The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, November 18, 1904, Image 7

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    A k
HMBK"trS !-'; IMl Sets- VX'.'W.K
Many women are denied the happiness of
children through derangement of the genera
tive organs. Mrs. Beyer advises women to use
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
"Deak Mks. Pitjkham: I suffered with stomach complaint for
years. I got so bad that I could not carry my children but Ave months,
then would have a miscarriage. The last time I became pregnant, my
husband got me to take Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound.
After taking thofirst bottle I was relieved oi the sickness of stomach,
and began to feel better in every way. I continued its use and was
enabled to carry my baby to .maturity. I now have a nice baby girl,
and can work better than I ever could before. I am like b. new wo-
Mrs. Frank Beyer, 22 S.
Another case which proves that no other medicine
n the world accomplishes the same results as
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
f" iBxlwl or flvuyfcars and gave bh:tb. to two pre-
Compound bos brought to my home. Sincerely yours, Mrs. Mab
P. Wharry, Flat 81, The Norman, Milwaukee, Wis."
Actual sterility in woman is very rare. If any woman thinks
8ho is sterile let her write fco Mrs. Pinkham at JLynn, Mass., whose
advice is gfiven frco to- all would-bo and expectant mothers.
FORFEIT if vre cannot forthwith produo the original letters and signatures of
abora testimonials, 'wkloh will prove tlmir absolute genulreness.
Lydla K. i'lnkham Sled. Co., Lynn, Mms. J
Color more ooodj brighter and faster colors ttoa eny
Ask dealer or w win ant oald at lOe a tmo.
Wssisni Canada's
Western Cunuda's Wlieat Crop
This renr Will lie
60,000,000 B$HELS
Tlie out ami barley crop rrlll alwo rleld
Blk'inll(l price for nil klml of uruln. cat
lie nn.1 r.tlici frti ... v (J,lie for the KfiwWitf
or which the ellnintp is urtHiirpurtgod
Aliout i:vi,ono Aini'HPMHK nyttleij In
yoftrHCr" Canni,a ,,uf,n the piist three
TLuuH,,iitiii ..r .wtnUaJi of :r).-if.
S?strlcfi I1VH"wl', ,u tnr ii B(frloulturl
' , '" f'n't.rt Slntc
will lie fort-t'd to Import vumt ivltUln
Ton few yeHrn. SnciirH furm In "'annj
lid brcoine on of those wle vrlll nrw
dticc It.
- or laiTlfltlllU,
uunwa, f.ftanlt, or wi Aut!uruu l.btU'.- iipvivi)it '
y. V. Tlnnrtt. ail Vn TerUt fit's., Onnnh, . b.
ft aie eii Milhon Boxes a YeasTl
. 8-tiBid-j fiW4ilXlTE CEaiClfiS
jjj I
Second SL, JHerlden, Conn
" Dbak Mns. Pikxitam I wen married
Jjydia E. Plnkhaiii'x V(,"i(iiWo Com
pound, and it ohanjred, me from a weak,
nervous woman to o, strong, happy and
healthy wie within seven months. With
in two years a lovnly littlo girl was born,
who is the prida rind joy o! ray household.
JS, every voman. who is oured t'eelw as
grateful and happy as I do, you must
have a hos'; of friends, for every day I
bleB3 you for the light, beaHii and happi
neaH Ivdiii. 15. TMTilclmm'H Vorrnriilil
other dye. One 10c package colors silk, wool and cottoa equally nell wd I gtiaraaU 4 to tit e wrfect results
Write, (w free bookktUov to Dye Bltacd aad Mix Colors. MONROE DUVG CO., Uulonvilta. Missouri
Elnkers "Look ac that shabby
millionaire. You can't judgo a man
by his dress."
Winkers-"No, but. you can Judge
hi in by his wife's."
Plso'n Cure for Consumptloo li tlie bent
mmlliMne I have ever found for coughs colds. Mr. Oscar TriuP? Big Rock,
111.. iUrch 20. 1001.
Professor Vonner,,Vat haf you
Little Daughter "A box of candy
and a book of opera airs."
"Vat operas?"
"Italian operas."
"Vat! You make yourself sick
?o much sweet siulf. lJut tho
nook avay.
t. ms, -j
Mrs. Muliuioly " An' plmwt Is
your daughter doln' uow, Mis. Mul
eahoy?" Mrs. Mulciihoy "Oil, she'ii tnkin'
up the housekoopln' fad, an' Islivin'
out ntsarvlco.
Mr. lilnks "In spite of all Miss
JiMoneniiud's talk about advanced
and li teller education, she is just
as form" of a cut as any other old
Mrs. 13lnks Yes, but slio speaks
or it as a domesticated carnivotous
quadruped of the family Felldao and
genus F. domestica, "
An HoitcMt Opinion.
Mlnornl, Idaho, Nov. 1-J. (Special.)
That a sure euro has boon discovered
for those sciatic pnltut that make ho
many lives miserable. Ih the ilrm opin
ion of Mr. D. S. Colaon, a well-known
resident of this place, and ho does not
hesitate to say that cure Is Dodd's Kid
ney IMIIh. The reason Mr. (Poison Is bo
firm in his opinion Is that ho had thoBO
terrible pains and Is cured. Speaking
of the matter, he Hays:
"I am only too happy to say Dodd'a
Kidney Pills have done me lots of
Rood. I had awful pains In my hip so
l could hardly walk. Dodd a Kidney
Pills stopped it entirely. I think they
aro a grand medicine."
All Sciatic and Rheumatic pains are
caused by Uric Acid In the blood.
Dodd's Kidney Pills make healthy kid
neys and healthy kidneys strain all tho
Uric Acid out of tho blood. With the
cause removed thero can ba no Uheu
inutlsm or Sciatica.
Little Boy-'SlBter says she's never
going to marry anyono that's In
trado. Sbo says she's going to marry
a professional man."
Old Lady "Well, it won't matter.
The little dear never did havo much
ippctlto anyway.
Timeliness, freshness, and interest
ire the key notes or tho November
Woman's Home Compunlon. Merely
to enumerate the contents is to show
the wealth of good thloRS. "Elec
tion Night In a Great Newspaper
Mice," "The Rise and Fall of Sully,
King of Cotton," "A Visit to Sod -House
Land," "Saint Patrick's
Purgatory, Old Ireland's Strangest
Shrine," "The Strike and the llouse
wife," "How Wild Animuls Prepare
for Winter, aro all of unusual inter
st. The llctiou is of high excel
lencea humorous story, "The Ris
ing Up of Ezzio Wygella," by Ella
II!gg!nson;"Tho King of Diamonds,"
by Louis Tracy, "The Girl and the
Game," by Ralph Barbour. Tho
articles to Interest tho housewife are
many "An Election Day Dinner,"
"A Page of Prize Thanksgiving Din
ners." "Some Famous Old Virginia
Dishes," and four pages of tlmelv
fashions. Published by The (Jrowel!
Publishing Company, Springfield,
Ohio; one dollar a year; ten cents s
Tha Kansas woman who indlteo
the subjoined letter must certalnlj
be easily suited. She needed a set
of false teeth, and thus addressed
a Topeka dentist "My mouth Is
three laches acrost, five eighths
thru the jowl. S"tue bummocky on
the atage, shaped somethln' like a
hoss shoe, toe forard. If you want
me to be more particlar I'll have to
'come up thar."
Mustang Liniment
1h n positive cure for PilcH.
' II-
Tho appropriate dross for tho hos
tcss at an afternoon at home Is i
handsome hKh necked lonii sleevec
dress of any rich fabric. It may bi
QluboraUly trimmed und jewel? worn
Mr. WlnMoWH M)()TjI1N(i hvkpp for rhll.
dren teotl.ln Hoftena .bo KmH.rod,K-cH lnf
niHtlun.anHy,mlHcurcaooi0 I'rko bottle
A man In Columbus, Ohio, tamet
rats In a very simple way. When lit
has olle trapped, he never perm.U
id to drink unless t
flit 4. MW, tl JJUtJIJ,
ihus the animal soon learns to rec
oruIzo tho hand which supplies tin
necessary liquid.
The paper used In the banfcofEnc
and notes Is made entirely from ne
linen rags, for which the manu
facturors pay about ten cents a
POUnd. A L'OOil rlniil t n-
from Ireland, which furnishes the
best linen In the world.
IVanilnir Notcn Cnlllutr the Wicked to
T'S no use blam-
ng nature If you
efuso nurture.
Love is the light
that shines farther
than all others.
Success Is not
looking around for
the in a n w h o
Wlien you kill a
i j you revive an old
A solid fame Is better than a sound
Jig one.
Freedom only leaves a man free to
tllnib up.
Truth will come fully where you let
It come freely
The work of God's Word proves it
lo be Ills work.
Love Is the evldcnco of having
learned of Him.
A man's prospects do not depend on
Ills pretensions.
A stingy innn's gifts always have
strings on them.
Tho growth of a church docs not de
pend on its graft.
Sincerity Is the one secret of success
In the search for (?od.
The frosts of age do not cool the
tires of Christian love.
Some men mistake an attack of pny
rolllsm for a spasm of patriotism.
This life would be Impossible with
out the possibility of another life.
Your mother's apron strings arc
iway ahead of the devil's towllno.
No man has any part In Ills death
(vho gives no evidence of Ills life.
If nil man needs Is environment
vhat was the matter with Eden? 7
Content depends not on what wo
iave, but on what we would have.
Tho strength of a man's faith is in
nverse proportion to Its singularity.
It often takes a great hurricane to
slow us a little way toward Heaven.
"Goodness and Mercy" do not fol
low the man who is lleelng from God.
You cannot' lice from the wrath to
:ome until you forsake tho sin you
It Is a greater thing to make an
)ther strong than it Is to carry his
When the church owes lust year's
;rn 1 bill it is not going to catch this
rear's converts.
The weather has not been Invented
that will not furnish an excuse for not
t;olng to church.
The good in the guise of the bad
nay do as much harm as the bad In
tin' guise of the good.
I'ollto Convcrtmiiou.
In tho days when conversation rank
ed as an elegant art, to be cultivated
ivlth care, exception might have been
la km It) Miss Janet Miller's application
)f the word. Miss Miller, however,
had her own Ideas as to what const!
I .iled conversation hi Hramblevllle.
Miss Miller wns entertaining tlie
lowing circle on the day when Mrs.
I rcgory, a summer ivsldmt, made her
Lrst appearance as a helpful member,
und Miss Miller greeted her with groat
"You've come a mite late," she said,
cheerfully, "but that's no matUr; the
folks are In the full tide of conversa
Ton. two groups of 'em, you see, and
I'll Introduce you round, soon as you
jlioose which you'd rather Join, nnd I
f in hand you your work. 1 clrc'latc
from one group to the other.
"Those six ladles over in the bay
window are hemming, and their sub
ject o' conversation Just, now is dish
mops. Those out In the back room are
Hitting and basting, and they aro .con
versing about gas stoves. So you Jusl
I a mo your choice, either one."
Vouth's Companion.
Clon of tlie Service.
Mrs. Pugh Our minister says he is
rolng to change the last part of tho
Mrs. Knavf! Does lie think he can
I uprove It?
Mrs. Pugh No, hut he thinks it's
l ccTKfiary. instead of savintr "Lot us
i ::g tlie Lc::')!cgy," ho is going te stay
' Lot us adjust our clothes, slip on our
I '"ves. K'':'h """ 'ciU, forget all about
I ic Lord, and be dismissed." Olneln
I .ill Commercial-Tribune.
lie Knciv iliu Hoi-mo
".fouoi, do you happen to know any
no who has a burse for sale?" in
.ulred Hrown, In a conversation' which
no Chit-ago News reports.
"I have masons for believing that
i4 111 , It JIUV U If U4.4
"Why do you think so?"
"Itecause I sold him ono yesterday."
Jlolp'ng Koine.
"Havo you over dono anytliinc for
tho church?" asked llev. Mr. uood
Icy. "Have I!" replied Mr. Pompus. "My
rnr sir. It has always had my moral
-pj.ort. I y a good word for tho
Mrs. O. W. Fooks, of Salisbury, M-l
wife of 0. V. Fooks, Sheriff of Vlc
mioo count v
says: "I suf
fered with kM
ney compla'''
for e I g h f
years. It enmr
on mo gradual
ly. I felt tlni
and weak, wa
short of brent i
and was tron
bled w 1 1 I.
bloating afti'i
eating, and m
1 1 m h s we
bndly swollen. Ono doctor told me i
would anally turn to Urlght's discus.
I was laid up at one time for thn
weeks. I had not taken Loan's Kid
ney Pills more than three days when
the distressing nehlng across my biu-i;
disappeared, and 1 was soon entirely
For sale by nil dealers. Price r"
tents. Fostcr-Mllburn Co., Buffnto
N. Y.
Football players rarely havo reasi i
to dread tholr college examinations,
(t Is Infcrrod that (ho professors an
Inclined to be lenient with them.
An olllcor In tho Gorman Armyhi
Invented an acotyleno searchlight
which can be carried by ono man.
tad which will Illuminate cverytlilnii
vlth hi a distance of ono hundred
A WET Tint
4ub iaaK HkMf
A popular boardlnu houso lo
printers exists In Madison street f
i certain city. The manager is
'ery shrewd and employes only stout
torvant girls. Some of tho typos
iccaslonally stapger homo under an
ixccbsIvo quantity of beer, and the
itout girls are found very useful In
lelping tho tight gentlemen u,
italrs. -,
100 IWiwnrd, lOO.
Tlie , readers of this paper will be plend ta
mrn that there Is nt foaiit ohe dreadod dlneuM
niAt solcuco haa Itoen able to cure In all in
itiwa. nnd that t CaUtrrh. Hall' Catarrh (.'lire
m tho only jtodtlve cure known to tho medlal
,raU-rnlty. Cufurrh lining a constitutional ill.
tiw.0. roqulre a contitltutlonal trontniont. Hall"
i'4tturrli CureVitukui lutornally, anting dlmtl
5ii lint blood and mucoiM xurfneei of the vysUii-i.
.Iiurohy ilo.troylin: the foundation of Uin dl
iasn, and trlvlUR tho patient ntrongth by buUdlun
ip the constitution aud amlstlni: nature In dome
,tk wtirk. Tho proprlotors have so much faith in
.In curatlTe pownm thut thoy oflor Ono HuBilioil
jiollurs for any raso that It fulls to cure. Ucn-t
'or lUt of tcitlinouUil.
Address. V. J. CHKNKY Si CO., Toledo, O
Horn by Druggist, 7Ho.
UhU'h Family 111 are the best.
Farmcrft' insurance companies have
t wakened to tho fact that lately ti c
tilling of cattle by lightning Is large
y due to wire fences, which attract
;ho electric fluid.
'ooooooo-oxoooooooooooooo c
A Marvel of Relief
Safe and sura for
II Is the spoclflr vlmin pf in this O
remedy that carrms it r ih: to Xt.i ;a!t spn t
ivj t-footK U (.' , : . . r,
oooooooooooooo ooooooooor
Thomas Quliwi, of No. 321 Arch
Street, Philadelphia, has a cat which
ividently Is anlxous to perpetuate
er race. Sho recently gave birth lo
iwenty-ono kittens, each about the
zo of a Hold mouse.
iuro3 coughs and colds.
eillltSVVHtlii; ill tlSf FAILS.
Beat Ooufih i r ir- Tastus Oood. XJae
in timo. via cy arutnim.
f N. U. 850 - 47 YOUK Nki
MAM i - ' M fJX'V
rsji irxr
' '. never I get a chance."