NEMAHA ADVERTISER. W. W. SANDEIIS, Publlslicr NEMAHA, NEBRASKA All donkeys haven't long cura; boiuo Kimv hIII; hats. Why not settle labor dlfllculUca ac tordlng (o the golden rule? Russia socniB determined to havo a rollow peril If she has to make it hor Vslf. "Does It i)ay to marry for money?" isks Nlxola Greeley Hmltb. Can't say, lever having tried It. One of. the St. Louis got-rlclwiulck ionueriiH proposes to pay Its creditors two cents on the dollar; Just the price )f return postage. A Urltlsh scientist claims that the larlh Is kept hot by radium. Perhaps he great rush for radium was what undo last winter so cold. Statisticians have It all figured out low that the Postofllco Department vould bu self-sustaining If the receipts vcro equal to Uie disbursements. The motto of tho new Panama re public Is "Paz, Llbcrtnd, Unlo, Pro ircsso." Wo would suggest that the vord "Illng" be added to this bunch. Probably tho "niotorpathla cerebra ls" from which the automoblllsts suf fers Is no worse than tho ailments lontniotcd by tho persons ho runs vor. A Kansas man, according to dls latches, "died suddenly whllq. relating inecdotes." Wo are not Informed vhat happened to tho ninn whoT'shot dm. Uooker Washington's new book, 'Working with the Hands," comes as i novelty In a campaign year when nost people are working with their nouths. Charles T. Yorkea says: "The man vho bets on the races Is an Idiot." The iverage promoter gets sore when he lnds you risking your coin on some )ther fellow's game. Great Ilrltaln publicly admits that the is at war with Thibet. The Hug ish are having beastly luck of late ii getting .Into wars that give them 10 chance whatever to show what their lavy can do. A New York banker has been sent o prison for nine years for stealing 110,000. Evidently the New York ourts have outlived tho Idea that a nan's stealings should bo overlooked f ho takes enough. , Recent medical articles have contain Ml an account of the acarus scablel. yhlch Is gravely described as a pa ra il to. that attacks tho palms of the lands and makes them Itch. Now that bo cause of tho "Itching palm" Is mown, physicians as well as moralists nay study Its cure. A Detroit Judge has ruled that a nan has a right to spank his wife If die Is disobedient. Tho Judge is a mehelor, but he needn't worry. It is info to say that there's many a girl in Detroit now who would bo willing to lecome his wife Just for tho purpose f teaching 1dm a few things. Mace, the Paris detective, who died :ecently, Is said to have worn a pair f spectacles of his own Invention. The lenses were divided into two parts, hrough one of which he looked ahead ipon tho ground and with the othei law tho people behind him. This Is an ild Idea. Many mothers and grand notbors had something of this kind eforo tho detective wfis born. They ailed their perception "seeing through !ho back of tho head." Many of us oavo been detected ourselves, and we mow. The farmer must learn to place a tasb value upon his own tlmo and la Dor and know whero thoy are expend- Id and what results they produce. He must learn to think of tho dairy cow is n machine for manufacturing clov er, etc., Into milk a machine Hint will flo Its best work when kindly treated, Sheltered from storms and fed a bal inced ration. The small plots of Idle ground should be made to produce something that will sell in tho market or supply tho family table. Tho waste products of orchard, garden or grain Bold should bo turned Into pork, mut ton or poultry, while everything that ian servo no better purposo should, If possible, add fertility to tho soil, llo lotion of crops should make summer fallowing unnecessary and $10 worth f apples should not be lost for tho want of $1 worth of spray, There aro so many advantages to bo mined by an Independent farm life Unco wo bavo telephones, freo mall do livery, good roads and a constant push tor the broadening of these services that I do not wonder that bo many who left tho roof-treo for positions In the cities should turn their feet again toward tho farm, where they can onco moro drink lh the pure air and batho In the sunshine which turns all naturo into loveliness, writes a correspondent In tho Agricultural Epltomlst. Farm ing is not what It was '10 years ago; education In the different branches of agriculture has made it a science nnd Its broadening Iniluonco has so effect ually wrought a transformation in character that the soil tillers of to-day have left behind tho life of drudgery through tho adopting of moro scientific methods, and a research into the In tricate workings of nature. No one Is better lltted than tho farmer to pos sess a character Upon which our na tion may ever depend to uphold tho laws of government and public author ity In times of peace and make bravo soldiers In time of war. Hero Is tho nucleus of the power that springs from tho heart near to nature, and Imparts a deslro to live a patriot to his coun try, an honor to bis State, a blessing to his community, and a helper of his neighbor, while engaged in one of tho most honorable and elevating occupa tions given to man. Hero Is a line Idea from West Vir ginia. Tho Agricultural Experiment Station has entered on a practical cam paign for tho Improvement of rural school grounds throughout tho State. As a starter, one school yard in each county is to be beautified by a land scape gardener. There will be trees, shrubbery and flowers, and a thorough effort to make real beauty spots of plots that aro now unsightly. There Isn't a more dismal appearing spot on' earth than the averago country school yard. Generally It Is a sizable lot, grown up to weeds and littered with lunch remnants, old newspapers and other debris. In the center is a weather-beaten building, ugly inside and out. Its walls and smoky ceilings would be an Incentive to suicide, if it were not for tlie natural Jubllancy of childish spirits. A little money, properly used, would put the homelike touch on the. nterlor, and make the grounds a great garden. And it is a fact that tho chil dren, even In tho most boisterous of country schools, can bo interested in tho useful life that lies outside of their books. They will grow flowers, if they lave a chance and an example to fol ow. They will absorb a love for tho icautlful, If they have the opportunity, and It Is a thing that will make them letter men and women. Perhaps there was a time when a few parents would uive sneered at these school bcautlfy ng plans, asserting that fads were only another name for foolishness. But nost of Uiat folly has been educated nut of humanity, in the city as well as tho country,' and in future education' Is to be made, as far as possible, a. pleasure, and, as little, as may be, a task. Tho West Virginia experiment is commendable and worth watching. According to a recently Issued census bulletin, the real rank of cities is not always indicated by the order in which they stand in tho tables of population. Some great centers have a consider able part of their massed population lying outside the municipal bounda ries. Boston is a good example: about twelve hundred thousand people live n sight of the State House dome, and less than six hundred thousand of tnom are governed by tho Boston may or. Other cities havo annexed far Into tho farm lands of the adjacent coun-, try. It Is customary to speak of tho population of a State, "In proportion to Its size." Such a comparison Is sel dom made of cities, although it might not bo uninteresting. Pittsburg, for ex ample, has a population of a third of a million on eighteen thousand acres of round; Now York's population, Uttlo more than ton times as great, spreads over nearly twolvo times as many acres. Chicago was long famous for Its annexation habit, but since 1800 New York has annexed much more ter ritory than Chicago's total area. Now Orleans has a slightly larger area than Chicago. Each of them covers six times tho area of Baltimore. Washington, which occupies tho Maryland part of tho ton miles square set aside for a na tional capital, is a falr-slzer city as area goes, for this generation. It may seem small a century hence, although It looked abundantly ample for all tho purposes of urban development when laid out. In tho case of cities, as woll as of other corporations, consolidation is plainly one of tho tendencies of tho times. More than one-third of thoso In tho United States havo added to tholr territory by annexation slnco lbuo. Townships and counties are oc casionally subdivided, by reason of lo cal interests, but tho cities seem to bo steadily pushing tholr boundaries out ward. Thero aro some economic rea sons for this, but tho reason In many cases hns been tho deslro of their in habitants to make n "good showing." II in ICvporionoe. "Your Southern girls," said tho Northerner, "aro so funny. Noarly all oc thorn say 'Yes, lndoedy.' "Not all of them," replied tho South- ern youth, dismally; "somo of thorn say 'no, lndoedy.' "Philadelphia Press. HUMOit OF THE WEEK STORIES TOLD BY FUNNY MEN OF THE PRESS. Odd, Cuvlotin ami IntiKlinblc I'hnsci of Iliiiiiim Nature Graphically Por trayed by Eminent "Word ArtlutH of Our Own Day A Ituilct of Tuii. Arthur You ask If it Is the nronor thing for a gentleman to carry his Jwn band baggage. Wo think it is oil I to nroner. Arthur. It wouldn't look well for his wife to arr.v It and If ho carried somebody elso's hand baggage he might be taken for a porter. Cleveland Plain Dealer. Maklnu Up for It. "They've got a rule In ma's literary ?lub that bars out gum chewing." "And what do they do to make up for It?" "They talk Just that much more." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Kindly Advice. "Young ladles," said the principal, who was distributing the diplomas, "each of these parchments shows that you have completed the courses In cooking and In elocution with honors. It is perhaps unnecessary for me to state that tho one for elocution shbuld be hung in the kitchen and tho other one in tho parlor." Annoyed. "I am strongly inclined to think that your husband has appendicitis," said tho physician. "That's Just like him." answered Mrs. Cuinrox. "He always waits till anything has pretty near gone out of style before he decides to get it." Washington Star. The Jiillvillcldcn. OfHco Boy Man outside, sir, who says he ain't had a square meal in three weeks. Editor What paper does ho edit? Atlanta Constitution. Geographical CIiuiiuch. "I don't see any use in having wars in this advanced ago," remarked Mrs. Suburbs, turning up the lamp. "If you were -a mapmaker," replied Mr, Suburbs, glancing up from tho now atlas on his knees, "you probably would." Cincinnati Times-Star. Ilia ICxpcrlcnce. "Pa," said Willie, thoughtfully, "I think I know now what tho min ister meant when ho said: 'It Is more blessed to give than to receive.' " "Yes? Ay hat was It?" "Castor oil." Philadelphia Press. Dreamed It. n Irani Corntassle Hev ye plowed yer Hold ylt, Silas? Silas 11 ay rick No, but I was think In' 'bout doln' It. Hiram Corntassle I see; yo jes' turned It over In yer mind. Ills Ilellcf. "Do you think that dollars should dominate our politicians?" "Not at all," answered Senator Sor chum. "Quito tho contrary. I be llovo that every politician should make it his business to dominate as many dollars as possible." Washing ton Star. The Other Kiml. Hlggins Somo folks say that wool on underwear Is tho only healthful kind and others say tho same about linen. How Is a follow to know which kind is tho better? "Wiggins Nothing easier. Tho kind you didn't buy is tho kind you ought to have got Boston Transcript' TOMATO PICKLES For tomato pickles use ono and one-lialf peck of green tomatoes. Paro and cover with weak brine over night. In the morning drain oil and boll twenty minutes in one quart of vinegar nnd two of water and drain again in the kettle. Into two spire bags place the following: One tablespoonful each of ground cinnamon, allspice, cloves, ginger and one teaspoon cayenne pepper. Drop the bags Into three quarts of vine gar and add to samo six pounds of sugar. Lot mixture come to a boll; put in part of tbe tomatoes at a time; cook until tlioy change color; sic I m out and boll syrup down and pour over the pickles. Proved lluyniid a Doubt. Middlesex, N. Y July 2fi. (Special.) That Uheumatlsui can bo cured has been proved beyond a doubt by Mrs. Betsey A. Clawson, well known here. That Mrs. Clawson had Itheumatlsnt and had It bad, ail her acquaintances know. They also know she Is now 2urod. Dodd's Kidney Pills did It. Mrs. Clawson tells tho story of her cure as follows: "I was an Invalid for most five years caused by Inflammatory Uheumatlsui. helpless two-thirds of the time. The first year I could not do as much as a baby could do; then I rallied a little bit and then a relapse. Then a year ago the gout set In my hands and feet. J suffered untold agony and in August. 1003, when my husband died I could not ride to the grave. "I only took two boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills and in two weeks I could wait on myself and saw my own wood. I dug my own potatoes and gathered my own garden last fall. Dodd's Kid ney Pills cured mo." Ithcumatlsm Is caused by uric acid In the blood. Dodd's Kidney Pills put the Kidneys in shape to take all the uric acid out of the blood. HINTS ON ETIUQETTE Gentlemen do not smoke in the prcsenco of ladies without their permission It is a general rule that a hostess amy introduce any guest without 3rst asking permission to do so. An invitation should never be ac cepted provisionally; a deolded ac jeptanco or declination is impera tive. When calling a man does not offer bis hand first but waits for the Initative to come from his hostess. When giving a eostunm ball the words "Bal puodro" are engraved in tbe lower left hand comer of the invitation. As an invitaion is accepted at the time of answering sa?, "It gives me much pleasure to accept, etc. ." not It will give me much pleasure etc." . When boarding a street car in com pany with a woman a man permits her to enter first, assisting her up tho steps; he alights lirst in order to issist her In alighting. Indiscriminate introd uctlons should be carefully avoided; when one in. :roduces a person he in a measure Hands sponsor for the character. ntegrity, etc., of the person iutro- 1uced. RACE DONE? Not a Bit of It. A man who thought his race was run made a food And that brought him back to perfect health. "One year ago I was unable to per form any labor; in fact, I was told by my physicians that they could do noth ing further for me. I was fast sinking away, for an attack of grip had left my stomach so weak It could not digest any food sufficient to keep me alive. "There I was just wasting away, growing thinner every day and weaker, really being snuffed out simply because I could not get any nourishment from food. "Then my sister got after me to try Grape-Nuts food which had done much good for her and she finally persuaded me, and although no other food had done me the least bit of good my stom ach handled the Grape-Nuts from the lirst and this foot! supplied the nourish ment I had needed. In three months I was so strong I moved from Albany to San Francisco and now on my three meals of Grape-Nuts and cream every day I am strong and vigorous and do 11 f teen hours work. "I believe tho sickest person In the world could do as I do, eat three meals of nothing but Grape-Nuts and cream and soon be on their feet again in the Hush of best health like me. "Not only am I in perfect physical health again, but my brain Is stronger and clearer than It ever was on tho old diet. I hope you will write to tho names I send you about Grape-Nuts, for I want to seo my friends well and strong. "Just think that a year ago I was dy. ing, but to-day, although I am over Co years of age, most people take mo to be loss than 40, and I feel Just as young as I look." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Thero's a reason. Look for tho little book, "The Rond Wem-lllr." In each pke. DOMINION EXHIBITION WINNIPEG, MANITOBA, (CANADA) JULY 26th to AUGUST 6th The Best Exposition of Agricultural and Indus trial Resources of Canada ever made :: :: :: An nR-fifreg-ation of attractions never before attempted at an exhibition of this kind :: :: Ample Accommodations for Visitors Low railroad rates from all United States points. Particu lars given by Canadian Govern ment Agents or nearest ticket agent. FATHER OF THE KINDERGAR TEN The kindergarten idea was develo ped aud given Its namo by Fredrick Frobel, a German cducitor, onlj about fifty years ago. Frobel had tried his hand at almost everytblnR and failed in all. Indeed, bis own kindergarten was all but a failure, though tho Idea slnco his death has becotno Immensly popular and is nowconceded by educatois to be tne most original, attractive and philo sophical form of Infant devlope ment tho world has yet seen. Jfoehel himself was left motherless when an infant, his chlldhuod was lonely and his father's second marrltco did not increase the child's happiness. It was not until late in life that he began kindergarten work. CASTOR I A lor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bough! Boars the Slgnaturo of Twenty thousand young children, daily and nightly stand in the street? of London offering various articles for sale. USK my washing tablets just once and you will Wonder how you pot alone wit liouttlicin before. They do all the hard woik. I will pay (or your clothes If my tablet hutt them. Sample enough for four washdays, 10 cents postpaid. Robert Hluiner, 1203 Lincoln Ave., Chicago, 111. Pure glycerine is too strong for the majority of skins diluted it is a valuable toilet accessory. I DUn CPDID Ht. qui". conomlcl method, cfnlrln LA nil Olllilr Oov.rntu.nt Und. llnt-o S.iUri. Riton, N.M Hot milk sipped slowly will re lieve fatigue and is more strengthen gin than most boveraces. Mrs. Wlnslow'B SOOTHING SYRUP for chil dren teethlng.BofteiiB the enras, reduces inlla matiou, allays pain cured colic. Pi lcoii5o bottle Free to Twenty-Five Ladies. The Defiance Starch Co. will glvt 25 ladle a round trip ticket to tbe Sc. Louis Exposition, to five ladies In each of the following states: Illlnlos, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas and Missouri who will send iu the largest number of trade marks cut from a ten oent, 10 ounce package Df De- lianco cold water laundry starcb. This means from your own homo, anywhere in the above named states. Tbeso trade marks must be mailed to and received by the Defiance Starch Co., Omaha, Nchr., before September 1st, 1004. October and November will be the best months to visit the Exposition. Remember that Doflance is tho only starch put up 10 oz. (a lull Dound) to tho pack age. You get one-third moro starch for tho same monov than of any other kind, and Defiance never sticks to the iron. The tickets to tho Exposition will he sent by registered mail September 5th. Starch or sale by all dealers. The number of men employed on tho railways in the United Kingdom, including boys, is 523,982. ""SThDmpson's EysWater A pint of witch hazel and three grains of borax fs a simple and good remedy for a pimpled skin. BEGGS' BLOOD PURIFIER CURES catarrh of tho stomach. OUIUS WHtRk AIL USE FAIU. Oast Cough Brruti. TMtea Good. Dm FTJ in tlmo. Hold oy drugtrutm. wi N. N. U. 33-1 - 31 YORK NEB a