The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, November 18, 1904, Image 8

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    Notice Tor Hen ring Claims.
Iti ilio coniii.v com! nl Noniulm cniiiity, Ni'br,
Id Ilio nmtlor of the lintiile of KoImjh A.
.SlOlP, iiVVV IHt'll,
Notlrt- U hereby izlvcn Mint the court lnis
inii-ln mi order litnltliiK thi time fur eretlltniM
1o Ilio cIllMnn (IVmIiihI. miltl ile!eilHpil Id nx
tnonttiH from Hie 2it ln.v of Decern her, 4
uiid Hint December 21, Miueh Is, IUu5,
mid .lune 21, i!H5; at on o'clock n in. of cmi-h
diiv nt the ofllco.ol i ho county JckIkh or Ne.
inivin county, NolirnnKn, in Auunrii, NebniH
ln, Iiiih iMieti II x Ml b Hit court un dm tlineH
mid plum when nml when till pei-HoiiH who
Imvi) clnlniH and ileinmiilH nmi'iiHt hiiIiI lt -iiuiiM'd
c m hiu'o the Munu exnmlnoil, iidjiist.
ed anil itllowi d. Mini nil chimin not (irpseiilod
n.r ilmbim meiit oiiprl ilme will ho lorovor
hut red. by mi irdei nftlin court.
I nt ed November 1, KM.
HKAI.J .1.8 McUaihy, County Jinluo.
at Home
Are you sufferer?
Has your doctor been uiuuc
Wouldn't you prefer (o treat
yourself AT HOME?
Nearly 1.500,000 women hare
bought Wine of Cardui from
their drugguta and hare cured
thomaelvea at home, of such
troubles aa periodical, bearing
down and ovarian paint, leucor
rhoea, baxrennesa, nervousness,
diuineas, nausea and despond
ency, caused by female weakness.
These are not easy cases.
Wine of "Cardui cure when the
doctor can't.
Wine of Cardui does not irri
tate the organs. Theroianopain
in the treatment. It is a soothing
tonic of healing herbs, free from
strong and drastic drugs. It ia
successful because it cures in a
natural way.
. Wine of Cardui can be bought
from your druggist at $1.00 a
bottle and you can begin this
treatment today. Will you try it?
ta etas requiring ipclal dlrecttont,
ftddrM, giving irplosaa,Ttn Idlea'
AArltorr rxpt-, TIm OhfttUBoaga
Thousands Hare Kidney Trouble
and Don't Know it.
How To Flad Oat.
Fill a bottle or common glass with your
water and let It stand twenty-four hours; a
sediment or set
tling Indicates an
unhealthy condi
tion of the kid
neys; If it stains
your linen It Is
evidence of kid
ney trouble; too
frequent desire to
pass It or pain in
til A l f ft. mIm
tonvinclng proof that the kidneys and blad-
A.M .kill ' I
m wguutui oracr.
What to Do.
There Is comfort In the knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every
v i lntJcur,nP rheumatism, pain In the
back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part
of the urinary passage. It corrects Inability
to hold water and scalding pain In passing
It, or bad effects following use of liquor"
wine or boar, and overcomes that unpleasant
necessity of being compelled to go often
during the day, and to get up many times
during the night. The mild and the extra
ordinary effect of Swamp-Root Is soon
realized. It stands the highest for Its won
derful cures of the most distressing cases.
It you need a medicine you should have the
best. Sold by druggists in 50c. and$l. sires.
You may have a samnle boltla f thi
wonaenui discovery
and a book that tells
moro about It, both sent
absolutely free by mail,
aoaress Dr. Kilmer Bl
Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When writing men
ion reading this generous offer in this paper.
Connecting tho Commercial Centers and Slob
Tho Brod Corn and Wheat Field aad Thriving
CUle ot
The PeitUt Slver Valleye, Trado OnUn and
oUln Prairie ot
Tho Qrand.Plotvretqaeand Enchanting Sceneir.
and tUe yasnous Minim DUlrlcU o
The Agricultural, Fruit, Mineral and Timber
audit, aad raaaous Hot Sprint ot
The BngarriaBiatiqni and Itnmenie Woe
Vield ot
Tb Cotton snd Oral a Fields, toe OatUoIUsgeft
mm wjutoar Aosuita tu
JItatorloal and Scenic
And foraa with tte OonnocUotu the Popular
Winter Konte to
r mmm m aw a m m w a
For 5ecrlptWai and 1 11etratcJ pampljlcts of
Agewa. f, C. TOWNSEND,
6ard PaMtsrer n4 Tiekil Igtat,
1UV vy-cr-Ty V
The Nebraska Adverts
W. V. Sandkiib & So.v, Prop's.
FRIDAY, NO VEMBhlt 18 11)01.
Buy ti White Lilly washer and make
wash day u pleasure instead of a drudge
Edwards & Bradford Lbr. Co
Tito old Alexander Skeen farm lying
northwest of town was sold a few days
since to Joseph Mooro for $75 per acre.
Nemaha correspondent In Granger.
The above Item is nil right with a
few exceptions. Tliejfurm, which bo
longod to J It. Kussol, has been sold
to E. E. Moore, at almost $101 per
aero, the 1M ucres bringing 311,500.
One hundred acres of this land cost
Mr. ItusBel 800 50 per ncro four years
ago. The remaining 14 acreu cost htm
$100 per acre, making the whole farm
coat $7,000. He lias made big interest
on nis money during these four years.
Last year his corn crop brought him In
S28 per acre. Now ho sells at un ad
vance over what ho paid four years ago
of 33,000, n profit of over 45 per con
ou his investment.
An exceptloua ly beautiful cover
aerveB as a harbinger of the good things
contained in the November House
keeper. Tho entertaining fiction ins
eludes tho cominuation of Robert Bas-
cotn'a strong aerial, "Tho Rainbow
Quest," "Adrigal's Vexation of Spirit
by Edgar W. Cooley, "The Steel-Lined
Flat," by W. Bert Foater. Two new
departments are Instituted in this num
ber: "woman's Health," conducted by
Dr. Kate Lindsay, and "The Entertain
er," conducted by Marjorie March.
The quaint community of Aosana, in
Iowa, la pictured in a double page of
beautiful Illustrations. The enlarged
Fancy work Department, under tho
direction of Mrs. A. E. Arnetrutter
contains instructions for modern Quern
Elfrida atltchwork. In the realm of
cookery Elizabeth W. Morrison tells
and illustrates how to serve a Tbankss
giving dinner, and Mary Foster Snider
gives many new ways of using apples.
Published by The Housekeeper Cots
poration, Minneapolis, Minn.
How's his?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for
any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by
Hall's Catarrh Care.
F. J. CHENEY dt CO.. Toledo. O.
We, the undersigned, have known P. J.
unoney ror tne last 15 years, and bollove him
porrectly honorable In all business transac
tions and financially atle to carry out auv
obligations mado by his firm.
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
aotlug directly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces of tho system, Testimonials sent
iree, Price 75 cents nor bottle. .Sold hv nil
Take HMl's Family Pills for constipation
There appears to be no cause for
baste on the part of aspirants for corns
greaa in the First district. Congress
man Burkett will bo promoted to the
senate by the next legialutnre, but
unless there is a special aeason of cons
gress next year, his successor in the
house of representative cannot be
chosen until the next generul election
in November. It appears to bo iai pos
sible that Governor Micknv will hn
called upon to appoint Mr. Buikett'a
In the first place there will be no
vacancy until March 4. Congressman
Burketfs term will end then. He
has been reflected to succeed him
self, but will resign.
The statute provides in one section
that if a vacancy occurs thirty days
brior to any general election the office
shall be filled thereat. Another sees
tlon, relating directly to congreaamen,
saya that when a vacancy occurs and
the body iu which auch vacancy exiata
ahall convene prior to the next general
election, the governor ahall order a
apecial election. Only ten day's no
tice of such Bpecial election is necessary
The regular season of congress next
year will be held December 1. As the
vacancy will not occur until March 4,
Mr. Burkett's succesjor will be chosen
att be general election in November
next year, providing a apecial aeaaion
ot congress is not called by tho pieal-j
dent, Mr, Burkett's 8Ucceaaor, whos
ever he may be, will therefore in all
probability bo choaen at a regularly
called convention next summer. This
will give canidatea ample time to get
their aecond wind for the race.Stale
Tho snow did not affect the White
Lilly tho White Lilly washing mas
chine at
Edwards & Bedford Lbr. Co,
Judge,!, S. Stull left Monday for
Judge Kellignr is holding court at
Falrbtiry this week.
Districtocourt which waaset to meet
Monday of thla week hits been adjourn
ed till Dec. 5.
L. Milan and wife returned homo
last week from a visit to their old
home in Illinois,
Tom Crummel and J. M. Armstrong
loft Tuesday for their oil well at Olovos
(and, Oklahoma.
Representative elect II. R. Howe
has been under tho doctor's care for
tho paBt few days.
The brick work on tho now M. E.
church was completed thla week. The
Interior will now bo Unlshed aa rapidly
us possible.
Wm. McKenuey and wife and Alex.
McKenney left Wednesday for their
homea in Oklahoma after a few
month's viait with their children in
thla county.
County attorney elect Chas. O.
French was married in Lincoln last
Saturduy to Mias Sue Lowry of Lin
coin. The young couple left immodi
ateSy for St. Louis to see the expoais
Hon. T. J. Majors of Peru W8B in
the city Tuesday consulting with tho
politicians. The daily Btate papers say
that Tom will bo a candidate for Con
gresato succeed E. J. Burkott. His
viait to Auburn may have something
to do with bis candidacy.
Died, at the hospital in Falls City on
Tuesday, Nov. 15, 1004, Mra. Delia,
wife of ox judge H. A. Lambert, aged
83 years, 0 months and 21 davB. The
cause of her death was consumption.
Three littlo girls and the hUBband are
loft to mourn the loss of a loving moth
er and wife. Mrs. Lambert was the
first child born in Sheridan, now Au
burn, on January 21, 1871. The judge
has the sympathy of a lurge circle of
friends in this, his sad hour of bereave-
Quite a notable golden wedding was
celebrated at Peru last Saturday at the
home of Mr, andMrs. Thomas P. Wills
ams, me goinen orido and groom.
About 100 guests were present and
among them two of the bride's brothers
who had also celebrated their golden
weddiug. A golden wedding is an un
usual occurence but when two brothers
and a sister all celebrate a golden wed1
ding it ia an event that aeldoma hap
pena. Wm. McKinnev. a brother of
Mra. Williams, celebrated his golden
wedding at Qip, Oklahoma, on Feb. 10,
1002, and on Sept. 22, 1003, Alex Mc-
Kinney, another brother, celebrated
bis golden wedding at CuBterf City
Oklahoma. Mrs. MoKinney has aince
died. These two brothers and their
sister are the thtee youngest children
of a family of twelve. Wm. McKin
ney has raised a family of twelve child
ren and a nephew, only one of whom
lias passed over the dark river. Alex
McKinnev is the father of eleven
children and Mrs. Williams the moth
er of six. No raco suicide in this
What other Christmas present can
you chooao that will give so much
pleasure for so little money as a year's
subscription for The Youth's Compan-
on? The Holiday Numbers and the
Calendar, joyously welcomed on
Christmas morning, making a good gift
n themaelvos, are but the foretaste of
a whole veara feaat to come. Tim
miud ia entertained with the numbors
n hand, and the imagination revels in
the pleaBuro that each new week will
bring until Chrietmna cornea again.
If you desire to make a Chri&tmtB
prosent of The Youth'a Companion.
send the publishers the namo and adn
dress of the person to whom you wish
to give The Companion, with 81.76
tho annual subscription price, stating
that ia to bo a Rift. The puplishers
will send to the address named, in a
parcel to be opened Christmas morn
ng, all the remaining issues for 1004
published after tho subscription is
received, including tho Double Holiday
Numbers, The Companion's "Carna
tiona" Calendar for 1005 lithographed
in twelvo colors and gold, and subscrips
tion certificate for the fiftytwo issues
of 1005.
Full Illustrated announcement, fully
describing the principal features of
The Companion'a now volume for
1005, will be ' nt to any address free.
Xo those wHo enjoy
RJrst Glass Einterteiirirrierits:
Wo take pleasure in
following course:
Mrs. VAilliaim Calvin Chilton, Nov. 22
Peterson Sisters Concert Co., Dec, 3i
Meistersingfers Hale Qvizirt&tt&, F'elb. 13
John G. Scorer. Lecturer, TVlarch 13
All come highly recommended and jiromiso a series of enter
tainments at onco refined, entertaining and instructive.
Mrs. Chilton is a monologist
"few if any superiors" as a reader.
The Peterson Sisters Concert Co. consists of four
"who are both a lady quartette and an orchestra, playing
ments as well as singing," assisted by Sidney Landon, an imper
sonator and elocutionist.
The Moistersingers, if testamonials moan anything, seem to
give general satisfaction wherever they go.
John G. Scorer has "in all of his work a two-fold purpose
to instruct and to entertain."
While tickets for other courses in neighboring towns are sell
ing for 1.50, we are able by special arrangement to offer tho sea
son ticket for the entire course for $1.00. The prices for the
numbers singly will ba 25 cents for the first and 35 cents for each
of the others. You see it will pay you to buy a course ticket.
Buy your tickets early so as to get your choice of seats.
The educated man has a broader
view than bis uneducated neighbor.
Look about you and find aometbing
that ought to be done that Is not done
then do it.
Nemaha and vicinity contributed
her quota to the Teaoher's Meeting at
Johnson last Saturday. All say it
was an excellent meeting. It aeema I
that Supt. Carrington is noted for such.
The seventh and eight grades are do-1
ingsome work in practical measures
ments. The specimen alluded to in
last week's notes was only one of their
measuring poles. Besides it their ar
mament consists of a tablet, pencil and
yard stick.
The high school girls have caught
the spirit that actuates our worthy
county superintendent. The high
school room will nrobablv present
quite a different appearance by the
time they are thru with it They "have
found aometbing that ought to be done
and are doing it."
It has been said, "That the brain is
the most abused part of the body "
Wo furnish our body with protection
from the cold and give it good whole.
. 1 t. . . ,
Huiue iuua. uo we protect, our Drain
from the ravages of worry ? Do we
nourish it with good, olean, w hoi en
some food? Do we allow it the op
portunity to grow or do we stint it by
some pad nabitsV
Did you ever stop to think that tho
greater part of the troubles of this
world is' due to lack of understanding?
Pupil does not understand teacher,
teacher does not understand pupil and
possibly patron understands neither.
One is sometimes inclined to think
that some do not understrnd them
boIvob even. We should seek to make
ourselves understood, for that is a
'part of education and a vary practical
part too,
Reading circle met at Dr. Qaithere
last Friday eve and spent an hour and
one half in interesting and profitable
discussion. It will meet with Mrs.
May next time on Friday evening Nov.
2?. Mr. Edwin Sanders will review
chapters twelvo and thirteen of Sabin'a
book and Miss Stella 'Washburn will
review chapters fourteen and fifteen.
Each member will be expected to give
two quotations from Sabln's book
from memory.
Capital Stock, $5,000
for your consideration tho
and is recommended
Notice of Sale
Notice is hereby given that on Satur
day, December 24, 1004, at the residence
of B. I. Colerlck. in Nemaha precinct,
Nemaha county, Nebraska, at 1 o'clock.
P.m., I will offer for sale to the
highest bidder for cash, one dark bay
horse Buppsed to be about 10 years of
age. Said horse to be sold as an estray
Dated this 18 day of November, 1004.
D. T Smiley,
Justice oi the Peace.
The White Lillr t
machine and is all that the name
would indicate. Your clothes are us
white as a lily when washed with this
machine. It is kept for Bale at
Edwards & Bradford Lbr. Co.
Robbed the Crave
A startling incident is narrated by
JohnOliver ofPhiladelphlu, us follows
"I was in an awful condition. My
skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken,
tongue coated, pain continually iu buck
and sides, no appetite, growing weak
er day by day. Three physicians had
given me up. Theu I wua advised to
take Electric Blttera; to my great joy
the first bottle made a decided im
provement. 1 continued their use for
three weeks, and am now a well man
I know tbey robbed the grave of
another victim." No one should fall
tp try them, Only 50c,
Keeling'a drug store.
Brutally Tortured.
A case came to light that for per
sistent and unmerciful torturo bus
perhaps never been equalled. Joe Golo
bick. of Colusa, Cal., writes: "For 15
years I endured iuBuffeiable painfrom
Rheumatism and nothing relieved me,
though I tried evervthinc It nnwn 1
came across Electric Bitters, and it's
a. I ...
mo greatest medicine on earth for that
trouble. A few bottlea of it complete
ly relieved and cured mo." Just a
cood for Liver and Kldnnv Trrmhlnn
and general debility. Only 50c. Sat
isfactlon Buamnteed hv Ivnalincr dnuK
" - o,
If you waut fire Insurance, either
in old line or mutual companies, call
on W. W. Sanders.
I Boe4 Cough Syrup. Tautcs Good. Ubo
r. hx whihf ail fise Fan s.
in lime, moiq or aruntiau.
Cures Coldaj Pravants Pneumonia
P. E. ALLEN. Vlce-P r
Ml-. .Hut