The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, November 11, 1904, Image 9

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    Notice Tor Hearing Claims.
Iti tho county court o( Noinnha county, Ncbr,
In tho matter of the Kntale of Itooo t A.
H olcoM, (Icccnut'd.
Notice U hereby kIvcii that the court has
lniulo nn ordor limiting tho time fo-crcdltoiH
to tile claims atrtiltiHt nnltl iIocohho'I (o hIx
mouths from the 21st Oavnf l)(0 rubor, lfi"4
iit.d thiu iiccomlicr 21. 1IKI4. Mnrch II. 1D05.
umljiinu 22, "1)05; at i en o'clock a in. of each
day Ht tho nfllco or i hn county Judge of Nc.
main county, Ncbrnnkn, in Auuurti, Ncbrus
kit, has hcon fixed bv tbu court ftg tho times
and plnco when unit whore nil persons who
luvvo claims mid demands against mild dr enn hnvo thn samo examined, adjust.
:d nnd utlowMl, and nil cIiiIiiih not presented
Uj thn last montlonod dalo will bo forever
barred, by nn order of the court.
Dated Novombor 4, 1004.
SEAL J. H. MuOakty, County Judge.
at Home
Has your doctor been
VW71UI t
Wouldn't you prefer to
yourself AT HOME?
Nearly 1.500,000 women havo
bought Wine o Cardui from
their druggists and have cured
themselves at home, of such
troubles as periodical, bearing
down and ovarian pains, loucor
rbooa, barrenness, nervousness,
dizziness, nauBea and despond
ency, caused by femalo weakness.
These are not easy cases.
Wine of Cardui cures when the
doctor can't.
Wine of Cardui docs not irri
tate the organs. Thcro is no pain
in tho treatment. It is smoothing
tonic of healing herbs, free from
strong and drastic dmgs. It is
successful because it cures in a
natural way.
Wine of Cardui can be bought
from your druggist at $1.00 a
bottlo and you can begin this
treatment today. Will yon try it?
In caaea requiring special directions.
Kddroti, gWlng symptom, The Idler
Advisory Dept., The Chattanooga
Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn.
Thousands Have Kidney Trouble
and Don't' Know it.
How to Find Out.
Fill a. hntllft or rnmmnn trln? uIIVi viti
water and let it stand twenty-four hours; a
sediment or set
tling Indicates an
unhealthy condl
'tlon of the kid
neys; if it stains
your linen it la
evidence of kid
ney trouble; too
frequent desire to
pass it or pain In
thn harlr In alcn
tonvlnclng proof that the kidneys and blad
der are out of order.
What to So.
There Is comfort In the knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Root, the great kfdney remedy fulfills every
wish In curing rheumatism, pain In the
back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part
of the urinary passage. It corrects Inability
to hold water and scalding pain In passing
it, or bad effects following, use of liquor,
wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant
necessity of being compelled to go often
during the day, and to get up many times
during the night. The mild and the extra
ordinary effect of Swamp-Root Is soon
realized. It stands the highest for Its won
derful cures of the most distressing cases.
If you need a medicine you'should have the
best. Sold by druggists In50c.and$l. sizes.
You may have a sample bottle of this
wonaenui discovery
and a book that tells
more about It, both sent
absolutely free by mall,
address Dr. Kilmer
Tloroo of Swamp-Hoot
Co.. Rlnediamtnn. M. V. JVn writlnctmAn.
ton reading this generous offer In this paper.
m'jmMr great
Connecting the Commercial Centers and Bloh
Farms of
The Broad Cera and Wheat Vlelda and Thriving
Cities of
The FertUe Hirer Valleys, Trads Centers. and
BoUlng- Prairies of
The Qrand.Plota resqae and Enoliantlng Scenery,
and the Famous Mining District o'
Tho Agrloaltnral. Frnlt, MIneraf and Timber
anils, and Famous Hot Springs of
The Sugar Plantation and Immense Bice
Fields of
The Cotton and Grain Fields, the CatUe Binges
and Winter Bcsorts ot
Historical and Hcenlo
And forms with Its Connections the Popular
Winter Boute to
For dcscrlptlvo nnd Illustrated pamphlets of
nny of the above States, address Companies
Agent..or c.TOWNSEND.
Central ruHnger nnd Ticket Agent,
8T. uouia.
W. W. Sandkkb & Son, Prop's.
Buy a White Lilly washer and make
wash day n pleasuro instead of a drudge
Edwards & Bradford Lbr. Co.
St 00 Ver doz. for Plymouth Rock
chickens from eggs coating 2.0.
W. W. Llebhart.
The snow did not affect tho Whlto
Lilly tho White Lilly washing ma
chine at
Edwards & Bradford Lbr. Co.
Sheriff Lawrence and Charley Una
ton led a long hut fruitless chase after
a horse thief last week, which, had the
authorities at Horn, Kansas, been a
little more careful, would have resulted
In a capture.
Betweon 11 and 12 o'clock of the of October 20 a horse was stolen
from Ex-sheriff Wellraan's barn north
of Nebraska City. The sheriff of Otoe
county notified Sheriff Lawrence about
2 o'clock in the morning and the sher
iff called Huston und got out on the
robber's trail in remarkably short
tlm.0. Four miles west of Auburn the
buggy tracks made in tho crystal frost
extended to the south and the persuing
p irty followed this to Humboldt. The
horse thief was just one hour's drhe
ahead of tho sheriff. At Humdotdt
tho sheriff changed teams nnd follow
ed the track six miles farther At
this place the robber had procured hi
breakfast. From there the Bheriff
drove to Bern where tho trail was lost
by the melting of the frost. Tele
phones wore uoed freely and the per,
suing party drove on to Soldiers City
and to Bancroft. Two mile north of
Bancroft Sheriff Lawrence found that
be was in closo proximity to tho thief.
Word was sent ahead to Whitmore
and the sheriff expected to approhond
bis man there but in some way th
thief evaded the authorities at that
place and the pursuit had to bo given
up. The country In that locality 1b very
rough and a robber stands little chanee
of being caught.
The sheriff and Huston left Auburn
at 3:15 a.m. Thursday and returned
at 5 a. m. Saturday having traveled
over 350 miles and changed teams
thiee times. The robber drove d-1
miles without feeding his horse. This
is only ono of numerous horse thefts
In Otoe county aud in only one case
has a horse thief been caught. That
was duo to recklessness on the part of
the thief.
The work of Sheriff Lawrence in
this instance is particularly worthy of
mention becauso of the persistence
with which he kept at the pursuit when
everything was in favor of the fugi
tive. Auburn Republican.
The Youth's Companion UBea entt r
tainmeut as a means rather than an
end, conveying always in its Action and
its article some convincing truth or
some contributions to the useful know
ledge of its readers.
Tne 225 men and women enlisted to
write for The Companion represent an
infinite variety of talents and callings.
Through The Companion they address
not only the young and Impressionable,
but the fathers and mothers of the
nation. The entire family claim a
share in the good things which All Tho
Companion's pages.
Full Illustrsted Announcement, de
scribing the principal features of The
Companion's now volume for 1005 will
be Bent to any address free
The new subscriber for 1005 will re
celve all tho Issues of The Cotnpunlon
for the remaining weeks of 1004 free
from the time of subscription, also The
Companion "Carnation" Calender for
1005, lithographed In twelve colors and
The Youth's Companion,
144 Berkeley Street, Boston, Mass.
Robbod tho Crave
A startling incident is narrated by
JohnOllver ofPhiladelphia, as follows
"I was in an awful condition. My
skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken,
tongue coated, pain continually in back
and sides, no appetite, growing weak
er day by day. Three physicians had
given mo up Then I was advised to
take Electric Bitters; to my great joy
the first bottle made a decided im
provement. 1 continued their use for
three weeks, and am now a well man
I know thoy robbed the grav of
anothnr victim." No ono should fall
to try them. Only 50c, guaranteed. at
Roosevelt Wins Solid North
And Breaks into the Solid South
Has 343 Electoral Votes
All Republican
Roosevelt has a Million
and a half Plurality
of Popular Vote
Carries every Northern
State and breaks in
to Solid South
Missouri Republican
It was a landslide allrtgbt.
New York, one of the so-called doubt
ful stales, went for Roosevelt by
185,000. and the entire state ticket was
Delaware, another doubtful state,
goes for Roosovolt by 5,000. Utah by
8.000. Montana by 2,000, Coloradol by
10,000, Wisconsin by 00,000, Illinois by
200.000, Indiana by 75,000, West Viri
glnla by 5,000, New Jersey by 50,000,
and Connecticut by 32,000 all classed
as doubtful states.
Feabody, republican candidate for
governor of Colorado, was defeated by
about 10,000 plurality.
Roosevelt has 343 electoral votes and
Parker 133. This may possibly be
changed a little, as tho result in Mary
lund is close.
On account of factional fights the
democrats elected governors in M&ssas
chusetts and Minnesota.
In addition to nil the states classed
as republican aud all classed as doubtful
Roosevelt carries Nevada, and probably
Marylaud and Missouri, classed as
sure democratic states.
He carries every northern state and
breaks into the solid south.
At 8:30 Tuesday night Parker act
knowledged his overwhelming defeat
and sent a telegram of congratulation
to Roosevelt.
Roosevelt will havo a plurality of
the popular vote of over a million nod
a half the largest plurlty ever received
by a president.
Missouri gave Roosevelt a plurality
of ubout 15,000. Folk, democrotic
candidate for governor, is elected by
about 85,000. The republicans get the
remainder of the stato ticket, elect a
magority of tho legislative, thus iusur
ing a republican successor th Senator
Cockrell, and also elect eight congress
men, a gain of seven.
Mrs. B. W. Marsh and son are visits
ting relatives in Chicago.
J. M. Burress returned from his oil
well iu Oklahoma just in tlmo to vote.
The Methodist ladies served dinner
and supper ut both ends of town on
election day.
Miss Edith Leach the primary teach
er of the Brock school visited her sis
ers over Sunday
The chapel at Sheridan cemetery was
dedicated last Sunday with appropiate
exercises, all the ministers in the city
taking part.
C. A. Snyder and wife superintend
out of the electrio light plant left this
week for St. Louis and a visit at his
old home in Illinois.
The brick and stone work on the
new Methodist church is completed)
nnd tho carpenters are pushing their
work as rapidly as possible.
Rev. Joo F. Redforn, wife and
children loft Tuesday for their home
in Washington after a five week's visit
with relatives and friends.
Chas. Anderson the manager of the
Auburn Gold Mining Company (in the
Black Hills came homo last Saturday
with a badly sprained ankle.
J. M. Armstrong returned Monday
from Cleveland, Oklahoma, whore ho
has been superintending the beginining
of drilling an oil well on some land
that. he has leased.
W. J. Bryan was greeted with a
good sized audience on the court bouse
awn last Saturday afternoon Ho
dwelt at length on the rovenuo law but
Nebraska Elects a Re
publican State Ticket
Solid Congressional
Delegation, and 123
out of 133 members
of the Legislature
Nebraska gives Roosevelt a plurality
of about 05,000 over Parkor
All six congressmen are republican.
Tho legislature is overwhelming res
publican, the state senate being solid
republican, and the fuslonista having
only ten members in the lower bouse
The republicans havo 123 members nnd
the fuslonist8 10 on joint ballot.
Mickey is elected governor by a
plurality or about 10.000 Tho balnnce
oftho ticket is elected by a much larg
or plurality.
Returns from 58 counties in thosti-t
glvo Roosevelt 101,007. Parker 38 890,
and Watson 0,127.
In Nemaha county every republican
candidate received a majority, althougl
Mickey's lead was only 13. The nro-
hlbltlonists cast 114 votes for the nai
uuuui ucaet, tne populists 286V the
democrats 785. and the republicans
1,044. Burkett gets a plurality $44 0
Tho Btate ticket below governdPgets a
plurality of about 400.
The December Dellneatorjkwith its
message of good cheer and helpfulness,
will be welcomed in every home. The
fashion pages are unuaually attractive
illustrating and describingjjthe very
latest modes in a way to nfaice their
construction during the busystivei
season a pleasure Instead of a task, and
the literary and pictorial features are
of rare excellence. A selection of
Love Songs from the Wagner Operas,
rendered into English by Richard de
Gallienue and beautifully illustrated
in colors by J. O. Leyendecker,
occupies a prominent place, and a
chapter in the Composers' Series,
relating the Romance of Wagner and
Cosima, is an interesting supplement
to the lyrics. A very clever paper
entlted "The Court Ciroles of the
Republic," describes Bome unique
phases of Washington social life is
from an unnamed contributor who is
said to write from the Inner circles of
of society. There are short stories
from the pens of F. Hopkinson Smith.
Robert Grant, Alice Brown, Mary
Stewart Cutting and Elmore Elliott
Peake, and such interesting writers
as Julia Magruder, L. Frank Baum,
and Grace MacGowan Cooke hold the
attention of the children. Many
Christmas suggestions are given in
needlework and tne Cookery pages
are redolent of the Christmas feast
In addition, there are the regular de.
partment af the magazine, with many
special articles on topics relating to
w o nan's interests within and without
the home.
How's his ?
Wo ofTor Ono Hundrod Dollars Howard for
anycusoof Catarrh thru ennnot bo cured by
Hall's Catarrh Curo.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Wo, tho undersigned, have known F. J.
Cheney for tho lust 16 yeors, and bollovo him
perfectly honorable In ull business transac
tions aud financially able to carry out any
obligations made by his firm.
Wholesalo Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Curo Is taken Internally,
acting directly upon tho blood and mucous
surfaces of tho system, Testimonials sent
J too. Prlco 75 cents per bottle. Bold by all
Take Hill's Family Tills for constipation
Subscribe for your papers at this of
Old papers for sale at this oQlce.
Capital Stock, $5,000
"Make each day a critic on the last.
Pope I
Children have more need of models
than of critics.
rt . f . ' . W
wisuom is oiten nearer wnon
stoop than when we soar.
"Intelligence Is the foundation of
free government." Ingersol.
Let us not forget the Drat number of
our Lecture Course, Nov. 22,
Cases of measles in the primnrv
room numbered fifteen this week.
We learn that every thing went re
publican at the school election Tues
day. "There is no other educational in
stitution equal toftawoU icguluted
Wo expect our basket ball team will
soon challenge the Lincoln high school
bofore the sea-, on isqver.
Cannot the moralsfand the manners
of our children be changed by united
effort of parents andTteacher?
The intermediate pom has taken up
the study of artists, and their works.
They are now taking some of Sir Edwin
Land8eerfg'master pieces.
A number of our primary students
havebeen having trouble with their
eyesl Shall we attribute the causo to
the measles or the zig-eag arry of black
spots on the wallB.
Thethird grade havo been keeping a
careful weather report since Sept., 20-
and the summary shows a difference of
almost an hour's tlmo in tho length of.
the day since that day.
It seems the high school has caught
the fever of nature study work but we
wonder to what class would belongho.
lengtny specimen we noticed standing
in tho corner Monday evening.
How lame is the man at the plow
without the horse likewise the scholar
without tablet or pencil. Those parents
are unreasonable whoexpect good
.re8ultsJrom hdn-supplled pupils.
mlW . . . . .,
alio way to neep a man out ot tue
mud is to blacken bis boots. The man
with Polled shoes does not care where
he walks.' The school boy in blacking
his boots is teaching himself selfs
While one boy is regretting his want
of opportunities, his lack of means to
get a college edncation, another with
half bis chance picks up a good educa
tion in the odds and ends of time
which other boys throw away.
Winter fashions as set forth in The
Designer for December are stylish and
essentially practical . "Points on dress
making," a valuable department of tho
magazine, gives explicit directions for
making fur collarettes and muffs of
new design, and Its Bister department,
"Lessons in Millinery," tells bow to
make an exquisite evening hat. The
Designer caters to the woman who
sewB, and in addition to the above feat-'
urea contains this month novel Cbrlsts
mas gifts in which dainty needlework
is a necessary factor. "Making Up
for Private Theatricals" is an article
which will bo highly appreciated by
amateur actors, who seldom pay suffic
ient attention to this very important
part of the stage business, while "The
Lady and tho Lunch," tho first installs
ment of the valuable series, "In the
Interest of Beauty," discourses on a
subject too often treated with careless
noss. 'A Christmas Alphabet Supper"
is an origanal Idea for entertainment,
and droll and pretty schemes for tho
presentation of gifts and decoration of
tho Yule tree nro supplied in generous
quantity. In fact the December De
signer Is just what a magazine should
be at this season brimful of good-will
to all men, with a strong leaning to
ward the woman contingent,
The White Lilly it Is a washing
machine and is all that the name
would indicate. Your olothes are as
whlto as a lily when washed with this
machine. It is kept for sale at
Edwards & Bradford Lbr. Co.
V. E. ALLEN. Vice-PS
ALLEN, Cashior.
Keeling s drug store.
, made no mention of Parker.