SCHOOL NOTES Snow! snow I beautiful snow! The sixth grade is doing good work in fractions Tho "Recess Dismissal" plan seems to bo working admirably. "What makes llfo dreary is tiio want of motive. Geo. Elliott. The high school Is preparing an in teresting program for Friday p. m. Ian. 20. Wo have had a pleasant call from ;Mr. J. M. Clark, our school board pros idenb. Wo extend tho invitation to others. The laboratory method of teaching is proving very beneficial as well aa interesting to the eighth, ninth and tenth gradeB. Has aoino one a plan to suggest for the finding of stray overshoes, mittens, caps, etc. If so will you please report to our primary teacher. "Doing tho boat alway, arouses ens! tluiBiasm, earneaJLuesa and courago on tho part of the door. It stimulates perslstance and opens a vista of better things beyond' This world is a pretty good sort of world Taking it all together, In Ppite of the grief and sorrows we meet, In Bplte of the gloomy weather. There are friends to love and hopes to cheer, And plenty of compensation For every ache, for those who make The best of the situation. AUBURN LOCALS. W. W. Sanders or tho Nemaha Ad vertinor was in the city on business Tuesday. J. H. Dundas of the Granger is in Llncolu tula week attending federal court as a juror. O. B. Thompson, of the firm of Iftdttpton and Peery, will erect a haudaoioe new residence in the spring. The cilice practice of Dr. I..H. Dillon lias increased to the extent that he is compelled to enlarge his oulce facilities. 4 G. N. Titus, of Nemaha, passed through Auburn on Tuesday to attend the Horticultural Association at Lin coin this week. The Sunday school room of toe new M. E. church will be near enough com pleted next Sunday so that the church services will be held there. The following have been appointed aa deuutv county assessors for the m - - m w present year by County Assessor E. J. Maxwell; Benton 0. 0. Sodman. Washington John Weers. Lafayette J. W. Bailey. Glen Rock W. E. Uedfern. Auburn, 1 and 2 ward Thos. Horn. Auburn, 8 ward J. W. Taylor. Bedford Geo. H. Sutton. Asplnwail J. R. Boatman. . .Nomaba Frank Titus. London D. H. Clark. Peru W. O. MoKinney. Island Frank Shandy. St Deroin F. H. D. Hunt. Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor ana cneerltilness soon w. -T " ou.i k , . wn disappear vnen me Kid neys are out ot order 'or diseased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent I that It is not uncommon for a child to be born afflicted with weak kid neys. If the child urin ates too often, if the urine scalds the flesh or if, when the child reaches an age when it should be able to control the passage, It is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon it, the cause of the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble is duo to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made mis erable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both? need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect oi Swamn-Root is soon realized. It Is sold by druggists. In fifty cent and one dollar sizes. You may have a sample bottle by mail free, also pamphlet tell- Horn ot Bwwop-noot. Ing all about it, Including many of the thousands of testimonial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer it Co.. Binphamton. N. Y.. o sure and The NesAdvte AV. W. Sandkiih & Son, Prop's. FRIDAY, JANUARY 20, 1005. Dr. W. W. Keeling la not feeling very well. Tho weather turned considerably warmer Monday, For Sale A 40-acre fruit farm, Apply at this office. Miss Nellie Sanders has been sick with the grip for two or threo days. Hat ry Hoover shipped a mixed car of cattle aud bogs to St Joe Thursday night. If you want Are insurance, either in old line or mutual companies, call on W. W, Sanders. Attention is called to the big adver tisement of the GilmoroArmstrong Co,, on the last page. Tako the wagonette when in Aus bum if you want to go to any part of tho city. John McElhanoy prop, Mrs. Rebecca Collins got a hard fall Tuesday. She bad been calling on Mrs Cbas Still well and on leaving, her feet slipped on Borne ice on tho porch, and she fell heavily, bruising herself badly but fortunately breaking no bones. How's thl? We offer One Hundred Dollars Howard for any case of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by Hal I'm Catarrh Cure, F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Wo, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for tho laat 16 yearn, and believe him perfeotly honorable In all buslneiis transao- tlouH and financially ablo to carry out any obligations inado by his firm. Waldino, Kimnak fc Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Curo 1b taken Intornally, aotlng directly upon the blood and raucous surfaces of 1 lie system, Testimonials sent Ireo. Prloe 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all druggist. Take Hill's Family Pills for oonstlpatlon When I N Cooper opened the Metho dist church for prayer meeting Thurs day evening he found that some one had been there the night before Entrance had been obtained by taking off tho screen from the southwest window, raising the window and crawling through. Fire had been built In one stove and evidently kept up all night, as the woodbox full of wood W68 all burned. A lunch of buns' and cheese had been eaten, the pulpit being used a8 u table, The carpet In front of the pulpit had been torn loose from the floor about half way aoross the church but with tho exception of being torn a few inches no damage had been done, One seat had been turned to face the stove aud the matting from one aisle put on tho seat for a cushion, A bible that was lying on a stand near the pulpit bad been carried to the back part of the church but nothing was carried off so far as hab been diss covered. It was evidently a tramp or tramps who wanted a warm place to stay all night. Winter toulst rates to California, the Qulf Country, Cuba, Florida the South and Southeast Low one way settlers rate first and third Tuesdays of January, February March and April to Southeast points beyond the Ohio River. Homeseekers rates on the first and thlrdTuesdaya of each month to points South and Southwest. In the Big Horn Basin, North Platte Valley and eastern Colorado several big irrigation enterprises are practically completed and will be pres pared to deliver water this year. They are offering special inducements in the way of low priced lauds and water rights to early settlers, Buy land now ahead of the water and reap the big increase in value which will surely follow. It is the best in vestment in the world for your son If you want to start him out right. In a few years bo will be independently wealthy . Write me for reliable information.; L. W. Wakkley, Gen'l Pass. Ag't, Omaha, Neb Poisons n Food Perhaps you don't realise that many pain poisons originate In your food, but some day may feel a twinge of dys pepsia that will convince you. Dr. King's New Llfo Pills are guaranteed to cure all sickness due to poisons of undigested food or money back, 55o at Keellng'a drugstore. Tjy them. Mifls Larenco Munson, an elocution ist and impersonator, will give an oris tertainmout at tho opora house Saturs day night, Jan. 28, under tho auspices of tho Hebekah lodge Miss Muuaon cornea highly recommended. "A nut ural entertainer. " "An excellent elocutionist." "A master in her chosen profession." "I most heartily com mond her to public favor." These are somo of tho recommendations from nowspapers, col logo presidents, lecture committees, etc. The following circular letter, ad dressed to tho Postmaster explains itself; Owing to theSnumerouB complaints which are being made to the Depart ment that advertising circulars and other mailable matter, postage on which has not been prepaid, are being placed in rural letter boxes intended for persons who receive mail through Buch boxes; and in order that there may be no misunderstanding regarding the proper disposition of such matter; you are hereby advised that patrons' boxes erected on rural routes, are in tended exclusively for the reception of matter regularly in the malls, for de livery or dispatch through the mails; nnd "mailable" articles which carriers find deposited in such mail boxes on their routes, aro properly "in the mailt." and subject to all the rules regulating mall matter, including the- jiayment-of postage thereon. You will promptly nnd fully Irstruct the rural carriers attached to your ofllce that nil mailable matter fouud in rural letter boxes, without the proper post age affixed or money provided sufficient to purchase same, should be taken to the initial poBt office to be held for postage. Such matter on its receipt at the post office should bo treated in accordance w ith the provisions of the Postal Laws and Regulations covering matter mail ed without prepayment of postage Rural letter boxes are afforded the same protection under the law, as other United States mail boxes. Very Respectfully, J. L. Bristow Fourth Assistant Postmaster General. Special Clubbing Offer Tho Twice-a-Week Republic of St Liouis, ino oest semi-weekly nowas paper in the country, and Farm Prog ress, America's leading agricultura and home monthly, will he sent to any address or to separate addresses, when so requested for One Dollar a Year. The Twice-L'Week Republic for nearly a century hps earned and main tained tho confidence of half a million readers. It covers tho news of the world thoroughly and accurately, and iusues special State editions, each cons taining the latest and most reliable reports of the particular locality in which it circulates. Its special depart- ments are edited by experts, and Its "rt'B 8 a"d ontrutora amoK bM every Tuesday and Thursday eight pages each issue sixteen pages a week, Farm Progress, issued on the first Thursday of every month, contains sixteen or more full, standard-size newspaper pages, filled with upntoxdate farm literature, and special debars ments for the home, fashions, boys and girls, fiction, etc., etc It is published by The Republic a guarantee of its excellence and high character. It will pay you to take advantage of this special offer now. Use this ORDER TttiAXIC The Republic, St. Louis, Mo.: Inclosed find SI, for which send The TwicesasWeek Republic and Farm Progress oue year to Name. P. 0 , . K. F. D No. State. Note If you want only the Twice asWook Republic the price is 05c a year. The price of Farm Progress alone is 95o a year. Old papers for sale at this ofllce. We will send the Advertiser, the weekly Lincoln State Journal, the Iowa Homestead, the Farm Gazette and the Ilomemaker, all one year for only 81.50. The regular price of these paperB is $3.20. Subscribe for your papers nt this of tlce. WANTED One Hundred Thousand Coupons Labels, Trade Marks Signatures,Wrappers and Tags AT THE BIG STORE Another great help to fill your book with Green Trading Stamps and secure your choice of the great collection of useful and beautiful premiums that you will find displayed in our Premium Parlors , On Green Trading Stamp for One Green Trading stamp for One Green Trading stamp for One Green Trading stamp for One Green Trading stamp for. One Green Trading stamp for One Green Trading stamp for One Green Trading stamp for One Green Trading stamp for One Green Trading stamp for One Green Trading stamp for T wo Green Trading stamps for Two Green Trading stamps for T wo Green Trading stamps T wo Green Trading stamps Two Green Trading stamps for I Stafford's Ink coupon Two stamps for I My Wife's Salad Dressing label pint size Three Trading stamps for I MaltBreakfastFoodSugar coupon. Four stamps for I My Wife's Ten Trading stamp for I Radway Ready Relief wrapper Twenty stamps for I Radway Ready Relief wr. with coupon One for each tag on plug tobaccos Star, Spearhead, BootJack Piper- Heidsieck, Old Honesty, Master Workman, Horse Shoe, Standard Navy, Climax, Battle Ax, Jolly Tar, J-T, Gold Rope, Drummond, Natural Leaf, Old Kentucky, Nobby Spun Role tags must be patented paper backs. One stamp for 2 bands from Cremo and Two Orphan Cigars. One stamp for 2 tags from Granger Twist and Newsboy. Gilmore-Armstrong Co. West side of Court House square South Auburn, Nebraska WM.'CAMPBELL, Pre. P. E. ALLEN. VlccPrcs. ELMER E. ALLEN, Catbter. BANK OF NEMAHA NEMAHA, NEBRASKA Capital Stock, $5,000 Much is now being said about breed ing hogs of the bacon type in the corn belt. Au interesting aiticle on this question appears in The Homestead of the 10th Inst, from the pen of J. J. Ferguson, superintendent of the stock food departmeut of Swift & Co. Mr. Ferguwon has grown bacon hogs in Canada, followed the packing buainesa for several years and was a judge of bacon type hogs at the World's Fair at St. Louis, hence his opinion that, own Ing to the scarcity of feeds which pro duce lean meat, after all. the lard hug is most profitable for the corn belt farmer is interesting and entitled to consideration. Mr. Feruiison states his reasons clearly and every fanner in this section should read and study what he says, not omitting his advice that a Yorkshire and Tamworth cross on the 1 Arbuckle signature 1 Lion Coffee signature 20-MuleBoraxSoap wraprs Wht Russian Soap wraprs 2 Diamond C SoapWrappers 2 Condensed Milk labels 1 None SuchMinceMeat tr. mk & Hire's Root Beer signatures 1 H-0 trade mark Malta Vita coupons 1 Celluloid Starch tr. mark, 5c 1 Celluloid Starch tr. mark, 10c 1 Force trade mark for 1 BurnhamJellycon trade mrk for I Pillsbury's Vitos coupons Salad Dressing label, 1 pint siae nverage com belt hog is desirable. The Homeutead contains so many such articles that we wish every farmer in Nemaha county was a subscriber. Wo take subscriptions for this valuable farm journal at the office of the Adi vertiser. Notice for Hearing Claims. In the county court ot Nemaha county, Nelir. In tho iniiUur of the Estate of 11 Keith- toy, ueceoseu, Notice la hereby (liven that the court hn made an order limiting the time for creilltot to tile claims amilutit mild deceived pX months irom the l tth ilay of Ft; brim y, Q 0. anil that February Kith, May 13th ami AUgnHt 15th, 1905; at ten o'clock a m. of ouch day at tho oOlce of the county Juilgo of Ne. maha county. Nebrnnlcn, in Auburn, Nebniu kn, has been fixed bv the court as the timet and place when ami where nil perHon who havo claims and demaudH nuniimt bh Id de ceived en ii have the same examined. ndJuHt ed and allowed, and nil claims not presented hj the lnHt mentioned date will bo torever barred, uy on oruer or the court. Dated January ft, IU05. SEAL J. S. McOauiy, County Judge. mention this paper.