The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, December 16, 1904, Image 1

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Local News
Seo M T Hill for (Ire insurance.
Notnaha is to havo another storo.
Dr. Bourne (Its glasses. So.. Auburn.
Sam Llttrell went to Meadvillo, Mo.,
We regrotto learu that David Frazier
is again very sick.
Wo havo bad some fine winter weath-
er tbis week. It baa been pretty cold
but not at all bad for tbis time of year.
The goatB bolonglug to tbo Wra. II.
Hoover estate are certainly beauties.
They are finely bred and are now in
excellent condition.
In St. Louis the ground haB been
covered with bhow since Sunday, and
according to forecasts is likely to rex
main for some time.
The ground is white
(Friday) morning.
with snow this
Cyrus G. Miuick
Syracuse Tburday.
came down from
Do not forget the social and
parly tomorrow night.
Photo mounting card board for sale
at the Advertiser olllco.
W. F. Sanders went to Lincoln Sat
urday, returning Monday.
C. P. Barker lias been Buffering with
ti luiue buolc for soveral days.
Ouuuty Suporiutendont Carriugton
was a pleasant caller Tuesday.
Joe BuHger has
building Uov. J. W.
the contract
Sapp's hoiise.
K, 0. Morion bus moved into Mrs
Bon Baldwin's bouse, west of tbo post.
Mrs. C. M, Woodward went to St
Joe the first of last week, returning
last Friday.
F. G. Hawxby of Auburn visited
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Hawx
by, over Sunday.
Hon. V.P. Peabody is no.w a reels
dent of Nemaha, having movo'd in. .his
now bouse tbU) Week.
Cbas. M. Woodward came up from
St. Joe Thursday to visit hios wife und
parents for a few days.
Flour Is going up in price yet. The
best grades of high patent are soiling at
SI .70 to Si.75 per sack.
Dr. Gaither was conQnod to hiB
home for three days within the past
week with a lame back.
Our sharpshooters had another
match at blue rocks Tuesday. Tho
scores ranged from hitting every rock
to missing every one.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Seid went to Au
burn last Saturday and visited Henry's
uarents. Mr and Mrs. J. 15, Sola, ros
- - - w
turning the next day.
Bey. G, W. Ayers expects to com
mence a series of meetings at the
Methodist church of Brownvllle the
night after Obristmas.
Services at the Methodist chnrch will
begiu ai 7 o'clock on Sunday evening
until furthor notice. Prayor meetlugs
alBO begin at 7 o'clock
And the editor is now hobbling
around with a cane on account of
lame back just to be in fashion, so
t'ie angels of the ofllee say.
The farmers are honinc for Borne
8Uow soon for tho benefit of the wheat.
It is feared wheat will suffer if we do
not have rain or snow soon.
Ex-Sheriff Frank Cole of Custer
county, Oklahoma, gave us a pleasont
call Wednesday, in company with his
brother-in-law, E L. Paris.
All persons indebted to mo are res
quested tn cnll add setth as 1 am Brest,
In need of money.
Andrew Aynes.
Eggs are now worth 20 cents per doz
en, and the person with a few good
1 tying benb is strictly in it.
Frank Dressier was baptized last
Sunday afternoon by Rev. J. W, Sapp.
This makes 18 additions to the Christs
ian church since the meetings began.
We would suggest that parents visit
the schools oftener and seo how the
teacherB and pupils are doing. Take
more interest in the education of the
Miss Minnie May received a One
piano from Chicago a few days ago and
is treating her friends to music,
John II. Russell and Clark Cary
started far Seattle, Washington, Thurs
day, to look for a new location.
We need money and need it bad, and
hope our delinquent subscribers will
pay up at once and help us out.
xne Doy8 are catcuing a good many
rabbits now and Qnd little troublo iu
selling them at ten cents apiece.
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Knapp visited
relatives and friends at Stella and vi
cinity last Saturday and Sunday.
Conductor Burllngbam, who has
been running on the west freight for
u long time, has been discharged.
TaKo tno wagonette when in Aus
burn if you want to go to any part o
tbo city . John McElhanoy prop,
uio itooerts visited a special friend
at buramerneiu, .Kansas, a few days
last week, returning home Sunday.
Miss Florence Minick, who has been
visiting at Thurman, Iowa, for two or
three weeks, returned home Monday.
Joe Titus returned home Thursday
forenoon from Syracuse, wherolhe has
been vltiting hiB brother, A. R. Titus
T,. t - ft I L. A. I 1
xbu b iu auuut iimu tor some or our
young people to got married ? We uro
getting hungry for some wedding cake
it or bale. -l'lvo hundrod good burr
oaK posts. Also stove wood by the
P. L. Woodward.
Holiday Goods
The place to buy them is at
Heeling's Drug; Store
Where you will Qnd a good assortment.
Especial attontion is called to our
lino of books, Nothing makes n
better present for tbo young, mids
dlo aged or old tbau a good book.
We bfiVo them.
Watches, rings, chains, bracelets,
scarf pins, breastpins, otc. An els
egant assortment.
For tbo children, little and big
Toilet sotH, jewelry sots, work box
es, smoking sets, games, etc
Call and see us
Heeling's Drug Store
Nemaha, Nelbrcislcei
Personal taxes for tho year 11)04 bes
oamo delinquent Decembor 1st. Ail
thoso who havo not yet paid will be
charged intorost at the rate of 10 per
cent por annum from December 1st.
1004, if settlement is not made before
January 1st, 1005.
D. J. A. Dirks, Co. Treasurer.
Tho people of Nemaha aro assured of
a treat on Saturday night, Doc. 81
when tho I'etorson Sisters Concort Co.
assisted by Sidney Landou, entertainer,
will bo here. Tho Potorson Slaters are
from New York state and aro both a
lady quartette and an orchestra, play
ing instruments as well as singing.
Thoy pKy mandolin, violin, guitar and
piano, and aro lino singers. Sidney
Landon is ono of tho best entertainers
of tho day. His impersonations are
groat. The entertainment will bo of
so diversified character as to suit all
classes. Get your reserved seats at tho
Kooling drug store. Genoral ad mi a-,
sion, 2S cents; reserved seats 33 cents.
Rovorutlon Immlnont
A sure sign of approaching revolt
and soriou8 troublo in your system is
nervousness, sleeplessness, or stomach
upsets. Electrio Bitters will quickly
diBinembor tho troublesome causes.
It never falls to tono tho stomach, reg-
ulato tho Kidneys and Bowels, stimus
lato tbo Liver, und clarify tho blood.
Run down systems bonoflt'partloularly
and all tbo usual attending aches van
ish under its searching and thorough
effectiveness. Electrio Bitters is only
GOc, and that is returned if it don't givo
perfect satisfaction. Guaranteed by
Keeling, Druggist.
The Christian Sunday school will
give an oyster suppor on Now Year's
eve, fur the purposo of raising money
to Qnish paying for the Christmas
Tbo Christian Endeavor now meets
at the Christian church every Sunday
evening and we understand a good in
terest is taken in the meetings by tho
young people.
The Nemaha schools have a vacation
today in order that the teachers may
visit the Auburn schools. This is
done by the suggestion of the county
Wo believe Nemaha has one of the
very best schools in the county. All of
tbo teachers are fine and ate doing ex
cellent work. Tho discipline is esnecs
ally commendable.
Rev. J. W. Sapp haB bought a lot
south of Mrs. S. T. Argabright's reel
dence, and will begin building at once.
We aro glad to have him decide to
locate hero permanently.
Tho Mutual Ditching Co. aro having
men. engaged in digging deeper the
ditches dug by tbo ditching machine
They will dig the ditches deep euough
for tho water to run through.
There seem to be a plague of rats
tbis fall. Almost every farmer is
complaining or mem ana tney are
causing trouble in town. Traps, cats
and poison seem to avail little.
ah tno uptodato novoities aro
shown in our new holiday lino. We
invite comparison of prices. Come in
and Boa them.
Very respectfully,
M. T. Hill.
C. F. Scovill has concluded that be
cannot And a better pfAco in which to
llvo tban Nemaha county, and this
week moved ills family up from At
chlson, Kas. He is living in Aspinwal1
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Coons started
for Jean, Washington, Wednesday and
expect to make that state their home
in the future. Mrs. David Britnblc,
who bas been visiting hero for somo
time, went with (hem.
Codington and Langford, who have
the contract for painting V. P Peas
body's bouse, finished the insido paints
ing but had to quit tho outBide work
Monday on account of the cold weather,
Thoy havo about two day's workyot.
Wm. H. Winters arrived in Nemaha
last Friday. Mrs. Winters bas been
here sevorul months, staying with her
mother, Mrs. S. T. Argabrigbt. Mr.
Winters is located at Wisner, Indiau
Territory, but is thinking somo of re-.
moving to Missouri.
The stato university corn special will
pass through Nemaha shortly after 11
o'clock Saturday. No stop will be
mado here but at Brownvillo the specs
ial will stop long enough for a leoturo
on seed corn. Our farmers Buould
make an effort to bo present.
Pure Buff Orpington tihlckens. old
and young, for Bale at right prices.
stock scored by Hawes, Pedrlck and
Green and nothing below 02 points.
Wrltetbe GnzotteSpickard, Mo
'Tffiedical and Surgical
Diseases of Women
Stella - Netraslcfi
Ooalor In
Uur lino or holiday goods 1b as com
plete as any you will seo in tho county
and we are willing to compare priceB
That's fair, give ub a chance to con
vinco you.
Very Respectfully,
M. T. Hill.
Saturday night of next week the
Christinn Sunday school will havo a
Christmas tree and appropriate oxers
cises. The Methodist Sunday school
will not have a Christmas treo but will
give tho children a treat of candy, nuts
and popcorn Sunday morning and havo
exercises Sunday night.
A Costly Mlstako
Blunders aro sometime very expensive
Occasionally llfo itself is the prico of a
mistake, but you'll never bo wrong if
you tako Dr. King's New Life Pills for
Dyspepsia, Dizziness, Headache, Liver
or Bowel troubles. Thoy aro gentlo
yet thorough, 25c, at Keeling Drug
A whole page advertisement would
not convince you but a visit will that
wo have a larger stock and lower prices
on unrlstrnas goodB than somo of the
soscalled "Big Stores." Prico goods
at whore you will, then compaio with Highest markot prico paid forHidca,
Very Respcctfuljy,
Lard, Tallow, otc,
M. T. Hill.
Mrs. Young died at tho home of her
son, Enoch Hanelino, In Bedford pre1
olnct about 8 oolock Monday ovoning.
tier death was Buddon and waB caused
by heart disease, Thejfuneral services
were held at the Methodist church in
Nemaha Wednesday afternoon and the
body laid at rest in the Nemaha ceme
tery. Mrs. Young lived for many
years with her son on tho farm north
east of hero. She has a large number
offrieuds hero who mourn her death.
Rev. G. W. Ayers preached tho funer
al sermon.
Ofllcos ovor Pofltonieo Building, nt
Prank Ncnl's old Btnnd,
rroprlctoruof tbe
Livery & Feed Stable
Good Dray in connection with Livery
Satisfaction guaranteed.
JT. J33. Orother
in the
Saturday night of this week, at tbo
home of Earlo Gilbert, the Junior
Leaguers, assisted by somo of tho young
ladies, will give u combination social,
bazaar and pound imrty. Tho nound
party is for the boneflt of Rev. G. W.
Ayers, and all who aro so deposed are
requested to brine a pound or more of
something that is of use either as food
or otherwise. Oysters will be served.
A hn'nnr will ni an tm nnnlnn nrY ln flirt
young ladies, at which .fancy work and SllOB Repairing
articles of uso will bo Bold. Everys TTflrnpcjq ftp?! Tin CP
hnrlv in invltnri . O
Hand Mado Harness a Specialty
Fight Will Bo Blltor
Those who will persist in closing
thoir ears againBt the continual recoms
mendation of Dr. King's New DIacovs
ery for Consumption, will have a long
and bitter fight with their troubloa, if WindmillS '3110 PlUTipS,
uuu uuutu uuwiui ujr mini lULUUUtlUUU.
Read what T. R. Beall of Boall, Miss.
has to say: ''Last fall my wife had
every symptom of consumption. She
took Dr. King's New Discovery after
everything elso had failed. Improves
ment camo at onco and four bottles ens
tiroly cured her. Guarantood by Keel
ing, Druggist. Price 50o, and $1.00.
1 Trial bottles free.
Tanks, Pipes,retc.
Phone.calls answered promptly,