The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, January 27, 1905, Image 1

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    volumTe XL1X
NUMBEtt 32
Xiooal News
See M T Hill for Ore Inauranco.
V. G. Maxwoll Is sick with the grip
Dr. Bourne (Its glasses. So. Auburn.
Dan Maxwell is another grip victim.
Photo mountlnc card bourd for Balo
at the Advertiser office '
Dr. Keeling was able to get down
town Monday after several dayB Biek-
Ned Crother, whobas been In Iowa
for soverat weeks, -returned home
J. H. Linn of Lincoln has been visit
ing Nemaha county' friends for the
past two weeks.
Anyway there Is one flne thing con
nected with this weather it la akeeter
less. Oranha News,
W. W. Sanders and VV. W. Seld
went to Peru Wednesday afternoon to
attend Masonic lodge.
Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Knapp returned
home Sunday after several days' visit
at Humboldt and Sabetha, Kas.
When we see the protracted senators
inl wrancle in other state loclslatureB
we can congratulate ourselves on
vuu I
Nebraska plau.
Woodward & Allen Oiled
house the flrat of the week.
their ice
They got
Hue ice from the Missouri river,
uleven inches thick.
It is
Mrs. D. E. Llttrell went to Peru
Monday to help take care of her mother
Mrs. Ourtis, who is very aick. She re
turned home Thursday.
All persons indebted to mo are res
quested to call add settle as I am great
Andrew Aynes.
For Sale.
mk posts,
-Five hundred good burr
Also stove wood by the
F. L. Woodward.
For Sale About 100 bushels of pota
toes. Will exchange for wood, corn,
chickens or money.
Foi SaleA good 40-acre farin, 23
acres in young orchard just beginning
to bear; good 5 room house, well, eto.
Price $2500. Good terms. Apply at
this office.
J. W. Haas, special rural route in
spector who is rearranging tho rural
service in this county, was in Nemaha
Tuesday and went over route No. 2
with Carrier Maxwell.
Congressman Burkett has resigned
the office of congressman from the
First district, to take effect March 4
1005, when he will take the oath of
office as United States senator.
Mrs. Rose Gilbert and Mrs. A. R.
McCandless went to Omaha last Frls
day to hear Melba. Of course tbey
heartily enjoyed hearing this groat ar
tist sing. They returned Saturday.
Wood for sale.
100 cords good dry wood for sale, in
timber or dolivered.
J. M. Clark,
Mrs. Joe Bunger received a letter
last Saturday containing the sad news
of the death of her brother, Frank Marr
a resident of Al wood, Okla. Mr. Marr
was a railroad employe and lost bis
life as the result of an accident.
One day last week Marshall Pryor
left some sausage and spare ribs at tbe
home of Rural Route Carrier Rum
baugb, and Monday afternoon J. H.
.Seld gave him some sausage. So Mr.
Rumbftugh will live high for a fow
For Sale
Thoroughbred barred
I'lvmnntlt Tl. 1 , ... I
1'irsr come, flrst Served, If
you want
uuuiul- ui u.rua come soon.
O..U. JTAItlS.
A T T . . I
The Missouri Pacific railway bis
given notlco that the train men will
have tholr wages cut teu per cent after
tho first of tho month. Tho train meu
have given notlco that thoy will not
stand tho reduction and It may mean
trouble before the matter Ib settled.
Fred Shannon, a Qreman on the B.&
M. had his leg broken at Iloldrege
Thursday evening of last week. In
getting off his engine ha Bllpped and
broke Ills log. Fred was for some time
fireman on the Beatrice freight, but
had been put on the pasBonger trains
97 and 08 from Beatrice to Holdrege.
The Junior League In increasing in
attendance rapidly. Last Sunday 44
were present. Great interest Is manl
fosted In the lessons. The Juniors an
now Btudying tho principal characters
and events In Bible History before the
birth of Christ, together with the geo
graphy of that poriod. Everybody la
Mr. Hull of Alma, Nebr., was In
Nemaha Friday working up interest
In a farmers' institute for Nemaha
Arraugements have been made for a
session on Thursday, February 0. See
program in another colnmn. It is
hoped our farmers will take an interest
In the institute, as it will undoubtedly
be of great practical benetit to mem.
ni 1 r P o T).a n nt-Au
cinct, was arrested Saturday on a eor
ious cbarae. It is allesed that be
committed a criminal assault on Mln
nie Kelthley, aged sixteen years, lie
is eiehteen vears old. Gonover is
locked up in the county jail and will
have his urelimlnary hearin" in the
county court a week from next Tuea
day. Auburn Herald
Dr. Gaither knows just bow cold the
water in the Nemaha river was Tues
day; He had been out to Wm. Mead's
I and walked back, taklue a shortcut
As he went to step on the ice to cross
the Nemaha river bib feet slipped and
down be went. Next to the bank the
river was not frozen for a few inches
and the doctors feet went under the
ice and he got wet above the knees.
He bad to walk about two miles before
he got borne, but experienced no bad
effects except that be was a little stiff
the next day.
Nemaha county will soon be noted
for publications of different kinds.
While wo have no dailies, we have
some of the very best weeklies in the
state. In addition to the usual local
papers, we have the Beob& enter, a Ger
man paper published at South Auburn.
The Nemaha County Magazine a bright
monthly, is published at South Auburn
at the Herald office, and the same es
tablishment also prints the Crozier, the
official organ of the Episcopal church
in Nebraska. Scarlet and Green, the
monthly published by the Auburn high
school, is also printed at the Herald
office. The Nemaha County Teacher,
edited by Supt. Carrington, is printed
at the Republican office. Now the
Peru Pointer publishers have started
the Normal Journal, It Ib a very neat
monthly and the publishers are deserv
ing of credit for their enterprise.
The following is tbe orocram for tbe
Farmers' Institute to be hold at Nemas
ba, Nebraska, Thursday, February 0,
Discussion of Farm Topics.
morning session
10 30 Teaching the Colt Its A B C's
Mr. D. Ward King, Maltland, Mo.
1 :30 Treatment of Animal Diseases
Dr. A. T. Peters, Exper. Station.
230 Making Earth Roads Mr.
7:30 The Experiment Station Dr.
Other valuable addresses by local
These meetings are held under the
i auu luo xiouiaun rniuioia xuobibuia
AnHntlnn. nnrl nrn frflfl tn all.
Farmers, Come and Bring Your
5$ GttOurFrecBookFlrtt
" You can't afford to
buy a ranee until you
know all about a
Monarch. Ask us for
the book; STATE WHEN
you Intend tobuy,and
we willBend also a net
ot Measuring Spoons,
postpaid. ADDRESS
Malleable Iron Range Co,
Beaver Dam, Wltconttn.
All sixes, different arrangements for city or country
Arc as saving and satisfactory after
Sold by Edwards &
Elmer E. Alton has been living the
strenuous life part of this week. Ho
has been overseeing the (co cutting,
getting up In tho morning shortly
after four o'clock, and staying at the
riverside most of the day. He says
tho ice business is probably all right in
the glad old cummer time but he pres
fers being a banker during the winter
Nemaha comity has several oddly
named newspapers in the list of pub
lications. The Nemaha Advertiser,
Auburn Republican and Herald, Johns
sou News and the Brock Bnlletin are
common enough names, but the Aus
burn Granger, the Beobachter of the
same place, tbe Peru Pointer and the
Brownville Letter are names seldom
neen as headings for newsbapers.
Misa Hazel Anderson, oldest daught
er of Mr. and Mrs.S.K. Anderson of
Auburn, died at'ber home last Saturs
day, from typhoid fever. Miss Hazel
van bright and loveable, just blooming
uto womanhood. The love felt for
tier was shown by the number or her
young friend and schoolmates who ats
tended the funeral services, which
were held at the home Monday at 11
o'clock. A number of her Nerauba
friends were present. Her bereaved
parents have our sympathy in their
Are you a judge of beef cattlo? If
so, you should read the article on "The
Modern Type of Beef Animal," by Les'
He Smith, of St. Cloud, Minn., in this
week's Homestead. If not you should
read It anyhow and set this able exs
port's views. Mr. Smith pronounces
four or flvo breeds equally good and
names as such Shorthorns, Herefords,
Aberdeen Angus and Galloways. He
regards olimatio adaptation as import
ant and insists on uniform laying on of
flesh. Ho lays down all the points in
judging beef cattle and also defects to
be avoided. He regards easy feeding
and quick maturing animals as best
and warns against feeding too long.
"Get tbe best breed," he says, "and
breed right, feed right and prosperity
will be yours." Such articles as these
every week have made The Homestead
tbe great farm journal of America. It
should be in every farm home in Ne
maha oountv. and it will not be tbe
fault of the Advertiser if it Ib not.
We shall be glad to order it for you.
Grave Trouble Foresoen
It needs but little foresight, to tell
that when your stomach and liver are
badly affected, grave trouble is ahead,
unless you take the proper medicine for
your disease, as Mrs John A. Young of
Clay, N. Y.. did. Sho says: " I had
neuralgia of tbo liver and stomach, my
heart was weakened, and I could not
eat, I was very bad for a long time,
but in Electric Bitters, I found just
what I needed, for they quickly reliev
ed and oured me," Best medicine for
weak women. Sold under guuranteo
by W. W, Keeliua. drucclst. at 00c a
ThtlSfoy S&tlsfoctoryNftiH?e
C The question is not how low
the cost of making can go, but
how good Monarchs can be
made, regardless of cost. Special
work done by special men, and
the larcrc number produced.
for the surprisingly-
price, considering
homes, also for hotels and public Institutions.
years of use ns nt the beginning.
Bradford Lbr. Co.
One of the peculiar coincidence
connected with the suicido of Henry
Moissnor, at Johnson, last week, was
the fact that bo baught the shotgun
with which he killed himself lrom
Fritz Wilkeninp, who is connected
with tbe Edwards & Bradford lumber
yard at Graf.
Last your Mr. Wllkenlng was locate
ed at Nemaba, and while there ho sold
a revolver to Davy Carroll, tho man
that shot Ann Maxwell and then kill
ed himself at Nemaha, nearly a year
ago Carroll paid Mr. Wllkenlng
912.50 for tbe weapon. Last week at
Graf, Henry Melssuer purchased a
double'baraeled shotgun from the same
party with tbo evident intent of killing
his wife and children and then putting
an end to himself, but failed in the first
part of his program.
Melssner "paid tbe same price for
the weapon he purchased as did Carrol
$12.50. Mr. Wilkening is not in the
Qreurtn business, these being the only
weupons be has sold in his life and
that the two should be used for self
destruction is quite unusual.
The thing seems so uncanny to him
that be has determined to never again
sell a weapon of any kind to another
as ho thinks his firearms are likely to
be hoo dooed. Auburn Herald.
Program for Y. P. 8. O. E. meeting
at tbe Christian church, Sunday, Jan.
20, 1005, beginning at 0:80 p.m.
Lesson Subject Heroes of Foreign
Missions. What Tbey Teach Us. 2 Cor.
11:21 28.
Bible Drill Leader.
Vocal Solo Choir Boy Miss Dora
Reading Lesson Leader,
Paper Mr. Erank Dressier.
Duet Miss Maye Gaither, Clifford
Bible References and Topics.
Missionary Stories.
India Miss Stella Washburn.
China Miss Maye Gaither,
Endeavor Benediction.
All persons interested in 'Christian
work come and bring your Bibles.
Come prepared to take a part and we
shall have a wide awake meeting.
Miss Minnie May, Pres.
Clifford Hindrigks, Sec. and
Old papers for sale at this ofllce.
Agonizing Burns
are instantly relieved, and perfectly
healed, by Bucklen'a Arnica Salve, C
Rlvenbark, Jr., of Norfolk, Va., writes
'I burnt my knee dreadfully; that it
blistered all over. Bucklen'a Arnica
Salve stopped the pain, and healed it
without a scar." Also heals all wounds
and sores. 25o at W. W. Keeling,
Subscribe for your papers at this of
Local Teacher's Association, Nema-
ha, Nebr., Saturday, Jan. 28, 1005,
10:30 a. m.
Roll Call.
Papor Geographic Inlluoncos in
American History C. E. Sanders.
Discussion Robert Higgins.
Papor Busy Work. Indoor Gamos
etc.. for Cold Days. Miss Graco Paris.
Paper 'Tho RcoltatW Miss Em
ma Riley.
Discussion W. P. Barrett.
Paper Relation of Patron to School
MIsb Stolla Washburn.
Discussion Clifford Hendricks.
Intermission .
1 p. m. Music.
Roll Call.
Special Musio.
Papor Composition and Language
Work Mrs. Hoadley.
Somo Suggestions Prof . G. N. Por
ter, Professor of English at State
Spelling First thousand words In
Crabtree's Word Book.
Patrons and all persons Interested in
school work aro especially invited to be
present. Bring a copy of this program
with you.
Co. Sui'T. Geo. D. Carrington
Clifford Hendricks, Secretary.
To tho uolrB of A. Wnlroth and all othors
Notlco Ib hernbv clvon that on tho 16th day
of Juno, 1003, tho unclernlRned purohattcd at
prlvnto tax Bale for delinquent taxes of year
1001 and all prior yearn lot ono I In block
tlilrty-nino 39, Nomana uuy, rseurasKa, ana
has Dnld all subscauont taxes. On or alter
June 10th, 1006, tho undcrBlgnod will apply
for nueea lorsucii property unless rouorap
tlon 1h previously made according to law.
Dated this 10th cay ol January. 1006.
Medical and Surgical
Diseases of Women
Stella -
- Nebrtiftka
t Dealer In
IiprhoBt market prico paid fiafrfiides,
Lard, Tallow, etc,
Offices ovor PoRtofHoe Building, at
Frauk Neal's old stand,
Froprlctora of the
Livery & Feed Stable
Good Bray in connection with Liver?
Satisfaction guarantied.
JT. E. Crother
in the
Shoe Repairing
Harness Repairing
Hand Made Harness a Specialty
Windmills and Pumps,
Tanks, Pipes,retc.
Phone calls answered promptly.