QUICK RESULTS. -ma W. .1. IIIH. of Con- the Pence, says: "Doan's Kidney Pills proved a v e r y efficient remedy In my case. 1 used them for. disor dered kidneys and backache, from which 1 had experienced a great dual of trouble and pain. The 'kid nev secretions Hero very irregular, dark colored and full, of sediment. The Pills cleared it nil tip and 1. have not had an ache in my baek-u8lnce taking the last dose. My hcalthgncntlly is improved a great deal." '"'W 1 FOSTliR-MiraTunN CO., Buffalo, ts. Y. For sale" by all dealers, price 50 tents per box $ German horse butchers will odgu 4 restuuranb?n Herlin to educate the npper'class loathe use of hoise llesli. 'j-Tf mmmm Wifn-lf It Is so necessary tint wo should eomuomizc, why don't yuu shavo yourself, instead of paying a harbor to do It?" Husband "That shows all you women know about piollt and loss accounts. Why, a little oicoo of court plaster, no bigger than the end of my chin, ousts ton cents. HARD TIMES THEATRICALS. Manufacturer want some ad vertising space in your drop curtain for tonight." Theater Manager "Sorry, but every square foot Is taken." Manufacturer Too bad. How ever, it will do as well If you'll, Just change Hamlet's 'To bo or not to bo', into 'To wash or not to wash', and have him ring in something about my soap " Wo nro moTer without a. bottle of Plso'a Cure for Connunintlon in our houcc. Mrs. E. M. Swayao, Wakita, Okla., Apr" 17, 1001. Miss Gannon, Secy Detroit Amateur. Art Association, tells young women what to do to avoid pain and suffering caused by female troubles. "Dear Mrs. Pinkham: IcanconsoiontioiislvTccommendliydlalD. Pinlriinm's Vegetable Compound to those of my sisters suffering with female weakness and the troubles wliicn so often befall women. I suf fered for months with general wealcness, and felt so weary that I had hard work to keep up. I had shooting pains, and was utterly miserable. In my distress I was advised to use Lydia E. Piiikham's Vegetable Compound, and it was a red letter day to me when I took the first dose, for at that time my restoration began. In six weeks I was a changed woman, perfectly well in every respoefc. I felt so elated and happy that I want all women who suffer to got well as I did." Miss Guiia Gannon, 860 Jones St., Detroit, Mich., Secretary Amateur Art Association. It is clearly shown in this young lady's letter that Iydia E. Plnldiam's Vegetable Compound will cortainly euro the sufferings of women ; and when one considers that Miss Gannon's letter is only one of the countless hundreds which we aro continually publishing- in the newspapers of this country, the great'virtue of Mrs. Pink- IAm'a medicino must be admitted by all ; and for the absolute cure of all kinds At female ills no substitute can possibly take its place. Women should bear this important fact in mind when they go into a drug1 store, and bo sure not to accept anything that is claimed to be " just as pood" as Lydia E. Fink 7iam's Vegetable Compound, for no other medicine for female ills has jmade &o many actual cures. How Another Suffer Was Cured. DnAtt Mns. Pinkitam: I cannot praiso your wonderful remedies onough, for they have done mo moro good than all the doctors I have had. For the last eight years and more I suffered with female troubles, was very weak, could not do my housework, also had nervous pros tration.' Some days I would remain unconscious for a whole day and night. My neighbors thought I could never recover, but, thanks to your niodicine, 1 now feel like a different woman. " I feel very grateful to you and will recommend Lydia E. Plnk Imm's Vegetable Compoimd to all. It has now been four years since I had the last spell of nervous prostration. I only weighed ninety eight pounds at that time ; now I weigh one hundred and twenty -three. "1 consider your Vegetable Compound the llncst remedy made. Thanking you many times for tho benefit I received from your medicine, I remain, Yours truly, Mas. J. II. Faiuikk, 2809 Elliott Ave., St. Louis, Mo.'5 Itcmembor Mrs. Plnkham's advice is free and all sick women aro foolish if they do not ask for it. She speaks from tho widest j experience, and has helped multitudes of women. CfiOfi FORFEIT If vrooannot forthwith produce the orlprlnal letters and signatures of 94 W WW 'i in 31ert, Co., Lynn, Mm. mm Sale Ten Million Boxes a Year. THE FAMILY'S FAVORITE MEDIGMZ CANDY CATHARTIC 1 50c M0 Al Dntoltts 111', It Jl)twL. Sllmpurse" You sn ou are not ir love witij any inu ol . but you are ir love with ai in., Perhaps I cm In time iipuroucli Umi, i ci on 1 . " Mies U ami (rogrutfully) "I'n afraid not. lie is u cliiuacter ii tho 'Arabian Nights.' ICvorytlilui Do totiehon turned to gold." llfHrhi'th'o tforhl. Cream, Ark., Nov. 7.(Speclnl.) -Af tcr eighteen months' suffering from iflpllepsy, Haekacho and Kidney Com plaint, Mr. W. II. Smith of this place is u well man again and those who liavo watched his return to health un hesitatingly give all tho credit to Dodd's Kidney Pills, in an interview regarding his .cure, Mr. Smith says: "I had boon low for elchteen months with my back and kidneys nml also IOpilepsy. I had taken everything I know of and nothing seemed to do me any good till u friend of mine got me to send for Dodd's Kidney Pills. I find that they are the greatest medicine in tho world, for now I amiable to work and am In fact as stout and strong as before I took sick." Dodd's Kidney Pills cure tho Kid neys. Cured Kidneys cleanse the blood of all Impurities. Pure blood means good health. Tamarisk timber 4,000 years old lias been found lo perfectly sound condition in ancient Egyptian tcni- pics. WEDS TO SAVE HER FARM. TflE EVILS OF POVERTY. The lessons taught through want aro not always ennobling, and there Is n limit to poverty beyond which is dismay and well nigh utter des pair. Dickens, even aftar yenrs and years of prosperity, could nevor bear to recall tho frightful privations he endured in boyhood, and shrank as if mortally hurt when any allusion was raado to certain reminiscences of the past, of which oxtremo poverty was the central figure. There wero iinntvp.rsarles and scenes which ho could never recall without a shuddei and some passages In his life wnicl to Ids dying day brought a Sad palrn ed look to ills face. Constant de privations makes of any lite a curse, and it forces many human bolnus) to live mere automaton existences. They would, if' they could, all of them, perhaps, escape the-oviJ, but tho weight Is upon them, the mill stone is about their necks, and there U nothing left them but stoic In dilTerence. The blessings of savory food, sunny homes, books, pictures, tho opportunities or doing good and of making others happy, aro not to bo too lightly estimated., and cruel Is the cause that shuts all of them out. Life was not designed to dis ippoint every aspiration, but to en able it to expand, and any condition which stni'thirs aspiration or blights the possibilities or one's nature, is a terrlbl.) misfortune, should be ac cepted as nothing less and should be manfully combated BEST FOR THE BOWELS TILL NOON. The Pimple Dish tlmt lccpt One Vluor oim mid Well l-'ed. When the Doctor takes his own medicine mid the grocer eats the food he rccommeuds some confidence comes to the observer. A Grocer of Osslan. lnd.,'had a prac tical experience with food worth any one's attention. He says: "Six years ago I became so weak from stomach and bowel trou ble that I was dually compelled to give up all work in my store, and In fact all ports of work, for about four years. The last year I was confined to the bed nearly all of the time, and .mich of the time unable to retain food of any sort on my stomach. My bow sis wore baiily constipated continual ly and I lost in weight from 105 pounds down to 88 pounds. "When at the bottom of tho ladder I changed treatment entirely and startr ed In on (Jrape-Nuts and cream for nourishment. I used absolutely noth ing but this for about three months. I slowly Improved until I got out of bed and began to move about. "I have been improving regularly and now in the past two years have been working about fifteen hours a day In the store and nevfer felt betto In my life. "During these two years I have never missed a breakfast of Grape N'uts and cream, and often have it two meals a day, but the entire breakfast .s . always made of Grape-Nuts and cram alone. "Since commencing the use of Grape Nuts I have never used anything to stimulate the action of the bowels.- a hlng 1 had to do for years, but this 'ood keeps me regular and In fine shape, and I am crowing stronger and heavier every day. "My customers, naturally, have been interested nnd 1 nm compelled to an swer a great many questions about Grape-Nuts. "Some peoplo would think that a iimple dish of Grape-Nuts and cream ivould not carry one through to the noonday meal, but it will and in the most vigorous fashion." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Look in each pkg. for the famous 'IHle bonk. "Th xiauA ta Wllvllla" Hud to Get n liuttbniid or I.cnvc Old Home. Howard Allen, of Stntcn, Ind., n Iravollng salesman for a sewing inn :hino company, nnd Mrs. Amanda Burllngham, of Preble, a village about Ion miles north of Cortland, were mar ried under romantic circumstances, lays the lilnghamton (N. Y.) corre spondent of tho Now York licrald. Tho two had not known each other more than hnlf an hour when tho cere mony was performed by n justice of Iho ycaco of Preble. Mrs. Burllngiiam was a widow of GO With two children, a son nnd a daugh ter. She owns u large farm at Preblo hud this year has found considerable jlililculty In procuring competent help to assist her in tho farm -work. i Several weeks ago li. ,T. Bowdlsh, of Cortland, n sewing machine salesman, 1 was in Preblo on a tour of collection ft ml stopped at tho homo of Mrs. Bur-1 llngham, who complained of tho scarc ity of farm help and said tho only ' Way sho could see out of her difUculty was to get married. Mr. Bowdlsh sympathized with tho ' widow and jokingly remarked that ho Ivould have to llnd n man for her. Mrs. Burllngham replied that sho would bo Very glad if ho would find hor a re irpectablo hustiand, and tho conversa tion was closed. Mr. Bowdlsh hnd thought nothing more of tho matter until Thursday aft ernoon, when ho and Mr. Allen and ovornl othor sewing machine salesmen rore gathered in tho Cortland otllccs the sowing machine company for a onferonce. Hi the afternoon mail de Ivery came a letter for Mr. Bowdlsh rom Mrs. Burllngham. In It the wld rw reminded the ngent of his promise o find her n husband and asked him rhnt progress he had mado In tho mat er. Sho said that the farm crops wero uttering badly because of lack of help, nd nho was very anxious to llnd a hus land capable of carrying on tho farm fork, otherwise sho would bo obliged o sell out. As alio had lived on the arm twenty-seven years she did not rant to leave and live with new Bur oundlngs. While the other agents Joked Mr. Lllen took the matter seriously nnd old that ho thought It was a chanco or which he had been looking. At first his fellow agents thought ho rns joking, but ns ho was evidently In strneat they began to take tho matter terlously. Ho said that ho was tired if wandering about the country with mt a settled homo, nnd for throe or our years lie had been looking for ome good place to locate. Mr. Bowdlsh volunteered to tnke Lllen to Preblo on Sunday. Mrs. Burllngham welcomed the pnr y enthusiastically and wasted no Urao h getting to tho point. She made Mr. Lllen give her tho history of his past Ife, and In doing so learned tlint he vas a widower of -17, with n daughter Iving In Chicago. Mr. Allen assured tor that lie had worked on n farm nnd vas used to farm work, farm macbln iry, tools, etc. Mrs. Burlinglinm was soon satisfied hat Mr. Allen was tho man for whom he had boon waiting and proposed thnt hey bo married at once. Justice of the ?eaco Dalloy was nroused' from his ilumbcra and with Miss Nettie Bur Ingham, tho daughter of the bride, no Iridesmnld, and Mr. Bowdlsh as bosl han, the ceremony was performed. In Othor Cities; Too. "Speaking of high rents In Colum )us," said n well-known business man, 'reminds me that a greot mony land ords are trying to make their tenautt ?ay for the property in ten years. "The landlord purchnses n lot and thou a building and loan association uts up n building for him. Wo wit' tuppose the building costs $2,000. Or :his the lnndlord must pay back ?2( per month. "Ho rents tho house for $25 pel nonth, which gives him 00 per yeai tor taxes and repairs. In ten yean lis tenant has paid tlio debt, Interest ind all. "The tenant could have done thh for himself, just nB easily as he did foi als landlord, nnd then after ho had flu ished paying he would have the prop irty, Instead of it belonging to soim Nie else. "I am surprised thnt the laborinp men do not see this matter just as It h uid own their own property. Thej ire inlying for it anyhow, and if thej Were wise they would pay It on tlieii awn account." Columbus Free Press lioqtteHt, for Powu-rlty. "I shall leave It ull to posterity," said Jie rhyme-smith. Knowing that he was no exception 'o the rule that poots aro born but not jald, I could uot soo how posterity vould bo bonoflted by his bequest. "I mean," ho explained, "that pos nriry will rt tnn Mnce " "You evidently uro a wag," said I, is n red ray of understanding broke In ipon mo. "You Intend to got out bo lore posterity comes in and be gone wifely boforo It has any chance to re nllato on you In view of all things, a aost commendable decision." Ml III MOOSE JACK RIB'SEX'S SECRET TOR ' SECURING SLEEP. A. MlMourl I'noKlri Itnllrnml Conductor TelU How II o I'roTcnU Uiv IVrfick of Ills Nerve. A great deal of fntiguo nnd nnxioty is aoused up iu tho littlo red box that swings at tho tall end of ovory froighfc, halu and shares In overy jolt of th itring of heavy cars that prccodos it on tho rails. Tho mou In it tiro good, hearty follows who boar chcorfully tho hazard conncotcd with tho gronb problom of transportation. Thoy nro astir night nnd day on a vast network of linoB and tho sympathies of tons of thousands of poacof ul littlo homos go with thorn ou ihoir runs. Tho groat publio must hav its supplies and those nro tlto mou who must got them through at tho cost eve of thoir lives. Mr. Jock Ramsey, of Council Grove, Kansas, is au onorgotio, frank, good naturod member of this brothorhood and ho boars a load of worries that makes itf nocossary for him to sock holp to koop his oxoi tod nerves from wearing him out. Flo nays : " "What troublod me most was my in ability to got sleep when tho chanco came and a most irritating sensitiveness of my whole nervous system, growing out of tho irregular! tioa and anxictios con nected with my daily work. Throe or font years ago a clerk in tho suporintondout'i office of tho Missouri Pacific, at Osawa tomio, advised me to use Dr. Williams' Pink Fills for Palo Peoplo. I noted ob his ndvico and got help right nwny. So X kcop thorn on hand all the timo and whouovor tho strain begins to toll on mo I tako n fow doses. Thoy qaiel down my oxoitod norves and make il posstblo (for mo to sloep jost liko n child. Thoy aro mighty good medicino for railroad man. That is tho absolute truth, as far as my exporiouoe goes, nnd I am right glad to recommend them." Dr.Williams'Piuk Pills for Palo Peoplt are unliko othor modicincs because they not diroctly on tho blood and nones. They are a positlvo core for all discuses arising from impoverished blood ox shattered norves. They are sold by aU dealers, or will be sent postpaid on re ceipt of prico, fifty cents a box, or sis boxes for two dollars nnd fifty cents, by addressing Dr. Williams Medicino Com pany, Schenectady, N. Y. There woro 0,000 duels In Germany ast year, with a mortality of 21 as thown by official reports. Voxr'H Thlal We offer One Hundrorf Dollars Reward fat ,117 caxo of Catarrh tliat cannot be cured by air uaiarrn utiro. V. J. GHKN1CY & CO., rrojw., Toledo. O. We the umlorslgnod hare known lp. J. Cheney or the last 15 years, and boltrre lilra porfoctly lonurabU la all business transactions and fluan dally able ta carry out an,! obligation made by Uiolr arm. Wkht &T11UAX. Wholesale Drut,'sb:ti,Tolodo,0. IVauiiko. Kinkan & Mahvxk, Wholesale DnttrpUU, Tolodo. O. Uall'i Catarrh Curo Is taken Internally, aotlne llrectly upou the blood and mucous surface of Iho systotn. Trice 75a. per bottle. Hold by all VurkIiu. Testimonials freo. liail'M Family Pills aro the best. There aro moro than 100,000 widows In Berlin. Mrs. Windows SOOTHING 8YRUP for chil dren teething, softens the rums.reduccs lnfla matlon.allayspain cures collo. Price 25o bottle. An ill-natured man is ml horror. I am moro afrado ov him than I am ov a bloodhound or a hyena. I belcavo Jazyncss iz the cause ov more mlzory In. this world than sickness Iz, but I kan't provo it. Thozo peoplo who don't think there lz cnov honesty In tho world hav been studying tnomselfs too clussly. Ingratitude iz az mean az it 1z common, and tho ungrateful man kan't, tell how long it will be be fore he will he a raalishus one. Not only have Japanese women adopted tho European costumes, but porao oven wear trousers. One of tho most pitiful frights in tb vorld Is au Intelligent, on or got ic, pro froflvo woman married to a worth ess man who doosn't know nuch. THEIR FATAL MISTAKE Returned Traveler -"Wbat has be- como of Catchem & Cheatum, the rich lawyers? Itetlrod 1 presume." Resident" Yes, They aro both in tho poor house." "Phr-wl What hapepnedV" 'Thoy had a quarrel, and sued iach other." Mean, Mean Man It was near midnight, nnd tho Union Station was almost desorted. On ono of the teats in the center of tho vast room were seated a young man and a ghl, apparently newly married. They were clasping bands, and tho' love light, in the girl's oyes cast a halo over the scene. Even tho clcc trie lights blinked in appioval. During nno of their most impassioned scenes tho unromantlo waller of trains ploked up his megaphone, and shout ed, In thunderous tones: "Brouk wny t" The enraptured coudo Jumped a foot straight up in tbo air, and the (irl almost fainted from fright. Then tho unsentimental train caller laughted in ghoulish uleo Albany rournal.