The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, January 06, 1905, Image 8

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    Women as Well as Men
, Are Made Miserable by
Kidney Trouble.
Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis
courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor
and cheerfulness soon
disappear when the kid
neys are out of order
'or diseased.
Kidney trouble has
become so prevalent
that It 13 not uncommon
for a child to be born
'afflicted with weak kid
neys. If the child urin
ates too often. If the
urine scalds the flesh or If, when the child
reaches an age when It should be able to
control the passage, it Is yet afflicted with
bed-wetting, depend upon It. the cause of
the difficulty Is kidney trouble, and the first
step should be towards the treatment of
these important organs. This unpleasant
trouble is due to a diseased condition of the
kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as
rno3t people suppose.
Women as well as men are made mis
erablo with kidney and bladder trouble,
and both need the same great remedy.
The mild and the immediate effect ol
Swamp-Root is soon realized. It is sold
by druggists, in fifty
cent and one dollar
sizes. You may have a
sample bottle by mall
free, also pamphlet tell- Homo of swamp-noot.
ing all about it, including many of the
thousands of testimonial letters received
from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer
& Co,, Blnghamton, N. Y., be sure and
mention this paper.
: MEN AND WOMEN in this coun
ty and adjoining territories, to repre
HHiit and advertise an old established
liouBo of financial standing Salary to
to un 821 weekly, to women $12 to $18
weekly with expenses advanced each
Monday by check diract from head
quarters Horse and buggy furnished
when necessary; position permanent
Address, Blow Uros & Co., Dept. A
Monon Bldg., Chicago, III.
If you want flro insurance, either
in old lino or mutual companies, call
on W. W. Sanders.
This oreat stock medicino is
money saver for stock raisers. It
is a medicine, not a cheap food or
condition powder. Though put up
in coarser form than Thedford'n
Black-Draucht, renowned for the
euro or tho digestion troubles of
. . -. . . ...
persons, it has tho same qualities
of invigorating digestion, stirring
i . it,,, i : .i i: a i
ujj iuu tuipiu iivui. iuiu luuucuing
tho constipated bowels for all stock
and poultry. It is carefully pro
pared and its action is bo healthful
11 L -1.-1. 1 it ;n. ...
uiuw Htuvu. urow aim uirivu wuu an
occasional doso in their food. It
cures hog cholera and makes hogs
crow tat. It cures chicken cholera
and roun and makes hons lav. It
cures constipation, distemper and
colas in horses, murrain in cattle,
and makes a draught animal do
mora work for the food nonaumnil.
It gives animals and fowls of all
Kinds new mo. livery farmer and
raiser should certainly civo it a
It costs 25c. a can and saveaten
times its prico in profit.
PrrrflBtraa, Kab., March 25, 1904.
I have beon using your Black-Draught
mocK ana rouury medicine on my
lock for soma time. I havo used fl
kind! of atock food but I havo found
that yours ii tho boat for my purpose.
Connecting tho Commercial Centers and Rleh
Faraa of
Tho Broad Cora and Wheat Fields and Thriving
Cltlea of
Tha FsrtUe Klver Valleys, Trade Centers and
Soiling Prairies ot
The Grnnd.Plotaresqne and Enchanting Bccnery,
and the Famous Mining DUtrlcU o
The Agricultural, Fruit, Mineral and Timber
audi, and Famous Hot Springs ot
The fiogar Plantation! and Immense Bice
Fields ot
The Cotton and Grain Fields, the CatUe Banges
and Winter Kesorts ot
Historical and Beeaie
And forms with Its Connections the 1'opular
Winter Bonte to
For descriptive and lllsstrated pamphlets of
any of tho above States, address Companies
Agats,or H cTOWN8END
(total Fautagtr aad Yiekit Agtnt,
ST. uouia.
The Nebraska Advertiser!
VV. VV, Sandkbs & Son, Prop's.
Tako tho wagonotto when in Aus
bum if you want to go to any part of
the city. John McElhanoy prop,
The M.
E. Aid Society elected
ofllcora for the next
Mrs. F, E. Yackloy, President,
Mrs. J. M. Sanders, Vlco President.
Mrs. Lillian Alien, Secretary.
Mrs. M A. Woodward, Treasurer.
Tho society havo been very indus
trious tho past year as thoy have
quilted twenty-four quilts, made two
comforts and Bowed several pounds of
carpot rrtga. Eighteen of these quilts
were quilted tho hist six months. We
wish to thank the members and friends
who have so kindly helped us with
this work, vou are cordially invited to
come and help when you can. Mrs.
W. T. ltusaell, Mrs. Fuller, Mrs Dm.
Maxwell and Miss Ethel Morrison he
camo members of the socloty.
M. A. Woodward, Sec.
How's his?
Wo oiror Ono Hundred Dollars Howard for
any cano of Cutarrh Hint cannot bo cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F, J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, 0.
Wo. tho undurslgnori, havo known K. J.
Choney for tho luat 16 yearn, und bellovo him
perfectly honorable In all business transac
tions and financially able to carry oat any
nblhjutlonH made by his tlrm.
Wai.dino, Kinnan it Marvin,
Wholcsalo Druggist, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cnro is taltou internally,
acting directly upon tho blood and mucous
surfaces of tho pystem. Testimonials sent
Irco. I'rlco 76 cents por bottle. Hold by all
falco Hill's Family Pills for oonstlpatlon
Auburn, Neb., Dec. 31. Now stw
fixtures have this week been placed in
the vaults of the county treuaurer,
county clerk, county judge and clerk ol
the district court, also In the vault ol
the Southern Nebraska Building and
Loan association. Tneso vault fixtures
are manufactured by the Van Doran
Construction company, of Cleveland,
"V B ! 1 A. . I
u . ana are so u ui limb western turrit
tory by tho State Journal company
James Wintersteum has superintended
the installation. The ihi ue.sL poico
steel In the Uxtures is sixteen ply or
sixteen pieces to the Inch and from that
thickness they run to tho half inch.
In tho clerk's and treasurer's vaults the
fixture alotie weigh nearly 4,000
pounds. They are haudsomely finished
in a rich dark maroon and oxidized
copper. With these fixtures in, the
records of the county and of the build
ing and loan association aie absolutely
lire proof,
The county commissioners are well
pleased with the fixtures and tho way
they havo been put together.
So much nonsense is written about
the ' iialanced ration" in feeding live
stock that it is refreshing to read the
c mmon-seno statement uf "The lYei
era i'roulem" in tlie current tasuo ol
The Iowa Homestead by Andrew Boss,
tho well-known live stock expert of
Minnesota Agricultural College. Mr.
Bobs shows that if a steer lb fretting
about anything or uncomfortable from
any cause, ttie must soientitio ration in
the world will produco unsatisfactory
gainB. He points out the fuct that tne
feeder must 1m a man of resources and
judgmunt aud have an intuitive know
ledge of and sympathy with theuulmal
ho Is feeding. We heartily wish that
every one of the hundreds of readers
of Tho Advertiser could read Prof.
UOB9 S spienuiu article and every one
of the series of articles by agricultural
experts now appearing in the columns
of The Homestead. We havo a splen
did stockraising country aud juBt the
type of intelligent feeders Prof. Boss
describes. We ure glad to take subs
scrlption for this excellent farm paper.
Come in and seo us about It.
Fight Will Bo Blltor
Those who will persist in closinc
their ears against the continual recoms
raendatlon of Dr. King's New Dlscovt
ery for Consumption, will have a long
and bitter tight with their troubles, if
not ended earlier by fatal termination.
Read what T. It. Ueall of Beall, Miss
has to say: "Lust fall my wife had
every symptom of consumption. She
took Dr. King's New Discovery after
everything else had failed. Improves
ment came at once nod four bottles ens
tirely cured her. Guaranteed by Keel'
ing. Druggist. Price 50o, and $1.00
Trial bottles free.
The sum of 8150 offered by tho stato
board of agriculture for premiums for
tho annual winter corn show, to bo held
during tho approaching meeting of ors
gani'ed agriculture, will be paid in
cash for exhibits scoring over seventy
points on tho basis of points scored
above sovonty. Thoro will also be a
number of specials, so that the list of
premiums offered roaches sovonty.
Among tho specials are tho following:
Heat exhibit of white corn, edge
selection drop planter.
Second best exhibit of whito corn
walking cultivator.
Best exhibit of yellow cern, edge
Second best exhibit of yellow corn,
sweep corn grinder.
Best exhibit of calico or rod corn
riding listing plow.
Beat exhibit of corn raised with a
Tower cultivator, corn cultivator.
Each exhibit shall consist of ton ears
of corn grown by the exhibitor in 1004.
All exhibit must reach the secretary
without expense to the association not
later than noon of Monday, January 10
The classes provided for dent com
includo yellow dent, white dent, red
dent, calico or mixed dent, Under
each clas3 aro the following sub classes :
Length of ear 12 inches oi over; 11 to
12 inches; 10 to 11 inches; 0 to 10 In
ches; 8 to 0 inchos; 7 to 8 inches; 0 to
7 inches.
The classes for flint corn are yollow,
white, and mixed and each is divided
into subcla8seH same as above.
If desired the exhibitor may send
his corn without debignuting the class
or subiolass; it will be classified by the
committee in charge of the exhibit.
For any information that may bo de
sired address T. L. Lyon. Lincoln
Richardson county people are gener
ally agitated over the question of good
roads, and Judge E. A. Tucker, sena
tor frumthe First district, expects to
take an active part in securing legislai
tion on that .subject. In fuct he has
been active lu the work which has al
ready been accomplished in that
Iu speaking of the matter yesterday
Judge Tucker Bifid: "I am concerned
more about this than any ether subject
that will como before tho legislature,
and expect to take an advanced
position. Some tlmo ago we had a
public meeting at Falls City to discuss
the matter, and a good roads organiza
tion was perfected. An executive and
legislative committee was appointed,
and at a second meeting tuey were
Inttructed to confer with the leglsla
tivo members and arrange for the
introduction of a bill affecting counties
of the class of Richardson,
"The main features of this bill will
be as follows: Do away with the
otllee of road overseer. Make each
townshio a road district. Make tho
county surveyor also county engineer,
with adequate salary, and with the
provision that he must have a technh
cal knowledge of his profession and
proper certlDcate. County engineer to
make estimates on road work and on
bridges, and all work to be let to the
lowest bidder by the commissioners.
All poll tax to be paid in cash.
'So far," continued Judge Tucker,
"our road work has been of a tempore
ary character, resulting in tremendous
expense with no results. The county
of Richardson has expended enough to
macadamize every road in the county
and yet they are in no better condition
today than they were a quarter of a
century ago."
The Idea of the Richardson people is
to make their bill applicable to count
ies of about 18,000 in population,
leaving it to smaller counties to grapi
I 1 t &. 1. . I. a. I in n If la n nnl I in 11 a
P,B W,U1 l,m BUUJW"' " ,v "T'T
10 u,0,r
county hm a PPlntlou of 20'000
Stato Jurnal
A Costly wiistaKe
Blunders aro sometirao very expensive
Occasionally lifo itself is the price of a
mistake, but you'll never bo wrong if
yon tako Dr. King's New Life Pills for
Dyspepsia, Dizziuess, Headache, Liver
or Bowel troubles. They aro gentle
yet thorough. 25c, at Keeling Drug
We will send the Advertiser, the
twice-a-week Lincoln Journal, the
Iowa Homestead, the Farm Gazette
and the Homemaker. all one year for
ouly 81.50. The regular price of these
papers is $3.25.
No ono but tho postoflico observed
Monday as a holiday.
County Attornoy French can now bo
found at his office in tho court house
Mrs. Anna Grant spent the holidays
with her parents, T. S. Horn and wife.
Quito a uumber of Anburn peoplo
will attend the farmers institute at
Johnson this week.
T. n. Glllan and O. O. Snow havo
dissolved partnership, Mr. Snow rotlrs
ing from the Arm.
Prof. Inman of the State University
was in the city Tuesday trying to
arrange for n farmers institute.
Mrs. J. S. McCarty, wife of county
judge, has been in Omaha during the
paBt week having her eyes treated,
Prof. Wru. Crichton camo in from
Litchfield whore he is principal of a
school, to spend the holidays with his
wife and children .
Fx-sheriff Frank Colo and ex-repre-
sentatlvo John C. Shull havo roturned
to their Oklahoma homo after visiting
friends und lelatives here.
Harry Dray, editor 6f a Weatberford
Oklahoma paper, and formerly leader
of the baud here, is expected to arrive
in the city .Friday for a visit.
A. C. Wllbs, the drayman, who was
caught between a couple of freight cars
by a switch engine has been paid $200
by tho company for the loss of bis
wagon and his bruised foot.
Dr. S. W. McGrew met with a
serious accident last Friday evening by
falling through a trap door into the
cellar, bruising him up qnite badly,
since then he has been confined to his
Chas. Anderson is in demand about
the.court house when he comes home
for a visit. County Treasurer Dirks
now has him employed to assist him
during the ruBh of taxes the first of the
Ex-State Senator Peter Berlet was
arrested on Monday charged with illes
gal voting last fall. His old neighbors
in Lafayette precinct claim that Mr.
Berlet's residence is in Auburn and
they propose to test tho case in tho
While rearranging the contents of
his vault, county clerk C. R. Hacker
camo ucross the record of the first grand
and petit juries who served in Nemaha
county at the fall term of court 1855.
The following are the names.
The first grand term of court Nov. 1855,
Robert Gilmore, Ridlck Horn, Daniel
Cogdill, Jas D Yates, Wm Teague.
Tom Heddy, Wm S Hall, Alfred Med
ley, Jas L Knight, Josiah V Edwards,
Jas A Titus, Hiram Alderman, Oscar
FLake, Wm Thurber, Chas Rlcketts,
Thos L Ricketts. Petit jury, Israel
Cotton, Christian Kinder, Jeremiah
Lyons, Hector Russell, Robert Horn,
W L Chastain, Alex Skoen, Abram F
Schoarbv, John Beunett, Wm Weddell
Isham Edwards, A J Bennidict.
Trade Marks
Copyrights Ac.
Anyono Bonding a skotcli and description may
nscortnin our ommuu iroo wuuwiur mi
tnntnhln. Ci
ttons strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents
eontfreo. Oldest nconcy for oecurlue .patents.
Patents takou throwm Munn & Co. :
tpeeial notice, without ctinrgo. tu tno
Scientific American.
A handsomely lllustrntod weekly. Ijircest clr
culatlou ot any sclentlflo Journal. Terms. $3 a
year j four months, L Boldbyull newsdealers.
MUNN & Co.36,Broadwa New York
Uranch Office, 636 P BU Wasblnut ok. D. C.
i ass
WMOAMP11ELL, Pres. F. E. ALLEN. Vlce-Pres.
ELMER E. ALLEN, Cashier.
Capital Stock, $5,000
Stock $1,000,000.- Millions of trees and vinos, Apple, i'eacn, nam, roar, norry, urape, etc.,
tho largest, finest Block and best fiorte over offered by any nuraery. Our men ouccoed whero
others fail. Writo to-day for terms, etc. STARK BRO'S N. & 0. 10., Louisiana, He.
Branches: Atlantic, la., Fuyettevillo, Ark., Dansvillo, N. Y., Portland, N. Y., Huntaville, Ala.
Now Years Opportunities are now
before us. Shall wo toko advantage
of thorn?
The board took advantage of our va
cation and bad the floors thoroughly
scrubbed. Cleanliness is a "para
mount issue" with them. Yea, with
us too.
"The whole tendency in American
life is to go into business too early and
meet failure. In would be much better
if the young camo up more slowly.
The men who invented early school age
ought to be hanged."
The plan to dismiss the primary and
first grades is only an attempt on the
part of the school to meet certain cony
ditions. Of course if it is not euccesss
ful it will be abandoned, If you do
not understand the roasofl for it, come
and let us talk it over together. Our
aim is the same.
Did you notice that Mr. Landon in
his "make ups" nlways did it himself?
Ho did not leave the stage to ask any
one's assistance. Did you notice that
be did not lose any time, that all the
time he was "making up" he wasclearr
ing up so that by the time be had
"made up" you could appreciate it in
the fullest sense? Ob, yes, you say
that was simply his art. What is art?
Only the ability to do and do it well
so well that you and others can see
the beautiful in it. Let's all try to be
It is curious, the kind of habits a
community sometimes forms. Por ln
stauce: Most small towns have fallen
into tho habit of calling the principal
of their schools by the title of "Pros,
fesBor." The time was when that
title meant one who bad made some
original research along some particular
line of study and was something of an
authority in that line. Now-a-days it
is applied to every nabob that comes
along with a dog show or an old tnumt
my aud they even inflict it upon the
well meaning school teachers. I sup
pose thut after all there is nothing in a
The report for December shows a
total enrollment of 153, with 183 be
longing at the end of the month. The
total average attendance, wbb 122 or
02 percent of those belonging at close
of month whilo that of the county was
only 00 per cent of those belonging at
end of month of Novomber. The total
number of tardy marks was 01
just 01 too muny. Suppose each one of
those pupils was only Ave minutes late
there was lost 455 minutes or seven
hours thirty Qvo minutes of school
time, not considering the loss of time
occasioned by tho disturbance they
caused in ontering at that late hour or
the ultimate effect on their character
of the formrtion of such a habit. Does
it pay?
Lincoln Denver
.Omaha Helena ,
Chicago Butte
St. Joseph Salt Lalce City
Kansas City . 3?ortland
St. Xionis and all San Franoisco
Points East and And ali Jfoims
South West
No. 07 PasBonpor, dully exoeptSun
day, for Tocuraseh, Beatrice,
Iloldrego und all points west 0:48 a m
No. 98 PosHeiiRer, dally except Sun
day, for Nebrnsku City, Chicago
and nil polnta north and east 4:00p m
No. Ill Local frolcht, dally except
Sunday, lor Atchison and Inter
mediate stations 0:15 p m
No. 112 Local freluht, dally excopt
Monday, for Nebraska Clw and
Intermediate stations 1:40 am
Sleeping, dining and reclining chair cars
seats frcol on thronh trains. Tickets sold
and bnggae oheokod to any point lu tho
United States or Canada.
For Information, maps, tlmo tables'and
tickets cal on or write to W. E. Wuoeldon,
agent, or J. Francis, Ueneral Passenger
Agent, Omaha, Neb.
More homo and traveling saleemoa everywhere to
Boll Stark Trees. We 'PAY CASH Weekly, give
Lareost nursorlea in tho world 4350 acres. Capital