NOT FREE OF FLAWS SENT TO HfcR CELL FALL ONE BY 0Nt 1newera"promiseb VATilER OF NAN PATTKKSON BEK hWUH OK IaSAMIX HU8SIAX IMPKKIAft Dlit'ltKK Or. l'OSEl II V K XT 11 K II 1 STB, fUUT ONAIir.K TO AOIIRB IN KAN VAll.ItSON CAKlt POSITIONS iu:four ronT atitiiuii lehok or rtKromt in ruhotaJ lAti'KUIAI. UKAK. UAVlVllf.D II Y JAl'ANJtoH. STRAIN IS KILLING HIGHLY NERVOUS STATE &XCLAHKr TO E IM YSIOAh ARU rrolTrr r Hi"! Hp t PI My Thou. AUii DoIIhtb bv Wrnlthy XVfAt Virgin In Muu. NEW YORK. Nan Patterson's father wlm spent tho greater part 01 the day with his da.iguter lu the Tombs, 6iilfi after 1 living her that Bbo feared fho was ol Insane. "Shu Is bicuklng ((own completely." be said. "I ttll you my lltfo girl Is a physl al and mental wreck. I air afraid that her muul Is giving away under this dicaoful strain. She I wotsu than she was when sho c lapsed after hearlni! of the Juiy's dis agreement I have sent Tor our fam ily physician." Dr. MagUrc wns sent for later, and after examining Miss Patterson Bald: 'Miss Patterson Is highly nerv ous and even In tin condi tion but In my judgment there nred bo no fear of lnsmttv. She laughs a g Kid d-al, bu 1 1 uu liter Is tnoro on a hysterical c uracter than from an impulse that, would appear from In sanity. She needs good care and con watohru Hess and com pant n Bblp. The inter cannot to vtry well supplied In a prison." Too former sho girl was In hotter spirits than ui any timo sluco tin second Jury which had the tcstlmn Hn nor case ropoited that ihcy wen aiubic to agree upon a verdict. Mi believed, she said that the freedom for which she has longed for more than six months was about to he printed. Teluwrams had come to D r irom Wheeling W.Va., announc ing ii ui fni.r pn mli.cnt m n In that city wcro prepared to furnish ball for in -hi j amnunt up to SoO.OOO. If the offeis irom Wheeling hnve be. n made In good faith It is pub Bble that the couit will bo askc within a few dais to lix tho amount Of a bund. While MiS3 Patterson would not reveal tun names of tho Wneelltg mn who olTrfr to no on her bond, dispatch's from tint city say the ere Uhatle W. Siislter, secretary of stato-eloct, of Wheeling and II. .1. Price, a merchant: T. A. Devenoy, a lawyer, and Kd ward Slack, a bankei Of Fairmont. Liter i n of Miss Patterson's cono id gave what he aid was the tel.--cram sent her frm Fairmont, U. Va.. a e( December 2.1 oil- ring to glveh;il for her release. The copy was rtS ! Hows: "Falunum, W. Va, Nan Patter ton , care T.-mhs, PrUcn, New York City". Wo furnUli hull to the extern of $50,0oOif necessary. "I'. J. niCVRNEY, ; ' "II. .1. puiOlO. "ICinVA UD S.-ACK, -t "C. ,W. MV I SI I Kit. Secutary of state elect." , Miss .Patterson's counsel conf, rreri with aists'iint Uisti let Atlorrio) Rand Afteiwirds It was lcirner that both sid s desired delay and It seems thai Miss Patterson will not be put on trial again, for tovetai m ntns. FAlUMUNT, W. Vn. T. A. Deveuey, orio of tho wealthiest nun In this city, continued the report that he, II. J. Price and Edward Black, als heal bus ncss mm would furnish Nan Pitterson bond to the exttnt ol $50 000 If necessary not in order to teeelvo notoiicty, but tie cause they believe her Innocent ol the crlmo with which sh Is Inured. ": A telegram smt Nan Patterson al ftbo Tombs, New York City, bore Mie nnmts of tho above and also that ol O.W. Swliher secretary of state elect. Swishor positively claims he oover signed the telegram, or even authorized his name In any way to be used In this count ctlon. - - -, Sjgns Of Uphenval ST. PE fE US UURC-It Is evident from the reports recektd from the In erlor that the fairly good Impr-sslon produce b the imperial inaiiiiesto pn the sunleet of ref .rms may he Pi no than oliset In many places s y the effect of the government note of warning to tho zemstv s, Private reports from aloate that M iscow, epeclally, In. much excitement n o- vails thero and ih gravat i eats are exprrssed that the Huclaul capltol of Ruskla may bo ihu scene of ukody excess as. Many Itrrnrmn Dpnii'ntlrit hT tin Zetiitvt.M,'v.t, Conrrtltsl, ikuil Movement ii Stt-p tu lllulit lllrnotluu. ST. PETERSliURPf. WhMo Em poror Nk'hoias' manifesto on llusslan reforms, c uiphd with the govern ment note of warning nn the same subject. leaves no doubt that It Is the tlrtn intention or tho cmpetor to maintain unimpaired the autociatic otlnclplo which no observer ever Im iglncd he wouM reUnquUh an l tmt ieid to tho zcmotvolst demand for a national luglsl mire, the program of eforms ontlued Is a broad one, and If is his not neon accomplished with tinkers il acclilm in llusslan as ex tremly 1 ib-r:il. The ralsligoftho peasants to an equ ility with other Htlzcns of tho empire Is alone prac tically second only to tho pmanclpa il n of tho serfs but hardly less Im portant arc the guarantees which the m i'lfesto direct to he ino moral ed In me lwfT to protection the per onal liber I I"s of the p ople against the abuse of administrative -irbtr ulness. Tho mcisutcs taken under the state of siege are on loouer permlltable ex cept In cases of crimes against the htato. Tho Incrcaso In tho Indrpendence tnd tcope ot the dumus and the zem stvos,as well as the creation of small er zemtvos units, tho detlnlte pro tection or the Jews, Armenians and thet unorthodox sects and the revis ion of the pi ess laws arc all on tho lino of the zemstvnft demands. Tin extremists of courso are not sitlsrled and many of tho moderate liberals are disappointed. Tho gov ernment noto threatening drastic measures In the event ot n continu ation of the violent ngl atlon which the government considered necessiry in order to put a stop to the existing crmeut, Is les-mted deeply by them, md It Is feared will Inllame rather than allay iho present airitatlnn. Harsh mo Mites. It Is rnricrtod will, 'towevcr he avoided, nd iIm govern tnont expeo.'s that the solid naiure ol relorms nlfered will uradualW raw to its supp irt all except the ex tremo radicils. Fullv as Important ns the govern, merit's response to the zemstvolsts Is tho o . slii n in which M. Witto Is laced. The old llt;ance minister he comes tl e nun of the hour, confirm, mi; the reports that ho Is ag iln In olg'i Imparl il favor. Moioover, thli b ly, t lie duties ot which heretofore nvo b en purely porfuncorv, aro aised to the hlghet dignity and in st i lu to for the first time a spicies ol minis erlal which Is apt to miiKc the otiiinitie.!Of nilnisteis a real Cibinet In addition to the ministers six grand dukes ate memhers of the c mmlttee. As the imppiiil man! ftsto nlrects luto pT(cl somo papets, notably lha Russ Hod In these words that the committee may call in zemstvo representatives. The general opinion Is that the manlrest'i represent a v cory for In terior Mints! er svmtopolpk-Mlisk md the cin-ervatlve 11 .erals ovt r M. I'oorieionestelf and the reactlonai ics and practically places tho stiomr ombin ill in of M. Witte and Svla t polk-Mirsky behind tho govern ment 's pr luram. Tho vagueness In hiirh tho rcfoims are outlmud gives possibilities of expansion or 1 Imita tion according to tneir Idois prevail, inu'. With a man of M. Wltte's do initiation or force at the head of the ministers the general belief is i hat he will control in tho end. Those allied with the 70iiistvolst? xprcssthe Intention of continuing toe aitltatiuns despite the czar's note They believe that the dissimilarity or tho two d cuments will cnahlo them to continue the fk'ht on the uround that the nianl festo Is in a ooucilatory spirit and rep reseats tho views of the emperor and (hat the govemtri' nt tote, with its "vi r thrra1 of repression, Is the work of the bureaucracy, against which their campaign Is aimed. The ttsponso of the people pener illy am-; of the extreme liberalists and revolutionists to the iMvcro- r j merit's attitude Is awaited with in tense arxlety. No one imagines t hai a iv of theSH t'hsses will bo satisfied hut upon the courses they have elected to pursuo will depend tho question ol a posslblo crisis lu tho near futuio RESULT BLOW T WO MAN lt.V IN Til 15 TOMIIH AND ON VEHOU OK A IIUKAKDOWN. Conntrd ConOitent ly on Arfjnlttfil, nnit Outfi. m Itliti-r lOMippcilnt. mailt I'utiire Action Not I)4.(tlill On. NEW YfiUK. -Following a day of Intense tienous train, Nan Patter son Is In the Tombs, ill and Is on the verge of a breakdown but with con fitant attendance. Tho iotiner show girl expecting aiqulttal at tl.o hands of tho jury which has llstined to the evldenco In her trial tor the murder f Caesar Young last June, wei.t Into the court this noon to hum that the twelve men chosen to decide as to her Innocence or guilt had bien un ahlo to rench an agreement, In fact had divide d evenly over tho question as to whethrr or not sho held the re volver which ended Young's life. Tho Jury st md six to six, half fot acqultal the other fortonvlctlon. Al- though no ofllc'al arinouncrincrit wa maro further than this, court houst talk had It that of the hx dccldit g against Miss Patterson nono was foi conviction for the murder in the tirst degree; that one held out for mur der in the second degree, tofor manslaughter in the first degree and three for manslaughter In the second deKrce. Immediately the announcement of ne verdict iis made Miss Patterson broke Into a lit of weeping which continued even urtcr sho was led Irom tho court room to nnothet chamber, where physicians were call ed. Thin she was taken to thr Tombs but sho ngaln wept and moanid arid lit cam j hysterical and the ellorts of her father, tho prison matron and attendants to quiet her were futile. The demonstration in tho court after I he announcement of the decis ion, was somen hut remarkable, man) pressing forward to express sym pathy for the young woman. Abiam Levy, chief counsel rnr Miss Patterson, called on his client in Hi. Tombs and remained with her an hour. He was ill lr. bid when the court convened, but when he learned of l he action of the Jury he wont to the Jail to chce.c Ills climb. "The girl Is In a very h:td mcntu condition," hesiM, ultirho luftlur. 'She is almost constantly hystcri. cal but I don't think she will col lapse. 1 hope I left her In a some what better frame of mind. I, oi course, cannot tell what we will d for her yet. The counsel for tho de fense will have consultation and will then do the best wo can for her. "If tho retrial Is not rleht away j am ii, ing ton ake a desprate tllort t yet ball for her. I will plead with Mr. .leto oe to reduce tho ball to mfiOf'Oand win be able think to arrange for that amount and thus let hir have her freedom wliPo train waitlig the loiu' ncrve-wiccking ordeals she will have to face." Inteirst tonight centers In Dis trict Attorney Jerome's future act Ion. He has not said what ho will do, but it Is Intimated that the way tho Jury Hood may inuflenco him as tc a new trial. Tho Jury took but one ballot, according to the foiemari and devoted tho remainder of the timo to discussion. From first to last tho division was even. For tAcnty-four hours they discussed the evidence and one Juror Is quoted as siylnj live of those who stood for ncqultal tried on the coat w.iich Young wore at I he time ol his death and with a rwjlver attempted to demonstrate that suicide was pus si hlc. Tho Interest In th enso was so Intense that the crowds wl.lch iiad stood outside tho court bull'tlng all the tnomlmr pursued Foreman Hairi er of the Jury when he Ml thr c n r t after the final adjournment, lit boarded a tro ley, but men chased th? car to is business oillco and mounted police were called on to dis peree tho throng. riiin Bin iln to Mret I:mrffnU lluit Mnj- ArU Folltmluff tho Ar.lvnl of tho Ilultlo rioot. TOKIO.-Tho Port Arthur beselffcr rccuphd Talichulalun on Satitday. it is announced otllelally that tho wholo of tho portions in front of the Japanese right has fallen. TOIC1U. The following report was received from the besligers at Port Ail bur. "A body of our riurlit w leg sur prised tho enemy at Ilousatitantum (llousuiijci'tau) and Slanlautiin (tho latter about six and a half miles uoiVhwcst of Port Arthur), at 10 o'cork Saturday night, and occuplei Iho villages, and, subsiquently dls loom tig tho cnetnv, occupied the whole of Talluchlaotitun fabcut live m les northwrst of Port Arthur), at ziob o'clock this morning. "Our repeated attaches durlnu the past few days were uniformly success ful and nuw tho whole c.f the cue my s advanced positions fronting our right wit g Is lu our hands." Qrcat Military Cnmp. TOKIO. Toklo Is again n great military camp, and tho scenes of Ust spring, when tho llrst armies were nohllized and dispatched aro being lupllcated. Thousands of recruits .nd reservists aro assembled, drilling tnd equipping preparatory to taking the Hold. Tho permanent and tem porary barracks ate tilled, and It Is necessary to billet the soldi- r.s brought to the city. Oyama Held' Is the center of actkitv, whore In funtty, cavalry and artillery aro eon stanty drilling. The batteries Hie blank charges for tho purpose of breaking In tho new horses. The general military preparations are en ormuus. It Is planed to give Field Marshal Oyatim a tough total of halt a million men. with a hcavllv in creased artillery arm, besides provld ii g a defense for Formosa and the southern Isl mds In anticipation ot the Russian sec nd Pacific squadron attempt to seize a baso. The part ol Ki-luug, In F unvisa, lias been de clared In a state of soL'c, and other posltl uis in Formosa and the P(Ci- (lores tro progressing. Winter is n interft ring with the Japanese trans port service. Tho rallwiy between Dilny and Yentjil Is working wel , nd other running thin; bitwee., Toklo and Liao Yang Is six day To Arrest Dr. Cltndwick. CLEVELA N D. Shcrllf Harry Wt for Albany, and New York, carrying with him papers the arrest of I)i. Leioy S. Ch idwh k, who Is expected to land at New York on the steam ship Pretoria some time Wednesdij morning. Mrs Chtdwh-k mnwed unusual nervousness. She finally sent for tin .herlir with th2 statement that sin wanted to taKc over tho trip to No York and tho Impending arrest of he nu-ib tnd. Tho sheriff spent nlnrst an limit vith the woman In her cell, duiln. .vhloh time she went convulsive!. I know you will tteat my huoatid as kindly us iossibe. htlt, nleasa n- iioiuber that he is Innocent of anv wrong doing," said Mrs. Chadwlck. is the shot iff entered her Jail quar ters. During tno hour that the sheriff was talking with her Mm. Ohadwlck repeatedly asked him to b kind to Dr. Chadwlck. To th herifl the woman deplored tho In dictment against her hubsatid arm said It was all an awful mistake. "This Is the wort thing that ha 'la.'penod during all the troublo oi tho last few we- ks," said Mrs. (Jhan wlck "I never thought my husband would be dragged into this is so unjust, for IT ever an nonest mai. lived it is my husband." Mrs. (Jhadwh'k ased tho sheriff to toll tu r In detail of all of his plans Sever il times she reared to tho doc tor's daughter by u fortn-r wire, wh" Is reluming with Dr. Chidwclck tt this countty. The woman ko et. peclally aked that the shutllT do everything possible lor tire young "P.emoinebor all l have told vou." oilled out Mr-, (JiiudwIcK as Shrr fl Harrv was leaving the Jill, "This I terrible, but thoro Is onj satlsfacL. ion, I will see my husband koou." MORE LIBERTY FOR PEOPLI axiSAScrttt or RRi.riovr.rtNMKMf UK0L.AKISO IN STOUK. TIimo Ailmtllrcl to n ltlp tow I C'linnc, mid Will M Mat, Thioigli It liiTi.lvm Koo- til liiuoviiiliiu. ST. rETimSP.UnO.-An Imperl ukaso Issued makes decidedly libera promises under a number of hcudi It promises a full and equitable en forcement of existing laws.; assure a comstvos of tho fullest posslbl meastiro of self-govcinment and tbi enforcement of I awj now existing i their behalf; promu'gatcs a scheraj of workmou's insiiranout extendi the libertv of tho press and pro ml Ises a full logal trial of all persud accused. Tho Imperial decree, which Is onj titled "A scheme for tho Improve! merit of the administration of tbi state," Is addressed to the soeauJ and is as follows: "In accordance with tho rovorei will of our crownod predecssor. ani thlnitlng unqeasltgly of the welfari of the realm entrusted to us by GodJ wo regain It as uur duty and thegori ornm' nt's duty In conjunction wttSi uttdevlatiug malntalnni ce of tiio lra mittiuiiiiy or the fundamental law! of tho empire, to havo untiring carl for the country's needs, distinguish ing all that rnnllv IntrrpRtn tin. Hnl slan people from tender clea not sell do m mistaken and Itillucnctd b transitory ci.n'ges and circumstance iin me need of this change II nrovod ripe, then we cinder it nod esary to mrot It, even though tbl transformation to which It leads IrH volvcs the Introduci Ion of essential Innovation In legislation. We do no! d ttlit that the reallar.tlon of such a ndertakiug will meet with the svmi pat by of tho well disposed section oj or subjicts, who sec tho tiuo pros perity of our fat I'd land In tho sup P' rt of civil trui nullity and tho urn iotcrruptid satisfaction of the dallj i o- d of the nronle. simultaneously with an lnvcstlaai Hon of the It itlal proposals of th ministry of tl.o interior, which ar elng catried out locally, conferencoi aro now being held by commissioner! specially selected from amotgst tht most expi rlence of tho highest ad tnlnlstratlvn oillclals regarding th most Itnpxrlatit quistions of peasant life, assisted In their Investigation of the genoral needs of the igrlcul Mtral industry by tho knowledge and experience of local committers. Wi (iinmand those to labor to bring thd laws regarding peasants Into unltj with the goneral Impeilal Icgl.slatloni thereby facHltai Ing the task of at mining permanent security of thll estate, which, by decree of tho 'Iterator, is iecooiz,u(l as consisting f free citizens nussesslua full w o rights. 'Surveying tno wide domain oi the peoples uttermost needs, wo ro tr ii rl as urgent In the luterest of tht legal strengtnunlng of oklo and pub lic life: "First The adoption of efTectkl measures for safeguar ling the law iq is full force as tho most Important pillar of tho throne of tho autocritU omul re, in order that It InvlnlabU fuliiilmcnt for all aliko shall be ra garded and the first duty by tht authorities and In all places subject .o us, It noii. fulfillment shall Inovh i ably bring with It legal rcsponsl blllty for every arbitrary act, and that persons who havesiirtored wrong My such acts shall be cnabLod to sa cure leg il ri dress. "Second Tnat municipal Instltu Hons should be given as wide scoos as possible In the administration ol various matters u Heeling heal wel fire, and that they should havo oon terred upon them the necessary ln leoondence within legal limitation! and that represent itlve of all sec tions or the. population is Interested in leal matters would be oa lid upon, under equable condition, lo take put n these Institutions with a view to the compl -tist satisfaction muslhln if their needs. Hesldes tne govern ment anu ?emstvos district Institu tion h.therto existing thero should oe estauiisnc'd in closo counecllon I.... ... wiLii llli'iii (Hiiittn I ncr.i r nr innu rnr public admlnh'tralloujjl localailalra.'