The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, October 14, 1904, Image 2

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W. W. SANDEHS, Publish
Wnlt (111 Carrie Nation drops Into
Qio subway lavorn.
It Ib saddening, however, to thlnlc
Uio chances tlmt uro against n nut
arnl death for the Czar's little boy.
Tho Czar, It 1b stated, opposco tho
formation of a responsible cabinet
Well, what's tho iiho of being Czar?
Tho Japanese may bo tho "Yankees
if tho east," but In their artless Japa
ioho way they probably express It dif
ferently. There will be otlicr wum, no doubt,
which tho young Colonel Alexis Ro
iinnoff will hnvo a ohunco to dlstlu
rulsh himself.
Secretary Taft expects to mako tho
aow capital of tho Philippines some
thing like tho inoro modern city of In
Ha sort of SIm'Jn, as It were.
A innn after spending $2,000 for re
pairs on an automobile that cost him
jooo has decided to give It up and
aralt for tho $10 flyJng machine.
War correspondents with tho Itus
ilan army aro kept In tho rear the
uoHt advantageous position for report
ing the movements of the Russians.
If tho reports of the medical ex
perts may be believed, the grave dig
tors will bo as busy as Uio canal dig
gers wheu work on tho Isthmus Is bo
run. "The young man's opportunity,"
wya Professor Jacob Gould Schurmau,
"has changed form." That's right;
the straight front Is no longer fashion
ible. Tho mere thought of Undo Sam's
ilcbrated Pills for tho Cure of Hesi
tancy wrought an Immediate change
for tho bettor In the condition of (lie
ilck man of Europe.
Tho Wall Street Journal has llgured
jut that (his country's lire losses for
die last twenty-six years amount to
ja.OOO.OOO.OOO. The thousands of lives
.ncldentally lost aro not worth count
ng up.
From the composing-room stand
point of the newspaper there Is one
;asy thing about the Itusso-Jnpunese
war. No one knows how to spell any
f the names, and all that Is necessary
to toss In a lot of J's, It's, l's and v's
ind'end It up with Itch, vltch or ski
nd they have It.
Wo have millionaires who make the
ntolleetual betterment of their fellow
men the means of returning to society
wmi! of that which society lias given
:o ward their fortunes. Too often In
:hese socialistic times their benefac
tions are sneered at as Incidents In a
jrogram of se.f-glorlllcation, yet there
' always a sutllclent number ready lo
'ake real advantage of the opportunl
ias thus afforded, and there Is no
food reason to believe that, In the
main, the Intention to do something
worthy Is not genuine.
Until mankind shall have developed
'lie souse of Intuition to a point, far
ibove nn. I beyond present abilities in
hut direction, dm public will probably
umtbtue lo be deceived Into parting
with its hard-earned dollars for the on
Idling of keen-witted and unscrupu
lous individuals. There should be no
relaxation of tho law with regard to
airworthy business schemes. Indeed,
ho law should be made more strin
gent, if It Is altered at all. Rut It Is
vldent that the law can never render
the public entirely Immune to erratic
i ltd spasmodic attacks of foolishness
villi regard to Investment schemes.
When the now steamship Baltic first
icllcd out of tho harbor of Nw York
It was said (o be "many years In nd
ranco of the port." She was obliged
to clear with 0.000 tons less than her
jargo capacity. It Is hoped that In
'our years the harbor improvements
will have boon sutllelently carried out
o enable her to take her full load.
It was noted that had she sailed out
it high time about l,fi00 tons more
rotilrt have been carried, but even then
'.ho margin between the capacity of the
hlp and what the depth of water per
mitted her to carry would equal the
rr.rgo of an average tramp steamer.
Ships, as well as, reformers and mar
tyrs, may thus como "before their
General statements as to tho prog
ress made In chocking tho ravages of
consumption are always Interesting,
but It Is much better to have speelllc
statistical information upon tho sub
ject Vital statistics have been taken
In Massachusetts sluco IS 12. In all
tho years bel'oro 1S57 the annual death
rato from consumption was nearly or
quite four thousand to a million Inhab
itants. Tho rato has declined almost
steadily ever since. It was about U.200
to a million In W2, less than 2,500 In
181)2, and less than 1,000 In 1003 -tho
lowest point reached up to that Umo,
Corresponding figures for England
show n similar decrease. The sy.steni
of keeping vital statistics has not been
general enough to mako sure that all
tho Slates can present a,s good a rec
ord as Massachusetts, but all the facto
tlmt aro available aro encouraging.
Much happiness comes from regu
lar occupation, provided (ho work Is
somowhat In accordance with the
tasto and one Is not overworked. ISvon
when tho work of Itself Is not Interest
ing, If tho remuneration is at all ade
quate there Is Joy In the activity be
cause of tho thought of Uio comforts
or luxuries Unit tho pay will bring.
President Roosovelt not long ago, ad
dressing a body of laboring men, said
with his usual directness: "Your work
Is hard. Do you suppose I pity you 7
No; not a bit I don't pity anyono who
does hard work worth doing. I pity
the creature who doesn't work, at
whichever end of the social scale he
may be." Henry Ward Beecher onco
fin Id: "The primal curso Is not labor
but drudgery," but even drudgery, n
William C. Gannett has so ably shown,
may be a blessing, If It Is the menus
of leading to something that Is worth
It scorns probable that tho last few
months, beginning wiUt tho Iroquois
disaster In Chicago, and Including the
Genera! Slocum horror In New York
harbor and a .series of most distress,
lug railroad accidents, will mark a pe
riod notorious In the annals of the
country for Its heartrending calamities
Although each of these catastrophe?
had Its own speelllc cause, Uio under
lying reason for many of Utom Is the
same. As a people we suffer from
lack of respect for law. Sometimes II
Is a corporation which neglects to pro
vldo tho safeguards required by stat
utes and ordinances; at other times nu
employe thinks that he can Interpret
his orders liberally disregarding the
plain mandate of authority because it
seems best to him to do differently.
In one of the recent railroad accidents
Uie testimony was given that tho engi
neer often ran into a section of the
track which was blocked by a signal,
but tho engineer pleaded in excuse tha1
he ran slowly, and only as far as i
water tank, where the tender could Ik
filling while he waited for the block
to clear, That was killing two birds
with one stone. But the time thus
wived was not worUi the risk to hu
man life Involved. Owners of proper
ty, corporate ami private, in times ol
serenity often boast of their success
ful evasion of various legal require
incuts, which may be costly and vex
atlons. Many of the requirements seen;
to tho violators of the law to be un
necessary and absurd, but It Is the
business of Uio lawmakers to decide
that. The bestowal of passes und priv
ileges upon olllcers sworn to admlnls
ter the law often acts as a virtual
bribe. Once In a long while the grea.
crash comes, and then the lunocen'
sufTer. Xo mechanism can be nuuk
so perfect that It will not depend great
ly for Its successful operation on Uu
human element The greatest vlrtuf
which the man behind the lever or ir
the signal tower can have is respeel
for the law, for ills orders, for tin
regulations, which are usually right.
Hi Prance and Germany employers fro
qucntly give preference to men whe
have served in the army because itj
discipline makes them valuable. Amer
icans cannot all have the soldier'
training. But a soldierly respect foi
orders should be cultivated In the great
Industrial army, and especially anionic
those who hold the lives of others li
their keeping.
Took tho Warning;.
"Charles," said a sharp-voiced worn
an to her husband in a railway car
rlttge. "do you know that you and 1
onco had a romance In a railway car
"Never heard of It," replied Charles.
In a subdued tone.
"I thought you hadn't; but don't
you remember It was that pair of slip,
pers I presented to you the Christina!
before we were married that led tc
our union? You remember how nice
ly they tltted, don't you? Well,
Charles, one day, when we wore golitfl
to a picnic, you had your feet up or
a seat, and when you weren't looking
I took your measure. But for tha'
pair of slippers I don't believe we'd
ever been married."
A young unmarried man, sitting by,
Immediately took his feet from o
Bus Conductor and Culii'orniuii.
A California senator, who rccentlj
returned to his homo from a Euro
pean tour, has been telling a story oi
his adventures. Tho Incident showi
tho smartness of tho London 'bus con
ductor. On a very rainy day tho son
utor got into an omnibus. Vory soot
ho noticed that drops of water wcr
pattering down upon his head froix
tho roof. At that moment Uio con
ductor entered to collect tho fares
"What'n tho matter with tho roof?'
said tho damp seiwtor. "Doob It d
this always "
"No, sir," replied tho conductor
"ouly when It rains!"
IWrp. nn T.onjr Tititl tlmt tho IndrAcrllmMo
I'ulnn of KlK'itmatlnm Cim lio Cured
Through tho Illooil.
Mrs. E. M. Do Long, of No. 100 West
Broadway, Council Bluff's, Iowa, found
herself suddenly attacked by rheuma
tism in tho winter of 1800. Sho gave
tho doctor u chunco to help her, which
ho failed to improvo, nud then sho did
Homo thinking and experimenting of hor
own. Sho was so successful that sho
dooms It her duty to toll tho story of her
escnpo from suffering :
"My brothor-in-law," sho nays, "was
enthusiastic on tho subject of Dr. WJ1
linms' Pink Pills as a purifier of tho
blood, and when I was Buffering cxtremo
pains in tho joints of my anklea, knees,
hips, wrists and dhows, mid tho doctor
was giving mo no relief, 1 began tore
flock that rheumatism is a disease of
tint blood and that, if Dr. Williams' Pinlc
Pills are so go mI for tho blood, they
must bo good for rheuniatiam and wcrth
a trial.
" I was in bed half the time, suffering
with pain that cannot bo described to
ouo who has never had tho disease. It
would concentrate sometimes in ono set
of joints. When it was in my feet I
could not walk, when it was in my el
bows and wrists I could not even draw
tho covorlotfl over my body. I had suf
fered in this way for weeks beforo I be
gan using Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.
Two weeks after I began with them I
experienced relief and alter I had taken
six boxes I was entirely well. To mako
euro I continued to uso them nbout two
weeks longer and then stopped alto
gether. For several years I have had no
rcumm to nse thorn for myself, but I
havo recommonded them to others as uu
oxcellent remedy."
Dr. Williams' Pinlc Pills furnish tho
blood with till the elements that aro
needed to build up healthy tissuo, strong
muscles and nerves, cepnblo of bearing
tho strain that naturo puts upon them.
They really mako new blood and euro
all diseases arising from disorders of tho
blood or nerves, ntchr.s sciatica, neural
gia, partial puralywis, locomotor ataxia,
St. Vitus' diiucti, nojTous prostration,
mnomiii and all forms of weakness in
cither initio or feniulu. They are sold by
nil drnfiMHts
'llier .! Is .0. ,.aai worm ut Eng
lish money invested in submarine
riao'.i Cure for Consumption cured mi
of a tenacious and persistent eouKli.
Win. II. Harrison, 227 W. l'Jlst street
New York, March 25.JHJ01.
mure Yt Homing more true than
tho oil siylng, "a penny saved!'
a woith 2 earned" aid there Iz
nothing more dllltkult for inosi
people to understand.
Mustang Ligament
cures Sprains anil Strain!.
The orange stick Is tho only nail
cleaner necessary. Toe stick proper
ly pointed will not Itijuic the enamel
or t,lic cuticle siround tne nail.
AHtrnluht lmmuefs propoxtiion loono vnm ji
iiih In euih town Hmro tune only;' m. (I
inouej ; a v references. Kmumiu .t (Jo., bui
Voi, i olormlo
Bargains in Harian Go. Lands.
Heal Estate Is always a safe
inves inent.
It neither burns nor blows
Can you afford to rout when
ymi can own u quarter section
f-.r iSJ- 0 i.
For i u filler Information wilte
Schumacher & James, Orleans, Neb.
A. C. Oxa, A. M., L.L. Pres., Omaha.
Prior. A. J. Lowar, Princ.
Endorsed by First Nnt'l
U.jnlr and buslnots men.
10.000 In noil Tup Ijoqfca. Bank Fixtures and
-) Typewriters. Students can work for board.
end for freo c aalouo. bound In alllpator.
not over published by a Business Collutra
ad It. nnd you will attend tho N. li: C.
Brazil's crop of coffee this year
equals lifto n-slxtcenths of the
world's consumption.
Mrs. WlUbtows SOOTHING 8YKUP for olill-.
dicn teething, Mittens tho Kurns.reducrH Infln
iniitlon.ultiiyB puln cures collo. I'rleo 25o bottle.
Tlio inventor of the safty bicycle
Georuo Shergold did in an English
pr oi house.
CURES catarrh ol tho stomach.
illMS Wrtl-ri HSF fAIIS.
Best Ouush Syrup. Toote UooU. Uco Wi
in umo. mm Dy nniszuts. wi
S, N. U. Mb
An excellent method In the treat
ment of consumptives Is pursued in
Germany. When a sufferer from that
disease is seriously ill lie Is sent to
a governiuentt sanitarium vvbero lie
Is kenb until ho recovers or dies.
In the meantime his family receives
a wceklr nonslon from a fund to
which the patient himself contri
buted when he was in good IicaHU.
By this means the risk of spreading
tho disease Is avoided.
It is claimed for Senora Maria
Vleto, of Madrid, that sho is tho
oldest woman in tho world. Sho
has lived in three centuries, having
bcon born In 1781. She Is, there
fore, one hundred and twenty-thrco
years of ae. Twlco has sho been
married and Ikh had nineteen child
ren, all of whom she survives.
Tooth-pullng is a very simple and
paiuless process in China. The den
tist rubs a sccrot pewder on tho
gum over the allccted tooth, and
after about live minutes, the patient
is tnid to sneeze. The tooth then
falls out. Many attorr pts have been
made by foreign dentists to ascertain
the nature of this powder, but none
havo ever succeeded in doirg so.
At an auction In ondon, recently,
a first cdltlDn of Burn's poems was
sold for $1,100.
It iz the leakages that toll; tharc
a r a hundred men ruined at the
splggot, to one at the oung.
Cure to Stay Curod.
Wapello, Iowa, Oct. 10. (Special.)
One of the most remarkable cures ever
recorded In Ixmlsa County Is thut of
Mrs. Minnie Hart of this place. Mrs.
Hart was In bed for eight months and
when she was able to Hit up she was
all drawn up on one sldo and could
not walk across the room. Dodd's
Kidney Pills cured her. Speaking of
her cure. Mrs. Hart says:
"Yes, Dodd's Kidney Pills cured me
after' I was In bed for eight months
and I know the cure was complete for
that was three years ago and I have
not been down since. In four weeks
from the time I started taking them I
was able to make my irarden. Nobody
can know how thankful I am to be
cured or how much I feel I owe to
Uoiltl's Kidney Pills."
This case again points out how
much the general health depends on
the Kidneys. Cure the Kidneys with
Dodd's Kidney Pills and niutMcuth
of the suffering the human futility It
heir to will disappear.
Rain has never beeu known to
fall In Iqulquc, Pirn.
Pitch In yung man I and reckolekt
this the world don't owe you hut
one thing, aod that is, a decent
The turtles aro slo, but they havi'
won more races than the foxes ever
Frequent visits aro paid by the
Paris police to the places where
liquors are sold, that tho beverages
o a laboratory, and if they aro fotino
ro be adulterated, the stock is seized
ind used to d'"tich tha sewers.
Miss Nettie Blackmore, Min
neapolis, tells how any young
woman may be permanently
cured of monthly pains by tak
ing Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound.
"Youno Women: I had frequent
headaches of a scvero naturo, dark
spots before mv eyes, and at my mcn
Gtrual'pcriods i suffered Untold agony.
A member of the lodge advised mo to
try liytlia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound, but I only scorned
good ad vice and felt that my caso was
hopeless, but .ho kept at mo until I
bought a bottlo and started taking
it. I soon had tho best rsason in the
world to chango my opinion of the
medicine, as each day my health im
proved, and finally I was entirely with
out pain at my menstruation periods.
1 am most grateful." Nettie Ulacic
moue, 28 Central And., Minneapolis,
Minn. $5000 forf. lt If original of about Itttti
proving genuineness cannot ba produced.
If there is anything- about your
caso about "which you would
liko special advice, write freely
to Mrs. Pinkham. Sho will hold
your letter in strict confidence.
Sho can surely help you, for no
person in America can speak
from a wider experience in treat
hit? female ills. Sho has helped
hundreds of thousands of women
hack to health. Her address is
Linn. Mass. ; her advico is free.
"Oh, aeorgel" sho exclaimed, bitter
ly, "I heard you tell your friend that
you didn't lovo mo any more. Boa
"Don't cry, dear," he whispered tea
tlorly, "I mean it as a compliment. Ol
course I couldn't love you any mori
than I do now."
All Her I'aiiUfl.
"My client," said the counsel for tin
plaintiff in a breach-of-promiso caso
"informs mo that you frequently pu'
your arm around her waist."
"Sure 1 did," admitted the defend,
ant, "but It was always at her rcqtiesi
and I am too good-natured to docllni
a pressing Invitation."
Touching Story.
Charlie Whew, but It was close h
that church festival!
Tom Did you feel relieved whci
you got outside?
Charllo I should my so. My .pools
ets wore clean.
"Do you believe in tho old maxim
'No pains, no galnsV "
"Hardly. With me It's 'Any pain
no gain.' "
"Indeed! What business aro yox
"Oh, I'm a dentist."
Joys of Wedlock.
"We may as well come to an under
standing right now." said tho nngrj
husband. "It may bo hard for you tt
hear the truth from me, but "
"Indeed It is," interrupted the patient
wife, "1 hear it so seldom from you."
Those r.ovlujr Girln.
Phyllis I do Avlsh young Softlelgl
wouldn't stare at me so every tlmo w
meet. It's dreadfully embarrassing.
Sibyl Yes, poor fellow, I fool sorrj
for him. He never did have mud
The Foundation.
"That's tlio ney mansion of one oi
our wealthy sugar refiners."
"All! . Another house built upoi
"No; rather upon tlio rock he mad
out of sand." Philadelphia Ledger.
"My white folks Is goln' to de sea
sho'," said one colored girl.
"Dat ain't much," was the answer
"Mine Is got bath In suits an' Is goln
all do way in." Washington Shir.
TJie Diirerence.
Miss Gasoline to Miss Benzoin Oh
you're not so much!
Miss Benzoin I'm bettor than yoi
are, anyway. I'm more refined. Do
troit Free Press.
Louk Wulk.
Prospective Purchaser now far ii
this place from the railroad station?
I teal Estate Agent I've made it It
eight minutes.
Prospective Purchaser Which wni
chasing you a bull or dog?
MlRht He Worse.
"George, dear," she murmured as sht
toyed with her now engagement ring
"I have a secret to tell you."
George shuddered.
"Well, come on with It," he said h
tones that Indicated ho was hopini
against hope.
"I I graduated from a c-cooklnj
school last month," stammered the fat
orange blossom candidate.
George shuddered again.
"Well," ho said, "it might bo worse
Fortunately you havo enough money b
enable us to board."
AlJBcnt-Miiitlcri Alan.
'Been In a light?" asked the lnquls
Itlve person.
"Not exactly," replied tlio absent
minded man. "While shaving mysoH
this morning I tried to lather my fac
with the razor.
Putting Him Wine.
"Is your business an art or i
trade?" asked Uie Inquisitive party.
"Both," answered tlio joke carpentoa
"Writing jokes Is an nrt, but excnaiig
lug them for real money is a trad
that Is anything but easy."
Much the Same.
Ilykem Did you over invest In ol
or mining stocks?
Piker No; but I married Uio onlj
daughter of a man who was suppose
lo be good for half a million, and tw
weeks later he made an assignment
He What would you think if I won
to steal just one little kiss?
She What would you think of i
burglar who had a chance to swlpo
hundred dollars, and only took a dimo
Proof Positive.
Husky Ilonry Wot did do perllco
man do when youso called him a lob
Windy William Proved dat I wus
'elllu' do truth by plnchln' mo.