' v-w "7 Sfebfalka VOLUME XLV11L NEMAHA, NEB11ASKA, FRIDAY, JUNE 3, 1004 NUMBER 50 fa 'te t' Local ISTews More rain Tuesday. See M T Hill for Are Insurance. G. N. Titus went to Falls City Tues day. W. W. Seld wont to day. Lincoln Mont We had another rain Saturday and Sunday. Walker Burdette started for Elwood, j Indiana, last Fridaj. Prof. Eugene Howo returned to Ex eter, Nebr., last Friday. A line line of silverware suitable for wedding presents at Keeling's. One nearly new Deere riding lister for sale. Enquire of E. L. Paris. Miss Mayo Gaither visited friends in lirownville Saturday and Sunday.' I have 100,000 sweet potato plants for sale. E. N. Buhl. John Vandersllco returned from Missouri the latter part of last week. :0Q hedge posts at 8 cents each at my farm. N. B. Catlin. John R. Russell went to Sidney, Iowa, last Saturday, to visit relatives; Mrs. Susan 1. Shiveley has been quite sick for several days, but is now some better. Mrs. Elmer E. Allen went to Syra cuse Monday to visit her sister, Mrs A. it Titus. If you want lire insurance, either in old line or mutual companies, call on W. W. Sanders. Orvillo Iloldinge oyught a catfish Tuesday that weighed 24 pounds. Joe Bunger bought it. O. K. Fisher of Santa Barbara, Cal ifornia, soiids a renewal of his subs scription to the Advertiser. Found A pair of spectacles. Own er can have same by calling at posts oflice and paying for this notice. Charley Cnrttrlght wont to Shubert Monday night to put in the foundation for a brick block to be built there. mo unrisuan cnurcn looic in over twenty dollars at thoir ice cream and strawberry social last Friday night. Ned Maxwell has had a stately walk lately, not because he is so proud, but because he has had a boil on his nock The Highlanders wore treated to ice cream after the meeting Monday night, by Mr. and Mrs. 72. L. Paris. Col. Joe Harper "drops into poetry' in the Shubert Citizen last week in re porting the death of his favorite horse "Bummer." Last Saturday night Victory lodge No, 195,1. O. O. F., elected Lester Itussoll Noble Grand and Chas. Howe Vice Grand. Dr. . Hutchison, optician, will visit Nemaha again on Tuesday, Juno 7 Byes carefully guaranteed. tested free. Work W. W. Sanders is agent for several good reliable Insurance companies mutual and old line. Call on him for fire insurance. Remember the ice cream social to bo given at the Champion school house Saturday night of tnis week, by the Sunday school. Bev J. W. Sapp preached the me modal sormon at Browuville last Sun day, but filled his regular appointment hore in the evening. Furnituie well, I guess so. Tho price? Oh, that is cheap enough that you can afford to uso all your old fur, nlture for kindling wood. Its atEd wards & Bradford Lumber Co. Joe Harper and wife and II. E. Williams attended tho funeral of Seys mour Howo at Nemaha Thursday Shubert Citizen. F. L. Woodward anus able to bo down town Tuesday, for the first time in several days. IIo has had a hard seige with qtiinsoy. Chauncoy and Floaalo Parker drovo In from Auburn last Friday and visit ed their grandmother, Mrs. J. H. Bor ger, until Tuesday. Mia3 Carrio Burg left Saturday afternoon for hor home In Dallas City. lis. Miss Burg leaves a host ivf friends in Nemahn. A last year's account is like a last ar's birds nest it noods fixing. Como in and II x up yours. Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co. Dr. Linn of South Auburn will bo n Nemuha Monday, Juno 0, prepared to do all kinds of first class dentistry. Satisfaction guaranteed. Mrs. Morgan of Watson, Mo., visited ler neico, Mrs J. II. Vandersllco, Motin dav. She left Tuesday forenoon for Tecumseh to visit a daughter. A healthy, fat giil baby arrived at the home of Wm. Flack, three miles north of the city, last Tuesday and tho barents are happy. Congratulations. Herald. James Hiatt is now in St. Joe, and wiites us that on April 11) his light eye was taken out. His loft eye Is fairly good yet He expects to return to Nes maha soon . Marion Soid, who has been living Dunbar for some time, moved back Nemaha Moiulav. IIo is living in Mrs. Hill's biii all house, east of Dr. Keeling's home. Born To Mr and Mrs. W. C. Hart ley, Bolckow, Mo., Wednesday, May 25 1004, a daughter. Mrs. Hartley, for merly Miss Jennie Calvin, has many friends in Nemaha. The B. & M. is now making a special rate of S7 .75 for round trip tickets to St. Louis, goad for seven days. Tick ots will bo on salo on Mondays only during the mouth of June. Miss Norah Burson of Aspinwall precinct was the guest of Miss Nora Aynes Monday and Tuesday, going to Peru Tuosday afternoon, where she will attend the summer institute. Rev. D. B. Lake preaches every alternate Sunday at the Cumberland Presbyterian brick church, three miles northwest of Nemaha. IIo will preach thoro next Sunday at three o'clock. Do you make garden? If you do buy your seed from the Old Reliable seed house cheaper than you ean buy olBowhero in Nemaha county. P. Kkhukk. Are you tfoiug to build a house, barn granery, hen house or any old thing this dummer then take your bill to Nemaha and have it figured on by Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co. We are selling all that comes. Notice- Tho meeting of school boards called for June lth has been postponed until Aug. 21th on aocount of this be ing such a busy time. Programs of this meeting will be pent to membors of boards later. Gko. I). Cahhinoton, Jr. MAKES A CLEAN SWEEP There's nothing1 like doing a thing thoroughly. Of all the Salves you ever hoard of, Bucklin's Arnica Salvo is tho best. It sweeps away and cures Burns, Sores, Bruises, Cuts, Boils Ulcers, Skin Eruptions and Piles. It's only 25c and guaranteed to give satis faction by W W Keeling druggist. Foley's Honey and Tar is peculiarly adapted for asthma, bronchitis and hoarseness. M T II1II. SAY! OUR New Wall Paper is m. f Big Line Little Prices I Paints too All Kinds Yours for cheap house denning, m. T HILL Mrs. C. L. Hussell was elected Noble Grand and Mrs. Earle Gilbert Vice Grand of the Bebekah lodge at their last meeting. Mrs. W. G. Maxwell was elected delegate to the grand lodge. Yes, we .are still in tho "ring" and our prices have the right ring to them too. Follow tho multitude and go to Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co when in need of any thing In our lino, Dr. Smith of Brownvlllo attended tho commencement exercises at Nenuv na i riday night. The doctor is a son of Bev. J. T. Smith of Nebraska City, former pastor of the Christian church here. W. B. Catlin, who has been princis pal of the public schools ai Hamburg, Iowa, for the past year, canio to No maha Tuesday to spend tho vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Catlin. Ilufus Rowen, J. A. Stephenson Henry Seid, C. W. Roberts, John II. Knapp, and Scott Colerick wont over to tho Ni8hna Thursday of last week, on a llshing expedition, returning Saturday. J. B. Hoover says for us ro toll tlit people he has opened a full stock of fresh groceries in tho Minlck store room, and asks the patronage of his old customers and others. He carries a complete stock and everything is fresh. Give him a call. Hope lodgo No. 20, A. F. & A. M. at their meeting last Friday night elect ed tho following olllcors: W M Hen T.Skeeu S W Alf B. Kinton J W W. W. Sanders Sec'y W E Wheeldon Treas J 1 Dressier Estray Notice. Found at my farm southwest o Nemaha, on May Id' 1001, a dark bay horse, about 10 years old, weight abou luoo pounds, uwner can nave samo by paying all charges. Bkn Cot.kiuuic Call in and see us if you want to snbsoribe for any paper published in the United States. For a pleasant physic tike Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Easy to tuko. Pleasant in effect. For sale by W. W. Keeling. BETTER THAN GOLD I was troubled for several years with chronic Indegestion and nervous debil ity," writes F G Green, of Lancaster N II. "No remedy helped mo until J began taking Electric Bitters, which did mo more good than all the medicin es I ever used. They have also kept my wife in excellent health for years She says Electric Bitters are just splon did for female troubles; ihat they are a grand tonic and lnvigoiator for weak run down women. No other medicine can take its place in our family." Try them. Only 50 c Satisfaction guar an teed by Keeling's Drug Sotre. MRS. TIIEO. HILL HAS JUST RECEIVED A FINE LINE OF NEW IM! I Ii I IN"" IE ZR5T CALL AND SEE HER FOR SALE: My Nemaha. Will sell at once. nleted his first vear as nrincinal of tho . v 1 schools at Tobias, Nebr. IIo gets $80 a month. Ho evidently gives good satisfaction, as ho Iiiib been employed lor another year. The horse killed by lightning in ,Too Harper's barn at Shubert last week was old "Bummer," well known to all the patrons of Joe's stable. Joo had owned him for sixteen years mid thought a great deal of him. IIo was always ready to do his part The ladles' aid society of the Chrlsts ian church gave the social nb tho Min iek hall last Friday night, Instead of tho Sunday school, as published in tho Advortiaer last week. Tho social was given to finisn paying for the chairs in the church. Through tho efforts of Elmer E Allen money has been rained to employ a man to look after the cemetery, and W. W. Liebhart has been engaged in that capacity. Parties wanting graves dug will apply to him. The price for digging an adult's grave is SJ5. For a child's gravo Sii will be chat god. Mr. Liebhart will devote most of his time to working in the cemetery. MIsh Dora Morton won tho first prize in the first district in tho Auburn Post contest, and will go to the world's fair at St Louis, getting railroad fare paid both ways, and 320 for expenses' Miss Iva Catlin was second, and will got a gold watch. The contest was quite closn botweon theso two popular young ladles, though Miss Morton had a good lead at the close, tho vote standing 17820 for Miss Morton and in 108 for Miss Catlin. The twelfth annual commencement exercises of tho Nemaha high school wero held at the opera houso last Frl day night. As usual, the opera house was crowded. The program was a good one. The music was all good. Tho recitations by Miss Ocoan Daily of Peru wero fine, and were appreciated by the audience Prof. Parriott was so sick ho conk hardly stand, but nevertheless gave a good class address. The oration by Edward I. Maxwell tho only giaduate was well prepared and the delivery was excellent. Tako tho wagonette when in Air burn if you want to go to any part o the city. John MoElhauey prop. Stoves yos, wo have them big stoves, lit tie stoves stoves for the rich and stoves for tho poor, but tho stove for everybody is the Monarch mallei able iron range. You can't break it and if you live long enough to wear it out you wont have any kick coming, as you will be too old to kick. Drop in at Edwards & Bradfofd Lumber Co. and see it. A Thouchtful Man M M Austin of Winchester, Ind., knew what to do In the hour of need. His wife had such an nnnsnal case of stomach and liver trouble, physicians could not help her. lie thought of and tried Dr King's New Life pills and she got relief at once and was lint ally cured. Only 25c at Keeling's drug store. residence property in a bargain' if sold at MRS. THEO HTTVL r. W. Keefoihg, Nonialm, NohrnHkn. Offico in Kooling drug store. DR. G. M. ANDREWS Medical and Surgical Diseases of Women Stella - NolirnRltn C. O. SNOW Auctioneer Fifteen years oxporienco. Terms and dates at Tho Advertiser office. PETER KERTCER. Donlor In MEATS IligliOHt markol. price paid for Hides, Lard, Tallow, etc. KNAPP & SON Proprietors of the Livery & Feed Stable NEMAHA,! NEBR. Good Dray in connection with Livory Satisfaction guaranteed, JTj fit! .'J. JTjMIVHO.Y RTAKER in tut ifliils ami I'linijts 'Jin ISooiiiiir nlitri(riin IVwr Jf'atroimge Solicited jVKMJUtJi, A'JE IS Mi. T. 121. Ci-otliei- in tho PARIS BUILDING Shoe Repairing Harness Repairing Hand Made Harness a Specialty WESLEY H. CLARK Deulor, In Windmills and Pumps, Tanks,vtPipes,Ietc. ALL WORK CUARANTEEf Thone calls answered promptly. M.'hone No2(J NKIAIIA, RE lilt,' UNDE 0