The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, October 14, 1904, Image 1

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Local 1ST ews
See M T Hill for Ore insurance.
Only a llttlo over three weeka until
O. W. Roberts and J. H. Argabrlgbt
pot new pianos this week.
Large squashes for sale at 10 and
15 cents. Jake Shook
Swan Nelson has bought tho Peter
Muntz farm and is now living thoro.
Dick Swan baa moved on a farm
about three miles northeast of Abburn.
G. N. Titus attended the republican
float convention at Tecumseh Monday.
L. M, Peabudy and Ed E. Mooro
visited the St. Louia exposition last
Mis. N. B. Catlln went to Lincoln
Monday to attend a meeting of tho W.
0. T. U.
Mrs. T. J. Rumbaugh, who has been
visiting at Otnahu, returned borne
Mrs. Elizabeth Duerfeldt went to
Omaha Monday, to have her eyes troaf
e 1 by a specialist,
A. V. Furson, sr., is putting on new
siding and otherwise improving bis
residence this week.
Stephen Cooper attended the float
republican convention at Tecumseh,
Monday, as a delegate.
Our fisherman have been catching
many nice fish, but are not having
very uood luck just now. .
Noah Golerick and family of A11U
auce, Nebr., arrived in Nemaha last
Saturday on a visit to relatives.
Mr. and Mrs, E. H. Knapp and Mrs.
D. E. Littrell went to Peru Saturday
and visited relatives until Monday.
The school boya are enjoying tberan
selves playing football. The men oc
casionally take part in the evenings
F. L. Woodward went to Tecumseh
Monday to attend the float convention
and from there to Beatrice and Linn
Miss Maud White came in from Aus
burn last Friday co visit her grands
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Had
lock. Ilow(e) Good and Ern(e)st the re
publican legislative ticket looks by the
side of Hopkins choice made by the
Mrs. T. J. Rumbaugh was called to
Omaha Wednesday by a telegram an
nouncing the serious illness of ber
daughter, Mrs Horner.
Bedford precinct has never bad a
county commissioner, but appear to be
certain ot having one now, as both can
didates are from that precinct,
Henry Walker, a "gentleman of
color" who formerly lived in Nemaha,
was visiting freinds here Tuesday,
Henry is now living iu Omaha.
Thoroughbred B. Plymouth Rock
poultry for sale cheap if taken within
ten days.
W. W. Liebiiart
Mrs. Rose Gilbert went to Omaha
Monday, and expected to go from there
to Dubuqus, lowa.Thursday, to visit a
W. H. Nicholls of South Auburn
moved the house Mrs. Hill recently
bought, south of the lumber yard, to
the west end of the lot this week,
Tho publishers of the Omaha Daily
News will send their daily from now
until January 1, 1000, for $1,50 to all
who subscribe during October. If you
want the Sunday paper also, add fifty
cents to your remittance. Those who
are subscribers can renew under the
same conditions.
MrB. W. E. Wheeldon started for
Wayne, Kansas, Tuesday, to visit
friends, Mr. Wboeldon's mother, from
Auburn, is keeping- bouse for him
while bis wife is awav.
The fusionists bold their float con
vention at Tecumseh Monday and
nominated Simon P. Robertson of
Brock for senator and David 0. Snyder
of Johnson county for representative.
J. Marlatt is home again from Hoi
ton, Kan,, to which place ho accompai
nied Mrs.Marlatt for tho benetlt of ber
health. He expects to roturn soon
and remain for tho winter. Brown-
ville Letter.
John W. Colerick has bought a few
acres ol land on the Nemaha river
south of tbo Bennett mill, and Is movh
ing in from Johnson. It is a tract of
land bought by Swab Nelson of Henry
Seid a year or two ago.
A new game is becoming very pop
ular in this section . It is called "apple
cutting." An apple is cut into halves,
If there arc two halves the boys kiss
the girls, but if there are moro than
two halves, they don't.
Bessie E. Wills, of London precinct,
was brought before tho insane com
mission last week and sent to tho asy
lum at Lincoln. Sheriff Lawrence
took her to the asylnm last Saturday.
She is twenty years of age. Repub
S. 0. Shuck of Webster county,
Nebr., visited Nemaba friends last Sat
urday and Sunday. Sam was called to
Auburn by the serious illness of his
father, C. Shuck. He says be is pros
pering in bis new home and is well sat
The people of Champion Sunday
school will give a social at the borne of
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. P. Thompson next
Wednesday evening, Oct. 10, to which
everybody is invited. " Sandwiches,
pickles, coffee, cake and bean soup will
be served.
Mrs. J. B. Hoover has bought of Dr.
Keeling the small framo building occu
pied by Dr.Galtber as an office, and
will have it moved to John E. Cro
tber's lot and fitted up to live in. She
will spend part of ber time hero and
part in Auburn.
"Tlmmer" Thompson is quite a
snake charmer. Last Saturday be had
a snake about two feet long and nearly
an inch iu thickness playing with it.
and when be got tired of this he put it
in his pants pocket and went off.
Snake never bite bim, and be frequent
ly has one playing with it.
The following delegation started for
St. Louis Monday night, driving to
Howe and taking theM. P. train there:
J. H. .Seid and wife, John B. Stiers
and wife, C. W. Roberts and wife
Wm. Mead and wife, Rufus Rowen and
wife, W. Rowen and wife, Mrs. D. G.
Keister and Mins Ada Lambert.
To the Church of Christ at Nemaha,
Greeting: Having arrived home from
my western trip I will fill my regular
appointment at Nemaha Oct. 10. Sub
ject 11 a. m., "The Whole Armor of
God;" 7:30 p. m. "Christian Union."
A prayerful invitation to all.
J. W SArr.
Cookery for Thanksgiving is a feat"
ure of The Delineator for November
that will not lock appreciation. A
variety of "Toothsome Goodies" are
illuBtrated,tbe recipes also being given,
and special articles are devoted to such
seasonable culinary topics as "Sweet
Potato Dainties." "Chestnut Redoes.
''Savory Salads" and "A Cranberry
Carol." The correct servlco for formal
afternoon and evening functions is ex
plained in detail by Elhanor Marchant
with the aid of striking illustrations'
and other suggestions of value to the
householder are given in the depart
ment of "House Furnishing," which
treats of baskets for use and decor
J. II. Dundas of tho Granger is a
candidate for stato senator, by petition.
Ho says there aro laws that should bo
repealed, others that should bo amend
od, and some new legislation la needed,
and abovo all thoro is a demand for log
lslntion unbiased by party dislikes or
swayed by lobby influence, aud that it
is tbo height of folly to waste timo
fighting battles for party. Republican.
Tho republican float senatorial and
representative convention mot at To-
cumseh Mondny and nominated Ellis
E. Good of Nemaha county for senator
and William Ernst of Johnson county
for float representative. Mr. Good
has been tried in legislaturo and with
biB experlenco will do bettor work than
before Mr. Ernst is a prominent
farmer and a worthy representative of
the peoplo of Nemaha and Jehnson
First we hnd the "cabbage snake"
and now we bavojthem in apples. LaBt
Friday while peeling apples Mrs A. J.
Sexson found one colled up in the core
of a particular choice specimen of fruit.
It was about six inches long and about
as large around as a coarse thread aud
was of a very light green, in color. It
also was very much alivo and could
wiggle around in a lively manner. Af
ter being put in a cup containing alco
hol, however, it soon expired. Brown,
ville Letter.
Tho petition for a drainage ditch
along tho west bank of the Nemaha
county line, in tho northwestern part
of the county, Coddington ditch, was
rejected by the county commissioners
at the recent session. Tho board
found, after due consideration, that
the ditch contemplated was "not
necessary or conducive to the health,
convenience or welfare of the public."
A number of the people interested In
this matter are determined to bring
it to a bead yet, and further action
will jn all probability wion bo taken.
Auburn Herald.
The Lincoln Daily Star, Nebraska's
favorito evening daily, has just inaug
urated a Presidential Dot Counting
Contest, which is attracting widespread
Interest on account of its unique feat
ures and the value of tho prizes offor
ed. S000 in cash and valuable prizes
and valuable prizes are to be distribs
uted among Star subscribers on No
vember 7, when the contest closes.
Anyone may compete for the prizes as
tho conditions are few and simple.
Write a postal card to The Star Pubs
Ushing Co , Lincoln. Neb., and ask
tbera to mail you full particulars which
they will be glad to do.
For several months the people bo
tween Asplnwoll and St. Deroin have
heard the screams of some animal,
and at least twice it bas been seen by
children. One day last week one of
Levi Clifton's little girls, ten or eleven
years old, was going to school, and as
she was passing along the ''nar-
rows" this side of Hilldale the animal
sprang from the cliff in the road behind
her. She says it was about two feet
high, with a short tail. A dog that
was with her barked at the animal and
it ran away. John R. Johnson's little
girl saw the animal another time and
decribed it about the same, but both
children were too badly frightened to
give a good description of it. Mr.
Monroe and Mr. Clifton have seen
trackB of tho animal, and say the tracks
are larger than than those of common
dog and near together, showing the
animal is short legged. It is thought
by many to ba a leopard, though the
leopard does not have tbo short tail as
described by the Clifton girl. The an
imal was flrist heard last spring. Its
scream can be heard a long distance.
The peoplo are somewhat alarmed for
fear it will attack their children, and
propose to have a bunt Saturdry of
next week to try and kill it.
Take tho wagonette when in Aus
burn if you want to go to any part of
the city. John McElhaney prop,
New and Beautiful Millinery
At the Store for Bargains
Gall and See Them
LaBt Sunday Mrs. James A, Stephen
son was given a pleasant uurnrlso by
hor friends and neighbors. Several
days ago it was decided by a few of
hor frionds to colobrato her birthday in
an appropriate manner.and accordingly
invitations were extended and genoraN
ly accepted. Tho editor was one of
the fortunate ones to bo included in
tbo list of thoso invited, aud when wo
arrived nt tho comfortablo homo of Mr.
and Mrs, Stephenson it looked as if the
entire neighborhood and many from
Nemnhn and Auburn woro present.
After visiting nwbilo dinnor was
served, and no one was hoard to com
plain of this part of tho gathering.
The Champion people are noted for
their good cooking, and every timo wo
go to one of their dinners or suppers
wo think it is a little better than bo-
fore. The afternoon was spent very
pleasanty bly oil. Thero woro sixty-
five present, besides the babies.
The fusionists had a bard lime of it
at their convention last Saturday.
The conference committeo decided that
the populists could havo senator, coun
ty attornoy and county commissioner
and the democrats tho two representat
ives. Then came the hardest task, as
no one wanted n nomination that tbey
felt would lead only to defeat. One
man after another was namod for reps
resentativo only to decline. Ves Reed,
Wm. Kauffman, J. H. Cverturf and
otbors positively declined to be offered
as a sacrifice. Finally G. W. Hopkins
was named. He got. up to decline but
was pulled back to bis seat and pern
suaded to let it gov John Casper was
nominated, but Johp was not preseut
and therefore could not decline.
Quackenbusb and Hawxby were aaked
to accept the nomination for county at
torney but neither would have it.
Finally Judge Lambert was nominated
Lucien Couer of Howe was nominated
for county commissioner.
When It came to selecting delegates
to the float convention some of the pop
ulistB wanted to instruct, but after Ed.
Ferneau and others bad positively dos
clined to accept if nominated tbey den
cidod not to Instruct for any one,
though a few wanted to instruct for
J. H. Dundas, who was an announced
candidate, but this move was beaded
The fusionists adjourned, feeling
that tbey had spoiled what little show
tney bad of electing any of their cans
dldatea this fall.
MEN AND WOMEN in this coun
ty and adjoining territories, to repre
sent and advertise an old established
house of financial stabdlng. Salary to
men S21 weekly, to women $12 to $18
weekly with expenses advanced each
Monday by check diract from bead
quarters. Horse and buggy furnlBhed
when necessary; position permanent.
Address, Blew Bros. & Co., Dept. A'
Monon Bldg., Chicago, 111.
Night was Her Terror.
"I would cough nearly all night,"
writes Mrs. Ohas. Applegate, of Alex
andria, Ind., "and could hardly got any
sleep. I bad consumption so bad that
if I walked a block I would cough
frightfully and spit blood, but when
all other medicines failed, three $1.00
bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery
wholly cured me, and I gained 58
pounds." It's absolutely guaranteed
to euro Coughs, Colds, La Grippo
Bronchitis and all Throat and Lung
roubles. Price 50c and 81.00. Trial
bottle free at Reeling's drug store.
If you want lire insurance, either
in old lino or mutual companies, call
on W. W. Sanders.
No Pity Shown,
"For years fato was after me con
tinually," writes F. A. Gulledgo, Ver
bena, Ala. "I had n terrible case of
Piles, causing 24 tumorB. When all
failed Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured
mo. Equally good for burns and nil
achoB and pains. Only 2Gc at Reeling's
drug store.
$7.76 to St. Louis andEoturn,
Tho Burlington offers tho abovo low
rote for tlekots good In coochea and
chair cars (seats free). On salo Tuoss
days and Thursdays during August
and September.
See me for full particulars.
WE. Wiikklbon, Ticket Agent.
Working Night and Day
Tho busiest and mightiest little thing
tiot ever was made is Dr. King's New
Life Pills. These pills change weak
ness into strength, HstlesanesB into
energy, bralnsfag Into mental power.
They're wonderful in building up tbo
health. Only 25o per box. Sold by
Keeling a drug store.
Old paperB for salo at this office.
Medical and Surgical
Diseases of Women
Stella -
- Nebraska
Dealer in.'
Highest market prico paid for Aides,
Lard, Tallow, etc.
Ofllcoa over FostoMco linlMlngr, at
Frau k Nenl'n old stand,
Proprietors of the
Livery & Feed Stable
Gcod Dray in connection with Lxvory
Satisfaction guaranteed,
J. 133. Orotlxei"
In tho
Shoe Repairing
Harness Repairing
Hand Made Harnoss a Specialty
Windmills and Pumps,
Tanks, Pipes,tetc.
'Phone calls answered promptly.
Thone No20