The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, January 13, 1905, Image 10

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Women as Well as Men
Are Made Miserable by
Kidney Trouble.
Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis
courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor
ana cneertuiness soon
disappear when the kid
neys are out of order
" or diseased.
Kidney trouble has
become so prevalent
that It Is not uncommon
for a child to be bdrn
'afflicted with weak kid
neys. If the child urin
ates -too often, if the
urino scalds the flesh or If, vhen the child
reaches an age when it should be able to
control the passage, it is yet afflicted with
bed-wetting, depend upon it, the cause of
the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first
step should be towards the treatment of
these Important organs. This unpleasant
trouble 1s due to a diseased condition of the
kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as
most people suppose.
Women as well as men are made mis
erable with kidney and bladder trouble,
and both need the same great remedy.
The mild and the immediate effect oi
Swamp-Root is soon realized. It Is sold
by druggists, In fifty
cent and one dollar
sizes. You may have a
sample bottle by mall
iree, also pamphlet tell- rtomo of Bwmrp-rtoot.
ing all about it, Including many of the
thousands of testimonial letters received
from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer
& Co., Blnghamton, N. Y., ba sure and
mention this paper.
Notice for Hearing Claims.
In tho county courl, ot Noiuatm county, Ncbr.
In tho matter or tliu KHtnlo of 11 Ktlth.
Notion ii hereby ulvpn Unit the court has
in ado an ordor limiting the time for oredltorH
to flloolnlmH until iiM. nald riocuiiHOd to hIx
months from tho tith day of Kobrua y, lOHfi.
and that February 13th, May 13th and
.vugnst 16th, 1 005; utton o'oloolc a m.of o.ich
day at tho ofllco of tliu comity Jtulgo of Nc.
mnha oonnty, Nobrnskn, In Annum, Nobnm
ka, ban boon fixed bv tho court its tho times
and plaoo when and where nil persons who
liavo olalmH and demandti ngulnHt Hld de
ceased can havothoHamo examined, adjust
ed and allowed, and all claims not presented
3 tho Inst mentioned data will bo loruvor
barred, by mi order of tho court.
Dated January 6. 1905.
SEAL J. 8. MoOaIITY, County Juiliro.
This crreftt lock medicine In n
monoy Bayer for stock raisers. It
ii a medicine, not a dinar. fnnA m
condition powder. Though put up
in coarser torm than Thcdford s
Black-Drauoht. renowned for thn
cure oLtho digestion troubles of
pcrsonsit has tho name qualities
otuumgorating digestion, stirring
.uVlho torpid liver and loosening
tho constipated bowels for all ntnek
and poultry. It is carefully pre
pared and its action is so healthful
Lthat stock crow and thrive with an
I ! I J 1 i.1 ? 1 T,
vwwiiuuiu uubu in uioir ioou. it
cures hog cholera and makes hogs
I crow fat. It cures chicken cholera
and roup and makes hens lay. It
cures constipation, distemper and
colas in horses, murrain in cattle,
and makes a draught animal do
I more work for the food consumed.
It gives animalB and fowls of all
kinds now lifo. Evcrv farmer nnrl
raiser should certainly crivo it a.
It costs 25c. a can and saves ten
times its price in profit.
PrrrsBUBO, Kam., March 36, 1904.
I have been using your Black-Draught
Stock and Poultry Medicine on my
stock for ioma time. I taavo used all
kinds of stock food but I hare found
that yours la the beat for my purpose.
J. S. HAS80N.
Oonaeetlag the Oomerell Centers and Rich
Yanaa of
Tho Broad Corn and Wheat Fields and Thriving
Cities of
The Fertile River .Valleys, .Trade Canters and
KoUlB Jhralrles of
The Grand.Piotaresqae and Enchanting Scenery,
and the famous kilning District o
Tho Agricultural. Fruit, Mineral and Timber
ands.aad Famous Uot Sprlags of
The Sagar Plaatatlona and Immense Rice
Holds ot
The Cotton and Grata Fields, the Cattle IUnga
and Winter KesorU of
Historical and Scemte
And forms with its Connections the Popular
Winter Route to
For descriptive and Illustrated pamphlets of
""j i uo muuyv ntiivM, awureas uoiupaiucB'
Anxnts.or C.TOWNSEND.
fininl rautsftr and Tjtkct Agtat,
The Nebraska Advertiser
W, W. Sandkhh & Son, Prop's.
FRIDAY, .1 ANUAItY 18, 1005.
Take tho wagonette when In A us
burn If you want to ta to any purt of
the city. John McElhitney prop.
How's his?
Wo oiler One Hundred Dollars Howard for
any cnnoof Catarrh that cannot bo cured by
Hall's Catarrh Uuro.
F, J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo,).
Wo, tho nnderxlgncd, hnvo known F. J.
Cheney for the Inst 16yer, and bellovo him
perfectly honorablo In all business trammr
tlons and financially aL'lo to carry out auy
obligation made by his firm.
Wai.mno, Kimnan & MAnviN,
Wholosalo DrugKlHtfl, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Curo Is taken Internally,
acting dhrectly upon tho blood and mucous
surfaces of the Hystom. Testlmotilals sont
Ireo. Price 76 cents per bottle. Bold by ull
Take Hull's Family Pills for constipation
Tho Delineator for February, with a
beautiful art cover nnd a varied table
of contents, 1b a most attractive num
ber As u special feature, Lionel S.
Muplcson gives an account of Grand
Opera on its travels, n paper that is
full of humor as woll as of genuine
interest and Is strikingly illustrated.
The romance of Chopin und the beauti
ful Countess Deluhlne Potocka is
charmingly related by Gustiw Kobbe
in the "Composers Series," and in an
Interesting papor Allan Sutherland
tolls something of the origin and rr
rnance of that matchless byion of
Henry Francis Lyte, "Abide With
Me." There aro also good stories by
Mary Stewart Cutting, Anne O'Hugau
and Owen Oliver, in addition to the
children's corner, which includes one
of L. Prank Bautn's "Animal Fairy
Tales" und a "Son Riley Rabbit" story
by Grace MacGowan Cooke. Some of
the early Spring styleB mo shown, and
of further interest to women is the
chapter on "The Making of a House
wife," containing a world of augges"
tlon. The department "Good Loukh,"
which discusses the forehead, and Mrs
Theodore V. lilrney's contribution on
'The Mistukes of Mothers" ure other
Items especially helpful.
Winter touist rates to California, the
Gulf Country, Cuba, Florida the South
and Southeast.
Low ono way settlers rate first and
third Tuesdays of January, February
March and April to Southeast points
beyond the Ohio River.
Uomeseokers rates on the first and
third Tuesduys of each month to
points South and Soutwcast,
In the Big Horn Basin, North
1'latto Valley and eastern Colorado
several big irrigation enterprises are
practically completed and will bo pres
pared to deliver water this year.
They are offering special inducements
in the way of low priced lands and
water rights to early settlers. Buy
land now ahead of the water and
reap the big increase in value which
will surely follow. It is the best in
vestment in the world for your son if
you want to start him out right. In
a few years he will be independently
Write me for reliable informalion.
L. W. Wakklky, Gen'l Pass. Ag't.
Omaha, Neb
Poisons n Food
Perhaps you don't realize that many
puin poisons originate in your food,
but some day may feel a twinge i f dys
pepsia that will convince you. Dr.
King's New Life Pills are guaranteed
to cure all Bickness due to poisons of
undigested food or money back. 55 j
at Keellug's drugstore. Try them.
Tho greatest newspaper in Nebruska
today is the Llncolu Sunday Star. It
has special features not found in nny
other nowBpapor. The Star's Comic
Section is printed In colors and has no
equal in the west. Added to theBo are
the many interesting teaturos that go
lo make up a great dully newspaper.
The Sunday Star has made a groat hit
and Is a tremendous success.
We want boys in every town iu No-
braska to sell tho Sunday Star. Other
boys are making good money selling
thoStur. We start you in business
free. Prizes are offered each month
to the boys who sell the greatest num
ber of Sunda SUrs. Wrlto for parti
culars of this offer and work up your
list of customers before some one gets
ahead of you. Remember wo help you
to start in the business. No cupitul
Don't delay. Wrlto today.
Address Star Pnb, Co., Lincoln, Neb
"Out of tho dust scum of tilings'
Something always, always sings."
"The great sources of wisdom are ex
perience and observation, and these are
denied to none." Channlng.
Current topics is now ono of the res
gular features of the oponing exercised
of the high school department.
Several seats are vucant on tho ac
count of pupils being sick or absent on
visits. We wish tho sick ones a speedy
recovery and others u peasant visit.
Miss Pearl Stout, ono of Block
school's pupils and a former pupil of
Mr Hendricks at that place, visited
our schools last Wednesday.
A local teacher's association will bo
held in Nemaha Saturday, Jan. 28.
Watch for the program In the paper.
Patrons and anyone interested in
school aro urged to bo present.
Some patrons aro backwards about
going to the teachers with school
trouble. This should not be. What
ever coucems one of the pupils of the
school concerns the teacher, The
teacher needs the patron's help und ad
vice. Teacher's circle will meet at Mrs.
Argabright's Friday evening, Januury
13. The work to bo taken up is the
first two chapters in "The Geographic
Influences in American History "
Eaoli teacher is to have a number of
questions on each chapter that are to
be used In tho discussion.
Given: one hour'u study on Latin
and three hour's skating, ull to be act
complished in three hours. Hard
problem isnt it? Tue ninth and tenth
grades solve It very easily either by
eliminating the Latin or substituting
skating. How nice to huvo studied
Curious but it is true. The teacher
who has taught for any length of unit
has always noticed that when at any
time a pupil hud to be placed iu a low
er grade the parent usually susplcioued
the teacher of being uufalr. On the
other hand she has seldom if ever bad
a parent object to an advancement of
lis child and often he urges her to do
so when it Ib uot prepared to do the
work of the advanced grade.
To the patrons and friends interested
iu the school:
Many questions have bt-en asked and
explanations giveu iu regard to the
)lan of excusing the two primary j
grades at recess. We do not intend by i
on A,rr n imilra load Mia mnnnnf nf I
work heretofore doue, but simply give
tneso two grades the greater part of
our attention for the first half of the
morning und afternoon session, there
by doing the same work in a much less
scattuted manner. We do not wish
any one to suppose that this action was
taken nor tliiy decision made without
all duo consideration and careful study.
We have In our primary room four
diBtinct grades?, averaging about fours
teen pupils each. If our patrons will
stop to consider the individual demunds
these little oues make upon our atten
tion and the time required to present
aud carefully over-see the work thoy
are doing, we feel that you will agree
with us in suying, to keep these little
folks all busy for the full time of each
porioil is practically impossible.
Our room is small, as most of our
patrons know, and the Heats, although
targe and numerous enough and no
tuerous enough to bald fifty-live little
people, still they do not make comfort
able seats for a period of three hours
time with even a recreation period of
fifteen mlnutea.
Yet taking all these dlfllcultles Into
consideration, we as teachers are not
co nplalulug of our task. Far from It
Wo are simply trying to explain the
cause for dlnmlsalng the primary grades
after a working period of one hour aud
thiity minutes.
We feel kindly indeed toward those
parents who have talkod considerately
With us on this subject nnd wohope to
show you, If you will so permit us,
that children of tho primary grades
will derive moro benollt from the ins
tenslvo work of half a period than they
possibly can from u more scattered
field of three hours lubor.
Wo will agree that iu a strictly pris
raary school, little folks nre kept busy
aud perhaps profitably bo for a greater
length of tirne, but we must meet the
problems as they are presented and
solve them by the best method, and we
after having tried numerous plans and
navlng been displeased with tholr re-
suits, have decided on this us the best
plan by which we can conduct our
Wo nsk you then, Will you not wills
ingly, with us, give it a trial ? for by so
doing you are bringing homo and
school training into that closo relation
ship, tho need of which wo all so well
II. R. Howo spent Sunday at homo
with his family.
Ralph Kimlor diod at the homo of
his parents lubt Monday aged 25 years.
T. S. Horn, chairman of the republi
can central committee, was in Lincoln
last week.
Mr. aud Mrs, Frank Mershon celoi
brated their silver wedding on Now
Year's day.
Ex-county Supt. Parriott was In
town a short time lust week shaking
bauds with old friends.
Dr. S. W. McGrew is still confined
to his bed with the bruiBe ho received
in going down cellar wihout using the
The Mo. Pae. have placed a Bwitch
onglne in the yards at this place aud u
switching crew. This will faclliate
tho bundling of the freight here.
W. E. Weis who has been the res
porter on tho Uepublicun since last
August has accepted a similar position
with the Herald of this city. 1
Wm .Daniels, who formerly lived on '
a farm near Nemaha, was taken to the
asylum last Thumday. Mr. Daniels'
mind has been failing for the past yeai
and his friends thought him better at
the asylum.
J. M. Burress und T. J. Cruminel
returned home from their oil wells
at Cleveland, Oklahoma, t'lis week
Their No. 2 well is producing them
about seventy-live barrels of oil per
day and they have begun work on
drilling the third well,
Peter Whitlow, a pioneer of the coun
ty, died ut the home of his wn north of
the city lust Saturday morning, aged 83
years, 4 mouths and 3 days. Fun ral
services were held ou Sunday ut 2 pm.
at the Lutheran church.
Pter Whitlow and family settled in
Nemaha county in 1854. Five nous
and Qve daugnters were born to them
aud all grew to manhood and woman -hood
and are still living except one.
Word reached town Tuesday that
Geo. Meisner living four miles south
west of Johnson had committed suis
cide. County coroner O. A. Lutgen
and deputy sheriff Fred Rubra went
out to investigate and fund that after
threatening to "do up" the family, Mr.
Meisner had left homo on Monday and
after he had gone the wife and children
went to a neighbors for protection.
The next morning Meisner, not appear
ing to do the chores, the neighbors be
gan to investigate and found him in
the house with the doors locked with
the top of his head blown off He
had placed his chin over both barrels
of a shot gun and sent both charges
through his head. A wife and six
children are left, the oldest a boy of
about eighteen.
Last summer Mr. Meisner was in
the custody of the Bhenff for a number
of days upon the charge of insanity.
MEN AND WOMEN in this coun
ty and adjoining territories, to repre
sent and advertise an old established
hoiiBe of financial standing Salary to
men S21 weekly, to women $12 to $18
weekly with expenses advanced each
Monday by check diract from head
quarters. Horse and buggy furnished
when necessary; position permauent
Address, Blew Bros. &Co., Dipt. A
Monon Uldg., Chicago, III.
WMCAMP11ELL, Tres. P. E. ALLEN. Vlce-Prea.
ELMER E. ALLEN, Cashier.
Capital Stock, $5,000
Stock $1,000,000. Millions of trooa and vinos, Apple, Peach, Plum, Poar, Cherry, Grapo, etc.,
tho largest, finest stock and best sorts ever offered by any nursery. Our men succoed where
others fail. Write to-day for terms, etc STARK IRO'S N. & 0. CO., Louisiana, No.
Branches: Atlantic, la., Fayettoville, Ark., Dansville, N. Y., Portland, N. Y., Huntsvillo, Ala.
Crour own selection) to evsry sab
scrlber. Only 50 cents a jw.
A rm; txsutlfut colored plates latest
uinfoni; drciitntklng economies ; fancy
work; houaahold hlnta; fiction, etc Sub
acrlbo to-day, or, send tq. for lateit Copy.
Lady aeenti wanted. Send for tcrrat.
Stylish, Reliable, Simple, Up-to-date,
Economical and Absolutely
JPeriect.Flttlnjr Paper Patterns.
All Stmt AHowed h4 Perforation tkow
the Bullae aea Stwksg Lktes.
Only ta and 15 cents each none hither
Aak for them. Sold In neaily every city
and town, or by mall from
113115.117 West aitt St, NEW YORK.
Sun Hie tor tout pupnrrf at
Trade Marks
Copyrights Ac.
Anyone Bonding a skotch nnd description may
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an
y aaccruiui our opinion ireo wnoinor an
.Ion Is probably pntentniilo. Communlca-
invention isproimDiyt
tiona strictly confident!;
3 BOOK on Patent
sent f roe. Oldest Agency for sccurlntr patents,
lentioi. HANUbUUlv c
ironcv for sncurlne
Patents taken through Mima ft Co. receive
tvteial notice, without charge, in tho
Scientific American.
A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Tjirccst cir
culation of nny nclontlQo journal. Terms, $3 a
year: four months, tU Sold by all newsdealers.
MUNN i Co.36,B'oadwa New York
Branch OrrJco. 625 V St., Waahlngt jr., D. C.
Nemaha, Nebr.
Lincoln. Denver
Dmiihu Helena
Chiouco Butte
St. Joseph ( Salt Lake City
J arums City IPortlund
St. Xjouin and ull San Franoisoo
PointH EJiiMt and And all X-oimH
South. "West
No. 0 PasHotmor, flully oxcept8nn
dfV, lor l'eciimnol, Unntrlce
lloldrege unci till points west 0:48 a m
No. 98 PftHsenuor, tlnlly HxceptSun
tlny, lor NebniHkn City. Ulilraso
und nil poluu north uinl east 4:0Ap m
No. Ill Locnl freight, dully except
Bunduy, lor Atonlboti and Inter
in od I a in KttttlouH C:15 p ui
No 112 Locnl rroluht, dally except
Monday, for NeuraRka Ci)y nnd
InturniodlntoHtntlotiB 1:40 ant
Sleeping, dining and reclining chair cms
seats froo on thronitti traluti. TloketK nolil
nnd bft'i(o cheoked to any point in tho
United Htutes or Cunnda.
For Inforraatlon, rnnva, time lableR'and
UclcoU cal on or write to V. E. Wheeldon,
ngent, or J. Francis, Uoneral Passenger
Agent, Omaha, Neb.
KeSsBB ft
1 ' Encourage bojra to aa acttre, rollicking, out-of-door life I ,
I ,w . lo field and foreit, eendn-1
1 JT. . 'Z. ' w keallh and Honlli, , 1
1 i 2t A ii& a practical acquaintance .
a vVy!' C with Nature without which .
I Vj ? B 1VVVV . VJ no hoj' education It com-1 ,
I I ?f . D Jl V' 1 P,el' neeldee the practice I
f T As -iT-wCVe. - H of ahootlnj Inducei etcadl. 1 1
1 . j ij A5$ni :,mI neM liberation, . '
1" ' (fi, irTSsE Ky It 'ill aeonrwyt valuable 1
1 tSW'SmiJbr 4 T ? qualUlet In any'i
1 1 OetaPTlETJtrnd fjf 1 1 5 'l
(' bung away. Jt$llW&3w-1 r 't
ij U your dealer don't i
!; Stevens Rifles JKP ;
!l don't a, C t none t;W'iK5't !
'l other gun of nuei- . ji .JraV.;Mv9fiAQ (
C tlonable accuracy. 1 jitJVifW' I
I dlfettj cas'i with fWfe 1
1 order, express rlli' litJr&aMSfk 1
Pr.pnid. WMWmii
l Stud itanp for lit. V'ZS MinffltfVUri&k '
Itnr Ohlcopeo Fulla. Mu. ,
Moro homo and traveling Baloamon everywhere to
Bell Stark Trees. Wo PAY CASH Weekly, glvo
best pkices, best stock, and PREPAY FKEIG1IT.
Largest nurserloa In tho world 4850 acres. Capital