(TV -" WT 'A' ' ' o rf IP' a VOLUME XL1X NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1904 NUMBER 28 4 1$ I I Local News Sm'Jl T Hill for fire insurance. . f School will begin ngaiu Monday. , Dr. Bourne Hta glasses. So. Auburn. 0; E. lloutz got a now organ Wed nesday. The legislature convenes at Lincoln next week. ( f Herb Aynes went to Nebraska City last 'Saturday. Miss Dora Gtark is the luteat victum of the measles. David Krazler Is able to sit up a little but is very weak yw. L'hoto mounting card board for sale jvt the Advertiser office. The freight trains did not run Mou. day. that being a holiday. The passeuger train was almost two hours late Wednesday forenoon. John Vandersllce and Art Littrell went to Nebraska City Tuesday . Cliaa. M. Woodward came up from jSgj. Joe Saturday, returning Monday Go to the Minick hall tomorrow night and get a good dish of oysters. I Will F. Sanders went to Nebraska City Wednesday, returning Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. It. I. lirown went to Pawuee City Monday to visit relatives The man that hasnt any live stock to look after id now feeling good over the fact. The passenger train from the west , was three hours late Monday, after A. L. P. Thompson went to Syracuse Wednesday of last week, returning Friday, Harry Hoover, Elmer Rumbaugh and Itoy Stevens weut to Kansas City Monday. Prof. Hendricks went to Pawnee City Saturday to spend the holidays at borne. Miss Vera Minick came down from Nebraska City Friday evening to spend Christmas. The rural carriers did not go over the route Tuesday, on uccount of the severe.storm. Mrs. W. E. Wheeldon went to Geneva, Neb., last Friday, to spend the .holidays with relatives. A grand jury has been called for the next term of district court, which con venes air-Auburn March 20. There. f were no freight trains from jthe'Wthjor south Monday night, on ' ; account of it being a holiday. D. H.. Clark got tired of baching, so ho started for Smith county, Kansas, last Friday night to see his wifo. Nerohha streets wero deserted Tues day. Very few people ventured away from home unless it wus necessary. The days are now growing longer, Thursday or JrtBt week being the short est day, according to the authorities. Grover Mabb of Waverly. Iowa, is visiting his aunt, Mrs. 8eymour Howe. He ariived hero Tnesday of last week. . Mrs. E. S. McOandless of Thurman, Iowa, came down to Nemaha last Sat urday night on n week's visit to her mother, Mrs. H. Carse. All persons indebted to mo are res quested to call add settle as 1 am great ly in need of money. Andrew Aynes. For Sale-A fine Sterling piano, in Hno condition. Will sell at a bargain if taken at once. Florence Miniok. Nest Monday will be a legal holiday and the bank and postoillco will be closes that day. Miss Dora Banks went to Humboldt Saturday to visit her mother and sister during the holidays. A crowd of nlmrods went ont Wed nesday with guns' and dogs and return" ed with sixty rabbits. Dr. Hutchinson, optician, will visit Nemaha again on Monday, Jan. 0. Call and have your eyes fitted with glasses. Prof. Stevons of the Lincoln Busk ness college was in Nemaha vVednesday and Thursday in the Interest of. that institution. Mr. and Mrs, Elmer E. Allen went to Johnson Monday aud visited C. T. Miulck and family and other friends until Tuesday evening. Mrs. T.J. Rumbaugh sprained her ankle Saturday evening, while coming down town. She suffered considerable pain for two or three days. Miss Faunle Noyea and her brother, Floyd Noyes, of Lincoln, came to Nemaha last Saturday on a visit to D- W. Maxwell and family. V. P Peabody arm H. R. Howe were both fortunate in drawing 6eats in the egislative hall. Both got seals on the front row and near ttio center. Harry Uusaell recently moved on V. P. Peabody'a farm, which he has leased. Charley Howe will move on the Fuller farm, where Harry has been living. For Sale. Five bundredgood burr oak posts, Also stove wood by the rick. F. L. Woodward. If you don't ueed it, come inland look at it. anyway, you will know where to go when you do need it. Edwards & Bradford Lbr. Co. Mrs. C. M. Woodward started for Denver Wednesday. Her health Is quite poor and the physicians advised her to go to Denver on that account. Christmas is acrain a ttil no nf thn nuat. o r wo are still doing business at the old stand. Edwards & Bradford Lbr. Co. Mrs. Wheeldon came iu from Au. burn Thursday afternoon and will keep house for her son, W. E Wheeldon, while the hitter's wife is visiting at Geneva, Nebr. Frank Woodward shipped the goats belonging to the Hoover estate to Nebraska City Thursday night of last week, having sold them to Levi Bros, of Nebraska City. On account of revival services at Brownville, Rev. G. W. Ayers will hold services at Nemaha on Sunday morning instead of in the evening un til further notice. Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Maxwell returned borne Tuesday after a few days visit at Denver, .Colorado Springs, Manito, and other places. They spent Sunday on Pike's Peak. Miss Ella HIndenach, who has been teaching tbo Larkin school south of Nemaha, went to Tecumseh Wedness day. It is rumored that a wedding is to tako place in a few days. For Sale Thoroughbred barred Plymouth Rock cockerels, Hawkln's strain. First come, first served. If you want choice of birds come soon. A. B. Paris. A few days ago Mrs. E. H. Knapp stepped in a hole in the sidewalk and was thrown down, cutting her chin and sustaining numerous bruises' The sidewalk was fixed the next day. Now is the time to buy your heatlne stove. Tnere will be lnr nP m weather before harvest time, and we will make you hot weather prices on stoves. Edwards & Bradford Lbr. Co. ' Born To Mr. and Mrs. Wm. E. Wolfe, of Aspinwall precinct, Wodnes dny evening, Dec. 2s 1004. a son that Grandma Wolf says is just the Quest baby she over saw aud of course she knowa. The woathor now Is all right for the coal and wood dealers and tlio mer chants selling Winter clothing, over shoes, etc., but it s pretty touch on the common citizen who has all these things to buy. Miss Sophie Tlobe dame 'down from iicuniBKu xriuay mgut a Ml Will spend the holibaya with ner friend, Miss Vera Minlck'of Bracken. Miss Tichu is blind and is attending the blind institute. Uncle Henry Clark Is oojoylng splen did health for a man of his age. He is over 70 years old und for the tirst time since ho was a boy he is free from rheumatism, and hasn't an acne or pain of any kind. Some of tbo charitable people of Nemaha donated enough money to treat the children who otherwise would not have got anything with u dack of candy, nuts aud an orange apiece on Christmas,, D. E. Workman returned from Jew, ell county, Kansas, last Saturday. Ed bought.an 80 aore farm while down there and rented 100 aures joining it. He expects to move down there about the middle of February. Curtis Brown has bought tho Jerry Marlatt eighty acre1 farm in Browns ville precinct. Curt should now get a batter half (probably he will attend to that, though, without any suggestions from us) and go on the farm. Marshall Webb killed twenty rabbit Wednesday. Hema'deuTot of rabbit sausage out of tbem a new diPh to us. He takes about one-third as much fat meat as be has rabbit, grinds it and mixes it together and says it makes tine sausage. All parties indebted to us mUst arrange to make settlement. We have accomadated you dy giving you tltre, now accomadate us by being prompt with a settlement. Respectfully, Edwards & Bradford Lbr. Co. Mrs ClayAIIgood committed suicide at Council Bluffs, Iowa, recently on account of extreme destitution and the fact that her children had been taken away from her. Mrs. Allgood was formerly from Brownville, being the daughter of Henry Knepher. One sis ter, Fannie Knepher, committed auls clde about thirty years ago. Friends In this city received word the first of the week to the effect that George Codington had struck it rich in the oil fields at Cleveland, Oklahoma. It will be remembered that he leased bis lots in that city to an oil Arm. The company drilled a well on his property and succeeded in bringing in one of ihe best wells in the Held Tho tlow of oil was devoloped Friday or Saturday. Mr. Codington'a royals ties from this sourse will amount to a considerable sum. His many friends here will be glad to learn of his sue cess. Auburn Heruld. The worst storm for several years held away Tuesday. The storm began Sunday with a light drizzling rftn. Monday It wus colder with a little rain and snow, and that nlgnt the v ind howled and the weather turned colder, and Tuesday morning we had a bliz zard on hand to welcome us when we got up. It snowed and blowed all day and the thermometer hugged the zero point, being from two to four be low in tho morning and evening Stock that was not sheltered suffered severely and people who had to be out doors did not enjoy the cool breezes to any great extent. The conclusion was unanimous that this part of the union waBnotavery good winter resort if you did not like a bracing atmosphere. Mrs. Celia Canady and daughter of Auburn wore Rtiesta of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Seld from Tuesday until Thurs day, when they went to tho homo of C. O.Tompklns of Aspinwall precinct. We will send the Advortlser, tho twlce-a-week Lincoln Journal, tho Iowa Homestead, tho Farm Gazette and the Homomaker, all ono year, for only 81 00. Tho regular price of these papers is f 3.25. A hard coal burner has been nut tin in the bank, and Frank Titus is cons gratulatlng himself because he doesn't have to build fires these cold mornings. But Elmer Allen tells hlni just to watt until he finds tho fire out some extra cold morning, and has to reklndlb it, and then ho won't think it quite so fine. We learn from the Grangnr 'that Elder W. II. Winters, son-in-law of Mrs 8. T Argabnght, is lying very sick at the home of his brother, John Winteis, iu Lincoln. The elder, who resides in in Indian territory, came to Nebraska two or three weeks ago on a visit. Mrf. W. O. Maxwell invited a num- ber of our young people to a party at ber home Wednesday night, to meet Miss Fannie Noyea and Mr. Floyd Noyes of Lincoln, and also as a fare well party to her son. Alva Maxwell, who goes to Lincoln to attend a buslb ness college. A delightful evening' was spent by those present. Your account is balanced up and we always have time to write a receipt. We extend u special invitation to old timers, start the new year out right, pay up your old debts and try and keep from contracting new ones that ypu can't pay when vou agree to. This, ad vice is free but the goods you owe lis for is hot free. .. Edwards & Bradord Lbr. Co,' The patrons on tho rural routes should understand that the rural carr iers are not compelled to get out of their wagons to leave mail where there are snow drifts about the boxes. If the patrons do not clear away the snow Hip carriers will not leave the mail. If the roads are impassable on account of drifts the patrons should break them so tho carriers can get through.. Otherwise the carriers will miss them The Christian Sunday school will give on Now Year's eve an oyster und ice cream social. There will be also other things to sell There will be three or four booths and one of the booths will contain fancy articles and some wearing materials We solicit the aid of all members and friends Come out anb help us, wo will only charge you 10 cts for cove oyeters and 15 cts lor fresh oysters. This social is given for tho benefit of';the Christmas tree. The people of Nemaha are assuredof a treat on Saturday night, Dec. 31 whon the Peterson 8l8ters Concert Co asblHted by Sidney Landon, entertainer, will be here. The Peterson Sisters tfre from New York state and are both a lady quartette and nn orchestra, play ing Instrnments as well as singing. They pUy mandolin, violin, guttat and piano, and are Que singers. Sidney Landon is one of the best entertainers of the day. His impersonations are great. The entertainment will be of so diversified character as to suit all classes. Get your reserved seats at the Keeling drug store. General admia- sion, 25 cents jieeerved seats, 35 cents. 8ubaerlbe for your papers at this of lice. A Frightened Horse Running like mad down the street dumping the occupants, or a hundred other accidents, are every day occuri rences, It behooves everybody to have a reliable Salvo bandy and there's none as good as Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Bums, Cuts, Sores, Eczema and Piles, disappear quickly under lis soothing effect. 25c, at Keeling'a Drugstore. Tho Christian Sunday Bcbool gave a good Christmas entertainment Satur day night, with recitations, soni:B, etc. One of tho most pleasing feats ures was an old fashioned fireplace. Six littlo folks camo in, ready for bed, In nightgowns and carrying candles, and bung up their stockings. After they went out Santa Glaus came in and filled the stockings. After the enter tainment the presents on the well load ed Christmas tree were distributed. Tho church was filled full, all the standing room being occupied, and then mnny wore unable to get inside. The Methodist Sunday school treated the scholars to caudy, nuts and oranges Sunday morning In tho evening a uno program was given, entitled "Bethlohem's Star." The songs aud recitations were all fine and weie well rendered. Rev. G. W. Ayers gavo a short talk at the close. Although the night was quite stormy tho church was filled. Old papers for sale at this ofllce. Revorutlon Imminent A sure sign of approaching revolt und sorious trouble in your system is nervousness, pleeplessuess, o- stomach upset. Electric Bitters will quickly dismember the troublesome causes. It never fails to tone tho stomach, reg ulate tho Kidneys and Bowels, stlmut late the Liver, and clarify the blood. Run down, systems benefit particularly aud ull the usual attending aches vaui Isti under Its searching und thorough effectiveness. Electric Bitters is ouly fiOo, and that is returned if it don't give perfect satisfaction. Guaranteed by Keeling, DrugglBt. DR. G. M. ANDREWS Medical and Surgical 'DiseiseiB of Woitten VAr Stella - - Nebraska PETER KERKER. Dealer in J llighcflt market price paid for Hides, Lard, Tallow, oto, STULL HAWXIY ATTORNEYS iiAvv,.UKAii ;estate, COMjISCTIONM OfflcoH over Ponlomr Building, At trunk Ncal'a old siantf, AUUUIIN. NBUUAHKA KNAPP & SON Proprietors of the Livery & Feed Stable H2KASAJMSBR. Good Dray in connection with Livery Satisfaction guaranteed. J. E5. Orotlier in the PARIS BUILDING Shoe Repairing Harness Repairing Hand Made Harness a Specialty WESLEY H. CLARK Dealer in Windmills and Pumps, Tanks, Pipesjetc. ALL WORK GUARANTEE? Phone calls answered proinplly. NEMAHA, NEBR,