The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, July 15, 1904, Image 1

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Local News
See M T Hill for (Ire insurance.
It continues to rain very frequently.
Try Honest Abe floUr nt Snelling's.
Highest prices paid for produce at
Mrs. A. F. Walsh
coin Wednesday.
returned to Litis
A tine line of silverware suitable for
wedding presents at Kceling's.
One nearly new Deere riding listei
for sale. Enquire of E. L. Paris.
Mias Mary Gandy, of Humboldt, is
visiting Mrs. J. F. Ebnother at A spin
If you want to have a good
come to the Woodmen picnic
Governor Mickey will be one of the
speakers at the Woodmen's picnic next
Mis9 Marie Hoover started for Den
ver Wednesday to spend a few weeks
with friends.
The B & M. bridge gang that has
been here for some time moved to
Auburn Saturday.
Walter S. Maxwell is unlucky. His
bet horse died Saturday night from an
attack of spasmodic colic.
Ira B. Dvo and son, Ira W. Dye, of
Teru. were Nemaha visitors Monday
and gave us a pleasant call.
Harvesting has been in full blast
this week. The yield will be poor, as
rust has damaged the wheat very
Sherman May is assisting Mrs. Cam
blin look after the lumber yard and
hardware store during the absence of
Mr. Camblin.
Mrs. Henry .Carse and Miss Avis,
who have been' viBiting at Thurman,
Iowa, for two or three weeks, returned
home Monday.
Von Farson was overcome by heat
last Sunday while shocking wheat for
D. G. Keister, and is suffering from
the effects yet.
A. E. Camblin and Joe Bunger start
ed for the Rosebud agency Monday to
take a chance on a homestead. They
go to Yankton.
Carl E. Sanders started for Yanks
ton, South Dakota, Wednesday to reg
ister for a quarter section of land in
the ftoBebud agency.
We were presented with a line specie
men of Alexander peach Wednesday
by George N. Sanders, gathered from
his orchard in London precinct.
The crops on the Nemana bottom
land were all ruined by the overflow.
This makes it very hard on those farms
ing this land, as they have lost their
crops for several years in succession.
Mrs. Ed L. Culver, daughter of Dr.
and Mrs. W. W. Keeling, who has
been visiting in Nemaha for three or
four weeks, returned to her home in
South Omaha last Saturday.
Tho farmers are making every mln
ute count these days when it doesn't
rain. They are crowded with work
harvesting, laying corn by, making
hay, etc. They do not loaf around
town much.
iua uiuu mail r riuay rorenoon wdb 1
crowded with students returning home
after attending the summer school of I
the Peru normal. Even the steps were ,
mi. . s l j. n.n
filled with passengers. The baggage
car was filled, a box car was added and
it was filled with baggage, and then
much of it had to be left until tho next
day. The train was delayed twenty
five minutes at Peru In loading bags
The cemetery association is ondoavi
oring to have some system in tho man
agement of the cemetery in order that
it may bo kept in shape. In ordef to
do this it is necessary to have, some
rules. Heretofore when a gravo was
to be dug anyoue who was so inclined
went to the cemetery and helped dig
the grave. Tho dirt was left in an uu
shapely pile. Now the trustees have
decided not to allow anyone to dig a
grave except the sexton. This is tho
rule in almost every cemetery. Then
the dirt is taken away and the
lot cleaned off. Mr. Liebhnrt, the
soxton, gets very littlo for his services
and has put in a groat deal of hard
word. It is asking too much for him
to bo required to take away dirt in ad
dition to the regular work unless he
gets paid for it. Those looking after
graves are also required not to dig
holes or ditches to get dirt to till up
sunken graves. The Boston has to All
up these holes, be to considerable
trouble in avoiding them when run
ning the lawn mower or leave these
lots alone. Tho last choice will prob
ably be taken in the future. Those
Interested in tho cemetery should co
operate with the trustees in this good
N. B. Scrlvoner's cow died last Fri
day night. It was his only cow and a
good one. Mr. Scrlvoner, who is about
70 years old, is in straightened circum
stances, as he has been paying out
considerable money recently in an en
deavor to cure a cancer on his hund.
His wife has been sick much of the
time for a year or two. He is raising
some grandchildren, and all this on a
small pension and what littlo he raises
on a few town lots. Mr. Scrivoner is
one of our best and most charitable cltis
zeiiB, and when it was learned that his
cow was dead it was immediately
proposed to take up a collection and
buy him another. This was done
Monday forenoon and 930 was raised
in a very short time, which was turned
over to Mr. Scrivoner.
The Auburn bund will dispense mu
sic for the W. O, W. picnic at Nemaha
next Tuesday. In addition to the
band music there will be instrumenta
and vocal music. .1. C. Root, of Oran
ha, founder of woodcraft, will be here
as well as other spenkerB. There wil
probnbly be an organization perfected
that day, composed of all the W. 0. W
camps in South East Nebraska to hold
annual log rollings hereafter.
The play ot "The Parish Priest,'
given at tho opera house Saturday
night by Ray and Lee Brandon, Blip
ported by local talent, was a goou one
and was well rendered. The amateurs
acted like professionals. Misses Nora
Aynes and Maye Gaither, Mrs. Earle
Gilbert and Will F. Sanders being es
pecially good.
Clyde Roberts, teller of Uir First
National Bank at Kansas City, and
who is visiting relatives at Mb old
home at Nemaha City, was in the city
Monday renewing old acquaintances.
Mrs. John 3. Seid and Mrs. Wm
Knipe, of South Auburn, returned
home last Friday after a few days'
visit with J. H. and W. W. Seid. They
are mother and aunt respectively of
the Seidfl.
Fresh cow
L. Paris.
for sale. Inquire of E
Binder Twine
11 and 12c
per pound
by Andrew Aynes
Just added a good supply
of the celebrated
This is tho now Furniture Roju
venator and Floor Paint
All Sizes and Colors
Hill's DrugStore
N. B.
Don't forget we write
Flour, meal and corn chop always
on hand at Snelling's.
Ice cream social at the Minick
Saturday night of this week.
Mrs. E. A.. Minick went to Bracken
last Friday to visit her sons.
Elzn Washburn, who has been living
at Sidney, Iowa, has moved back to
Call in and see us it you want to
subscribe for any paper published in
the United States.
Quick sales and small prollts is my
For a very short time I will sell my
farm of about 200 acres for $15,000
N. B. Catlin.
Miss Emma Crimm, who has been
visiting ber aunt, Mrs. Sylvester Yates
returned to Shubert Monday evening.
Miss Grace Gipson, of Auburn, was
in Nemaha Tuesday evening and Wed
nesday forenoon giving music lessons.
FOR SALE The residence known
as the R. C. Morton property, contain
ing 5 rooms and 3 lots set in fruit. In
quire at this otllce.
I have 100 acres of good pasture and
win take cattle or norses at 551 per
mouth. F. L. Collin.
3 miles south of Nemaha.
A stock company is being formed in
Auburn to buy the Post, and about al
the stock has been subscribed. Wil
S. Orichton is to have charge of the
paper. It Is thought tho change wil
be made in a few days.
Next Saturday and Sunday, July 10
and 17, the fouith quarterly meeting'
of the Methodist church will be held
in Nemaha. Quarterly conference
Saturday aftenoon. Preaching by Pren
siding Elder Dean at 11 a. m. Sunday
At a meeting of the cemetery truss
tees Friday night Elmer E. Allen was
elected president, John I. Dressier
secretary and F. L. Woodward treaBs
urer. It was decided that no party be
allowed to dig a grave in the cemetery
except the sexton.
Miss Iva Catlin, of Nemaha was in
the city last Friday morning and cam
in and received her fine new watch
that she won in the Post coutest
When she saw the watch she was do
lighted with it and felt fully compen
sated for all the hard work uho had
done in winning it- She has something
that she can keep and always re mem
ber the contest by. Auburn Post.
John Pohlman, of Johnson was In
toe city last imuay. lie made no
denial of the fact that some of his
friends were talking of him for state
sonator this fall. He said that the
Johnson county fellows wero talking
of Wm. Ernst for float representative
and that Mr. Ernst would make a good
man for the place and if elected would
make a good representative. Auburn
FOR SALE: My residence property in
Nemaha. Will sell at a bargain if sold at
A Children's Chautauqua.
Tho idea of a Children's Chautauqua
s original with tho management of tho
Auburn Chautauqua association, and
thoy have engaged Miss Nina M. Ken-
agy, or .Lincoln, as superintendent of
this work. Miss Konagy Is a profess.
onal kindergarten instructor and has
entered into this work with a great
deal of enthusiasm.
Tho children are to have a Chautau
qua ''all their own." Thoy will sing,
tell stories, play in tho sand and clay,
cut and fold paper, havo marches, and
will havo lessonB in Indian bead and
basket woik, study tho trees and grasss
es in the park, study birds aud animals,
their habits and uses, vegetables, Ho w
ois and butterflies.
A play ground will bo provided with
swings, Bee-sawB, a may-polo, a merry-
go-round and other amusementB no
that all the children may havo a good
For further particulars, catalogues
and tents apply to W. B. Harman,
Gormau-Amorioan Fionio
The next great day for Auburn is tho
German-American picnic, August 2,
This is to be held on our" beautiful
court house lawn. Hagenaw's band,
of Lincoln, wlgch hns furniBhod tho
music for this occasion in the past,
has been engaged again this year aud
the lovers of mufllc can rest assured of
something worth hearing. Tho amuse
ment part of the program will be
varied and entertaining. A u b u r n
Prohibition, Convention
The prohibitionists of Nemaha coun
ty are hereby called to meet in conveni
tion in the court house at Auburn July
30, 1004, at 1:30 p. m., for the purpose
of nominating a county ticket and se
lecting delegates to the state con
All men and women who believe in
tho overthrow or the liquor trade are
urged to be present.
$y order of the central committee.
A meeting of the low land owners of
Nemaha and Otoe counties will beheld
in Campbell's hall, Brock, Saturday,
July 10, nt 1 o'clock sharp. All Inter
ested in redeeming the bottom lanu are
requested to come. Men of experience
in draiuage will be there.
By order of the committee.
Ico dream Social
The Junior League will give an ice
cream social at the Minick hall Satur
day night of this week. Everybody is
invited. Give the little folks your
At a meeting of low laud owners of
Brock, was elected a committee for
the purpose of calling a meeting of
Nemaha and Otoe counties. We care
fully studied place and time, and ub
Brock is nearest the center and train
service good both ways, we saw fit to
place this meeting at Brock Saturday,
July 10, at 1 p. m Come, owners of
this worthless land and let us make it
tho best farms in eastern Nebraska.
We can do It If we will work together.
Our last legislature gave us a chance
to help our selvos If we need a better
law, let's make our wants known bo
fore election, llemeuiber the date and
be on time. Gkohok Cohyll, Com.
For the mother who is puzzled to
provide novel and attractive forms of
holiday and birthday entertainments
for the little ones, an article on chil
dren's parties, in the Delineator for
August will be of value. In the same
number are excellent cookery sugges
tions in tho form of "An 'Inland' Sea
side Dinner," and many receipts of
dainty and appetizing dishes for hot
days. Recommendations for hot
weathor house keeping will also prove
I uaerui.
How's This?
Wo oll'or Ono II u ml roil Dollars Howard for
nnyenftoof Cutnrrh Unit cannot bo cured by
Hull's Cutnrrh Curo.
K, J. OIIKNKY ik CO., Toledo, O.
Wo, llio undorMltrucd, lmvo known K. J.
Choney for the lust lfiycnrH, and boltovo him
perfectly lionornblo In nil IhihIhom trunsiip
tlnnnuud tlnniiolully nllo to carry out nny
obligation!! imulo by hla firm,
Wai.mno, Kinnan & Maiivin,
WhotcHitlo Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Cutnrrh Curo 1m taken Internally,
noting directly upon thu blood nnd imicoim
uurfncoH of tho oyHtom, Tentlmonlntn sent
tree. l'rlcoTrtcontn per bottle. Hold by nil
Take Hnll'it Family lMlls for constipation.
Qr. W. Keeling,
Noinnlm, Nohraska
Offico in Keeling drug store.
Medical and Surgical
Diseases of Women
Stella -
- Nebraska
Fifteen years experience.
TorniH nnd dates at
Tho Advertiser
Dealer In
Highest market prico paid for Hides,
Lard, Tallow, etc.
I'roprlotornof the
Livery & Feed Stable
Good Dray in connection with Livery
Satisfaction guaranteed.
lVUnd ll fits aitff I'umps
Tin itoohig anl4H utter hip
Jt'our I'atronaffe Solicited
T. E. Orotliei'
In the
Shoe Repairing
Harnss Rrmiring
Hand Made Harness a Specialty
Dotilor In
Windmills and Pumps,
Tanks,?Pipes, etc.
'Phone calls answered promptly,
M'hone No20