The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, September 23, 1904, Image 8

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    J?S.$?2Z?"Mw I
Miss Pearl Minlck departed Tuobs
day evening for Wurransburg, Mo., to
reHtime her duties as instructor in the
state normal school at that place.
Wednesday morning Elder Sapp de
parted, via Auburn, for Gilfner, Neb. ,
where ho will hold revival sorvicoa.
He expects to be gone about four
Mre. Pryor, an aged lady who with
her husband recontly moved to town
from the country, is Borne better of a
severe attack of pneumonia.
The social given at the realdenco of
Mrs, Alice A. Minlck last Thursday
evening was one of tho most ploasurn
able ovonta of the season. Tho MIbbcb
Marie Hoover and Pearl Minlck, as
BiBted by other local talent, entertained
the guests with Bevoral fine musical set
lections. About 97 wbb netted for the
benefit of the Methodist church, for
which the social was glvon,
Wednesday aftornoon A. N. Sedoras
brought to this ofllce ono of the great
est oddities in tho green beau line ever
seen. The pods of tho longest ones
are thirty inches in length and are
tilled with a good quality of bean.
Mr. Sedoras did not know the name of
the bean, he having obtained the seeds
from parties who brought them from
the east.
No Fity Shown.
'For years fato was after mo con-
tinually' writes F. A. Gulledge, Ver
bena, Ala. "1 had a terrible case of j
Piles, causing 24 tumors. When all
failed Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured
me. Equally good for burns and all
aches and pains. Only 25o at Heeling's
drug store.
Working Night and Day.
Tho busiest and mightiest little thing
t)at ever was made is Dr. King's Now
Life Pills. These pills change weak
nesa into strength, listlessness into
energy, bralnsfag into mental' power.
They're wonderful in building up the
health. Only 25o per box. Sold by
KeellngVdrug store.
Take the wagonette when in Aus
burn if you want to go to any part of
the city . John McElhaney prop.
Hotloa la hereov alven that by vlrtuo of an
order of sale lained out of tho district court
of Nemaha county, atato of Nebraska and to
me directed aa hBiiff of aald county, npon a
decree and Judgment rendered by Bald court,
in a case wherein Jo Hunger was plaintiff
and Richard qhftflea Morton, Ella. Morton,
nnd the Kd wards -A Bradford Lumber Com
pany were defendants, 1 will offer for sale, at
public auction at the east front door of the
conrt house In Auburn, in said, county, on
City, In Nemaha county, Nebniska, together
with all the Improvements and Drlvlleaea
thereto balomalnK. Said property Is sold to
aatisfy aald Jeo Bunger the sum of822S.2A duo
hlro on a mechanic's Hen, and also to satisfy
Maid Edwards A. Bradford Lumber Company.
defendant and cross petitioner herein, the
sum of 1279.70, dueon a mechanic's lien, to
gather with Interest on both of suld amounts
from September 16. 1004. tintll paid at seven
per cent per annum; also $23.20 costs herein,
and the accrued costs hereon.
Takes or said order of sale as the property
of Richard Obarlea Morton and Ella Morton.
Terms of sale. eash.
Dated this 19th day of September, 1904.
A. L. LAWpEN,GE, Sheriff.
Thottiaads Hare Kidney Trouble
and Don't Knew It.
V-1' Xew Te ma Oait.
Fill a bottle or commouglass with your
water and let it stand twenty-four hours; a
sediment or set
tling Indicate an
.unhealthy condi
tion of the kid
neys; If It stains
your linen it is
evidence of kid
ney trouble; too
frequent desire to
pass It or pain in
the back is also
tonvlncing proof that the kidneys and blad
Jeraraoutof order.
Wltat to Bo.
There Is comfort in the knowledge se
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Root, tht ureal kidney remedy fulfills every
wish In curing rheumatism, pain In the
back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part
of the urinary passage. It corrects Inability
to hold water and scalding pain in passing
It, or bad effects following use of liquor,
wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant
necessity of being compelled to go often
during the day, and to get up many times
during the night. The mild and the extra
ordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon
realized. It stands the highest for its won
derful cures of the most distressing cases.
If you need a medicine you should have ths
best. Sold by druggists In 50c. and$l. sizes.
You may have a sample bottle of this
wonoertui discovery
and a book that tells
more about It. both sentBDH3MU
absolutely free by mall,
aaaress ur. ruimer 6c riome of Bwamp-Boot
Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When writing men
Ion reading this generous offer In this paper.
Tuesday, tne26in day ot uoioper, a. u. iwh.
at one o'clock p. m., ti following uesonoeu i1Rl.rniinA nt- tfk
lands In Nemaiia county. Nebraska, to-wit: oeginniug
LoUBlx(6).iOven mnd eight (8) In Wools' inpf p'rdperty '
wnuantfirn.. In thn vtlTacra of Nemaha I , 1 ..r;, 'i
The Nebraska Advertiser
W. W. Sakdkhb & Son, Prop's.
Kor Pnwtdont
For VIco-PronMont
For United States Senator
For Presidential ElcctorH
For Govornor
, For Lieut. Governor
ForSoo'y of State
For Auditor
For Treasurer
For Superintendent
For Attorney Uoneral
For Land Commissioner
Most of the com In this section is
now out of danger from frost.
Mrs. T. J. Rumbaugh wont to Om
aha Thursday to visit her dauphter.
W. W. Sanders went to Beatrice
to attend the Methodist annual con
If you want Are insurance, either
in old line or mutual companies, cal
on W. W. Sanders.
We have secured a good Auburn
correspondent, who seods us the tirst
grist of items this week
Mrs, Henry Carse went to Thurman,
Iowa, Wednesday, to visit her daugtv
ter, Mr 8. E. 8. McCandless.
Mr, and Mrs. Nelson W. Peabody,
of Washburn, III, and Mra. Black of
Unadilia, Nebr., arrived Wednesday
evening on a visit to V. P. Peabody
and family. Mr. Peabody, and Mrs,
Black are brothor and sister of V. P.
Peobody. Mr. and Mra. Peabody
have been to California nn a visit and
are on their way home.
Public Sale
I will offer for sale at' my home in
Nemaha oh Saturday, October 1, 1004
clock p. m.'the follow
Household goods, corn
potatoes, hogs.aud other articles too
numerous to mention. Terms of sale
cash." ' y ' ' J. J.'Alexandek. .
Conductor Oronkhite, who has
charge of the B & M. train south bad
a narrow escape yesterday morning
from being killed; as it was be escaped
With a, broken bone in his ankle The
tralr was approactiing, Western and.
the engineer bad slowed dowu so as
to make the stop Conductor Crooks
bite had stepped out on the car plat
form preparatory to getting off when
he slipped and fell. He bad bold of
the rail but realized that he would be
drawn against the depot platform and
perhaps killed so he let go and fell to
the ground, breaking one of thoboneB
in his ankle and injuring hiB knee.
His foot was put in a plaster of paria
cast and he 1b now in bed. He was
reported as resting easy today. Con
ductor Carson is in charge of bis train.
Neb. pity News.
Whereas, an alhwlse Providence has
seen fit to take from our midst the in
fant ohlld of Brother John H. Knapp,
therefore be it
Resolved : That we, the members of
Victory lodge No. 105, 1. 0. O. F.,do
sympathize with the family in their
bereavement and commend them to an
allwise Qod who doeth all things well;
and be it
Resolved, that a copy of these reso
lutions be sent to the Advertiser for
publication, a copy be sent to the be
reaved family, and a copy be spread on
the minutea of the lodge.
J. I. Dkessleh
W. F. Sanders
Chas. Howe,
We Intend in the future to carry on
the government In the same way that
wo hnvc carried it on In the past
Wc ore content to rest our case be
fore the American people upon the
fact that to adherence to a lofty Ideal
we have added, proved governmental
No other administration in our his
tory, no other government in tho
world, has more consistently stood for
raaoDora lioosartm.
the broadest spirit of brotherhood hi
our common humanity, or has held a
more resolute attitude of protest
against every wrong that outraged the
civilization of the world, at home
It hns behaved toward all nations,
strong or weak, with courtesy, dignity
and justice; and is now on excellent
terms with all.
Our foreign policy has been not only
highly advantageous- to the United
States, but hardly less advantageous to
the world as a whole. Peace and
good will have followed In its foot
Within the limits defined by the
national constitution the national ad
ministration as sought to secure to
each man the full enjoyment of bla
right to life his life and dispose of bis
property and his labor as be deems
best, so lone as he wrongs no one
It Is but ten years since the first
attempt was made, by means of lower
ing the tariff, to prevent some people
from prospering; too much. The at
tempt was entirely successful.
To uproot and destroy the protective
system would be to Insure the prostra
tion of business, the closing of factor-
es, the impoverishment of the farmer.
the ruin of the capitalist and the
aturvation of the wage-worker.
During the 'last five years more has
been done for the material and moral
well-being of the Filipinos than ever
before since the island first came with
in the ken of civilized man.
We did not take the Philippines at
will, and wo cannot put them aside at
We have striven both for civil right
eousness and for national greatness:
and we have faith to believe that our
hands will be upheld by all who feel
iove or country ana trust In the up
lifting of mankind.
We hold ever before us as the all
Important end of policy and adminis
tration the reign of peace at home and
throughout the world; of peace which
comet along by doing justice.
The constitution must be observed!
positively as well ns negatively.
We do not have to guess at our own
convictions and then correct the guess
if it seems unpopular.
A party which, with facile
changes all its convictions before elec
tion cannot be trusted to adhere with
tenacity to any principle after elec
tion. As for the navy, it has been nnd is
now the most potent guaranty ef
peace; and it is such chiefly because it
is formldablo and ready for use.
If on one great Igsuo they (the
Democrats) do not mean what they
say. It is hardly safe to trust them on
any other Issue.
Free trade and reciprocity are not
Chureh IIowo went to Lincoln on
J. C. Boyd of Asplnwall precinct
was in tho city Saturday.
Tom Majors of Peru came over last
Friday to attend the races.
The school board have had Are es
capes placed on all of tho buildings.
The brick work on the new Keedy
hall is completed. The carpenters will
ooou finish it.
The PresbyteriauB are having their
church painted greatly to the improve
ment thereof.
The fonndation for the new M, E.
church is completed and the laying of
the brick began this week.
The canning company will closo its
season's pack this week, having had
the best season of its exlstance.
Eph Rhodes is havinp the foutidas
tion excravated for u fine new house
on the southwest corner of the Peak
block in the city.
The South Auburn Methodists have
sen t a delegation to conference to per
suade the bishop to givo them a min
ster for the coming year.
Supt. Carrington has just Issued a
booklet of Rules and Regulations to
the teachers of Nemaiia county giving
their duties, the duties of scboolboatds
and of pupils.
Hon) Cburch Howe, U. S. consul to
Antwerp, expects to bid goodby to bis
Nemaha county Mends this week and
return to Washington to receive his
iinul instructions before sailing Oct. 1.
A noticable meeting took place in
front of the post office last Saturday
when Tom Majors aad Church Howe
met, shook bands and enjoyed a visit,
with each other for about a half hour.
The County fair last week had tho
best exhibit of livestock and the best
racing that it has had for many years
The agricultural exbtbit never will be
very good till the association furnishes
a suitable glace for it.
O. P. Dovel shipped three carloads
of peaches from his thirteen acre peach
orchard during the past ten days
The fruit has netted him about 20c
per bushel. The yield has been over
400 bushel. Peaches at this price pays
belter than corn.
The Auburn schools opened last
Monday wiib a total enrollment of
058. Athens school having 107, Ant
tioch school 330 and the High school
101. Supertendenc SimpBon expects a
number more to enter, the various
scboola within the next week.
The County Commissioners after
providing everyone 'else in the court
bause with new furniture have at last
purchased for their own UBe a One oci
tagon table with chairs to correspond
A Jlocker for filing pupera is 'provided
for each. member and the clerk. It 1b
a convenient piece ..of furniture and
cost about 300. f
'The directors of the Auburn Gold
Mining company held a meeting this
week and decibed to buy machinery
tor the purpose of pumping water on
their placer claims. Their purpose is
to buy the machinery now for delivery
on the ground by March 1st.
The tests being made by manager
Chas. Anderson shows that the placer
dirt yields one dollar per yard and the
deeper he goes the richer the dirt.
Robbed the Grave
A startling incident is narrated by
JohnOliver of Philadelphia, as follows
"I was in an awful condition. My
skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken
tongue coated, pain continually in back
and Bidea, no appetite, growing weak
er day by day. Three physicians had
given me up. Then I wus advised to
take Eleotric Bitters;. to toy great joy
tbe first bottle made a decided im
provement. 1 continued their use for
three weeks, and am now a well man
I know they robbed the grave of
another victim." No one should fail
to try them, Only GOc, guaranteed. at
Reeling's drug Btore.
3onr -oet
ELM Ell E.
Capital Stock, $5,000
"The great sources of wisdom are
experience and observation, mid theae
are denied to none."
The reuding circle Saturday evening
did not bavo a very heavy attendance
but those present showed a spirit that
1b truly professional.
The past week haa seen considerable
Irregularity of attendance owing to
the fair and sickness. We think there
haa been
none absent without a goodw
excuse tho.
All booka in use at school have been
labeled and numbered, A record will
be kept of the number of each book
and the pupil; to whom that hook it)
loaned. TdIb will do away with the
necessity of the pupil writing hiB name
In the book and will also enable the
teacher to give an account of ull books
used id tho school at the end of the
Some pupils attend school about
haff the time and feel hurt if they do
not receive credit for having done as
much work ob their seatmutes who
haven't missed a day. CaBes have
been known where parents sbaied this
feeling with the pupils. We should
suggest that since tho laborer does not
receive pay for time lost so pupils
need not expect credit lor work that
has not been done.
Ys Borne Bay it is easy work to po
to school but if vou will iust watch
such people you will Uud that they are
paid for their easy work by returns
that is just aa easy to lose. Brain
work is the bardect there is to do:
This Is shown by the number who do
not attempt it. We need not expect
something for nothing here, when we
do not in other things. If you are guy
ing to school to get something out of
it make up 'your mind to woik and
work hard at that.
Brutally Tortured
A case came to light that for per
sistent and unmerciful torture has
perhaps never been equalled Joe Golo-
bick. of Colusa, Cal., writes: "For 16-
years I endured insuffeiabje pain from
Rbeumatinm and nothing relieved me.
though I tried everything known. I
came across Electric Bitters, and it's
the greatest medicine on earth for that
trouble. A few bottles of it complete
ly relieved and cured me " Just as
good for Liver and Kidney Troubles
and general debility. Only . GOc. Sat
isfaction guaranteed b Keeling, drug
gist. Thedford's Black-Draught comes
.t - iP 1 I
nearer reguiaung we enure system
and keeping the oody in health than
any other medicine made. It is
always ready in any emergency to
e aumenu mat are irequent in
any family, such as indigestion;
biliousness, colds, diarrhoea, ana
stomach aches.
Thedford's Black-Draught is the
standard, never-failins remedy for
stomach, bowel, liver and kidney
troubles. It is a cure for the domes
tic ills which so frequently summon
the doctor. It is as good for children
as it is for grown persons. A dose of
this medicine every day will toon
cure toe most obstinate case ot dys-
pepsia or constipation, ana when
taken as directed brings quick relief.
Djurmu, Ux., Dm. 23, ltos.
ThaSforS'a Black-Draught hai been our
tkmilr doctor lor 8ra rears aad w want
bo otaar. Wkaa aar ef aa ftel badlr wa
(aka a dota b4 ra alt right la twalre
aouri. we Bare ayaat 101a ox taoaar for
doctor bllli, but mi aloof Jait aa trail
wltk HUek-Draaf it. 1BA Bi baSSU.
Aak raar 4ealar for a eaoaaro of
TfcaAford'a Black-DraurBt aad it ho I
doea not keep It aendaoc. to Tho Obatta-
aad a package will be mailed to yon.
m o . T.T l-M Vina. T-
ALLEN, Cashier.