The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, August 12, 1904, Image 1

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    Iff ml .
Local News
See M T Hill for tire insurance.
Go to E. & B's and Ret a yellow kid.
Try Honest Abe Hour at Snelling's
N. 0
Jarvla shipped his corn Tueas
Dr. Gulther
returned from Omaha
Auburn chautauqua Auguat 18 to 21
Fresh cow
L Puria.
for aaie. Inquire of E.
Cyrus Mlnick returued to Syracuse
last Saturday.
Ed Llttrell returned
Monday evening.
ffom Omaha
H. Stroble of Brownvllle was In Net
in aha Wednesday.
We have been having some very cool
weather for Auguat.
Ed Knapp'a baby
alck for several days.
has been quite
Elmer E, Allen and Frank
drovo over to Howe Wednesday
Nemaha had another hard rain Mon
day night, with considerable hard
The telephone lines were Bomewhat
mixed for a day or two after Monday
night's storm.
Dr. and Mrs. V. M. Boat came in
from Auburn in their automobile Mon
day evening.
Miaa Edna Goff returued home Tues
day after a few days' viait with Miaa
Opal Seabury.
Buy a pair of Pappooses at E. & B.
Lbr. Co. If you don't like a pappoose
get a yellow kid.
Mrs. Wesley H. Clark, who has been
visiting at Belvidere, Nebr.. returned
home lust week.
The Nemaha county teachers' instl
tuto will be held at Auburn Aug. 22
to 27 incluaive.
Missea Opal and Bebe Seabury visit
ed their friend, Miss Grace Sauders, in
London precinct Sunday.
Tho Nemaha second nine beat the
St. Deroin ball team by the score of 10
to 18 at Barada Saturday.
F. L. Woodward has been putting l
up a large amtunt of hay on the Miss
ouri bottom east of town.
Miss Florence Minick came down
from Nebraska City Friday evening,
returning the next afternoon.
Reduced rates of one and one-third
faro have beeu gi anted by tho B. & M.
R. R. for the old settlers' picnic.
Miss Marie Hoover, who has been
visiting at Denver for some time, re
turned to Nemaha Wednesday.
Mrs. Seymour Howe and Grandma
Seabury went to' Aupurn Tuesday to
viait friends for three or four days.
Quick salea and small
profits is my
War; Snellinq.
Mrs. Ben Parker of Auburn visited
her mother, Mrs. J. B. Berger, from
Thursday of last week until Tuesday.
John McDonald of Cripple Creek,
Colo., visited his nephew, J. C. Broady
from Wednesday until Friday of last
F. E. Gaither went to Nebraska Cis
ty Tuesday afternoon and will bo
night operator at tho M. P. depot for a
week or two.
Bring in your lumber bill and get an
estimate on the coat. We are head
quarters for quantity and quality.
E. & B. Lb it. Co.
At tho Lutheran parsonago, South
Auburn, Nebr,, on Monday afternoon,
Auguat l, 1004, hy tho Uov. Dleffon
bach, Mr. Claude Burresa of Elk
Creek, Nebr., to Miaa Elizabeth Kell of
Johnson, Nebr.
At the residence of T. W. Davis,
Auburn, on Thursday afternoon, Aus
guat 4, 1004, by the Rev Dieffenbach,
Mr. Enrle Thompson of Elk Creek to
Miaa Sadie Wiiaou of Peru.
Senator Dolliver of Iowa and Senas
tor btone or Missouri will talk on re
publicanism and democracy at tho Au
burn cbautauqun next Thursday afs
ternoon, Theae are two of the ablest
exponents of their reapoctlve party
principles' and will undoubtedly have a
big audience if the weather Is favor
able. we learn tuat Harvey u. Beeoe waa
one of the fortunate ones to draw a
claim in tho Rosebud reservation.
Tho number of his claim is between
1U00 and 1300. sHarvey is manager
for die Edwards & Bradford Lumber
Co. at Petersburg, Nebr., and was uni
decided whether to take tho claim or
Mrs. Raciiel Weddle came near hav
ing a Are Monday. She had some of
her quilts on the line airing, and when
she took them in she probably dropped
some fire from her pipe. Mr. Farsou.
who was working near, discovered the
smoke, carried out the quilts and put
out the fire.
Tho Detroit Free Press is responsl1
bio for the statement that five cents
worth of oil of lavender mixed with
an equal quantity of water, will keep
a room clear from flies, using an atom
izer to spray it around the room. Peo
ple lik the odor but the flies do not.
The rural route cnrrlers received no
tice a few days ago that tholr nalarv
would hereafter be 3720 a year, regard -
less of whether the distance traveled
was 24 miles or less. This is good
news, pnd tho money Is undoubtedly
well earned.
S. C. French, the pioneer piano man
with Avey & Co. tells us that Miss
.Emma Crim. who uped to live in No
maha, has a muaic class in Shubert of
21 pupils, all doing as nicely as they
would under a teacher that has good
Tho last Issue of the Post was under
tho management of the Crichton Pub
I llabing Co. The new management get
out a newsy paper, and expect to make
it equal to any weekly in the state.
May success attend them.
David Frazier received a mule foot
ed bog Thursday of last week. It was
shipped by Dr. W, W. Frazier of Good
man, Mo. The hog looks like other
hogs except its feet, which are like a
mule's, hence Its name.
J. H. Seld's baby that was so serious
lv injured by being run over by horseB
is getting along nicoly, and it Is
thought will soon bo all right again.
At first it was thought the baby
fatally hurt.
The Auburn chautauqua
itnL' i 1 1 n
Saturday night. An interesting pro
gram has been prepared. Tne man
ngoment have been to great expense in
getting talent and should bo liberally
Mrs. Wheeldon of Auburn, who has
been vlBlting her son, H. A. Wheeldon
of Beatrice, came in to Nemaha
Wednesday, bringing with her ber
grandson, Harry Wheeldon.
Mrs. Emma Berlin and her son,
Dean, left the latter part of last week
to join the Harry Kimmel Comedy Co.
with whom they have signed for the
coming season. Granger.
The freight tralna from Nebraska
City to Falls City now run every
night. Thus Shubert citizens are able
to hear the train every night, even if
they never get to seo one.
a . t A M A.
CI.. ..Ml .,...,
A Qnollno of silverware sultablo for
wedding presents at Keoling's, 1
FOR SALE The residence known
as tho R. 0. Morton property, contain
ing 5 rooms and 8 lots sot in fruit. Ini
quire at this ofllce.
Last Saturday evening about thirty
of Miss Lena Maxwell's friends gatbi
orod at the Park hotel and gave her a
ploa3ant surprise. Thoy enjoyed them
selves with music, games, etc., until a
lato hour. Ice cream and were
Berved. All had a doligntrui time.
Wo unintentionally failed lust week
to mention tho GermanAmerlcan pic
nic at Auburn Tuesday of last week.
It was the moat successful of any pics
nio they have yet held and the crowd
approached In slzo tho crowds usually
attending tho old settlers' picnics at
Sealed bids will bo received until
Auguat 10 for twant cords of hard
wood, to be dellveredjat school house
In Nemaha. Will receive bids for
small lots or full amount.
J. I. DllESSLEll,
Director Dist. No. 30.
The republican county central corns
mittee met at Auburn last Saturday
and issued a call for a county conven
tion to be held at Auburn Monday.
Sept 20. The primaries will be held
on Saturday, Sept. 24. At Nemaha
the nrlmaries will bo held from 4 to 0
p. m.
J. W. Beard of Nebraska City haa
beeu in Nemaha this week in the Inn
terest of the Roaa P. Curtice music
company. Tins company naa put in a
Btock of pianos at tho Keeling drug
store, with Will F. -Keeling as loca
manager. Mr. Beard will' remain here
tu(a W(:Qk,
Mrs. J. M. Fuller's night blooming
cereus bloomed for the second time
last Friday night. This rare and
beautiful flower was viewed by many
of our citizens. It seems too bad that
so beautiful a (lower siiouiu last so
short a time. It was closed up and
dead tho next morning,
$7.75 to St. Louis and Kotura,
The Burlington offers the above low
rate for tickets good in coaches and
chair cars (aeats free). On sale Tues
duys and Thursdays during August
and September.
See nie for full particulars.
W. E. Wheeldon, Ticket Agent.
Jake Handley this year sowed
acres of spelt., a new kind of grain
imported from Russia. He recently
threshed his crop and it made 00 buahb
els uer acre. It is said to be good for
feed but there is no market for it yet
It is of tho order of oats or barley, bo
far as feed is concerned, and if it does
well will certainly be a valuable addii
tion to our smalhgrain crops.
If you haven't been to tho cemetery
lately it will pay you to drive out and
seo it. The entire grounds are now
KtJliU in ua iuuu uruer ua uuy mwu. au
i i. i i l l
Lelbbart, the sexton, goes over the
grounds with a lawn mower, keeping
the grass down. Holes have been
filled up, rubbish haB been taken out,
and other improvements made, Go up
and look at it.
Make your urrangornonts to attend
the Nebraska State Fair at Lincoln.
Auguat 20th to September 2d. Tho
agricultural, live Btock and fine art
and textile departments will all bo up
to-dato In all particulars.
There will be acres of exhibits in
farm implements, machinery, buggies,
etc.. affording intending purchasers an
opportunity to see, compare and then
intelligently buy.
As an extra inducement to lovers of
fast horses, Dan Patch, tho swiftest
pacer in the world, will go againat
ime on Tuesday, Auguat 30th,
A onefvre rate on all railroads.
illguoat prices pam iur pruuuco us
Flour, meal and com
on hand at SnolUng's.
chop always
Mrs. Allco A. Mlnick has had a oldos
walk laid in front of tho lot ownod by
her west of J. I. Drosslor'a
Hon. W. B. Price of Lincoln and
Hon. II. H. Hanks of Nebraska City
will mako addresses at tho old Bottlers
picnic tho 25th.
Prof. W. M. Crichton, who was oloot
cd principal of tho Nemaha schools for
tho ensuing yoar, has tondored hlfl re
signation to tho school board, and they
are looking out for another principal.
No reason was given for tho reslgnns
tlon, It places tho board in an em-
jarressing position, as most of tho
teachers have positions now.
Editor Rohmoyer Is feeling quite
elated over the honor thrust upon him
by a Lutheran minister of Franklin
county who has begun suit for $10,000
for slander, tho Beobachter having
passed adverse criticism on the said
preacher. Mr. R. declares that no
other 'paper in the county has been
honorrd by being sued for defamation
of character. Granger.
The following clipped from tho
Kansas City Times of last Saturday
will be of Interest to our readers:
Dr. Berzaleel B. Andrews, jr., was
sued yesterday for divorce by Cora A,
Andrews, who alleges that ho was
cruel to her. They wero married at
Covington, Kentucky, June 1, 1808.
She waB Mlas Cora Clark. They sep
arated June 27th last. Tliev lived
formerly at 4000 Warwick boulevard.
Dr. Androws lives now at tho Mons
taguo hotel."
The populist county convention met
at Auburn last Saturdayto elect del
egates to state, congressional and float
conventions. Little interest was man
ifested. A number of precincts hold
no primaries. Nemaha precinct did
not elect delegates but was represent
ed by one lonely man. The question
of fusion was not discussed. The fol
lowing dolegateb wore elected to the
atale convention: A C Leepor, H A,
Lambert, Ben Skeen, J M Demoree
John Berger, O P Root, Wm Prante,
Geo Kennedy, C C Stone, Wm Dally, J
D Bishop, Shell Cochran, J I Dressier.
The delegates to the congressional
convention are: Wm Moore, H I Shull,
W B Metcalf, Josiah Gilllland, A F
UelmerB, S Hoaterman, Fred Hawsby,
Lester Haynea, W A Oulwe',1, E B
Quackenbush, D N Jones, Wm Prante,
J T Swan, James Deacon, A C Leepor,
For tho senatorial convention: W K
Blount, P J Nailor, O M Deacon, Lea
ter Haynes, J W Webber, John Stepta
enson, H I Shull.
The Nemaha huso ball association
has secured two line teams for two
games at the old settlers picnic the
Omaha Originals and the St. Joe
Goetz. Thepo teams are prospective
pennant winnere In their respective
cities and will undoubtedly put up a
lino game of ball. They play for a
purse of 8175.
The statutes provide that land own
era shall have "weeds cut along road
sides on or before August IK, If this
Is not -done the road everaeer is re
quired to cut the weeds and the ex
pense 1b charged up againBt tho land
Parties interested will take notice and
act accordingly.
C. L. Kusbkli.,
Supervisor Dist. No. 34.
Visit the Old Folks.
One faro plus $2 for the round trip
to a great many points in Ohio, Ins
diann and Kentucky. Tickets on sale
September 0, 18, 20, 27 and October 11
Good via St. Louis and for stopover at
the great exposition. Final limit thir
tvdays. See me for full particulars or
write to L. W. Wakeley, General Pass
enger Agent, Omaha.
W. E. Whuhldon, Ticket Agent.
r. (jjfj. W. Keeling,
Nomnhn, Nebraska.
Offico In Kuoling drug store.
Medical and Surgical
Diseases of Women
Stella - Nebraska
Fifteen years experience
Terms and dates at The Advertiser
Dealer In
Highest market prico paid for Hides,
ard, Tallow, etc,
Omcpn over l'ontonw Hulldlntf, nt
b rank Ncul'n old Htnnii,
Proprietors of the
Livery & Feed Stable
Gcod Dray in cennoction with Livery
Satisfaction guaranteed.
J. E. Oi-otlier
In the-
Shoe Repairing
Hamss RToairag
Hand Made Harness a Specialty
Windmills and Pumps,
Tanks, Pipes,fetc.
'Phone calls answered promptly.
'Phone No2(J
Call and see us for reduced rates on
magazines and newspaper.
Every housekeeper Bhould know that
if they will huy Defiance Cold Water
Starch for laundry use they will save
not only time, hecause it never sticks
to the iron, hut hecause each package
contains 10 oz. one full pound while
all other Cotd Water Starches are put
up in pound packages and the price
is the same, 10 cents. Then again he
causo Defiance Starch is freo from all
injurious chemicalH, If your grocer
tries to sell you a l'J-oz. package it is
hecause he has a stock on hand which
he wishes to dispose of hefore he puts
In Defiance. Ho knows that the I)e.
fiance Starch has printpd on everv
package In large letters and !1lmiih
IOozs". Demand Defiance and save
much time and money and the annoy-,
ance of the iron sticking. Defiance
never sticks.