The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, October 21, 1904, Image 2

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W. VV. SANDUH3, Pnbllsbflr
It Is what 1h wivod, nml not what
to earned, tlmt counts.
I'resituiubly Kussell Sogc also Is op
posed to strikes been tiMo of their strong
resemblance to vacations.
King Edward says ho proposes to
maintain Htrlct neutrality, and he
knows, for itnlfour has told hlin so.
An Iowa court has decided that pro
f nn If-) is not an indication of Infinity.
Vet It Is frequently proof that u man
U mad.
King Edward Is an enthusiastic
RUtotnoblllnt. On his snlary he feels
that he can afford to keep the machine
In repuir.
A French has given a Ion ril
ed, nnd plausible explanation of klep
tomania, Now will Homebody discover
that he plagiarized It?
"Things seem more sunny around the
palace now," remarked the C.ur after
the stork had departed and of course
tverybody forgave the pun.
Almost any export surgeon of der
matologist, will cheerfully undertake
the Job of straightening out the crook
In the Grand Duke .Michael's nose.
Somebody has discovered that the
Flemish word for automobile Is paar
delooszoonderspoormi'g petrool rljtulg.
Hy any other name it would smell Just
ns strongly of gasoline.
During the past twenty years Judge
Tarker has employed only one tailor
to make his clothes. Russell Sage will
regard him as a reckless spendthrift
for employing any tailor at all.
The next time Mrs. Ogden Cloelet
foHos u million dollars' worth of dia
monds the police might begin by ask
ing whether r.hc Jiii.-in't given them to
the cook's little loy to play with.
M. Hanotaux Is alarmed at the
growth of this country. "Some day,"
be Buys, "the United States will con
trol the commerce of the West and
Cant, for It will hold the prlnelpal
way." It would be Interesting to
know what M. Hnnotaux Is going to
do about It.
Ireland Is now competing with Den
mark In supplying English breukfust
Uibles with eggs, largely because the
.o-pcratlve poultry societies, of which
there arc eight hundred, are showing
tw poultry-keeping may bo made
profitable. The owner of only twenty
live hens may Join a society by taking
9iie share at five shillings.
Bricks are used, as a rule, neur the
place of pnVuctlon. This Is usually
the case with heavy and bulky articles
f relatively small cost, and especially
with those that can bo produced al
most anywhere. The opposite Is true
of American machinery, notably en
gines and electrical equipment. A
.Pittsburg concern reports an order for
largo "turbo-generating set" for the
i&aniond mines of Klmberley, South
Africa, and another for eight locomo
tires for the Bcfishl mines of Japan.
Ideas worked Into steel or copper go
farther than the simpler raw products.
Farmers In the Tlelnlty of New York
city ure reported ns declaring that they
purpose to allow the country roads to
go without repairs, becuuse good roads
serve to Increase tho number of auto
mobllos, wlilcli frighten horses and kill
small furm animals. 'Hi Is is an oml
ivoub situation. If the farmers arc will
ing to Inconvenience themselves as a
matter of protection from the owners
ot motor enra It Is pretty good evidence
that tho latter have been reckless of
the rights and comfort of tho former.
That Js ond ror ll,e motorists, because
If the automobllo ever comes to be
regarded as a public nuisance It will
have to go. The efforts of automobile
owners ought to be devoted to con
ciliating Instead of antagonizing pub
lic opinion.
The name "Manchuria," to designate
tho country of the Manchus, Is not
known to the Chlneise. but ira Invent
ed by French geographer. The .Man
chus ore a tribe of Tartar who gained
the ascendency In China in the itvcm
teenth century. Manchu ! Ohlnwio for
"pure," and was applied by an aoce
tor of Shun-che, the firt Manchu Em
pcror of China, to his dynasty and hie
people. The Manchu referable toe
Chine? only to tht eye of a atranger,
Jot as -we think that all Ohinest laun
flrymen look alike. To themeelves tlie
Manchus are distinct from Chinamen
In Rppearanee, as in race, and one who
know Eastern rncos easily dlatln-
fuishes them. Most of them arc short
and good-looking, with brown ami rua
fly SKins. Their hazel eyes are so little
E- 'ique that, compared with Chinamen,
y 'might oaslly pass muster as Cau
lans. Mauchurla is less civilized
than China, and tho manufactures are
badiw ird. Cotton cloth, tho rhi( f ina
tenai of dross, Is Imported from ('Inna.
Tho Manchu have goud dyeing estab
lishments, make Hue furniture, and are
good carpenters and tanners.
The surprising thing about Uncle
Sam's big land lottery was the numbrr
of women who drew farms. There
wore hundreds of them, and many
wore far enough up In the list of suc
cessful ones to be sure of line proper
ties. As It Is not possible to soil the
farms, at least for a time, and as tho
land law makes It Incumbent on tho
now owners to occupy and till their
farms, there will bo a largo addition
to the colony of successful women
farmers of the West. Why not? Thorn
has booji a lot of talk about "wom
an's work," and the history of the past
few years has shown uiat any kind
of respectable employment Is "wom
an's work." There are thousands of
women farmers In the West. They are
not unsexed, and hard work has not
degraded them. You can llnd them
from Missouri to the Uoekic-. Some
of them are raising sheep and othcr-i
cattle. Near tho big cities they have
their truck farms, and If you could
look at the books of some of tho
Western banks you would be surpr'sod
at the balance carried by and earned
by women. Farming is no longer a
matter of muscle and endurance alone,
it Is a trade, a profession, and science
Is playing Its part In making It suc
cessful. 'Hie woman who uses hoi
brains hires men to do the back
breaking work. She Is often a bos,
and a good one. She has shown that
she can make a farm pay. Th 'so
women of the new reservation will not
have the worst farms In the allotment
when the crops hnve had time to make
a showing, and It Is certain that they
will do their part In adding to the
wealth of tho country. Perhaps their
success will tempt other women to
leave the Holds of endeavor, that are
overcrowded, and try life close to the
A plain, direct dotlnltlon of educa
tion without any fads warping it Is al
most as rate as education itself with
tut anv attachments of frills and fea til
ers. Tho great importance of being
grounded thoroughly in the liidlspens.i
bio rtidlmcnt.s of an English education
was very clearly and forcibly set forth
at the forty-tsecond anniversary con
vention of the State of New York by
Whllelaw Held, chancellor of the uni
versity and proprietor of the New
fork Tribune. He said In his address:
"First, then, we must Insist that tho
onimon schools really teach, with a
thoroughness not yet so generally at
tained as Is needful, the three things
that mako the common basis for all
subsequent work. Their pupils should
learn, learn till they really know how
to read, write and clixher. Until you
make absolutely sure of that, let us
have fewer frills. You have not taught
writing till you have made It at least
'lecurate, automatic and ns unconscious
as breathing. Again, Just as nothing
can take the place of an absolute readi
ness In thus reading and writing the
English language, so nothing can take
the place of an absolute mastery of the
multiplication table. The boy or girl
to whom you do not give that In child
hood, together with the common things
It stands for, you are turning out Into
the world a cripple for life. If he can
not add and subtract, multiply and di
vide with the readiness and precision
of a machine, if his work Is not In
stinctive and Instinctively right, he
will limp every step In his whole sub
sequent career." Probably as possible
detlnltlon of what Is meant by educa
tion Is such a system of Instruction as
will enable one to read with under
standing, to think with clearness, to
reason with correctness and to net with
Intelligence. No one can be said to
possess such nn education who has not
boon properly grounded In all tho
fundamental elements. So largely are
these essentials neglected Unit there
are college graduates who are shame
fully detlclent In orthography, who can
not road aloud Intelligently half a page
of English print, and who are so Ig
norant of the ordinary rules of punc
tuation that they do not know what
some of the points are made for. Tho
higher colleges and the technical
schools may do much toward one's suc
cess, but the common schools, whero
the fundamentals mxu rightly taught, do
far more. By the way, many of tho
best men In all professions and trades
come from the couutry crossroads
schools, where little Is taught beyond
the simple essentials. With this foun
dntlon a mnn may make almost any
thing he chooses of himself; without
them all the colleges and technical
schools In the world cannot engraft tho
elements of success upon hlin.
Greatest Known Cold.
Siberia has the greatest known cold
in the world. At Yakutsk the nvcrage
for three winter months Is 40 degrees
below zero, while Individual drops to
7C and 70 degrees below nre not ua
kuown. But at Verjohansk tho aver
age for Jonuary, 1885, was 09.0 de
grees below zero, and the mercury at
one tlmo dropped to 00.4 degrees below,
tho lowest on record anywhere in the
When ijte llnck Ache nnd Itlndder
Troubles Oct in, lictnt thcCniiHc.
Don't ImaLo the mistake of believ
ing backache and bladder Ills to be lo
cal allmftiLv Oct at the cause and
cure tlie kidneys.
Use Dean's Kid
ney Pills, which
have cured thou
sands. Captain S. D.
11 u n t e r, of En
gine No. 14, Pitts
burg, Pa., Fire
Department, and
residing at 272U
W y 1 1 e avenue,
"It was three years ago that I used
Doan's Kidney Pills for an attack of
kidney trouble that was mostly back
ache, and they Hxed me up flue. There
Is no mistiike about that, and If I
should ever bo troubled again, I would
get them Hrst thing, as I know what
they are.'
For sale by all dealers. Price .r0
cents. Fostor-Mllburn Company, Buf
falo. N. Y.
During the list six in mlhs Ire
land senb to Great Hrltain 1H.10I
more nil tic 108.100 more slicop.
and only 742 fewer liotscs Linn were
received from the rest of tl e world.
A Tleent liintntico I'rovoA Tlmt n Wotiinn'a
JIuiIiil-i l Largely I-ii'iiIhii t ou tlie
Htnlo of Ilcr lllood.
When tho blood U disordered every
organ of tho body is affected unfavorably
and fails to discharge its functions
properly. In tho caso of every woman
nature has mndo special provision for n
periodical purification of tho blood nnd
so long ns this occurs her health and
spirits unfailingly reveal tho beneficial
results. So slight u causo as n cold or a
nor .ous shock may produce a suppres
sion of this vital function and until it is
restored sho is doomed to misery. Tho
remedy that has proved most prompt
nnd effective in all ('.isordors peculiar to
tho fomnle sex, is that which brought
mah grunt relief t) Miss Mat tie Griggs,
of No. 807 Indiana street, Lawrence,
Kansas, coucoruiug which sho speaks as
follows :
" In tho winter of 1003, from somo
unknown cause, there was u cessation
of functions peculiar to my sx for a pe
riod of four mouths. I beenmo very
weak nnd could not got up stairs with
out help. I hnd nausea and pain and a
constant headache. I was under tho
caro of a physician for threo mouths,
but ho did not succeed in curing nio.
Then a lady friend told mo about tho
merits of Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla which
bIio had used in her family nud she in
duced mo to try them. It was in May
when I first began to use them nnd in
Juno I hnd fully recovered my honlth,
nud liavo since remained perfectly
In nil cascs of delayed development of
young girls ; in nntemiu or weakness duo
to impoverished blond nnd showing it
self in pnllor, lack of ambition, despond
ency nud nervousiiosH ; nlso in tho grent
noiiKtitutioiml disturbances nttendintr
the period known ns tho change of life,
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills uro iiivuluablo
ibr women, whoso honlth is ulwars
jlosely dependent on tho state of tho
jlood. They nro sold by nil drug
fists. A booklet of vnluablo informa
tion, relating to tho care of n woman's
health nt all important periods, and en
titled Plain Talks to Women," will be
sent fre in a sealed envelope to any one
wno chooses to write for it to the Dr.
Williams Medicino Company, Schenec
tady, N. Y.
Vus(:ang Liniment
in n. posit r?( euro for PUch.
Ttie Imnuju and p ditto nro almost
identical in chemical cum position.
t. Jacobs Oil
The old monk euro, strong, straight, sure, tackles
Hurts, Sprains, Bruises
The muscles (lex. the
the soreness dies out.
Sale Ten Million Boxes a Year,
23c 50c
HfnTFipil I'Iihh ii mil -"" ' 1 11 -r"
Prrttv Girl Sufl'ircd From N'tvouwai
and Vfluc ('utuirh Found Quick
lkhif in Few Days.
wm mm
Miss Rndie Robinson, 4 Kami street
Mallen. Mass., write:
"Peranu uns recommended to nil
about a year nico as an excellent reined.
for the troubles peculiar to our sex, am'
as I found that nil that was said of this
medicine was true, 1 am pleased to en
dorse it.
" began to use it about seven months
ago tor weakness and nervousness,
caused from overwork and sleepless'
ncss, and found that In a few days I
began to grow strong, my appetite In
crcus -t and I began to sleep better,
consJjently my nervousness passed
away and the weakness In the pelvic
organs soon disappeared and I have
been wetland strong ever since. "
Address Dr. H. U. llariiuan, Presidein
of Tlie Hiirtmuti Bnuiteriiiiu, (.'ohuulii
O., for free medical advice. All cone
spnndiMire strictly confidential.
Ox the Trait "i followed the
trail from Texas
with a Fish Brand sh brand
n 1 Cf C Slicker, uitu for
rOm mClOltCKtr an overcoat v. lien
"" " "" cold, a wind coat
when windy, a. rain coat when it rained,
and for a cover at night If we got to bed,
and I will aay that I have gotten mora
comfort out of your allcker thim any othar
one article that I evar owned."
( Tb nam and M4reu ef toe
vrtur of Uili DBulldUil hi
Ur mar a4 a appUcillon.)
Wt Vpnther Oarmenta for Riding
W-Ukinij, Working, or
t porting
A. J. TOWER CO. -.jnrr,,.
acaroir, tr.i.A. 'V "
CO., Limited srSiK
One In eTery &8 Londoners is re
ceiviug pauper reli f.
For Infants and Children.
His Kind You Have Always Bough)
Bears tho
Signature of
A. O., A. M., L.L. B
Pre.1., Omaha.
Pnor. A. J. Lowbt, Vrlna.
Endorsed by First Nafl
lianic ruq business men.
$10,000 in Roll Top Desks. Dank Fixtures ant
w Typewriters. Studente enn work for board
youd for freo catoloirue, bound In animator
llnt erer published by a nustnoss Colleo
Head it, and you Mill intend tho N. 11. C.
kinks untwist,
Price 25c. and 50c.
commercial nud IiultiHtrlnl I'tirnulta
Have the Cull.
Tluit wo lmvc hocomo In tho lust
twenty yours a coininoreliil and Indus
trin 1 pooplo and havo coasod to bo it
pooplo with whom agriculture Is tho
predominant Industry Is Indicated by
the eensuH report on oceupatloi'iH, re
"ently published The following tablo
Rliow-.s the proportion of all those In
gainful pursuits who wore engaged In
the live principal classes of occupa
tion in JSS0 and in 11100:
ARrlptilturnl pnrsnltR .. -f ".'-'O
'rofosslonal ;t. ft
Ijonu'Htle ii ml pcrtuuinl. 20.00
irnde and truiiNiiorla-
tlon 10 08
Mniiiifiictiirlii; nnd nu-
diiinlfiil j 17
.'!".. 70
10..'!) 0.22
24.41 M24.
T"tn' 100.00 100.00
It will be seen that in 1SS0. whllo
l." per cent of those employed were en
gaged in agriculture, only JU per cent
were engaged In trade and transpor
tation, manufacturing and mechanical
pursuits, but that In 1000 less than IU)
per cent were engaged In Agriculture,
while almost -11 per cent were engaged
In manufacturing and commerce.
This does not, of course, Indicate tho
extinction of agriculture. It merely
indicates a change in its relative im
portance. The number of persons ac
tually engaged In agriculture Incriwiseil
between 1SS0 and 1000 from 7.714,000
to io..5S.',ooo and the number is likely
to Increase for many years. csneelnilV
If our vast Irrigable domain Is thrown
open to settlement and Is settled by
bona lino homoseokers. with tho
growth in tlie commercial and Indus
trial population there Is bound to ho n
growth In the number of those en
gaged In tho business of growing their
ioxi supply. In a country such as this,
with its broad areas of fertile lntul
available for industry, and with Its
vast resources of the raw material of
industry and of manufacturing power,
agriculture Is bound to demand tha
services of more and more men. To
make this clear It Is suHicient to say
that in 1SS0 there were emraccd In
commerce rtnd tho mechanical Indus
tries 2,2,")0.000 persons, who were fed
Dy the labors of 7,714.000 acricultnr.
ists, while In 1000 there were engaged
in commerce and the mechanical in
dustries ll,sr2,000 personrf. who were
red by the labors of 10.382,000 persons.
While It is still true that aericultura
Is. and for many years Is llkelv to ns
muh:, the foundation industry on
which rests the prosperity of tho
whole country, such n chance in thn
distribution of "ccupntious as that
which has occurred since 1880 is of
great social and political as well as
of economic significance. It is rellect
ed In the growth of cities, fn the rise
or problems of municipal government
now undergoing investigation and so
lution and in the ferment of labor and
capital. It has had and Is likely to
have political effects of far-renchlntr
Importance affecting onr internal noil-
cles and our foreign relations. St.
L'aul rionecT Tress.
Detective nnd Express MonenKcr Play
HIkH Tragedy for Citizens.
It sounded like a drees rehearsal of
the battle of Snn Juan Hill. First the
tiring was in volleys, but a few sec
onds later both sides held their am
munition in reserve, lwlieving that
with a little shnrpshootlng tho other
man would be captured. Just beforo
the first shot rang out the clocks in
the residences adjneent to Llneoln
Park struck 2.
When the crack of revolvers was
heard faces were pressed against second-story
windows. One aroused citi
zen telephoned for the police, while
others barricaded themselves to await
an explanation.
Those of the more daring wlio ven
tured to peep out of the windows could
discern two figures a few feet Inside
the park. Both were lying down bo
hind convenient elm trees. Occasion
ally one or the other would lire a shot
Instantly It was answered In kind.
For ten minutes this revolver duel last
ed, and none who witnessed it could
discern the cause.
With a clang the Larrabee street
station patrol wagon turned Into North
Clark street on the run. As it cleared
the corner a shot rang out that indi
cated more clearly the scene of tho
The driver pnlled up at the curb.
Six policemen in uniform scrambled
out As they did bo both prone fig
ure arose. The police surrounded
them without firing a otiot. They
wero brought out.
Bach declared the other to be a
hold-up man. They wore taken to a
near-by drug htore. One was a de
tective in citizen's clothing and the
other was a belated express messenger.
Tlie former needed no Identification..
The latter, with the aid of tho tele
phone and papers on his person, iden
tified himself and established the right
to carry a revolver. The affair was
settled with a laugh. Nov the ex
press messenger keeps oil the park
walk nnd nearly every night greets hi
dotectlvo antagonist as he parses
homeward. Chicago Uucord-Heraid.