The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, January 27, 1905, Image 8

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Lincoln. Nobr., Jan. 22 Chief Gnme
Warden Carter, In hia biennial report
shows that tbo not coat to tho atato of
the (lab and gamo department for the
last two years lias been only $5,080,000
n very low expenditure when tbo bones
(Ita derived from tho department nro
considered. Tbo dopartment has
planted in tbo streams of Nebraska
during tbo last two yoara 18,000,000
pike, 0-10,000 rainbow trout, 202,000
brook trout, and more than 1,000,000
croppies, carp, black bass and catAshi
Ornamental fish, gold, sliver and pearl
to tbo number of 0,800 have beon raised
and distributed by tbo department.
Moro than $0,000 in excess of expendls
turea has been in, and tbo deficiency Ih
charged to tho maintonanco ot tbo fl'b
hatcheries. During tbo bionniura 13
arrests for violations of tho gwo jaws
have been mado and 142 convictions
bavo resulted.
It is thought that tbo report will Co
much in tbo legislature toward obtain
ing a moro stringent fish and game
law, and securing tho paBsago of tbo
bill now pending for tho extension of
tho powers of tho flab and gamo corns
Speoial Clubbing Offer
The Twice-a-Week Republic of St.
Louis, tbo beat aoml-weekly newsi
paper in tbo country, and Farm Prog
ress, America's leading agricultural
and home monthly, will bo sent to any
uddress or to aeparato addresses, when
so requested for One Dollar a Year.
Tho Twico-a-Woek Republic for
nearlv a century has earned and malni
talned tho confidence ot half a million
readers. It covers the nowa of the
world thoroughly and accurately, and
issues special State editions, each con
tuining the lateet and most reliable
reports of tbo particular locality in
which it circulates. Its special depart
ments are edited by oxporta, and ita
artists and contributors aro among tho
beat in tbo country. It la published
every Tuesday and Thursday eight
pages each iasue Blxteen pagoa a week,
Farm Progreaa, iB8ued on tho flrat
ThurBday of every month, contains
sixteen or moro full, standardize
newspaper. pagc8, filled with upstosdnte
farm literature, and special debarts
menta for the home, fashions, boys and
.girls, fiction, etc., etc. It is published
by The Republic a guarantee of ita
excellence and high character.
It will l'AT you to take advantage of
this special offer now. Use this
T .o Republic, St. Louis, Mo.:
Inclosed find 81, for which Bond The
TwIcosaiWeek Republic and Farm
Progreaa ono year to
P. OmIIIi.IIMI IU R. F, D, . .
Note If you want only the Twice
avWeekltepublio the price ia 00c a year.
The price of Farm Progreaa alone ia
05c a year.
Poisons n Food
Perhaps you. don't realise that many
pain poisons originate in your food,
but some day may feci a. twinge of dys
pepsia that will convince you. Dr.
King's New Life Pills are guaranteed
tooure all sioknesa due to poisons of
undigested food or money back, GOc
at Keeling'a drugatore. Try them.
Notice for Hearing Claims.
In tho county court 01 Nemaha county, Ncbr.
In the matter or the Ustulo of ""ll JColtli
loy, deceased.
Notice Is hereby Riven that the court has
mado nn order limiting the time for creditors
to Mo claims fiRaltiHt mild deceased to nix
months Irom tho Hth dny of Kourua y, 1905.
and that Fobruary 13th, May 13th and
AUgriHt I5th, 11)06; ut ton o'clock a m. of ouch
day at the offloo of tho county Judge of Nc
matia oouniy. Nebraska, In Auburn, Nebras
hu. has boon flxed bv the court in tho times
and plaoo when and whom nil persons who
havo olalniB and demands against said de
aconed can havo tho some examined, adjust
ed and allowed, and all claims not nresentod
by the lost mentioned dato will bo forever
uarreu, oy an oruer or the court.
Dated January 6, 1005.
SEAL J. 8. McOaiity, County Judge
Trade Marks
Copyrights 4c.
Anyone sending a sketch and description may
quickly ascertain our opinion freo whether an
intention is probably Patentable. Communlca.
Hons Rtrlotlr confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents
sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents.
Patents tokon through Munn A Co. receive
$ptctml notla, without charge, In tho
Scientific American.
caution of any scUntttto Journal. Tortus, U a
VOW I IOUT IllUlHUBi DUiu vj an nonBuoaiurn,
The Nebraska Advertiser
W, W. Sandkus & Son, Prop's.
Fill DAY, JANUARY 27, 1000.
Miss Ethol Morrison is on tho sick
Miss Pearle Roberts la aick with tbo
Herb Aynea wont to Nebraska City
G. F. Zoolc lias been aick for several
days with tho grip.
Gilbert & McCandlcss aro filling their
ico bouao this week.
Mias Besalo Washburn Ib sick witb a
bad cold and threatened witb fover.
Miss Poarlo Roberta went to Auburn
laat Saturday and visited friends until
I Monday.
Mlaa Lorence Munaon, elocutionist
and impersonator at opera house to
morrow night.
Tho thermometer ut tbo depot regisi
tered 18 degrees below zero Wednesday
morning the coldest day of toe year.
M. W. Knapp went to Hardy Friday
morning to visit his brother, Ell Knapp
sr., who is Buffering from paralyais.
If you want to enjoy the evening do
not fail to attend the entertainment by
Mias Lorence Munaon at tbo opera
bouao Saturday night of this week.
Services will bo held at the Metbos
dist church next Sunday at 11 o'clock
a.m. After that the aervtcea will be
hold Sunday evening aa uaual until
further notico.
Mlaa Loronco Munaon ia a Qneelocu
tioniat and impersonator, and all will
feel woll repaid who attend Saturday
night. Tickets on sale at Heeling's
drug store. Reserved Beats 35 cents.
F. II. D. Hunt waa found dead in
tho road this side of St. Deroin Wed
nesday afternoon. Mr. Hunt bad been
to St. Deroin and started to walk home.
W. H. Lemon walked with him aa far
as the latter'a home. Thia was the
laat aeen of Mr. Hunt until bis body
was found in the road. The coroner
waa notified and came down that even
ing nnd held an Inquest. The cause of
his death waa found to bo apoplexy.
Frank Hunt war one of our old aetts
lera, having lived in St. Deroin pre
cinct for many years. He always took
an aotive part in all public matters,
social, political and otherwise, and waa
a loader in that part of the county.
Ho had a wide acquantanco and a host
of frienda.
Wo underatand the funeral 8ervicea
will bo held at Shubert today.
How's this?
Wo offer Ono Hundred Dollars Howard for
any cuso of Catarrh that cannot be cured by
Hall's Catarrh Core.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Wo, tho undersigned, have known F. J.
Cheney for tho last 15 years, and bollevo him
perfectly houorablo In all business transac
tions nnd llnanolally ablo to carry out any
obligations mado by his Arm.
WAXiDINO, Kinnan fc Majivin,
Wholesnlo Drugglsta, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken lntornnllv.
notlug directly upon tho blood and mucous
surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent
Iroe, Price 75 cents por bottle. Sold by all
Take Hill's Family Pills for oonstlpatlon
Winter touiat ratea to California, the
Gulf Country, Cuba, Florida the South
and Soutbeaat.
Low one way Bettlera rato flrat and
third Tue8day8 of January, February
March and April to Southeast points
beyond tbo Ohio River.
Horaeaeekora ratea on the first nnd
thirdTueadoyB of each month to pointa
South Mid Southwest.
In tho Big Horn Baaln, North
Platto Valley and eaBtern Colorado
aovoral big irrigation enterprises aro
practically completed and will be pros
pared to deliver water this year.
They are offering special inducements
in tho way of low priced landa and
water righta to early settlera. Buy
land now ahead of tho water and
roap the big increaae in value which
will surely follow. It ia the beat in
vestment in tho world for your son i
you want to start him out right. In
a few years he will bo independently
wealthy .
Write me for reliable information.
L. W. Wakkley, Gon'l Pass. Ag't.
Omaha, Neb
Mias Lorence Munaon, an elocution
st and impersonator, will give an ens
tcrtuinmont at tbo opera Iioubo Saturs
duy night, Jan. 28, uuder tbo auspices
of tbo Itobokah lodgo Miss Munaon
corned highly recommended. "A nat
ural entertainer. " "An oxcellont
elocutionist." "A master in her choson
profeaalon." "I moat heartily com
mond bor to public favor." Theao aro
aomo of tho recommendations from
nowapapers, collego presidents, lecturo
committees, otc.
Nemaha county paid into the atato
treaaury laat week tbo sum of 80040.01,
bolng tho laat payment on tho sum of
S24.447.75 which was turned into tho
state exchequer by this county during
tbo year 1001. Mr. Dirka wbb tbo
fifteenth treasurer to make hia final
settlement all the otbera being from
western countiea where tho revenue ia
mostly derived from school lands and
the hooka are easily and quickly kept,
while our couuty ia ono of the heaviest
payers and tbo treasurer is compelled
to keep thirty-aeven different funda
and the school and road funds are
again divided into elghtyitwo and
fifty-Bix different accounts. The treas
urer during 1004 collected $144,819.70
county tax. Republican.
Tbo Fobruary Woman's Homo Com
panion is packed witb good thinga
from cover to eovor, A unique feat
ure is a doublepago drawing allowing
How Unolo Sam ia Spending Hundreda
of Millions of Dollara to Make Wash-.
ington the Most Beautiful Capitol in
the World. Other featurea are: Ice
Yachting Tho Now Sport for Women.
and The International Sunday-School
Invasion of the Holy Land. The
(lotion include8 atorlea by Louie Tracy,
G. T. Evana, Madge L, Axford and
Frederick Smith. Mrs. Lincoln gives
her twelve favorite recipea. There ore
helpful articles on valentine partiea,
new ideas in faahiona for men and
women, and a number of contributions
from women on How I Earned My
Own Support. Published by Tbo
Crowell Publishing Company, Spring
field, Ohio; one dollar u year; ten
centa a copy,
The Lincoln News says: Represent
tative Ca8sell introduced a series of
measures in the house Wednesday
which are desired to impose a gradb
uated inheritance tax on Nebraska
estatea, for the purpoae of eatabliahing
a fund for the construction of perma
nent roads in tbo various counties of
the state, the money to be expended by
county boards in the conatruction of
permanently metaled roadbeds from
nlno to twelve feet in width. The
measure will impose a tax of $2 per
8100 op estates over $10,000 when tbey
go to persons related in the first degree
such as sons and daughters. The tax
ia increased aa the relationship bes
comes more distant, the maximum tax
baing $0 per $100.
The bill is designed to supply tho
state with permanent roadways in a
different manner from that now in
vogue. The county board is given
charge of the fund which is to be raised
and that body is required to let con-
tracta for the improvement of the roada
at public bidding, none of the money
to be expended within tho corporate
limita of any city or town. Under the
terma of one of tho bills
which aro to form the baeis
for tho now ayatem, the roada must be
at least twenty-flve feet wide and tbo
metaled strip must have a place In the
mlddlo making a dirt road on either
aide. The material to be used in the
conatruction of the roada is not specii
fled, but it is provided that It must be
of approved quality.
At the present timo tho statute pro
vidca for tho imposition of a alight
inheritance tax, but it ia very small as
compared with that which Mr. Caasell
proposes to impose. In juatiflcation
for tbo meaauro which propoaea to con
tribute the money to tho road fund of
tbo couuty it is claimed that the con
struction of good roadways will nave
much to do in increasing tho value of
Nebraska farm lands. Tho distribu
tion of tbo monoy and the location of
the roads which aro to be improved ia
left to the county boards, but that is
considered tho most feasible motbod of
determining where tho expenditure is
to bo made.
We will send tho Advertiser, the
weekly Lincoln State Journal, tbe
Iowa Homestead, tbe Farm Gazette
and the Ilomemaker, all ono year for
only SI GO. Tbe regular price of those
John Daughorty has gono to Old
Mexico to seo tbo country,
The Farmers' Institute ia in session
Wednesday and Thursday of this week.
Mercury 22 below zero on Wodness
day morning, tho . coldest day of tho
Mr. CbrlB Shuck, a retired farmer
formerly living near Nemaha, is quite
Mrs. Mary Tear went to Omaha last
weok to attend a meeting of the
Epi8copal church,
Tho ladies of the Christian church
give a trip around tho world Thuraday
afternoon and evening.
Bert Campbell left Sunday evouing
for southern Illinois in tbo interest of
John Swan'a Four in One rack a.
Clay t Harbenberger mot with an acci
dent while handling ico last week that
split his chin open tyy being struck with
a cake of ice.
There is a prospect of a lively cons
test over tbo will of tbe late Peter
Whitlow aa some of tbe children were
not provided for.
Two tramps are in tbo city jail bes
cause they broko into tbo Prospect
sohool house one evening recently and
proceeded to keep warm all night.
Miss Alva Sly of Prwnee City has
been engaged to All the vacancy caused
by tbe reaignation of MIsa Minnie
Gardner from our high school faculty.
A head end collision occurred just
west of the LI. P. depot on Monday
night about ten o'clock between two
freight trains. One engine waa badly
demoliahed but no ono was hurt.
Hazel E. Anderson, tbo fifteen year
old daughter of S. K. Anderson, died
at tho home of her parents last Satur
day or typhoid fever. She was a
momber of the tenth grada of the pubs
lie school.
Dr. S. W. McGrew ia being mention
ed by many of his frienda as a probable
candidate for congress to succeed E. J.
Burkett. Dr. McGrew baa many
frienda who would be glad to do what
they could for hia succeps.
It has developed that Harmon Kay
was not so incompetent as some
thought he waa wbeu be deeded hia
farma in thia county to his brothernin
law, as at tbe aame time tbe brother-in-law
deeded tho land to Mr. Ray's
children, Mr. Ray had often remarked
that he did not propose to havelawyerB
settle his business for him.
On Tuesday nigbt Ted Fox and Jim
Anderson saw two tramps break into
tbo Proapect school house, just south
of town.
They notified Sheriff Lawrence, who
went out and arrested the men. When
be found them they bad broken into
tbo coal shed, stolen a quantity of fuel
and built up a roaring Are.
Tbey were brought to town and
placed in tbe county jail and on Wed
nesday afternoon appeared before
County Judge McCarty aud plead guil
ty to tbe charge of trespass. Tbey
were Qned $50.
Tbo two fellows are hard characters
and have the appearance of crimioala.
They Rave the names of Fred Wilson
and Jamea Burns, and claimed their
homes are in Minneapolis, Minn.
A charge of burglary has also been
preferred against the men and they
have been given two daya In which to
answer. (
The patrons of the Pro-pect school
have been bothered for a long time by
tramps converting the building into a
lodging house. Sometimes the fellows
do not leave until tho teacher arrives,
A stop will bo put to the practice.
WilBon and Burns aro now in the
county jail, awaltlug trial for the sers
loua charges preferred against them
Auburn Herald.
Take the wagonette when in Aus
burn if you want to go to any part of
the city. John McElhaney prop.
Old papers for sale at this office.
W'M.f CAMPBELL, Pres. P. E. ALLEN, Vlce-Pres.
ELMER E. ALLEN, Cashier.
Capital Stock, $5,000
Tho tenth grade aro arranging a pros
gram to be given in tbo immodLt
future. They promise somotblug
Havo we all the school spirit? Are
wo willing to do something that is
another's duty when It is for tho good
of tbe Bchool.
Tis bettor to seek to seo new beauties
in old or familiar tbinga about us than
to whine for a chanco to seo old beaut
ties in aomo now far off land.
Moat of tbe tenth and some of tbe
ninth grado pupila went to Auburn
Monday to attend tho funeral of a
former achoolmato, Miss Hazel Andor
Remember the teacher's meeting at
achool house Satuiday. It id called a
teacner'a meoting but that doesn't
moan it is for teachers only. Come
for you aro welcome.
Through our diligent use and com'
plote mastery of tbo old we discover
tbe new. Columbus waa simply seek
ing a path to the other side of the old
world when he found the new.
Still sickness claims some of our pu
pils. Yot wo can't complain. While
other schoola havo had to oloae for
diphtheria or beon almoat doprived of
pupila by acarlet fover,, ours has passed
through measles and smallpox both
With a good average attendance.
There aro two classes of learners in
life as well as in school. One learns
(some) pecauae ho has to work (would
not work without a "boas',) and the
other has to learn (much) because be
works (without being watched.) Ins
dependent effort counts for much more
than the "have to" kind.
Teachers Reading Circle will meet
with Mr. Sanders Friday evening Jan.
27. Lesson is the second and third
chapters of Geographic Influencea.
Leader is Clifford Hendricks, who is
to conduct tbe circle on tbe plan of a
class recitation. All teachers are es
pecially invited to be present.
Juat received a copy of the Second
Biennial Report of the Nebraska LU
brary Commiasion. In looking over
ita atatistics we And Brock lias received
four of these traveling librariea and a
rural school diatrict of that sectiou of
county has received three, that Uiclw
ardaon county apent over 81700 last
year on achool libruries, and that there
are only thirty six public librariea in
the state. When we stop to think
that our school hasn't any library wj,t
so ever we wonder why, Other achoolb
no larger than ours have libraries
ranging all the way from one hundred
to eight or nine hundred volumes.
"Let ub be up and doing."
"A childless neighborhood ia worso
than a childless home, and the com
munity that neglect to provide ade
quately for the education of ita child
ren deservea to be childless till laat
man dies unattended, uumouruedj and
uuburied." So aaya a prominent editor
aud educator. Think what it would
mean, how lonesome and unlifeliko
your home or your community would
be without children, dear friends,
when if, ever you aro tempted to vlah
there were no children. If such a
condition woao to exist there are none
that would not sacrifice much, even to
half their possessions to have it chang
ed back.
Fraud Exposed
A few counterfeiters have lately
been making and trying to Bell imita"
tions of Dr King's New Discovery for
Consumption, CoughB and Colds, and
other medicines, thereby defrauding
tho public This la to warn you to be-
ware of auch people, who aeek to profit,
through stealing the reputation of
remedies which have beon successfully
curing dlaease, for over 35 years. A
sure protection, to you, Is our name on
the wrapper. Look for it, on all Dr.
King's, or Bucklon's remedies, us all
otbera aro mere imitationa. II. E.
Bucklen & Co., Chicago, 111., and
Windaor, Canada.
papers is $15.25.
BOB Umce, WO W BU, 0ULUlilJ, Jt v.