NEMAHA ADVERTISER. f. W. BAND BUS, PuWittr - NEMAHA, NBIJRASKA An honet rmin In trul 'm good thing for crodltorg. ' Tho wind doe not whistle through tho burn that in full of wheat fimieral Kuropnlkln says ho did not lose u gun during tho rot rent. Ap parently ho lot some 17,000 men. A Chicago scientist insists that ho secured, milk with formaldehyde traces direct from a cow. That scorns Uko an uddor Impossibility. Slmilla Bhnillbus curantur. Tho town of Tornado, Tox., has boon wiped out by a tornado. It's safe to gamble that the town is cured of its name. Tho police say that tho womon'H fashion of carrying liandbaga is re sponsible for the many holdups. As In tho days of Adam tho woman Is to blame. Upton Ik bound to provo that Great Britain can beat tho Uidted States at tho yachting game, oven If he has to got an American designer to build tho boat to do it. Tho man who says "Oh, fudge" when he feels profane may be a better example to tho children, but somehow It doesn't seem that ho would bo as much of a protection against burglars in the night. Tho dlvlno who stamps his letters "Not to travel on Sunday" can have his request carried out by mailing his epistles early enough In tho week so they will reach their destinations by Saturday night. How-logged men are to bo discrim inated against by army recruiting olll eers hereafter. The average bow-logged man will be unable to see wherein tho knock-kneed man has any natural ad vantage over" him. A minister In Michigan has solved tho "yellow peril" very satisfactorily. Ho say.s: "If Japan wins, It will mark tho ilrst step toward-Anglo-Saxon su premacy of the world. Japan will load China, Britain will lead Japan and America will lend Britain. The rest of Kuropo will follow easily." In looking over tho effects of a Massachusetts millionaire recently, his executors, who had handled vast sums until they grow to seem rather com monplace, "discovered personal proper ty, hitherto unknown, to tho amount of a million and a half." Tho Incident helps one to realize how large a large fortune Is. And yet the emotions of those executors were only such as poor folk may experience. Who has not known tho Joyful surprise of Hading a dime or a nickel lu an unused lvocket? Tho events of tho present war In the far Hast have shown that the Japanese known to tho nations of the world as "the little brown men" are tho equals of any other soldiers on the globe, whether tho test has been one of brav ery, endurance or accuracy In tiring. Tho severest tests of modern warfare have boon repeatedly, for mouths past, applied to these small soldiers of the Orient ritted against soldiers of large size and boasted endurance, they have emerged from the smoke of conflict In every Instance, whether on sea or land, victoriously. It Is certain that the schools are pe culiarly the victims of the faddists. A low years ago all our educational au thorities went daft on the subject of vortical handwriting. It never occur red to them to llnd out whether tho merchants who hire bookkeepers ap proved of this style of writing. There was no thought of tho individuality of tho child of which orr.lnarlly tho handwriting is supposed to bo the ex pression. So tho vertical style was adopted. Now wo aro informed that It Is bolng abandoned because the men with Jobs to give will not tolerate It. This is but one illustration. The. growth of tho American nary has boon unprecedented Jn the annals qf tho world, It Is a good navy, con sisting of stout ships manned by able men and intelligently directed, but some of tho naval officers and officials of tho Navy Department aro beginning to ask what good It Is to build tho ships if there are no men to man thein. Their queries aru not unraaixmable. There h not u ship in the n'tvjr is not short of men and ofllcers, and Jn order to overcome this lack some ten or more vessels which are In need of some repairs will bo put out of com mlnslon for tho tlmo being, not because tho repairs are so serious as to call for this Btep, but simply because of the .shortage of the men behind tho aruns. Tho Emgllsh, aB a peoplo, are unlrer- iiy wiown as a nation or very siuruy a M . . . rights, and a recent case in Liverpool illustrated those oharactcrJtlea strik ingly. A purchasor of toa coinp.aiuid that ho had to pay for tho bag at tho tea rate, whou ho bought tea, because tho grocer put tho ton In tho bag and weighed tho bag and tea together. Tho cano waa taken beforo a magistrate'! court and the hapless grocer wa fined, lie appealed tho case and tho high court has decided that ho was within his rights lu weighing tho bag with toil because that was tho universal practice and cUHtom, which was gen erally understood anil acquiesced In. Tho striking thing about tho whole case and tho proceedings In connection with it is tho extraordinary tenacity with which t)o 'englishman pursues little things and the serious and order ly manner In which ho sots about to rcgulato tho minutest matters which concern his pockctbook. It Is Idle to go to college without a lively appreciation of the main busi ness for wh Icli one goes. That is to do college work., A college degree worth the having can be won by nothing but serious, resolute, systematic study. Habits must be regular. Health and rational living and strong purpose are vital factors. Itocrcatlon is necessary! to sound health, and companionship is essential to sane living. So a rational division of time is important. A man cannot rest too much and do his work, nor can ho work overmuch without en dangering his powers of work. IIo cannot by any oourso of Irrational pleasure rob his body and mind of their native strength and natural zest with out falling in tho main thing i'or which he goes to college. Then there Is tho problem of student friendships and or-j ganlzations. In many cases tendencies have gone so far before leaving homo that they settle tills matter at once. If not, it settles Itself very quickly when, the time conies. It Is interesting, some times amusing, to see how quickly a now student settles down with a fra ternity, or with the Christian Associa tion, or with a literary society, or with a scleutlllc club, or with the "barbar lans." Close association with congenial spirits Is natural, and it is well. A boy should make close friendships with those whose friendships mean the most to him. There Is something more than friendship lu the student organizations. There Is good experience lu helping to manage an organization, In the neces sity of giving way to others at times, In the habit of standing up for some thing, and In the nucesslty of so steer ing the affairs of an organization that one ecu stand up for It. A student do nios himself much If he docs not go In with some college organization. Sancho Panza said: "God bless the man who ilrst Invented sleep." To this may be ailded a blessing for tho Lon don physician who Is putting in a pro test against early rising. The name of the physician Is not given, but who ever he Is he deserves a benediction. "May ho live long ami prosper." This wise doctor says: "To be forced to get up early grinds the soul, curdles the blood, swells the spleen, destroys all good Intentions and disturbs all day the mental activities. Criminals are always recruited from tho early-rising class." How different this from the old New England adage about early to bed and early to rise and the ad vantages of tho early bird and all thatl Wake up at 5 o'clock in the morning and see who it is mat is stirring. Is It the wealthy? la It tho healthy or the wise? No, It Is the milkman, who would not think of getting up early If dally riecesslty did not compel him. Is he getting rich? Not too fast, espe cially If ho Is honest. Or It Is the news paper carrier or the street car con ductor or some other whose work com pels him to be up early. There Is not a rich man among them. The man who h at liberty to wake up leisurely, to coin down to his breakfast frith- out any hurried preparations ami who goes to his business after he lias read the morning paper is far more likely to be healthy and wlso than tho man In a rush, and he Is certainly a far more agreeable man to moot either In a social or business vay. If one must got up early, if fate decides thero la no other way, resignation Is called for, but let no man who gets up early think he Is living tho Ideal life or that his action calls for special praise. Even though he may b amiable ho would be far more amiable If ho would let nature hare her way and wake up slowly. Who kuows but that In the last analysis tho origin of all evil Ib the getting up too early, be ginning tho day "wrong end to," and, finding out when it Is too late thot a llttlo more sleep, a little more slumber would have made the fuco of all crea tlon look brighter? Slow. Caaey (tho stone masou) Phwat's row below? Oassldy (the hod earrlor) Sburo, English Jim Just fell from the nocoud dure t' the basomlnt. Oaaey That's an Rnllshman. for ye. Shore, It was two bourn ago I told him Joke. u' if took him all ttiU tolmn to tu-''j!ft. Philadelphia Pre. It 15 u Id of overy big ahewi UNCLB SAM"A Remedy That Such Endorsements Should Be In Every Homo." Election Returns That a SAU CASE. Hostess "My dear count, you must pardon me, but I have such a very doo r mauiory of namc9, it's a real aullctlon. 1 have forgotten yours." The Count 11 You shoulc Rorault a specialist on mcndal diseases, my tear madam, you really shoult. My name is Kaskowowskiscbnilling loskl." MEXICAN Mustang Liniment cures Sprains and Strains. Wall papers made of immitntlon Ilk and satin ate the fads Just now -villi people who aro able to pay for them. TO SAVE YOUR LIFE. Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Biliousness, Hclch Intr, Distress after Hrrj;. Liver Complaint, Headacne, Kjamrytrour.cts, leno to uonsurup tfon u nil an Untimely death. Learn, free, how to euro these distressing' complaints. Address THE PEPSALOIDS COMPANY, acksoa Park Station, tt Chicago, III, HOW TO MANAGE HENS. Mrs. Suhurb"1 don't see what's tbo matter with our hens. They don't lay at al1." Warmer Meadow "You don't feed tm right, mum. Just you give 'em ibout two do'lais' worth of corn every week, and the'll lay you a dollar's worth of eggs every seven days SURPRISED AT n ER KNOWL EDGE. 1 rump "Please, mum, I'm a ri- nancler, and Huiisckeeoer "Huh I You look like It." Tramp "You surprise me, mum. I'd hardly have suspected that a lady in this out-of the-wav place would be so fnmiliar ' with Wall Street as to know a man on the wrong side of the market when she sees him." The Colonel's Kar A Kentucky 'olcnel, who in every other way snowed enjoyment of his bourbon, always shut his eyes :is ho lifted his libs- to his lips. As this Is the wav children are usually advised to take unsavory medicine, his friends won- tiered that the colonel shoul 1 show such aversion to looking nt the hover- lime that all the rest of Kentucky likes to g.izc on only less than to ta-te. Some one asked film at last why ho always shut his eves. Ho replied: "Ah'm afrild If Ah lnr-kd it it raah mouth would wiitali and lllutomuh liquah." N Y. Tribuno. Cauotas ms' fa and onfn mora ninn'a 03. RO (c? ttmn tty atiiar txnutacturar In tho world. - I s!:ac3 Tho reason W. U Domilns lioe are tliH greatest rnllera In th world la licratmeof tlielroxrol lent ntrlii. nnf Httiot; tunl urlor wourii'K cji ulliloi. If 1 cmild aliow ymi tli dttTerenca 1nitorit the Mine; niKdo in my f.K'tniy und th. po of other n ukt' Hurt tlio hlnh-grA luntlierKii' ivnuld uiulnr ft.iim why W. I,. II. aulas Sm thoc com itiore to inalni. why thry hold thrlr almpK, tit better, tunr loimer, tiiiil r of ere ter Intrlualii vnhio thun uny other is.lO ehoo on tho market to-Uiiy, uud why the aalea ror tho lenreiirtliisf .Inly t. Wl, were ts ,'J'VJ.liio.oO. W. I., lionvlne iiu,r iiteB thf lr value by 'iiniiin hla name and price on the bottom. Look for It talc no eubUtutu. Sold by vlioo dealera ovory n here. superior m nr, gomfqrt and yjear. " hnTt uorn H', Ibtialas $$t9-thntior th4 hut lurlvt tfori tth abiolutt an'i'Jri n. JJlntt thtm lunmor vijlt, comfort amt vtar to olhrt t cutting Jrm ts.0i t rtM."-t, S. iletfl K, Iit. ton", (. S. M. lintnue, HichwnJ, I'a. V T- PnielH riaes i Cnroim Cn1tkln In Ids Krt.Ort uliowi. Corona. Colt U concortod to b tho Ouuat Vntout Leather ruado. l int Color liyflleta UHd extilunlvnly. IV. L. OOUaLAS, Uroaktan, Masaachuaatta. Mas Interest All Parties. Western Canada's MAGNIFICENT CROPS FOR 1904 Western Canada's Wheat Crop , This Year Will Be 60,000,060 BUSHELS1 AND WHEAT AT PRESENT 18 WORTH SI A BU8KEI The oat and barley crop will also yield abundantly. Splendid price for all kinds of jjraln, cat tle and other farm produce for the growing of which the climate la unsurpns.?nl. , About 150,000 Americana have settled In Western Canada during tbo past three years. Thounands of free homesteads of 1G0 acres each still available In the best agricultural districts. u It has been said that the United .States will be forced to Import wheat within, a very few years. Secure a farm lu Canada, and become one of thotie who will pro-" dttce it. Jpply for Information to 8u)rln1n4fnt Vf Immigration, OtUwa, Canada, or to Anthorlitd Canadian flo ornioo nl A it nt: W. V, Knntl, 801 Hew Tort LU Eld., Omnhn. Nob. Bargainsin Harlan C mi. Heal Estate is always a safe investment. It neither burns nor blows away (Jan you afford to rent when you can own a quarter sectioo for $250 For further information writo Schumacher r .lames, Orlenns, Neb. When the lord mayor of London Is arrayed in his mhos of ofllco, he wears a badge which is ornamented with diamonds valued at W00 000. PT WEATHER COMFORT "I have uiod your FISH BRAND Clicker for flvo yeara and can truth fully tay that I never have had anything give mo to much com fort and satisfaction. Enolosed find my order for another one." (naui and aoumw oh application) You can dsfy tho hardest storm with Tower's Waterproof Oitod Clothing and Hats OUR GUARANTEE IS BACK OF THIS SIQN OF THE FISH A. J. TOWER GO. 0Ka5 Boston, u. o. A. 10WEH CANADIAN CO. Limited TORONTO, CANADA ass A Swiss watch on exhibition oy a Parisian Jeweler has a little phono, graph attached and is thus enabled to announce the hour. It shouts loud enough to be heard at a dis tance of twenty fet't. BEGGS' CHERRY COUGH SYRUP euros coughs and colds. rat 1 CUfiTwHtHt All ttSE fAltS7i Host uoucn bjrup. Taaieo uooo. In tliiia. Pom DT dniirKl!". UCM.iaMIll I 1 , V "N. II. HU . a Vf)kU VKI1 Sttilfcd Green I'cppera. Cut tho stem-ends from poppers and omovo tlio white membrane and seeds. ?ut into a dlah and pour bollinj? water vcr tlicm, then 'lot tliem stand until iold in the water. This takes away ill hot taste. Drain and fill with a forcemeat of chopped mutton, hoof or real, to which a little mlncwl hidn lias )pen added, and atliulnienpUKh boiled ice to make a nnsffltoPfiie mixture. UolKten with seasonTilgravy or boup itock. Replace the ondu on the jop )ers, stand up In a bakelish, pour tho rravy or stock about fclrjm and bako mill tender. Serve nbftmcc. If you ike, you may thicken ffHe jrrnvy and jour It about file base rtf' tho poppers is they stand on a hot dftfh. Flali Calcchv t,' Ingredients: One pound of cooked lsh, one egg, milk, ..frying fat, ono-'" pound of coldpotatbes, one ounce of jutter, soaiKirHngsanchovy sauco. Mix tho flakeiTJffish, free fromboue, with 'Jie mashed potato. Season with wilt, jnyennt? pepper, rind a few drops of s lnchovy aauce. Moisten .with butter llssomxLln a llttlo warm, milk, add a beaten egg. , With a steerfork beat nil together .till thoroughly mlxou. Form Into round . cakes, mould flat, brush pvovwlth beaten egg, dlp"nto crushed tlry?brcad crumbs, and fry In plenty of boiling fat to a golden -color. I'rcBcrvcd liluibarh. -a Out the rhubarb Into inch lengtii,y wash, and allow a pound of nugar tof ivory pound of the rhubarb. Put thai uibarb ami sugar in alternate layers 31 the preserving kettle and add a very" little -water, sotting aside over night. In tho morning drain off the liquid and boll to a eyrup, add Uio rhubarb and dmmer until tender. Remove the rhu barb, pack into jars and bollAthe yrup antll thlckdlngfat tho 'last tho julco f tli'rcollcmons to every seven pounds f sugar that baa been used, lfiii the lars to overflowing with the liquid, ilien seal. Canned Corn. Put ripe corn on the fire In boiling wilted water and cook for twenty min- ntes. Take from tho fire and cut from .ho cob. Rack in Jars, cover tho coin ivith the water hi which It was boiled, ind sft the jars over the fire hi a broad ind deep dlalipan. Pour- water all ibout the Jars, bring tills to a hard boll, let this continue for fire mluutou, then seal at once. Keep In a dark ?lace, as the light injures the corn. Stewed Tripe. Cook two pounds of tripe in boiling water until tender, and cut Into finger ttrlps. Make a sauce of one tablcapoon f chopped onion and two tablespoons )f chopped green peppers in three lor il teaspoons of butter. Add a round ing tablespoon of flour, and when weM rombined onohalf cup of stock and .trained tomatoes and cook a few niia ates, add the tripe and cook tea mlu itcs more. Corn Hrend. . Sift one cup of com meal, one cup o lour, oneJialf level toaspoon of salt md three level toasDoons of baklna powder. Boat two eggs, add one-half :up of sugar, and beat again; add one up of milk and a tablespoon of meltod butter to the dry ingredlonts. Beat, ?our into a greaaed shallow pan, and bake. Fruit Mush. To one quart of thoroughly cooked frcwh or canned) fruit, add four tablo- moonfuls of corn staroli dissolved in half a cupful of water. Set oyer tha (Ire, stirring constantly, and allow it to come to a boll and thicken- Removo r . . . . 1 . . . , san 1 1 n i nAtl n r 1 1 i Inn f n- LIU111 AI1U, YilL:u iVfVf., nut Vli JCU IVi two liours ami serve with whipped treani. a Frizzled CurroU. Peel tlie carrota, and slice very thin and let stand In cold water an hourj flry in a towel, and pour thorn Into n kettlo half full of boiling fat Fry a alee brown, skim out, then place on brown paper, sprinkle with salt and sugar, put In the oven until hot, and serve at once. Hints for the HoiiHcwlfe. Do not waste banana sklua; they ar excellent for cleaning glace kid booti or brown boots and shoos, ltub first with tlio banana skin, then polish with a cloth. "When washing white or colored rib bons, add ono teaspoonful of mothy. lated spirits to a pint of cold Avatet mid rinse tbo rtbbm through, and 14 will look quite new. A few drops of good scent on bits ol pumice stone, and the bits slipped in bureau drawers or among gowns in a ivardrobo, will perfumo clothing de lightfully. To keep soup let It remain covered ivltli a coating of fat, as It excludes tin air and helpa to preserve the stock. I the soup has no fat, use clarified drip lng for the purpose.