Theatrical. At tho close of the performance of Hamlet:" Dumley- I say, that was n treat piny! I'd like to sec Uie author. Ilardhcd Why, my dear boy, Slinks if ore is dead! Dumlev Is tJint so? I hadn't heard f It. Fact is, I haven't read the pa ters very carefully the last week or i wo. Boston Transcript. No l'lcnsure. "Ilnp! There she goes!" exclaimed lie new cook, as the dish fell nnd irokCk "Oh, well," said the nurse girl, con ollngly, "'tis only cheap chlnywaro hey use here." "Is it so?" replied the cook. "Sinire, iieifa no pleasure nt all, tliln, In ireakin' tliat kind." - Philadelphia ?ress. Nothing to Ketract. "I supposo It's in order to congratu ii te you, old chap." "On what?" "On your inarrlnge to Miss Straw ry. of course." That was a false alarm. We're on: raged, although fow people know It. ut we are not married yet, by n long1 ibot." "No? Well, I relUtrate my congratu tlons, old chap." Ohlcago Tribune. Kaallr Kxpluincd. Undo Goorge Young man, don't rou know anything? For my part, I tnn't understand how you ever got Jirough college. Harry That was all right. I had ne of the brightest coaches that ever ns. Boston Transcript. His Preference. "They say," remarked the boarding louse landlady, "that washing the hair a strong toa will make it dark." "Possibly," rejoined the old bachelor! it the pedal extremity of tlio table, 'but I prefer to have my tea darkened a some other manner." Still it Victim. Singleton (sarcastically) Now that fou are bold, I supposo your wifo gives reu n rest, eh? Wedderly Oh, no; I still have some irhlskers left Modern Way. Mayme Stella is advertising the fact 3iat she wants to get married. Edyth Is it possible! Mayme Yes; she's attending a pri vate cooking school. Kisk. "There goes Plunger, the specu lator." "Yes, and he is about to outer the nost risky kind of speculation.' "indeed! Going to play the horses?" "Worse than that; he's going to play mtrlmony." JJotwcli on IfcKifT. Ida Ileggy De Fake says he moves to high society. May Moves? Then he must drive a tnruiture van. By Contrast. Toss I don't see why you shouldn't issoclate with her. Joss Oh, I couldn't She's hor ribly homely, you know. Tess Well, then, If you went -with Xcr it would make you look positively food-looking Philadelphia Press. Wasn't Helnlnir Her Cnse. Mr. Scrap sAnd to think that I used k call you an angel. Mrs. Scrap Well, I always did say rou didn't know anything. In After Yearn. Mrs. Green William, what objec 3on have you to that young man who u calling on our daughter? Green He Is silly, Mary. Mrs. Green Oh, that's because he1 B in love. I romniher the time when ou were a very ...Ify young man. Green Silly Isn't the proper namo far it, Mary. I was a measly idiot Siat's what I wns. Other Slile of It. "But," protested the prospective ten hit, "the house Is awfully damp." "My dear sir," replied the agent, 'that Is one of Its many advantages. In case of fire It isn't likely to burn." "And there is no water In tho well," wntinued tho would-be renter. "Another advantage," said the fccnt. "In case your children happen fall in it they won't drown." His Belief. "Do you believe that marriage is a bttery?" she asked. "Yes," ho replied, "and I also bo love that every woman 1b anxious to idle one or more chances." J.enp-Yetir KpIhcmIc. pretty School Teacher You should .- , ur it-iti-iier, .luiwiii.y. It II T-.I.,,,,,, W'luti "It. I. h ko sudden! IKING ON PORT ARTHUR IaNY MODir.S 1,1 K UNUllniKl) AS KESUIT. lenvy t.ont On lloth 8ltlo In Flclit. ilotnlmrilinnnt Ho Fierce th U JCutnlnns Abandon He. lalrs on VVorki. OIIE FOO.Tho Japanese costlnuo io bombard Pore Arthur, and the (hells nro falling so Incessantly tbco the Russians have practically aban loned tlio ropalr of tbo works pro tecting tbo harbor. Citizen volunteers and the polico ire now reinforcing tbo garrisons of iho forts according to the stories of Jblueso arriving hero, sixty of whom eft Port Arthur on November & Diving to the high price of food. So many men ware killed on both 'Ides during the last assault that nany bodies lay uuburicd for many lays and In some lntance dogs which lad been driven from tho town, issuaged their hunger by eating the lead. In a fow cases where this vas seen the horrow stricken Jitus ilan sharpshooters killed tho dogs. Some months ago the Russian au thorities ordered that all dogs seen m the streots should bo shot, with the result that half-famished creat ures have been roaming the louls. becoming savage. The Chinese say that the fort; Dn Golden Hill have done practi cally no Urine for mnntns past, and it Is believed their ammunition has run short. The demolition of the Chinese new town Is almost completed a thousand houses having been des'royod for the valuable 'irewood they contained. The towo is constantly catching fire and the majority of the ware houses and stores belonging to for eigners have burned to the ground Tax Ferret Law is Valid OMAHA. Judee Smith McPhcr. son of the United States court holds that tho Iowa tax ferret law is con stitutional. In the suit brought by Mrs. Anna Jeffries of this city to restrain the county treasurer from attempting lo collect delinquent taxes reported by the tax ferrel Judge McPbersim handed down hi? decision sustaining the demurrer o County Klllpuck to tho petition oi tbo plaintiff. Mrs. Jeffries' petition was baseo on tbo contention that the tax ferret law was unconstitutional in that It was in violation of the rights of property guaranteed by the federal constitution. In his decision Judge McPherson sustains the validity of tho law and holds that the conten tlon of Mrs. Jeffries Is without foun dation. A number of similar suits pending in tho district court depend ed on Judge MePberson's ruling Ir this case. Maine Wreck Bought NEW YORK. For $5,000 tht United States battleship Maine Sal vage company has bought from the Cuban government the wreck of the Maine In Havana harbor. A coHer 'Jam will be built around the hulk and it will be raised. Such of the seventy-four bodies of American sail ors as were not recovered aftor ttu battleship was destioyed will bo re moved and burled. Tbo salvage company will .sell the machinery and armor and after exhibit log tho hulk in Havana a new bottom will be placed on tho ship and It will be towed to Luna Park, Coney Island whore It will be exhibited as a cdr. loslty. Thrown From Automobile. NEW YORK. Miss May Waring, a well known society woman of Plain field N. J., has been fatally injureo in an automobile accident. Louis Waring and A. G. Waring, hoi brothers, and Mrs. Waring, a wife ol the latter, were severely cut and bruised. The cbaffeur was also bad ly shaken up. Tho car carrying the party was a large one and whlli running at high speed a tire ex ploded. Earthquake in Formosa. LONDON. Thero was a serioui earthquake on the island o Formosa at 4:39 o'clock Sunday morning, No. voraber 6, acc rdlng to tho Times Toklo correspondent. Tho center o tho disturbance was at Klavih whore 150 houses were destroyel and seventy-eight people klllod an! twenty-three Injured. New Aibitration Treaties WASflTNGTON.Tho secretary o, stato has received word from tin Mexican government of Its readiuet; nid willingness Ln ( liter into a treat, of arbl'iatltoo w.Hh this governmen' MINK Cm SAFE tUSSIANS MA KINO V I.AIUVOSTOIE DOUltliV MTllONU. EADY FOR THE JAPANESE AY ENKMY MAY FIND IT A 8ECONl l'OUT AKTI1UK "urtirtrittlnn 1Irco1 for Mllm OuUltla hihI Ship I.unda or I'mvlnlons living Lulil In for Hlge. OIIE FOO. As the result of aonths of preparation Vladivostok s now strongly protected, according o Captain Halvorsen of tho Norwe dan steamer Tuogsu, which, as to'd ,n these dispatches arrived hero live !( .mf ffnm nnrf. ulltll 1(V MMnOCn JIM3 UUU IIU1U Mill u IIIKU IUU wumvuu i ,i. nui., nn t t ii i, .. nn.,n t Vladivostok any longer on account )r the high prices of food and other L r.. h- n. i-i i hi ,ui 4.u c,,r r: ,r:vr:r. m.,h ,1, u"uaws OJ . J: uegina many nme. proper and grows stronger as the '"du : "r:;rr V a ... . ' , iramunltion and all sorts of mill- . ,. , , . wiry suppuua i icquL-iiuy uiiitu u Vladivostok, according to Captain a vorsen, who says that flvo ships i ji i, i, jngaged In unloading their cargoes iverc in port when the Uungsu sailed. Tho captain is unable to estimate the strength of the garrison, but he iays that everybody at Vladivostok seems tc be elthei an ollicer or an irdinary soldier. Tlio. "Rnrrmpnn rfgfrientR of Vladi irostoksbow their confidence in the security of the city by evidencing an iiruvilllnirnrs; t,o it. If the Japanese make an attempt to capture Vladivostok, It Is tho be- lefof Ciptaln Halvorsen that they find it. tn l.P nsonnnri Port. Ar- n:,ntnln TtnlvnrQnn RnvR ho MlWnr.hnt: snhinnrlnn hnatR hJ1 Pn irHvpri Ht. vinriivnsrnif.hiit.nririQ, le Is not positive in this belief for hn ri.1Rnn that. nt. nriwnnt. thft Kns- ilan naval secrets aro closely guarded. The harboi or Vladivostok hra aas been minud for a dlstanco of iome seven In four miles of tills area contact mines have been laid, while in the remalnlne tbrsc allies electric mines have been planted. Certain of a Plot. ST. PETERSBURG. Tho Assozl- itod press has not obtained ofllcial :anfirmatinn of the sensational re port that an intercepted dispatch 'untn f tla Trinfinncn mlnlonr i t Htr luu' "f" "u AUU ijaguo would bo produced In the court of inquiry Into the recent North sea incident io prove the existence of a plotjto destroy theRus- sian Ualtlc flee!. There Is, however, said to be good grounds for beliov- log tho report to be true, and that thero are many indications that Rus- sian government has been long in possession oi strong eviaence or a Japanese plan to Intercept all of Vice Aamirai itoiescvensKys warsnips. This explains tho willingness of Russia to submit tbo case to in- ternatioual Inquiry. She would scarcely have proposed this course unless convinced that she had a strong case. l it ahio deelopes that Emperor Muh'las, duihiK an aiidience with British Ambassador naidluuo de- hired in thd most positive torms that there were Japanese torpedoes i u tiiu iiuiuii ocii. vpuaroniiy wen- mark was impressed by the same belief. The Russian empress dowa ger, who was then In Copenhagen, naturally did not fall to communicate to her fatbur tbo Information re ceived by her from St. Petorohnrg This would account for the extra ordinary precautions adopted by the Danish government In detailing war ship? to escort the Baltic sea fleet through Danish waters. Held for Killing Neighbor. DES MOINES, la Prof. r. I. Gilford, a prominent resident and cliu.:'.. of Decorah, launder arrest on a ( barge of murder in the iirsu urgrcL', iia u ittsuit ui luu nearn ? L- ,1 U . . 1 . I I of FT. A. Blgclow, from a blow on tho head from a hoe in tho bands of Gilford. Rlgelow's skull waa crush ed. Tho mdn wero engaged in a dls pute over uieir riqiits to a certain piece or property when Olfford struck uinuun umrii, uini Huui:u ins uuuy Ulnniriin flimn nnH mi I I n m l.l V. .J onto nis own lot ann icrt mm. Blue- low died a few hours afterwards without, ri'cc.votiiii: cnnsidousness. I"01' YET e city DAY OF FATl! PASSES AND VOltf AUT1IUH HTANI1H. KnsaCk Thankful Mow ltni Not Fnllfin nutt Hoping for lteiplt Grnjililo Krnltnl of 1C cent AncnulU. ST. PETERSBURG. -There is a scarcely veiled feeling of relief tlnougbout St. Petersburg that the day has passed without brlunlnu news of tho fall of Port Arthur. There had been a considerable fear that the Japaucso might push homo tho Html attack. It is now folt that there may como another period of respite. The iiuthoiitlcs state that they aro without direct news fiom . - . , , , . Arthur and evoryono is depend 'nR upon foreign sources for tidings 1,"., " . B U1 " , , K V t Nothing of importance has develop- ed In the region of Mukden ohb Fou:-port Arthur is doom. ed. Tho correspondent of the Associated press has received lufor- m J reliability of which is beyond question, that tho Japanese now occupy pos tlons which place m u , ;hir tho oast sldo the towu at their mpv The Inst assault has gained for . , . . " .. , them posit ons which insure thel ...,.' . n. m. . tnrt ability to enter the main cast forts whenever they arc ready. The Japanese calculate that If the Russians do not surrender now they will be capablo of prolonging the lighting by making their final stand at Llaotl promontory and Tiger's Ttt" f.or a month lon?or racre 11000 01 continuing tue strug- Ke Lon& beforc the Becon ,,clflc squadron arrives In the Pacific the JaPaDCSU 10 ,H now . wv t,vcr tho wrecked citadel. This Will OOd Viceroy AlCXicff.S (1'eam Of UD UOCOnqUOrablo city. Too Japanese have not occupied tno maln t0Tt 5111(1 n,he8t Pluls ,f M - nB UU1H uutl u,0' occupy in overwhelming numbers positions wh'cb will enable them to drive the Russians back whenever thoy desire. Whotl Ulc Japanese occupy tho east Dort rld thc? completely dominate the other Russian forts with tbolr artillery. Japaneso arriving from Dalny re port that the Japanseohave captured Rlhlung mountain and Sungshu mountain, which lies between the rairoad and Uihlung mountain. Thoy also report that th'i Japaneso h..VQ CI1D,ured Ett8t TCeokwan moun I . - tain, uonsorvativo Japanese, rcall.- ,n lhe lnfcnHe desire of tbo Janan- ese f()r UOOfi nows cn tho emneror's brth(ny receivo tbo above reports wllh reserve RcKUrr,nR tno capture of ttlniunR und Sungsbu mountains cho r,,DUrti ,g not con3ldered impr0b. ablC bllt ,Tl,pane8c say that it is not lnteH0d t0 occllDV Eoat jrceUwan m0l,ntain. In August tho Japanese 8UCCOoded in entering East Koekwan fort) as WJ1S roatcd Jn thege dl8. nnti.h .k n,n Knf. nrin, h,. co o i rated tire lot tho otlier forti th y .voro oorapelled to retire. puncHo olllcors hero say that it In imnnsqlhln tn hnl.1 "Rnt, ICnnkwnn and that therefore an attempt or that position is presumably only i folnt Whcn fcho Japanese occupied tho Rus9,an trencncg on 1,hlut)fi fh. n, r.. i iik. mi" i i ii h in ouiu uunu itju iv joniaill turned a current, of wator Into t,h, t,nnnhp hntl t,hnfr. f hn .7nn!lnnB hn1r' f mid Japanese shells exploded two land mines oo Uihlung mountain. A censored dispatch from thi Associated press correspondent with the Japaneso army does not glvo an; particulars of a general engagemen uolnu on at Port Arthur but it 1 certaIn that ,t oc0llrrcd and tha some forts were capturod. Tqrrili. explosions heard hero Indicate that the Russians have exploded mine and destroyed other property. Many Injured In a Wreck. LAWREi:C2, 'MaBS.A raessair from North Antlnver sava a snoola two campaign companies whlol p.trticiuited in tho republican parad in this tlty wbilo runuine aba hlal rate of spaed was derailed and ovo turned. Many are reported Injured . -. K. i i'ti vs I ct i fis and polico nave nor from i,.i!b citv tn rim scRnn nf th. nvv.U)cc 5 wbiob Is four miles east o h,...,. I NEBRASKA NOTES J P. G. Schneider of Pickrell, who lost his Implement house by lire spt eral evenings ago expects to rebuild at once. Pearl Burnoll a colored boy wanted In Nebraska City on a chargo of ourglary, has bcon arrested at Super ior, Nod. Sheriff Charles E. Sbradcr of Ne braska City has recoverd a hnrso and buggy stolen from folio William of that city. Tho rig was found at the edgo of a farm. Mrs. Charlotte Converse of Rrook lleld, Mass., died at Chadron, Nebr., it tho iikc of 83. Mrs. Converso wat. there visiting a great nopnow, A. M. Rartlett. Miss Lulu Ereland daughter of Mr. ind Mrs. W. II. Ereland of Nebraska Olty died of consumption at tho aee of twonty-ono years. The remains wero shipped to Lnwlston, 111. for 'ntormont In the family cometery at that place. After an absrnco of fourteen years' In tho Klondike country. Thomai Berry has returned to his homo Id Beatrice. Mr Perry brines with him some very fino nutrgets and 3poclmens from the mines of the northwest. John S. Walker a Janitor of tnc First National hank block at Beat rice while engaired In cleaning win dows fell a dlstanco of twelve feet from a stopladder and received sevort Injuries. Ho will b. conllncd to hla homo for some tlmo as a result of tbo accident. A petition Is bolnc circulated among the taxpayers of Hickman school district asking tho school board to discontinue tho cas aKalnst MIfs Owons, who has re ceived a Judgment of $200 in the justice court for salary duo her and which has t.ecn appealed to the dls- triot court by tho defendants. A public sale was held bv Cook A Fcott last week on tho farm of the 'ortnor. two and one-half miles north )f Beatrice. Horses sold for 8100 to 125 eaoh, and nlno head of cowa brought an overage prlco of $$35 per head. Frank E. , a pacing norso wai old In by Mr. Scott, its owner, tor 1225. While Burlington fn-lght train No. 30 was switching at the clay pit, west of Louisville Inb week, Brakeman A. B. Marr was crushed to death by being caught between tho dump and a flat car. Marr wa about 35 years of age and loaves a wlfo and ;ono child. His homo wa at Lincoln, whoro the romalns wer taken. Ed Jones, a hack driver of Ne braska City shot himself In the left band recently which may re ult hi his losing a portion of t lint mem oer. Ho was foollnu with a han) merless rovoler, which ho did not know was cocked. Ilo pulled trier trlciror, discharging tho pun and tho oullet made an ugly wound In his , oand. The Union Pacific has a largo gang f men at work unloading coal Id the yards atColumbus and several thousand tons are piled up. The jompuny, It Is said have a two fold reason for handling this coal twlco. Dno Is that they want tho cart which are badly needed to handle ho grain rush, and another reason Is that they fear there may bo a mow blockado any time now betweeu '.hero and tho Wyoming mines. Oscar Persons and Lindley if Central City were out hunting and while getting into their buggy one )f their shotguns was accidentally JJsobarged, Inflicting a slight flesh wound In tho arm or Mr. Lindley md emptying tho full contents ol ;ho chargo In tho forearm or Mr. Person!), Inflicting a y Berlous wound which may necessitate ampu tation. They are both young men, Mr. Lindley being a high schooi itudent and Mr. Persons being an imploye of the Nebraska Telephona jompany. A stranger swindled Mrs. Brust, who resides In the southeast part of Nebraska City out of 810 by putting ip a smooth talk. The man arrived it tho Brust house and engaged room and board for ono week. He ;olri her that ho had notnlng but illls of largo denomination and could lot get them changed and requested iho loan of a dollar to have his trunk Drought to tho house. Sbo did not Dave any money smallor than a $10 5111 i nd the man promised to have .t changed at a store and return the ihanfjo tc her She gave him the bill and nothing has been seen op aeard of him since, although the )ol Ice were notltied of the swindles.