The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, July 08, 1904, Image 7

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    I Miss Nellie
Holmes, treasurer
of the Young Woman's Temper
ance Association of Buffalo, N.Y
strongly advises oil ntfsering
women to rely, as she did, up
on Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound.
" Dkaji Mks. Pinkuam : Tour med
icine is indeed an ideal woman's medi
cine, and by far the- best I know to
restore lost health and strength. I
Buffered misery for Bcvcral years, being
troubled with monorrhagia. Wy back
ached, I had bearing-down pains and
frequent headaches. I would often
wake from restful sleep, and in such
tain that I suffered for hours before I
could go to sleep again. I dreaded the
long nights as much as tho weary days.
I consulted two different physicians,
hoping to get relief, but, finding that
their medicine did not seem to cure me.
I tried your "Vegetable Compound
on tho recommendation of a friend
from tho East who was visiting mc.
" I am glad that I followed her ad
vice, for every acho and pain is gone,
and not only this, but my general
health is much improved. I have a
fine appetite and havo gained in flesh.
My earnest advice to Buffering women
is to put aside all other medicines and
to take Tjydi.aE. Plnlcham's Vege
table Compound." Mi6B Neixik
Uolmks, 540 No. Division St., Buffalo,
N.Y. $5000 forfeit I forfolnat of above letter pro
ving genuineness cannot be produced.
Rheumatism is almost unknown
iiti Japan. The Japanese escape the
malady, to a great degree, by avoid
ing tho excessive use of alcohol and
Free to Twenty-Five Ladies.
Hie Detlance Starch Co. will give
25 ladies a round trip ticket to the
Si. Louis Exposition, to five ladies
in each of the following states:
Illlulos, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas and
Missouri who will send in the largest
number of trade marks cut from
a ten cent, 10 ounce package Df De
fiance cold water laundry starch.
This means from your own home,
anywhere in the above named states.
These trade marks must be mailed
to and received by tho Detlance
Starch Co., Omaha, Nebr., before
September 1st, 1904. October and
November will be the best months
to visit the Exposition. Remember
that Detlance Is tho only starch put
up 10 oz. (a lull Dound) to tho pack
age. You not one-third more starch
for the same monov than of any
other kind, aud Defiance never sticks
to tho iron. The tickets to the
Exposition will he sent by registered
mall September 5th. Starch or sale
by all dealers.
Wlmmin makes tho very best kind
nv fust lutennnts, but the poorest
'ind ov kaptins.
The Humorist's Rebuke Mark
Tsvin and VV. II. Dowells were one
day lunching in acafo in New York.
Two over-dressed young men en
tered, and the lirst one said In a
loud voice:
"Walter, bring me some bisbuo of
lobster, a bottle of wlno and a chop.
Tust mention my name to the cook
too, so that everything will be done
to my liking."
The second young man said:
"Bring me some sole with peas, and
tell the cook who it's for."
Mr. Twain gavo his order
a moment later. lie said in a loud
voice: "Bring me a half dozen
oysters, und mention my name to
Bach of them." Brooklyn Eaelo.
In Worcester thero aro 703 women
who make needles and 11,04-J nail
ma ice rs.
Sale 10,000,000
25c, 50c
A woman uses a glass to color
her face, aud a man uses otic to
color his nose.
When a man is unable to mnko a
living at anything else he lsellgiblo
for a government job.
If you would get up with tho
lark go to bed without one.
A woman is never too good ob be
A swallow of brandy often turns
out to be a bird of ill omen.
It's a case of quick consumption
with the man' who bolts his food.
During courtship a girl thinks
marriage is a bavcu of rost in which
she will bo free f roic all worry aud
care. After marriage she has an
other think coming. Chicago News.
Tho devil's traps aro allwuss
baited with plezzurcs ov sum kind,
Tho engines of a first clnss battle
ship cost about $700,000.
Only 10 in 100 victims of Brigbt's
disease are under 15 years of ago.
In Bostiou thcro aro one and a
half elcctrio lights for each person.
in Elnlandn and East Turk-stan
thunder storms arc wholly unknown.
"Some of tho beauties of Persia
decorate their faces by puintlng
ngures or animals and insects upon
Dry stocking aro provldod in the
schools of Rhenish Pruspla, for tho
pupils who arrive there with wot
Tho deepest artesian well in Eng
land is at Gainsborough. It is 1.515
feet in depth, and the boring occu
pied six years.
A Suddeu Cure "Jones' cure was
very quick, wasn't It?"
Yes; his doctor received private
infoimatlon that his affairs were in
a nad shape." New Orleans Times
Democrat. When a deakon falls, tharo i ju
in hell and grief in heaven for one
Auk Tour Dcnlcr for Allen' F66t Ennr,
A powder to abnke Into your shoes. It r sts
the foot. Cures Coma, Bunions, Swollen.
Bore, Hot, Cnllouu, Achlnc, Sweating Feet
Mid Ingrowing Nolls. Allen's Poot-Kaso
makes new or tight uhoes easy. Sold by nil
druggists and shoe stores, 25c. Sample
mailed tfKEB. Address Allan S. Olmsted,
Itoy. N. Y.
It iz allwuss safo to follow tho
religious bcleaf that our mothers
taught us. Thare never waz a
mother vet who taught her child to
be an infidel.
Mra.Wlnslow's SOOTHING SYRUP for hll
dreu teething, softens the aums, reduces lntla
tnatiou, nllayspaln ctireb colic. PilcoVSoo bottle
The man who robs tho widder and
the orphan ov their patrimony iz
simply a vlllian; but ho who under
takes to disturb tho religious faith
ov others iz a fiend.
We are selling the highest grade standard
binder twine made, shipping It to any ad
dress In any quantity and at a much lower
&rlce than dealers can buy In carload lets,
or our special Inside price, our guarantee
and money refund offer, for our insurance
f imposition against hall or storm, for the
owest price, the most liberal binder twine
offer that will be made this season, cut this
notice out and mall to us to-day and you
will hear from us by return mull. Address
SHAHS, ItOEBUCK. & CO., Chicago, 111.
Tharo are lots ov people in this
world who arc liko a guide-board at
the forks ov the road the? kan
point out tho right way for others
to pcrsew, but t ho don't X.ollow It
Two bottles of PW Gnra for Con
sumption cured rue of a terrible cough.
Fred Hermann, 209 Box avenu. Buffalo,
N. Y Sept. 24, 1001.
Thoze who havo real merit aro
alwuss the last ones to seo it In
themselves, and the llrst ones to see
it in others
Caushun iz a good thing for a
man to hav, but when ho haz vot
so mutch ov it that he Iz afraid to
tutch a cast-Iron Hon for fear it
will bite, ignoranse Iz what's the
matter ov him.
In connection with the masculine
boast that men aro moro consistent
than women I always recall Emer
son's remark that "Consistency is
the jewel of fools."
Boxes a Year.
J- -J- J1 3-5 S -5 I I 1- J- !- -5 1 -J - S
Tho hippopotamus is not generally
credited with great intellectual power,
but It scorns from the following IncI-
lent, taken from tho Popular Science
Monthly, that somewhere in that mass
jf llosh and fat resides a brain prompt
to act when necessity demands. For
Several weeks tho wonder and delight
)f an English zoological park was a
baby hippopotamus, which was named
Guy Fawkos because its birthday fell
upon the 0th of November.
The young hippopotamus was about
the size of a bacon pig, of a pinkish
slate-color, and as playful as a kitten.
It was only three days old when, as
the superintendent of the "zoo" was
watching the little fellow's antics, ll
lived to the bottom and did not rise.
The grown animals never remain mi
ller water much longor than three
minutes; so as time went on and no
baby reappeared tho superintendent
became alarmed.
When twenty minutes had elapsed
tie wave orders that the water ho
irawn from the tank to recover the
body of what he felt sure was a dead
baby hippopotamus. Ah the plug was
being removed young Guy Fawkos ap
pea red, shaking his funny little horse
like, ears, and wearing a hlppopotanilc
crln, which seemed to say, "Don't b
frightened; I'm all right. You don't
know all about mo yet." Tho younj
animals have a great power oC re
iininlng under water, which they loh
is they increase In years.
The next time baby wort to the hot
torn, however, wns not so much of -a
loke. He tried to climb up tlie sidi
jf the tank In which there wore iw
tops. He fell lk again and again
until he sank exhausted. The keen
?rs were gathered about the tank In
?reat anxiety, but unable to help. Tho
mother, however, hurried to her baby
with all her clumsy haste. She dived,
put her broad nose under Guy Fawkos
shoveled him up, and hMd him abov?
the surface until he had recovered lib
breath and was rested.
It was nearly half an hour bofor'1
tho little follow was able to make an
)tlMr attempt. Then ho made a hug
jfl'ort. Mamma Hippopotamus gave
Dig shove with her head, and .Waste,
'juy Fawkos clambered triumphant!
lp the side of the tank.
il.o Adult Male Presents a Ktrlkliu
A ppuaraucc.
Tho Hul' hol Indian, especially th
well-to-do adult male, presents a mos
striking appearance, nays a writer h
the Southern Workman. He is dressei
In a shirt of cotton or woolen cloth,
ivhleh reaches about half-way dowi
the thigh and is hold in at the wals
tvlth curiously woven girdles. His leg
are always bare. His foot aro protect
ed with sandals of the usual cowhid'
pattern, fastened with strings of llbo:
to the ankle. Sandals of plaited liber
such as wore used before the adven
)f cattle, are hardly soon now excep
for ceremonial purposes. Around his
snouluors tlie llulcliol wears a cape
like kerchief of woolen or cotton cloth
generally richly embroidered with ret
rowel, sometimes Intermixed wit!
blue or black llguros and edged wIU
It broad strip of red llunnel.
As if that were not gundy enough
he suspends around his waist, undo
lis girdle, a pouch to hang In front
L'hls Is never omitted, and in it In
carries his flint and steel for strlkliif
(Ire, a little tobacco and other neeessl
Jes. Additional pouches may be won
!or decorative purposes, suspended
over the hips by strings passing ovoi
the shoulders; or rows of tiny pouches
most artistically woven or embrold
Dred, are tied around tho waist. Whei
traveling ho puts on a low-crowned
broad-brimmed straw hat, trimmer!
with crosses of red flannel, ribbons
squirrel tails and the wing and tal
feathers of turkeys, hawks, eagles and
The women's costume Is far le.s
elaborate. It consists In the main oj
n short skirt of white cotton cloth
gathered around the waist with t
girdle. Over the upper part of tin
body a shawl or small light blanko;
Is worn, which is especially usefu,
when they carry small children, bir
s generally dispensed with when the
vomen are engaged in their house
Sorry He Spoke.
The young man In the extraordinary
valstcoat was fond of making urj
ok OS.
"Did you ever hear the story of mj
jocketbookV" ho giggled, soon after In
bad seated himself on the sofa.
"No," retorted tho beautiful
"and I don't caro to."
"Why, don't you think it's
"No; there's nothing in it."
Her JJecniiHc."
Mrs. Rubberton Why did you with
Iraw your application for divorce?
Mrs. Oayboy Because I found thai
f -wouldn't be able to got enough all
niony to support another husband.
After the first kiss a young mai
'ticks himself for having wasted s
much time.
i'rospectivo Trouble "Vlllago
Druggist "I understand tho church
i.inmltcc has docided to ralso your
Village Piuson "Well I hopo it
sn't true."
Village Druggist "Why man, are
rou crazy."
Village l,arson-"No but 1 will
he If I havo to collect a laruor salary.
I havo trouble enough collecting tho
mall salary thoy pay mo now.
Jhlcago News.
It Pnj-H to Rami NowHpnpers.
Cox, Wis., July 4. Frank M. Itus-
soll, of this place, had Kidney Disease
o bnd that he could not walk. Ho
tried Doctors' treatment and many dif
ferent remedies, but was getting
worse. He was very low.
Ho read lu a newspaper how Dodd'a
Kidney I'llls were curing cases of Kid
ney Trouble, Brlght's Disease, and
Uheumatlsm, and thought he would
try them. Ho took two boxes, and
now he Is quite well. Ho says:
"I can now work all day, and not
fool tired. Iiotore using Dodd's Kid
ney Pills, I couldn't walk across the
.Mr. ItusseH'H Is the most wonderful
ease ever known In Ohlppewa Coun
ty. This now remedy Dodd's Kidney
Pills is making some miraculous
cures in Wisconsin.
If tharo iz ever a porfeutly happy
nan found in this world It will he
'.no one who haz hut little, and don't
vant ennythlng mote.
Man Iz a dissatisfied kritter, and
.hat Iz just what he waz put hero
)n earth for. Tho man who Iz satis
fied with everything Just as be ilnds
U, Iz no bettor oil than a number 2
If yu undertako to biro a man to
oe honest yu will havo to raize biz
wages every morning, aud watch him
tired puh cluss besides.
Thare iz lots ov pholks who aro
never satlstied with the best tharo
iz, but allwuzz want sum thing a
little bettor.
Men are never so happy, and sel
dom so innoscnt spending thoir
mutiny, az they aro in making It.
The value that mcst people put
upon things in this world iz tho
prlco they are held at.
Thare Iz a luxury in poverty, but
the poverty must be imaginary, not
Fanning oneself on a warm day iz
liko chewing gum, the more yu do
it. tho moro yu wunt to.
The world all prazo the philoso
phers, but. toss their ponnys into
the caps ov the monkeys.
A healthy inlldol iz a very travo
man, forsooth; but glv him a sharp
turn ov the Rtomach nice, and ho iz
the meekest koward I kno ov.
Era ploy monb Iz tho grato boon ov
life; a man with nothing to do iz
riot half so Interesting a sight az a
ripening turnip
The lunt One Hclim the Firat.
A sick coffee drinker must take two
tops to be rid of his troubles and get
strong and well again.
The llrst is to cut off coffee abso
lutely. That removes the destroying ele
ment. The next step Is to take liquid
food (and Unit Is Postum Food Coffee)
that has in it the elements nature re
quires to change tho blood corpuscles
from pale pink or white to rich red,
and good red blood builds good strong
and healthy cells In place of the broken
down cells destroyed by coffee. With
well boiled Postum Food Coffee to shift
to, both these steps are easy and pleas
ant. The experience of a Georgian
proves how important both are.
"From 1872 to the year 1000 my wife
and I had both been aUlleted with sick
or nervous headache and at times we
Buffered untold agony. We were coffee
drinkers and did not know how to get
away from It, for the habit Is hard to
"Rut In 1000 I read of a case similar
to ours where Postum Coffee was usod
In place of the old coffee aud a com
nlete cure resulted, so I concluded to
get some and try It.
"The result was, after three days'
use of Postum In place of the coffee I
never had a symptom of tho old trouble
und In live months I had gained from
115 pounds to Ki.'i pounds.
"My friends asked me almost dally
what wrought the change. .My answer
always Is, leaving off coffee and drhil
ing Postum In Its place.
"We have many friends -who have
been benefited by Postum.
"As to whether or not I have stated
the facts truthfully I refer you to the
Bank of Carrollton or any business
'linn In that city where I havo lived for
many years and am well known.'
Name given by Postum Co., Battle.
Creek, Mich.
"There's a reason."
Look In each pkg. for the famous lit
tie book, "The Uoad to Wellvllle."
A Largo Trial Box aud book of In-J
Rtructlons absolutely Frco and Post
paid, enough to prove tlie value of
PoxtineToilet Antiseptic
n Pax tine l In powder
1 n .!.!.,. le.
U. lift .VS uipflu.fu
water non-polfonous
and far superior to liquid
antiseptic containing
Alcohol which Irritate
Inflamed stirfncen, and
have no demising prop
erties. The content
ol every box ma'Kea
more Antiseptic Solu
tion lnt longer
goes further lis moro
usei In the family and
doe more good than any
antiseptic preparation
you can buy.
The formula of a noted Boston physician,
and used with .great success as a Vagina!
Wash, for Leucorrhoea, Pelvic Catarrh, Nasal,
Catarrh, Sore Throat, Sore Eyes, Cuts,
and all soreness of mucus membrane
In local troatmont of f omale ills Paxtino Is
invaluable Usod as n Vnjihinl "Wash vro
clmllongo tho world to product) its oqunl for
thoroughness. Itisarovolatlonin cleansing
and healing power; it kills nil gonna which
causo Inflammation and discharges.
All leadlugdniRRlsts keep I'Axtlno; price, DOo.
ft box; it yours does not, Koud to usfor it. Don't
take a substitute thoro is nothing like Tax tine.
Vrllo for tlio Free Itox of Pnxtlnn to-dny.
E. FAXT0N CO., G Fopo Bldg., Boston, Mans..
Lady "drtiramors" in fiorlln, seek
ing trado for the department stores,
tnako tours around the city on
bicycles, which aro arranged to carry
samples of goods
lllpnne Tnhules aro tho boat
dyspepsia mrdlalno ever tnrule.
A hundred millions of them havo
boon sold In tho United Blntcs In.
a slnplo year. Constipation,'
heartburn, sick hciulnche, dlxzt-'
ncss. bml breath, sorn throut and
every other Illness arising from a dUurditnxl
itoinnoti lira reuereu or cured by uipans Tubules.
Ono will generally give relief within twenty1
minutes. The flvo.cent package Is enough)
for ordinary oocasIoiis. All druggists sell them.
A directory of Motz, Germany, has
a star attached to tho numo of every
married man. This Is to impart in
formation to unmarried females.
Thare Iz only ono kind ov Dcrson
who iz lit to liv in solitude, and
it Iz tho one who iz capable ov
adorning ouny puslshun in sosloty.
tJo IteinoTesTan.l'liiiiiJei.Frecklea
m a?. riS1 Jlotlil'atcltcs. luith. and Skid
W SBj f 3rJlO) dlees, ami every Memltl
cress mk mziz
p.s Sl vw. HeT ' X? ot Co tears, and
Ck nO
so harmless rrl
tarto it to bo surf
ltts properly inn Ji
Accept no counter
felt of nlmllut
nam. Dr. L. At
Havre mild to
lady of the haub
ion ti i:iucmj
''As you ladlci
vlll uv) IIibiii, I
r o c o m m o u d
'Oouraucl's Cream'
as tin leAst harmful of all the ttln preparations.
For Kale hy all PrtiKclits and Kuncy Goods J)calur
In tlio IT. 8., Canudas. and Europe.
FEtlO. T. HOPKINS, Prop'r, 37 Great Jones 81, N. K
Japan, excluding Formosa, bus a
populaion of 40,000,000.
Soiled photographs may be cleansed
by sponging with clear cold water.
The cardboard mounts should b
clearistsd by rubbing with dry bread.
Luv lz' ono of thozo dlsseazes that
yu kan't Kit, nor git rid ov, with
onny certainty, enny .more than yq
kan the rumatiz.
I fully belcavo in the divinity o
the Bible. I beleavo it bekauso n
man has cvor been able to disprove
Mi friend, let us thank God foi
one thing, it lz this: The boolq
aro to bo balanced in heaven not
When washing dishes which havi
held milk, rinse them out with colq
water boforo placing them in hot
Envy is not only tho moancst
pashuu ov tho human harte, but It
the most common one. too.
Saikasm lz a powerful weapon,
but in handling It menny peopl
take holt ov tho blado instead o
the handle.
Happiness doesn't seem to konslst
so mutch in what a man haz az 1
duz in what sum noddy else haz.
I havo a theory that in the rnlracli
of the loaves and iishes, there wai
a woman around who did the sen
ving. I have seen three women din
on ono egg, the heel of a loaf o
broad and a pot of tea and thcrt
were scraps afterward takon up.
There are forty-eight different dfs
oases of tho eye. No other organ Oj
the human body has so many.
Tho banyan treo of East India ii
remarkablo for tho fact that 1U
branches droop down to tho grounq
and take root as separate stems.
CURES catarrh of the stomach.
N. N. U. m - '28 YORK NEIJ
it av -jr wi
letf I'ait Cough Hjruii. Taste Oood. use