminating rates by railroads and
said that thero had been coneral deM
mund from the agricultural section
of .Kansas for relief. Ho called afc
tentlon to tho Hepburn bl 1 regulaU
Ing rntcs charged by railroads which,
with the exception of a few deUllsJ
ho said, fully met tbe demand for
remedial legislation. i)
Mr. Williams (Miss.) Inquired it
tbo present Interstate commerce;
commission had done anything whloll
justified their being legislated out oi
Mr. Scott replied that ho was rotyv
Ing on the go-d sence and dl&cretloi
of tho president in tho matter, wboel
hands should bo untied In order that
he might have absolute freedom te
-ecure men whom bo though! besl
suited tn tho work. . t
A general debate followed on tbe,
ralUay rato question. A spokcsmaa
for bis parly on the floor, Mr. . WlU
Hams Bald that tbe democratic partfj
was commuted, wittiout addition oi
sunr.rucr.ion, to tuu recommendation
or resident uoosevcit in his recen
messago, Tho domooruts he saldJ
wero glad to havo tho president'!
vIowb, "because it was demccratU
doctrine, ' und ought to ho Amoili
jan doctrine. t
'We wPl tie-mark tho presldcnt'i
racks on this subject," dcclarce,
Mr Williams amid perioral applause
And," heudded, facing tbo icpubt
Mean 6ide, "We "call on you aj
American citizens bo help us to to4
mark them."
The appropriations for tbo free
distribution of seeds hy the agrloaU
tural department furnished tho tcx
for humorous appeals by Mr. Shep
pard (Tex.) and Chandler (Mlss.fc
for It continuance. Each convusedj
tbe house with quotations from
scripture to show that congress had
dlvlre rlcht nnd authority to make,
the ditrlbution. '
Mr Hoil (Oal.) mado a vlnornui
speech In lavor of railroad rato revls
Ion. . He directed attention to tb
alleged condition of the Incorppora
tlon laws of New Jersey, which h
said bad brought to that state t,hQ)
fame of being the breeding place ol
mofiqultos, corporation and trusts
and were so Iriraed as to protect New
Jersey only , leavlug them free to.
prey upon tho xeat oi tho counUrJ