tfttief VOLUME XL1X NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1904 NUMBER 13 4 averts. HAS New and Beautiful Millinery At tlie Store for Bargains Call and See TJiem Local News tieo M T Hill for (Ire insurance. Nemaha county fair at Auburn this week. Potatoes are now cents pur bushel. selling at 25 A. It. McCandless made a business trip to Omaha Wednesday. Miss Nessa Foutch of Brownvlllo was a Nemaha visitor Friday. Louie and May Kerker returned from St. Joe Saturday morning. White pine siding S20 per thousand. Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co. My homo for sale. Call and see me. 0 23t Mus. Bikl lloovuu. Two and onehalf inches of rain fell Monday night and Tuesday morning. It. E. I3ucher id now attending to tho encine at this place for the Ii. & M. The state election in Vermont was eminently satisfactory to tho republi cans. Born To Mr. and Mrs. Wesley II. Clark, Monday, Septombor 12, 1004, a line son. E. S. McCandless came down from Thurman, Iowa, Wednesday . Swift is looking well. Mrs. Earle Gilbert wont to Douglass, Nebr.. last Saturday to visit relatives 6r'a few days. Miss Clara Ilickey, who has been visiting tho family of J. M, Cla rk, re turned homo Saturday. John M. Clark started for Smith county, Kansas, Tuesday forenoon, to visit his brither, J II. Clark. Charley Thompson, who has been visiting at York for two or threo weeks, returned home Tuesday. Mrs. Chambers and grandson Billy, who have been visiting in Nemaha, re turned to Auburn Wednesday. Frank Titus is attending to tho bank business this week during the absence of tho cashier, Ef trior E. Allen. Peaches for sale at 25 cents per bushel, at my farm, 3 miles west of Nomaha. W. T. Russijll. J. W. Felton of Brownville was a Nemaha visitor Monday. John is buying and shipping apples atShubeit. Mrs. Frank Maxwell of Lincaln visited D. W. Maxwell and family from Thursday of last week until Moui day. J.G. Keesliug of Bristow,Tonnes3eo( arrived in Nemaha last week on a vis it to his sons, J. E. and Charley Kees ling. We had a hard rain, with consider ablehail Monday nignt. Hail stones were lying in piles several hours after ward, We had soma frost in low places Wednesday and Thussday mornings, but not enough to do any particular damage. Mrs. Andrew Ay nes and daughter, Mrs, F. K. Skeen, wont to Brownvillo last Saturday and visited friends until Monday, The republican primaries for Nes malm precinct will bo held at tho Ads vertiser otllco Saturday of next week, opening at 1 o'clock, The precinct ticket will bo nominoted at this time. ITILL W. S. Maxwell went to Nebraska City on tlio freight Sunday morning, returning on the passenger the next forenoon. White pine four inch strips for corn cribs, hog or any other kind of lots 520 per thousand at Edwarda & Brad ford Lumber Co. Misses Maud Kinton and Alice Pea-' body were guests of Mlts Maud's aunt, Mrs. E. II Dort of Auburn, Tuesday and Wednesday. E, W. HopkitiB of Leavenworth, Kansas, who has been viaiting F. L. Woodward and family foi several days left here Wednesday. Roosevelt's letter of acceptenco was published in the Monday's dailies. It is a good one, and the issues of tho campaign are plainly stated. Mis. It. J. Dull and threo children arrived in Nemaha Saturday and res mainnd until Monday. They are now living at David City, Nebr. The Autumn social given bv class No. 7 of the M. E. Sunday school Sats urday night was a success in every respect. Tho proceeds wore $12 05. Mr. and 'Mrs. Elmer E. Allen startedfor St Louis last Saturday after noon to attend the exposition. They expect to return Saturday or Sunday. The fraternal societies of Johnson will hold a fraternal picnic next Wednesday. Members of all fraternal societies' aio especially invited to ats tend. A telegram was received hero Mon day stating that the postofficeat Lang don, Mo., had been robbed Saturday. night. Wo did not learn what was taken. A full and complete stock of lumber of all kinds. Wo havo an especial nice stock of whiiV ipino drop siding and shin Ian. Como and see us. lid- wards & Bradford. The citizens of Shtibert will hold a carnival Thursday and Friday, of next week. A variety of attractions will be given, and every effort made to uns tertain tho people, How's his? Wo oiror Olio Hundred Dollnrs Howard for uny caso of Catarrh Hint cannot oo cured Ly Hall's Catarrh Cure. R J. CHENEY it CO., Toledo, O. "Wo, the undorKlgued, have known K. J. Choney for tho last 16 yearn, and bollovo him perfectly honorable In all business transar tlons and tlnanclally alio to carry out uny obligations mado by his Mr in. WAI.UINO, KlN.NAN A' MAKVIX, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Ilnll's Catarrh Curo is taken Internally, acting cVlrectly upon the blood and mucous surlnces of tho system. Testimonials sent Jree. l'rlco 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Take Hull's Family IMlls for constipation. WANTED r.000 to 10,000 bushels of small seedi ling peuches, for which highest cash price will be paid. OTOE PRESERVING CO., Nebraska City, Nebr. FOR SALE ON SIX MONTHS TIME 05 head of fine fat steers ready for tho feed lot. Ono 2 year old mule," weight 1000 lbs. One yearling mule, weight 700 lbs. Ono throe year old colt, weight I.'iOO lba. The abovo stock is in fine condition and of tho best quality. Jno. S. Stum., Auburn, Neb. If you want lire insurance, either in old line or mutual companies, call on W. W. Sanders. Olo Hoberts, who has been viaiting in Kmisiis and Kansas City, Mo., re turned home Monday, Olo said ho saw lota of prnirio chickens while ho was away but only succeeded in killing one. Mi. and Mrs. John II. Knappdos sire us to express their thanks and gratitude to the friends and neighbors who were so kind ami helpful during the sicknesH, death and burial of their babe. Peaches are now a drug in the mar ket at Nemaha and vicinity or seed- lings are. They are small this year, buc are line quality neither wormy or scabby. They are selling at 25 cents a bushel. On account of tho heavy rain Mons day night there was little doing at tho county fair Tu-sday, but Wednesday was a lino day and thero was a good attendance. The fair will bo hold over Saturday. Wm.G. Maxwell has bought ,1. J. Alexander's residence proporty in Nes maha, but will not take possession for about three weeks. Ho will build an addition on the house before moving in. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander will go to Indiana. HEADING 0IE0LE ANNOUNCEMENT All teachers desiring to take up read ing ciroio work or desiring to meet for discnsdlon of professional work will please meet at thn Nemaha school building Saturday evening, September 17. at S o'clock. Next Sunday will bo tho last sermon Uev. M. S Foutch will preach before conference, which convenes at Beat rice on Wednesday next. This will likely be Itov. Foutch's last' sermon here, as he does not expect to return for another year. Mako arrangement to havo your eyes properly lilted with glassps by Dr. Ilutchinpon who will make his next regular visit to Nemaha on Tuesday, September 17. Examination free. Work guaranteed. D F. Hutchison. B, L. Phillips has a pear tree in the yard at his residence in town that in a wonderful producer . Wednesday Mr. Phillips picked from th's tree eight bushels of pears all of which are large and well formed He bus another tree on which thoro is two or three bushels Porn Pointer. A B & M. special came up from Sa letn Saturday morning, containing a number of dignitaries of the road, T. E. Calvert, the exgeneral super tendont, II. E. Byram, who tukrs his place, C. B. Rogers, superintendent of the Wymore division, and others were going over tho road inspecting the same. Hon. Ellis E. Good received a tele gram Wednesday morning stating that Mrs. Good's father, Jarvis S Church, had been again stricken with paralysis This makes the fourth or fifth time that Mr. Church has Buffered an attack of this kind. Mr, and Mrs. Good drove to Auburn yesterday whore Mrs. Good took tho train for hor father's homo at Hennossy, Okla. Peru Pointer. Mis3 Vera Minick of Bracken visit ed hor grandmother and aunt, Mict E. A. Minick and Miss Florence, Tuesday and Wednesday, going to Nebraska City Wednesday afternoon, whore she will attend tne blind instis tute. Her eyes havo been bad for some time, and for the past year she has been unable to study on that act count, so decided to attend tho insti tute and take advantage of tho train ing there. Miss Florence Minick went to the city with her, returning the next day. Take tho wagonette when in Aus burn if you want to go to any part of tho city . John McElhanoy prop. Old papers for sale at this ofllce. Mrs. Alice A. Minick of Brownvlllo and her sister, Mrs. Helen Snyder of Aurora, Now York, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Woodward Sun day. Mrs. Snyder resided in Nomaha when but a child, her parents being Mr. and Mrs. Lock wood. Sho loft horo ;iS years ago, wnen only 11 years old, and hao Hot been back ainco until a few days ago. Sho finds wonderful changes in the town and country, and llnda but few of tho old landmarks. Died Tuesday morning, Septombor Kt, 1004, Loin, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John II. Knapp, aged S mouths and 21 days. The little one was a twin, and tho babies have never bden strong. For a week bofore her death it was thought many times she was dying. All possible care was taken by the loving parents and doc tors. The funeral services were conducted by Itov. J. W. Sapp at tho Christian church at 11 o'clock Wednesday. Omaha will have its first annual horso show in tho week of September 20th, and judging from the amount of interest reflected by the pross of that city it is to bo a great success. High bred horses from all over the middle west havo been entered in tho various classes. People from all tho imports ant cities of the state havo already on gaged boxes, and it appears that they will be taxed to their utmost capacity to take caro of tho people. Tho heat ing arrangement) of the auditorium will bo complete. Tho celebrated tax case, in which suit was brought by Hon. Church Howe and other citizens to restrain by injunction County Clem Hacker and Deputy J. M Wright from pinch g upon tho (ax books of the county tho 5 per cent increase levied by tho state board of equalization appears to be tin ally nettled in favor of tho protestants. Judge Kelligar first gt anted an injtini lion and later mado an injunction per manent. When an appeal from this decision was attempted, it was dlscovs ered that the suit was in tho nume of the county clerk and deputy and these olliciala doclared themsolvos as being 8rtisl)ed witli tho decision and refused to appeal. Thin decision ends the caso as far as Nemaha county is con-, corned, and tho clerk and deputy are now making up the tax books, coin puling taxes as levied by tho county commissioners. This gives satisfac lion to all Nemaha county taxpayers, lot not so satisfactory to tho state board of equalization and the attorney general. A few years ago in 18H8 tho old settlors hold a reunion at Nomaha It was so successful that it was agreed to continue thuso gatherings. As Ne maha waB not Hellish, it was also agreed that these reunions should lie held at tho different towns Tho next yenr i was hold at Peru, and was quite hucs cessfnl. Tho year after it was taken to Auburn, being held during tl o county fair, and not much attention was paid to it. Then it was held at Brownvillo and was a Hat failure. Tho next year, in 1802, it was again hold in Nemaha and was onco more a success. Since then it has been held annually in Nemaha and grows bigger and better eacli year. Now other places are taking pattern after Nes maha. Aubhrnhasa ('erniansAmer"j ican picnic each year, and Johnson a harvest homo. This year Julian had a picnic, and now Shubert is to have a two day's carnival. We hope all will continue- to prosper, These gatherings are good thing?. Ono feature that ban made tho Linn coin Dally Star deservedly popular is tho groat Saturday Star, prepared es pecially for Sunday reading. J Icons tains from 12 to 21 pages. Tho great campaign serial, "The Grafters," Jias just commenced. You can have tho Daily Star sent you until Nov. ir, which includes tho big Saturday paper, fer only &0 cents, send ua your order today. Address, Dally Star, Lincoln Neb. Cabbage 1 havo an acre of calihaue marketable early in Septombor Price low, deliv ered or in Held Drop me a card, if in terested. A. Ruon, Shubert, Neb. Night was Hor Torror. "I would cough nearly all-night," writes Mrs. Chas. Applegate, of Alex andria, Ind., "and could hardly gel any sleep. I had consumption so bad that if I walked a block I would cough frightfully and spit blood, bur, when all other medicines failed, threo $1.00 bottles of Dr. King's Now Discovery wholly cured mo, and I guined 58 pounds." It's absolutely guaranteed to curo Coughs, Colds, La Grlppo Bronchitis and all Throat and Lung roubles. Price 50c and St. 00. Trial bottle free at lCoellnjjr's drug storto. Tho great presidential campaign is now well under way, and overyono is Interested in the events which will ocs cur during the next threo months Now la tho time to subscribe lor a daily paper. The Lincoln Daily Star will ho tsent until Nov. i& for only 50 cents. Tho Daily Star is easily tho greatest and bust evening paper in Nro' braska. It Is thoroughly interesting in every department. Tho Star pub lishes all tho news all the time four editions daily. Send us your name and no cents and "Do it Now." Address Daily Star, Lincoln, Nebr. DR. G. M. ANDREWS Medical and Surgical Diseases of Women Stolln - Nolirnfllta PETER ICE RICE R. Dealer In IMIIED.A.TS Highest market price paid for JTirioH, Lard, Tallow, oto. STULL & HAWXBY ATTORNEYS- liAAV, KICATi "KS'I'ATK, COJ.f.KCTIONN ODlci'N over Pirn'olllm HiillriliiK, at Kiunlt NliiI'h old stand, Aimimx, NKIIHASICA KNAPP & SON I'roprluturHor the . Livery & Feed Stable K2MAIIA,fNBBB. Good Dray in connection with Livery Satisfaction guaranteed. ol. DEG. Ofotlxeir in tho PARIS BUILDING Shoe Repairing Harness Repairing Hand Mado Harness a Specialty WESLEY H. CLARK Duulorlln Windmills and Pumps, Tanks, Pipes,tetc. ALL WORK GUARANTEE!? 'Phone calls answeied promptly. Thono No20 NEMAHA, NEBR. . b f B r n ,t Is ? S-. a h ick led It the 'ol ?h th 1 ii Be. urn tty. Mr. ,det pre will nals Ave the rued diet Hley toot lev liry, vlng teal- T ex tine olnt b be intry over i and t dew I Mrerj louthl