liteftifet - J VOLUME XLV11L fL NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 1904 NUMBER 51 rvt k Local News Seo M.T Hill for fire insurance. Strawberries are now retailing at Ojtf cents a box. A lino line of silverware suitable for wedding presents at Keoli rig's. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hadlock re turned from St. J oo last Friday. Ono nearly now Deere riding lister lor sale. Enquire of E. L. ParlB. T. A. Clark is now day operator for the Union Pacific railroad at St. Paul, Nebr. We have had some warm weather this week just what la needed by tho growing erops. Mrs. E. A. Mitiick is having her house repainted. Fred Seabury is do1 ing the work. If you want lire insurance, either in old line or mutual companies, call on W. W. Sunders. Mrs. J. D. Ralooy came in from Auburn Thursday to visit hor parents, Mr. and Mrs. J . 13. Hoover. Mrs. A. L. P. Thompson went to Shenandoah, Iowa, Saturday afternoon to see hor young grandson. Tho A. 0. U". W. lodge conferred tue degree or Master workman upon John Conover Tuesday night. Found A pair of speotacles. er can have same by calling at otlioe and paying for this notice. Own- posU Misses Blanche and Edna Lytic went out in the country Thursday to visit Misb Pearl Iioberts for a few days. Fay Gnlther came in on tho freight Friday night but went to Omaha the next day. Ho is now extra agent on the M. P. w. w. banders is agent for several good reliable insurance companies mutual and old lino. Call on him for fire insurance. There will be no services at the Christian church next Sunday, as Rev, a. w. tapp preaches on that day at Nebraska City. G. W. Wright of Belvidere, Nebr., who lias been visiting his. daughter, Mrs. Wesley Clark, went to Tobias, Nebr., Tuesday. It has beon very dull and quiet in town this week, as tho farmers aro all busy and do not atop work very often to come to town. Tho county commissioners will meet at Auburn at the court house, as a board of equalization on Tuesday,;june 14, to hoar all complaints. Pm.1 T? On 1 , 1. m xi. o.wiuuia ruiui iieu nome i ueas (lay evening after a visit of several days with friends at Ashland, Omaha and South Sioux City, Nebr. Elmer Brtmblo, who has beon visit ing jNemalia friends for a few days, returnod to Lincoln Monday and will go to work again as brakeman on tho n. k m. I hiive 100 ncrea of good pnsturo ana will take cattle or horses at Si per month. F. L. Collin. 3 miles south of Noinnha. Mrs. Elmer E. Allen returned home last Friday evening from Syracuse, Nebr., where alio has been visiting hor sister, Mrs. A. K.Titus, for a few days. J. J. Alexandor una a poach tree that was Bet out last year that has thlr teen neachea on it. Ho says this is bettor than could bo done in Indiana. John I. Dressier on Monday moved back into his house, which ho nan has rebuilt. Ho now has ono of tho best and most convenient houses in town. Mr. and Mrs. 0. II. Klndig camo in from Wakefield, Nebr., Thursday and will Bpend the vacation with Mrs. Kinil dig's parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. P. Tea body. Wm. W. Soid's gramaphono can be heard a long dlptance. Tho editor lives Bix blocks from Mr. Seid, and tho gramaphono can bo hoard very audibly at that distance. MEETING of CEMETERY ASSOCIATION All persons owning lots in the Nes tnaba City cemetery are hereby called to meet at Tho Advertiser office at 3 o'clock v, m. Friday. Juno 17. It is honed there will be a full attendance. The ice cream social that was to have been given at J. tho Champion , school house last Saturday night was postponed until Saturday night of this week on account of the bad weather and muddy roads. Strawberries will also be served . Born To Mr. and Mra. Henry Field of Shenandoah, Iowa, Friday morning, Juno a, iuu-i, r nne son, weighing 10 pounds. Mra. Field ia a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. P. Thompson, who are very proud of their new grandson. Tho children's day services at the Christian church laat Sunday night were good, though the program was Bhort. Tho church waa crowded. A ; good collection was taken for tho miss sionory cause. Misses Dora Clark and Mayo Gaithor trained the children. Six candidates were initiated into the Rebokah lodge Wednesday night- Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Mead, Mr. and jurs. jNormsn mean, miss juaia ivrcas m m . . Tk t 1 T" 1 bright and Ole Roberts. Ice cream, cake and lemonado was served after lodge adjourned. Forty mouibers were present. At a meeting of tho trustees of the Nemaha City cemotory association Thursday evening It was decided to build a small house at the cemeterv In which to store tools and provide sheN ter in cold and stormy weather for the Bexton and other parties worklnc there. A new gate will also be put in. MAKES A OLEAN SWEEP There's nothing like doing a thing thoroughly. Of all. tho Salves you over heard of, Bucklln's Arnica Salve is tho best. It sweeps away and cures Burns, Sores, Bruises,' Cuts, Bolls Ulcers, Skin Eruptions and Piles. It's only 25o and guaranteed to givo satis faction by W W Keeling druggist. Monarch A RELIABLE RANGE r f1APf flQv nYZ fl- ford Lumber Co, NEMAHA, NEB, SW! OUR New Wall Paper is m. K Bie: Line Little Fric Paints too All Kinds Yours for cheap house cleaning, 7W. TfHILL Mr. and Mra. Wm. Hawxby went to Lincoln last Sunday to attend tho com mencement exorcises of tho state uni vor8lty. Their daughter, Miss Eliza beth Hawxby, ia one of tho graduates. Tho sad news waa receivod Thursday morning that Misa Vance V. Foe had died at two o'clock that morning, at tier homo in Red Oloud, Nobr., from typhoid fever. The funeral services will bo held next Sunday. Miss Foo was teacher of tho intermediate depart raont of our schools in 1002s3 and has a wide circle of friends in Nemaha and vicinity, who regret her untimely death. She had been engaged as one of the toachers in tho Red Cloud schools for tho next year. Dunraven castle No. 30, Tho Royal Highlanders, on Monday night elected the following officers: Illustrious Protector John M Clark Chief Counselor Mrs Noma IIowo Worthy Evangel W W Sanders Warder Alva Maxwell Sentry Frank Titus Manager E L Paris After lodge adjourned ice cream and strawberries were served. W. W. Seid had his gramaphono at tho lodge room and gave a fine entertainment. Tho executive committee of tho old settlors association mot Saturday after noon to mako arrangements for the annual reunion and picnic. It was decided to havo the picnic on Thursday, August 25. John I. Dressier was elected presi dent of tho association. Walter Hadlock was olocted preal dent of tho day, An appropriation of S25 was made for a game of base ball, this amount to bo given to tho parties having that matter in charge. It was decided to engage an elocu tionist, a male quartette and a good band. The secretary, W. W. Sanders, was directed to correspond with speakers, bands, etc, F. L.Woodward was appointed com mittee on stand rights. The prico of stand rights was fixed the samo as last year. Estray Notice. Found nt my farm southwest of Nemahs, on May 10' 1004, a dark bay horse, about 10 years old, weight about iuuu pounua. uwner can nave same by paying all charges. Ben Colkmck BETTER THAN GOLD I waa troubled for several years with chronic indegestion and nervous debil ity," writes F G Green, of Lancaster N H. "No remedy helped mo until began taking Electric Bitters, which did me more good than all themedicin es I ever used. Thev hav hIhh knnfc my w,foin excellent health for years aiu ror temaio trouDius; that thoy are a grand tonic and invigorator for weak run down women. No other medlcino oan tako its place in our family," Try them. Only 50 c Satisfaction guar anteed by Keoling's Drug Sotr. MRS. THEO. HILL HAS JUST RECEIVED A FINK LINE OF NEW ye CALL AND FOR SALE: My Nemaha. Will sell at once. Married At tho Lutheran parson. age, South Auburn, Nebraska, on Wodnosday morning, Juno 8, 1001, by tho Rev. W. Dlsffonbach. Mr. Wilaon E, Hardy of Humboldt to Mioa JcbsIo E. Duncan of South Auburn. A concort company from Boatrlco will glvoan entertainment at tho opera houao Monday night, Juno 20. These young ladles como highly recommends ed. There Is a lino elocutionist, pi aim 1st, Boloiat, etc. Thoy will givo an on tortainmont worthy of the patronago of all. Tho program will bo given later. Laat Saturday Miss Mayo Gaither wob bringing Miss Grace Paris to town, driving the doctor'slack toam, when one of the horses began to kick while coming down .tho inolino this side of W. G. Maxwell's farm, and got ono log over tho polo. Miss Gaither and Miss Paris each took a line and mans aged to hold tho horses and turn them Into a hedgo. Ai P. Paris wob a short distance ahead of the young ladieB and when ho noticed the trouble ho quickly tied his own toam and ran back to their asaiatanco. Ho drove tho doc tor's toam tho remainder of the way and the young ladles camo in witli hia team. Ono of tho horsoa waa cut on one leg by being kicked and waa quite amo foraeveral days. Last fall Misa Nessa Foutch, da ugh tor of Itev, M. S. Foutch of Bi own vllle,was engaged to teach tho "Happy Hollow" school, in district No. 33, three miles north of Nemaha. After teaching threo months of the six months torm alio was notified that her services wero no longer needed, and nnothor teacher whb engaged. Recent ly Mies Foutch, through her attorney, II. A. Lambert, brought suit for the salary for tho remaining three months claiming that the board had no just cause for discharging hor and that un der the contract she waa entitled to the salary for tho fnll torm. The caae was tried before County Judge McCar ty Tueaday and Wedneaday,(and the jury brought in a verdict ror Alias Foutch for $00, tho full amount that waa auod for. Stull & Hawxby, atlor nays for tho school diatrict, it ia under stood will carry tho caso to the district court. Take tho wagonette when in Aut burn if you want to go to any part tho city. John McElhanoy prop, Stoves yoa, wo havo thorn big stoves, HttloBtovea stoves for the rlc and atoves for the poor, but the Btove for everybody is the Monarch mallei ablo iron range. You can't break it and if you live long enough to wear it out you wont have nnykick coming, aB you will bo too old to kick. Drop In at Edwards & Bradfofd Lumber Co. and aoo it. A Thoughtful Man M M Austin of Winchester, Ind., knew what to do in tho hour of need. Ilia wifo had such an unusual caso of stomach and liver trouble, physicians could not help hor. Ho thought of and tried Dr King's Now Llfo pills and she got relief at once and was fiiii ally onrod. Only 215c at Keeli'ng'a drug store. S m SEE HER residence property in a bargain if sold at MRS. THEO. HILT, r. (g5. W. Keeling, Nomnhn, Nebraska. Offico in Koeling drug Btoro. DR. G. M. ANDREWS Medical and Surgical Diseases of Women Stella - Nebraska C. O. SNOW Auctioneer Fifteon years oxporlonco. Tonus and dates at Tho Advortlser otllco. PETER ICERKER. Doutor In Highest market prico paid for Hide. Lard, Tallow, ote, KNAPP & SOU Proprietors of tho Livery & Feed Stable NEMAHA,NEBR. Good Dray in connection with Livory Satisfaction gnarantood. MM! .'1. IsJilVBiOW UNDERTAKER Wind Jf Mills and Ptimps Tin Hooting antlGuttering 'ouv l'atronage Solicited J. ID. Orotlxer In tho PARIS BUILDING Shoe Repairing! Harness Repairing Hand Mado Harness a Specialty WESLEY H. CLARK Dealer;in Windmills and Pumps, Tanks,BPipes,!etc. ALL WORK CUARANTEEC Thono calls anawered promptly. 'Fhone No20 NEivIAHA, NEBlt. a e